Sunday, March 12, 2023

Our Lord is Majestic

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Psalm 8:9 NIV Each new day brings us evidence of our Lord’s greatness. Each sunrise and sunset display His creativity in the sky. His beautiful color combination outshines any man-made art. Each flower is different and beautiful. Even the birds in the sky, creatures of the water and animals on land each bear unique characteristics He gave them. Even we humans have our own traits and beauty He gave us when He created us. We all have our own personalities and DNA which make us different from each other. The snowflakes are all different and no two are alike. How can looking at the earth—His creation not pierce the hardest heart? How can we not say, “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.” Father, I want to praise you for your wonderful creation—the earth. The beauty of your creation far surpasses anything man can make. I pray that people open their eyes and see the love you have for us—the humans you created in your image. May they see you in the sunrises and sunsets and feel your touch in each breeze that touches us. Amen

Saturday, March 11, 2023

We Have Nothing to Fear

Be strong and courageous! For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go, John 1:9 I know that I have nothing to fear God is always with me. I have faced trials and know there will be more in days ahead. Today’s preachers who adhere to the prosperity gospel teach that Jesus promised us we would be healthy and wealthy with no problems in life. They tell us if we are not healthy, we are to blame for not having enough faith. But Jesus tells us we will have troubles in this life. He even tells us that the world will hate us. But take heart. The world hated Him first. But I need not fear if I fully trust in Him. He reassures me that He who is in me is greater than he that is in the world. Take heart friend. He will never leave us. He will never leave us wherever we go. He gave that promise to His children and I believe Him and can rest in that promise. We live in troublesome and confusing times but if we cling to Him, we need not fear.  

Monday, August 15, 2022

Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings Name them one by one, Count your many blessings See what God has done. What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? How would feel if everything you have was taken away from you except what you were thankful for yesterday? Would you have your family? Your home? Would you be left with only your material possessions and not the love someone? Thought provoking isn’t it? Have you counted your blessings today? I admit I do not always thank God for all He has blessed with. In fact, I have been known to grumble about my blessings. Why would I do such a thing? Well, sometimes His blessings can come in disguise. That’s right. Sometimes His blessings can be found in day to day chaos of life such as dirty dishes, laundry, bills and even our dirty house. I can see you scratching your heads and saying, “this woman is crazy.” How can dirty dishes, laundry, bills and a dirty house be blessings? Well, dirty dishes tell me I have food to eat. So many people do not have enough food. Dirty laundry lets me know I have clothes to put on my back. When we pay our bills, I know God has provided me with the means to pay them. A dirty house is a sign I have a roof over my head and a family that loves me and children that God has entrusted to my care. Sometimes our blessings may be hidden in our trials. James 1:2 tells us, “Count it all joy my brethren, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” Remember God is on the throne, in control and blessing us each and every day. We may not recognize them at first but when we look through our eyes of faith, they are cleat to see. Today’s Whisper: Look around and see how many blessings you can see. I bet you will find they are like the old potato chip commercial—you can’t stop at one. I challenge each and every one of you to see the blessings that are disguised. Maybe your grumbling about bills and dirty dishes will make you smile when you see them as blessings. Beginning today let’s all count our blessings. Name them one by one. Count our many blessings and see what God has done. Today’s Prayer: I thank you for your blessings that you have given me. Help me to see your love and care in my day to day life. Everything I have and everything I am I give thanks and praise your wonderful name. Thank you for loving me so much. Amen

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Stop and Enjoy the Day

`This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:34 Friends, life does get hectic in today’s chaotic times. We need to remember that God is looking for a relationship with us. He wants us to enjoy His blessings and come to Him in times of need, as well as, in times of joy. I know I don’t always take the time to enjoy His beautiful world and thank Him enough for what He has done is doing for me and my family. I may forget to thank Him but He does not forget about me and does not withhold His love. God say everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. Genesis 1:31. When we wake each morning God gives us a manifestation of His love for us—a new day! But too often we do not even notice because we live our lives in overdrive. Today our lives are filled with so many obligations and demands other people place on us—our families, our careers, our friends and even our churches—the list goes on and on. As mothers we are so busy caring for other people in our lives, we too often fail to slow down enough to take care of ourselves or see the beauty of each new day. We cook, clean, transport kids to and from various activities, just to name a few of our responsibilities. God did not intend for us to live such frantic lives. He yearns for an intimate relationship with us. Today’s Whisper: Beloved slow down and spend time with your Heavenly Father today. Embrace each new day He gives you. Enjoy His artistic hand in the glow of the beautiful sunrise of each morning. Savor the beautiful sunsets He puts in the sky each nigh for our pleasure. After all, He is our Father and He loves all His children. Today’s Prayer: Father, I know I get busy and fail to see your blessings you have given me each day. Teach me to slow down and spend time with you. Help me each morning to start the day with you and end each day with you. You have made this day for me and I will rejoice in it. Amen .

