Sunday, October 27, 2013

Where Is That Empty Nest?

Every little girl has a dream.  She dreams of falling in love, getting married, and having a family. I was no different.  I wanted to find my Mr.. Right, marry him and have two perfect children:  a boy that would hunt, fish, play baseball and do all the manly things with his dad; and a little girl that would let me teach her how to do all the feminine little things that girls like to do.  Well, I had a little boy and a little girl and my life was perfect. 

When the kids grew up, a new dream began to unfold.  I was looking forward to be a grandmother.  I would be the type that would spoil the grandkids because they would only be visiting.  Well, I did enjoy the kids and did spoil them BUT I was given custody of them and now I am responsible for their daily needs and all their wants.  This can’t be too bad, I thought.  I will just be raising kids all over again.  In fact, it was fun having the grandkids around all day everyday.  I did not stop to think that they would grow up and I would grow older.  That is the life cycle isn’t it.  Kids grow up and grandparents grow older.  Although, I am not as young as I used to be, I still manage to provide for these precious little ones.  I have four active kids that are now in school and I get to attend all their functions.  I have been able to attend all of the social events of the seasons from ballet recitals to championship baseball games.  In fact, I am on a first name basis with the superstars and coaches.  What could be better than this?  I do admit I get tired but when I look at the bright expectant faces I gain a new sense of strength and love every minute of sharing life with these gifts from God.

When I hear people talking of the empty nest syndrome and how lonely they are, I realize that I still have the sound of kids’ laughter and fighting in my house.  My house doesn’t always stay clean and I do get frustrated trying to keep up with the housework.  When I feel overwhelmed by the lack of time to get all the housework done, I realize there are more important things than a shiny house.  My house does stay clean enough for health but has that comfortable lived in look and feel.  In fact, my house is well lived in.  I do keep my floors clean enough you can eat off them.  Yeah, over here is some bread, there is a french fry or two and if you look closely you might even be able to find a cookie or two for dessert.

I always thought that when my kids were grown and had kids of their own, my husband and I would be able to retire, spend time getting to know each other again and travel whenever and wherever we wanted to.  I guess that will have have to wait because God has given me a task that is more important than any other I can think of.  Sure, I could be working and obtaining new possessions but what could would material possessions give me when I have the love of my grandkids.  Of course, they don’t get everything they want but God is good and lets me provide everything they need.

No matter how tired and discouraged I get I realize the blessings God has given me when He put these kids in my life.  I always ask Him for strength and grace to make it through the day and He is always faithful to provide what I need.  I do not get paid for caring for these children in earthly ways but my reward is much more valuable because I am paid in pure love