Thursday, August 11, 2022

True Treasure

I bought a new car today— Such a beautiful ride. Church time came and went And I pushed God aside. I bought a new house today Oh what a wondrous space, Church time came and went And I was not in my place. I got a raise at work today To make my bank account grow. Church time came and went But I did not go. Now the car is filled with rus t, And the house was taken away, When my good job I lost And the bills I could not pay. One day the Lord spoke to me When I got on my knees to pray. He said, “my child, I’ve been right here. It was you who went away.”

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Spiritual Warfare

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 God tells us we are not fighting against flesh and blood but we are in a spiritual war against satan and his army. This battle is growing more intense each day. We need to get on bended knee—not in protest—but in prayer. You can call me crazy—that is your right—but I believe we are in the last days and God is coming soon. Satan has been loosed in this world and is deceiving many people. I do not profess to know when He is returning because Jesus tells us only His Father knows. However, if people open their eyes they can see the signs are all around us. Father God, I come before you with a burden for this country that you have blessed for so long. I pray for people to open their eyes and soften their hearts to the truth of your love and forgiveness. I pay for the many young people that are deceived by the deceiver and the father of lies. He is going about this world today and lying to so many people. Satan knows his time is short and is trying to ruin many souls. Father I pray for the wisdom to help others to know you and the courage to stand firm against the enemy. I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen

Friday, February 18, 2022

Where Love Can Be Found

Last week was Valentines Day. I hope you all got something from your loved ones. True love, however cannot be found in a box of chocolates or a dozen roses. True love can only be found in John 3:16. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosovever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Can you think of a greater love than this?

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Kids Today

I wrote this poems years ago but now our kids are targeted even more than when this was written. With the transgender movement and LBTQ movement we must be vigilant in protecting these vulnerable members of society. Not only is sexual perversion a problem the liberal agenda has targeted our young people in schools and are indoctrinating them into the agenda of the left.

Our children today can read of evolution
and are taught we come from apes.
They can learn of hate and prejudice
are are encouraged to murder and rape.
Family life is becoming obsolete
in this great country today.
Why it's just not cool
to kneel with your family and pray.
Alcohol, drugs, and sex
are the “in” things to do.
The only thing that really matters
is what feels good to you.
Our kids today are taught that sexual perversion
is nothing but an alternative lifestyle,
homosexuality is not a sin--
why I can almost see satan smile.
Our children are exposed to so many of satan's snares,
yet, in school they are not allowed to
bow their heads in prayer.
The Ten Commandments have been taken
out of our schools by law.
Because the government tries to tell us
they are meant for all!
The results of these perversions are
becoming clearer each day--
kids can kill each other
but it's wrong for them to pray.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Beyond Politics

I have been reprimanded and asked why I am political. Well, I am not political so much as I am a
Christian and see what is going on in this country today. What I see goes way beyond politics and is instead an affront to my Christianity.
I see our government who is supposed to work for us—the citizens of this country selling us out to the highest bidder.
I see the people in government caring more for the illegals that come into this country to rob and kill the citizens. To the politicians a vote is more important than human life. We have been tossed to the wayside for power and wealth. Our representatives in government care more about who will vote for them so they can keep getting richer and richer while we have homeless in our country and senior citizens having to decide between food and necessary medications.
I see the pharmaceutical companies putting profits ahead of the health of Americans. Many times people cannot afford the high cost of the medicines needed because the dollar speaks louder.
I see the most innocent of us, the unborn, being sacrificed on the altar of power. By declaring abortion as women's health we are neglecting the health of the unborn. We hear people shout, “my body, my choice”. What about the innocent child's choice. Women declare they are for women's rights but how many women are being aborted each year? While abortion is being shouted across the land, the new thing is to abort after birth. Think about that for a moment. Killing a child after birth is not just abortion. It is premeditated murder! The argument “my body, my choice” doesn't work here because the child is not in the woman's body any longer. People when are we going to wake up and see how far this country has gone from the foundation upon which it was built?
I see our education is not doing its job of teaching our young people how to think and be productive citizens. I see the education system as indoctrination camps for the depravity and lawlessness of the liberal agenda. Our kids are not taught how to think but are now being told what to think. This is beginning in preschool and continuing through college.
I see a political party that is using our kids to fit their agenda. One future presidential candidate stated he wrote about children being run over when he was only 16 and was too young to understand what he was doing. Now the democrats want to lower the voting age to 16. Come on. You can see on social media how mature these children are. They think it is “cool” to eat Tide Pods or snort condoms up their noses. How many of us were mature enough to elect a president when we were 16. if I can remember back that far, we were thinking about the opposite sex and what we were going to do on the weekend. We even had history class and civics class so we partially understood what the government was about. Those classes are no longer taught so where are the teenagers going to learn about our government. Oh some teachers are teaching the kids civics, I guess, by telling them that our President is ruining our country.
I see the perversion that is targeting our youngest children. We have 5 year old children being told they are the wrong gender and must be trans gendered. We now have “drag queen story hour” that sings the praises of living life as a drag queen. In some cities if a person “mispronouns” someone it means arrest and jail time. In California, it is against the law to use a plastic straw because it is bad for the environment but it is legal to urinate or defecate on the street or thrown used needles on the ground.
I see politicians wanting to dictate how many pain pills can be prescribed for a legitimate use but daily millions of dollars of dangerous drugs are smuggled into this country by the illegals the democrats are so fond of.
I see our police officers and military members being vilified daily but thugs and criminals are praised and lauded as heroes.
I see gun control advocates who want to disarm American citizens but allow criminals and gang members to possess guns. The preach the misconception that if all guns were out of the hands of citizens there would be no more gun deaths and mass shootings. They fail to see the mass shooters obtain their guns illegally or were not supposed to have the gun to begin with. No amount of laws will eliminate evil. If evil is in the heart and someone wants to kill, there are other methods. No gun was used by Timothy McVeigh or the 9/11 terrorists.
I see Christians being demonized because of our belief in the Bible. Islam is heralded as the religion of peace. This peaceful religion kills gays by throwing them off buildings. Their Koran teaches them to kill all infidels that will not convert. The God I serve does not demand us to kill unbelievers. The God I serve died for us.
God told us in His word that this day would come.
Isaiah 5:20 tells us:
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
That my friends is what is happening today. The family is being torn apart. Men are being told they are toxic and the patriarchy is evil. Women are told they are better than man and man is no longer needed. Our innocent babies are being murdered daily and our children are being sacrificed on the altar of diversity. We as Christians are told we are evil and the bible does not pertain to modern times. Adultery is being applauded and we are told if we do not agree with the liberal agenda we are worthless and no longer useful.
Satan is loose in the world today because he knows his time is short. He has so many people deceived for “he is a ravenous lion looking for souls he can devour.
So friends, it is not politics I am passionate about. It is standing on my christian faith and letting the world know where I stand. I would rather stand with God and be judged by man than stand with man and be judged by God.
As always, you are free to disagree but I am free to express my views. May God bless you all. Just saying..

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Where My Loyalty Lies

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. Psalm 118:8
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12
I am not a Democrat.
I am not a Republican.
I am a human born in America.
Above all else I am a Christian. God is my Father and my leader. Everything I am or do is because of His love for me and my love for Him. I have rights and responsibilities that are given to me by God which cannot be taken from me by anybody, including the government.
I have the responsibility to be a missionary for Him. All Christians are given this mandate and should not take it lightly. I may not be called to serve in a foreign field, but I am called to be a missionary to my family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. This is a rich field for broadcasting the news of the Gospel. I have a responsibility to teach my children about Him. If I don’t teach them about Him, the world is waiting to detour them to worldly ways. I try to live a life that shows His mighty love and grace. I want to radiate His love because I may be the only Bible that many people will read. I am called to stand up for Him and His Kingdom. This is very difficult at times but I do know that what God calls me to do He will equip me to accomplish the task set before me. I do know that He will give me the strength and courage to do what He wants me to do. In fact, He is doing just that right now as I type this. I know some people will be offended by my message but Jesus said, “If you deny me in front of men, I will deny you in front of my Father.”
God has also given many gifts and blessings. One of these is a freedom of choice—free will. No earthly government can take that from me. This country, no, this world, is in a cycle of destruction. It seems that decency and morals have totally been put in reverse. What God calls good and just is now against the law. Christians have been called terrorists and racist if we stand up for what is right and just. Evil is rewarded and godly living is condemned. What were once freedoms in America is now being usurped by the government. Our freedom of choice is being eroded with the persecutions of Christians and the “law” that one insurance plan be used.
I am using my free will God gave me and live up to my moral standards and live my life to please God and not men. It is true that my life can be taken away, my soul cannot be taken because my heavenly Father sent His son, Jesus, to pay the price for my soul. I accepted His free gift and now my soul belongs to Him.
Today's Whisper:
Live your life in a way that is pleasing to God and not man. Many times we are in situations that might test us and our faith. During those times look to God. He is the start and the finish—the beginning and the end. Remember that though man will try to rule us we only have one we need to bow to. Our almighty and loving God—our creator. Thank Him each and every day that He is in charge and we must answer to Him and not to the government.
Today's Prayer:
Father God, I come before you with thanksgiving in my heart. You have created me in your image and I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Although man may ridicule and try to put me down, I know you will never let me down. I am yours for eternity. Man might harm or kill this body but my soul belongs to you forever. I am trusting you and you have never let me down.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Be Positive In Negative Times

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. Anne Frank

Negativity seems to run rampant in today's world. Economies are failing; people are fighting; crime is on the rise and doubts and fears assault us daily. Our televisions and newspapers flood us with news of how evil man has become and we have replaced God and His wisdom with tales of doom and disasters. We feed our minds with a diet of instant gratification and selfishness. Our children are targeted by evil each day. We can see how modern technology has taken the place of family and relationships. If we constantly surround ourselves with negativity, we soon realize that people have stopped practicing “the golden rule” and are now practicing the philosophy of “me first” and “I want what I want now.” No one has the time to care for anyone else and compassion has been replaced with selfishness and self pity.
But we, as Christians, have a strong protector on our side. He is a father who loves His children. He sends us proof of that love each and every day. All we have to do is look around us. A beautiful sunrise and extraordinary colors He places in the sky are His message that He still loves His creations. No man can combine such beautiful colors and create such masterpieces as our Father. He placed the rainbow in the sky as a promise that He is here for us. He wants us to trust Him and know that He will take care of us. He tells us to look at the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. If He can take care of those, can He not take care of us? (Luke 12:22-24)
When the enemy fills our hearts and minds with fears and worry we just need to remember that we have a loving Father that cares for us. We need to remember His promises and turn all the doubts, fears, and worries over to Him because “He that is in us is greater than he who is in the world.” (I John 4:4)

Today's Whisper:
Look around and see something positive in your life today. Journal on how you are going to concentrate on the positive and let your positive outlook color everything you do and see today.

Today's Prayer:
Father, I come to you sand turn my fears and worries over to you. I cannot change the situation by worrying but I know that You are holding me in your hand and will care for me. You are there to catch me and protect me. When I hear the birds singing and see the flowers growing I know that you are caring for them and I know that you will care for me. Amen

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Church Of the Here and Now

I wrote this as fiction a few years ago but it is beoming more and more like reality each passing day. We are told not to offend other people and let them believe the way they want to believe. Jesus cannot be the only way to Heaven and it is not politically correct to mention the Bible or God in public. More and more adjustments are made to our churches from tearing crosses down and removing pictures of Jesus and anything that pertains to Christianity so as not to “offend” anyone. People want to go to church to feel good and hear sermons that “tickle their ears” instead of putting God in His rightful place
The Church Of the Here and Now
This is starting to happen now. There are transgender churches in this country now, pastors are blessing abortion clinics and Christian businesses are being discriminated against. We have got to put God back in our homes, our schools, and yes our churches. God has blessed this country so much through the years and we have turned our backs on Him .It is time for Christians stand up and let our voices be head. We have been silent too long
Friends, this is fiction. But it is something that could possibly happen in the near future. We Christians need to wake up and stand up for God before it is too late. I hope this piece will give you something to think about.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14.
I saw the building in the distance and decided to get a closer look. The sign in the front yard had these words: Welcome to the Church of the Here and Now.
As I walked up the door, a man greeted me. “I see you are interested in our church. Let me give you a tour.”
Just inside the door was a table holding two large binders. I did not see a Bible anywhere. “These binders have taken the place of the Bible. In the Church of the Here and Now we have found the Bible is Politically Incorrect. The binders contain our lists of PC terms. You see instead of sin we use the term mistake. Instead of God we say Higher Power. By doing this we do not offend anyone with differing beliefs.”
He then led me into the sanctuary. “Here you see all the sections we have,” He proudly waved his arm around the room. we walled up to a section. “Here is where most of our white people sit However, you will see a smaller section. That is where white people who do not understand or believe in white privilege sit. Next, we have a section reserved for our African-American members. We find our friends of African descent very comfortable here. We do not use words like slavery, shackles or anything like that for fear of offending them. Our next section is for our neighbors who have crossed the border. We do not call them illegal aliens—that is very offensive. We called them our undocumented friends.”
The next section he led me to hard plastic bubbles built around the seats. “I see you are wondering who sits here.” He said with a grin. This is where our future leaders sit—our college students. Here they are protected by the bubbles so nothing can hurt their feelings. They each have their own ‘safe places’. The last section was lit with rainbow lights. When I asked about this section, he proudly replied, “This is for our LGBT members sit. They requested their lights be in rainbow colors to show solidarity.”
“You will see each seat has special earbuds. These filter out any offensive words that might slip in. It also lets our members hear what will make them feel good. Our pastor’s sermons are reviewed before Church by a special agency but sometimes words do slip in or fall through the cracks.”
By this time, I just needed to be alone and process all I had heard. “Uh-where are the bathrooms?” I asked. “Oh,” he said with a broad smile. “right this way.” He led me down a short hall and pointed to the bathrooms. “Naturally, they are all gender neutral. After all we want to befriend not offend.”
When I awoke sweat was running down my face and tears were stinging my eyes. I jumped from bed and knelt to pray.
“Father, this world has taken you out of our schools and out of the military. Now you have been kicked out of church. I pray that people's eyes will be open before it too late. You blessed great nation and now this country has rejected you. God bless this country again. but more importantly let your people wake up and stand for you like you stood for us at the cross.

Prayer For Today

I come today to ask blessings on my friends and family. You sent your son to die for us so we may have eternal life. No name deserves our honor and praise but yours. Help me today to be a blessing to someone else. I know I can do nothing on my own but I can do anything with you to stand beside me. Whatever you call me to do I know that you will equip me with your power. Give me the strength and knowledge I need today to do what I have to do.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Prayer For Today

Dear Father,
There is so much turmoil in the world today. Shootings, stabbings, and other murders. We know you are in control and Your Holy Word tells us these things must come to pass before you call us home. I pray for my family and friends that they are not deceived by false teachers that preach that the solution to all our problems is to blindly follow. Your word says there will be “false teachers and miraculous works that will deceive even the elect.
I want to stay grounded in Your word and live in Your plan for my life. Give me the words to say to help bring others to You.
I ask these things in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Is Your Life a Blessing?

Today is almost over and
our daily struggles through.
Has another person's life been blessed
just by knowing you?

Have you helped an ailing neighbor
struggle through his pain?
Did you give enough encouragement
to lift him up again?

Did you help a lonely traveler
who stumbled on his way?
When you heard of someone's troubles,
did you get on your knees and pray?

Did you help a hungry brother
find food that he could eat?
Did you help a wayward stranger
get back up on his feet?

So as the sun sets on this day
and it finally through,
has another person's life been blessed
just by knowing you?

Today's Whisper:
Have you tried to bless someone else each day? Maybe smiling at someone or complimenting them on their clothes or something that seems so insignificant to us can mean the world to someone else. Have you helped your neighbor when they are going through a rough spot? Sometimes the smallest acts of kindness can have the most lasting and positive effect on someone else.

Today's Prayer:
Father, help me to see other people as you see us. With love and compassion. May our life be enriched by helping someone else as they struggle along in life. Give me the wisdom to know what to say to someone who is suffering. Let my words and actions reflect you and show them that someone cares for even the most minor problem that comes to all of us in life. I know you are by my side each and every day. Let me show others the same kind of kindness you show me. May I light someone else's path and help them to see you more clearly by what I do. I want my life to be a blessing to others and in it glorify your wonderful name.

A Modern Miracle

That Saturday began like every other day for my family—frantic rushing to get somewhere. Today my two older girls had soccer games and as usual we are running late. In the chaos of finding soccer gear and loading up the car a quarrel broke out with the two. “I'm riding in the front seat!” “No I am!” This argument went on for what seemed like hours. Finally, I had enough of this nonsense so I ordered both to get in the back seat so we could leave.
When they finally realized I meant what I said but still mouthing insults to each other, they got in the car. When I heard the last door slam, I heard a frightening scream from the younger boy. I looked back to see what was wrong and my blood ran cold with horror. His hand was stuck in the closed door. I jumped out and tried to open the door but it would not open! My husband came out of the house to see what all the screaming and crying was. He frantically tried to open the door but it was stuck.
“Call 911!' I was still attempting to pry open the door. Just as Mom ran to the house to make the phone call, the Em Ts pulled into the driveway. “We were passing your house when we noticed the frantic activity.” one of the men shouted as he came running to the car. I hurriedly explained what had happened. He then began shouting orders while he tried to open the door. Still the door would not budge and the child's hand would not come out.
Now the flurry of activity became even more hectic while the kids were crying and I was praying that God would keep His hand over Christian's hand to minimize the damage to his hand. The EMTs were just as panicked as the rest of us when one turned to me and asked permission to break the car windows in order to use the jaws of life to open the door. “Do what you have to do,” I tearfully replied. With all the prayers that went up today, God surely was listening. The medics tried the door again and it opened up.
Now by this time we had drawn quite a crowd and cheers went up that surely must have reached heaven. I turned around and saw the ambulance waiting in the driveway. While Christian's hand was packed in ice and he was loaded into the ambulance, my daughter grabbed her stomach and moaned. Yes, the mother of this precious child was eight months pregnant. She was rushed into the ambulance with Christian and both of them were rushed off to the hospital—he went for treatment and she went for a checkup to assure her safety and the precious baby she was going to have in a month.
Mom and I followed in my car and rushed into the emergency room. Christian was calm and quiet as the doctors checked out his hand. I imagined every bone and muscle destroyed and when his hand was uncovered there did not appear to be any damage at all. The nurses got him ready to have Xrays and Mom was holding his other hand. I reluctantly left and went to the OB-GYN department to see how my daughter was doing. After she was thoroughly checked out and her health and the health of the baby were confirmed, I went back to the ER to see about Christian. When I returned I heard laughing and cheering from the staff. “What is the prognosis?” I asked utterly confused by the cheerful atmosphere in the exam room. I then saw Christian and his hand was completely normal—even the swelling had gone. One nurse looked at me as she hugged Christian and he smiled through his tears. There was no damage at all to his hand. The ER doctor told us in his “professional” voice that we had all over reacted and had given in to hysteria. One paramedic was still there and was waiting until we found out everything was fine told the doctor “That kid's hand was in that door for 45 minutes before the door would open. I guess if the family over reacted we “professionals” did too. This experience has taught me that miracles do happen because I just witnessed one.”
Yes, a miracle had just happened to us. No one can convince me that God does not perform miracles today. My grandson had an angel holding his hand over that child's hand. No one can convince me He was not protected by my heavenly Father and His angels.
Christian is now twelve years old and has not had any problems with his hand. There is no evidence at all that he suffered a traumatic injury of any kind.
So friends, yes there is a heavenly Father who watches over His children and protects us from dangers that befall us. I will never forget the day that God sent His angels to protect a three year old. Today Christian remembers that day he experienced God's unconditional love for him. His faith and mine were made stronger that day. If you ask him what happened that day he will tell you that God came down and held his hand.
Today's Whisper:
Think back and try to remember the love God showed you in a vulnerable moment. Some people say the age of miracles is over but I can attest to the fact that miracles can and still occur. We might not recognize them when we see them but they are there just the same. Have you swerved your car at just the right moment to avoid an accident? Has a financial breakthrough come at just the right time? Has your or a loved one's health improved when all hope was lost? These, my friends, are miracles that come to us from our loving Heavenly Father.

Today's Prayer:
Father, I know you are protecting each and every day. I can see your protection in many crises but I want to thank you for the times you have protected me when I didn't know I was in trouble. You have sent miracles in the form of other people that have helped me in my lowest. You have sent miracles in circumstances that seem to be designed to tear me down. I know now that you used those circumstances to make me whole and keep me safe. I have seen your miracles in the disappointments of this life. It was in those disappointments that you had something even better in store for me. I just want to say thank you Father for loving me so much.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Storm Of Fear

Life sometimes fills me with fear and dread. One day not long ago was one of those times. It had been raining all day with thunder and lightning piercing the sky. Normally, I would not be so uptight about a storm but I had my van loaded with kids and groceries. We did make it home safely but were soaked to the skin by the time we managed to run into the house balancing grocery bags. I wish I could say there were no causalities in the mad dash to the house. But I can't say that. My feet stepped on a spot of mud that became slick in the storm and I am totally ashamed to say that my butt met the ground. I was carrying the eggs because I was afraid the kids would drop them. Well, I'm sure you can imagine what happened. Yeah, the eggs were scrambled in my graceful dive to the ground. My great kids came over to help me up and make sure I was not hurt. If you believe that you do not have kids, do you? They actually enjoyed the sight of me flat on the ground with water, mud and eggs covering me from head to foot. We finally made it into the house with no further crisis. The rain fell and the storm raged all afternoon with sign of letting up.
Once inside I convinced the kids to play quietly while I cleaned myself up, put away the groceries and mopped the water from the floor. It did not take long, however, for the fighting to begin. After stopping the battles and clean up their toys, we decided to pop some popcorn and watch a movie. When they were finally settled down with their popcorn and movie, I went back to the tasks on never ending “to do” list. I must admit I kept looking out the window to monitor the storm activity. I had heard tornado warnings but did not want to scare the kids. I silently up a prayer to God: Please watch over us, Father.”
By the time I had fed the children their dinner and had gotten them into bed, the rain had slowed but had not stopped. After the nightly stories, drinks of water and numerous trips to the bathroom, the house was finally quiet and I could actually sit down for a few minutes in my comfortable old rocking chair. I got out my Bible and started to read. Suddenly I found myself reading Isaiah 41:10: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you in my righteous right hand.” What a comforting thought! He well never leave us and the only place we can fall is into His arms! Suddenly my mind was at ease and peace filled my heart. Although the storm outside was still raging, inside I knew were saf3e in His loving arms.

Today's Whisper:
Can you recall a time when fear gripped your heart? How did you handle it? Did you remember God's promise that He will never leave? Write out a prayer thanking God for bringing you through fearful times.

Today's Prayer:
Father God, I want to praise you and thank you for keeping your children in you loving arms. So many times I become afraid during the storms of this life. I praise your name. Sometimes you calm the storm and other times you calm my heart and give me the strength to weather storm. But I know that are always with me during the storms.
FEAR-False Evidence Appearing Real.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Seeds of Love vs Seeds of Hate

Pa, Ma, and Junior were sitting on the front porch after a hard day on the farm. There were just relaxing when a car drove up and a man got out. He walked up to them and asked, “What kind of town is this? We’re moving because the town we left is full of hateful and spiteful people.” Pa looked at the man for a second and replied, “Well, I’m afraid you’ll find the same kind of people live here.” The man –muttered under his breath and stomped away.
Soon another car drove up and a man walked to the porch. “What kind of people live in this town? The town we just left has the most caring, kindest people we have ever known.” Pa looked at him for a second and smiled. “You will find the same kind of people live here.” The man smiled as he walked back his car and drove away.
“Pa, why did you tell the first man this town is full of hateful people, but you told the second man the town is full of kind people?” I don’t understand.”
Pa smiled and looked at Junior. “Well son, you see the first man has a heart full of hate and it is bubbling out of him and spilling over onto everyone around him. The second man has a heart filled with love and it too is spilling over onto everyone around him. You see, son, whatever is in your heart will show up on the outside.”
I read this story a few years ago and it has stayed with me. I don’t know who wrote it and apologize to the writer if I have slaughtered it too badly. The point is we see this story being lived out every day in this country. There are so many hate-filled people. They are letting their hatred bubble over and are trying to stomp out and eliminate any goodness and kindness they see.
I want to tell all the kindhearted compassionate people that are left in this great country—don’t give up the fight. Stay strong and endure until the end and we will prevail. By sowing our seeds of kindness, we can rest assured that we will have our rewards. God is in control and no matter what the hate-mongers try to tell us He will never leave us. Although the evil one is sowing seeds of hatred, our seeds of kindness will prevail and one day we will win the fight.
I love what St. Francis of Assisi said so long ago.
Make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred…let me sow love
Where there is injury…pardon
Where there is doubt….faith
Where there is despair…hope
Where there is sadness…joy.
Today's Whisper:
Stop and think about how our attitudes color the world of the ones around us. When we are happy we can notice the joy on the faces of our family and friends. When we are grumpy, that attitude also colors the world of others. When we see love shown by others it makes us want to spread that love to the people around us. When we are feeling angry and hateful, we need to take a step back and think of something beautiful. I know sometimes this is hard to do but it can be done. As St. Francis of Assisi we need to ask God to make us an instrument of His peace and sow seeds of love. We just might be amazed at the love that will come our way.
Today's Prayer:
Father, I ask you with a humble heart to make me an instrument of your peace. Help me to sow seeds of love instead of seeds of hatred. Guide and direct our paths in this great country. Be with our leaders and give them the knowledge to lead us where you want us to go. Too many people are sowing seeds of hate and are listening to the enemy's lies. I pray that you open the eyes of the blind and let them see your wondrous love and mercy. You have shown so much mercy to us but far too many are being deceieved by the father of lies.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Bloom Where You Are Planted

For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
The other day I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I had recently lost my job. We should have been able to make it and able to live comfortably on one income. However, we had recently been granted custody of three grandchildren, in addition to, one we have had for most of her life. I do love these children and will do anything to make sure they receive the love and care they need. I must admit that these extra mouths to feed and clothe did create some stress. To add to this stress, our “grown children” are always asking for financial assistance. I lost my job when I received custody of these children. Please don’t get me wrong, I have no regrets about this switching of roles in my life but I did feel upset because of the shortage of money to provide the little extras every child wants.
Now my cupboard is bare. I have a mountain of laundry and the sink is full of dirty dishes. I admit I started feeling sorry for myself and started complaining about my life situation. “Lord, show me what I can do to provide what these children need. I love them and want only the best for them. But am I what they need?”
Suddenly a peace came over me and I heard a whisper in my heart. “Go for a walk.” I did not think I had heard right but I heard the voice again. “Go for a walk.” “But God, I have too much to do: I have dishes to wash, floors to sweep and mop and laundry to do. Besides, the kids will be home in a few hours tired and hungry.” “Go for a walk.” “OK, Lord,” I said as I began putting on my walking shoes.
Wondering what I was supposed to learn, I started walking along a route I had taken before. Suddenly about halfway through my walk, I saw it. It was a beautiful flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk. It was the most beautiful flower I had ever seen. The petals were a beautiful yellow color and reminded me of a ray of sunshine. I looked around but did not see another flower like this anywhere. It was then that God began to teach me the lesson He wanted me to learn. “This is what I wanted you to see. That flower is growing in a hard place but it is growing where the seed fell. It has overcome obstacles like the hot sun beating down on it and people stepping on it. Yet it is still here because I have taken care of it. If I can take care of this flower, don’t you know that I will take care of you? I know you feel overwhelmed at tines and feel as though you are all alone. You are where I want you be at this point in your life. Those kids need you. You are the person I picked that will teach them about me. You are to be an example of my love and let them see me through your life. Don’t worry. Just put your trust in me. Whatever I ask of you, I will equip you. Remember, I do not call the qualified. I qualify the called.” Suddenly, a peace came over me and I knew I was fulfilling His plan for my life. I know that He will be with me and give me the wisdom and strength to accomplish what He wants me to do.
I went back home with reassurance that the dishes, the laundry, the cooking and the cleaning are important because I am doing God’s will by bringing up these children to know God and His love. Just like that flower in the sidewalk, God will watch over me and give me the strength to make it through each day. I know I am important in the lives of these children and they are learning about God through my love and care for them. I still get overwhelmed at times with everything that must be done but I know the work I am doing is the most important work that I can do. I can rest assured that what I am doing today will be passed on through these children and they will know God as their Father.
Today’s Whisper:
Do you get discouraged with your life’s work. Do you ever wonder why you are doing what you are doing? Write about how your life seems to be getting out of control and how a visit with God can set your life on the right track. Just like the flower, we must bloom where we are planted—whether it is as a stay at home mom or out in the work world.
Today’s Prayer:
Father, help me to remember that you are in control of my life and have placed me in the special life you want me to have. Don’t let me forget that you can take care of that flower growing in that hard place and you will always be there to take care of me. I love you and trust you with my life and know that you will bless me while I am doing your work. I know you have plans for my peace and happiness and I claim that promise.

Monday, February 25, 2019

If Jesus Came To Visit

If Jesus came to visit
Would you make Him feel at home?
Would you gladly let Him see
everything that you might own?
Or is something
that you'd rather He not see
so you rush around and hide it
under lock and key?
Would you bring out bible and
wipe away the dust?
Would you treat Him as an intruder
or someone you could trust?
Would you invite Him in to dinner
or rush Him on His way?
What kind of host would you be
If Jesus came today?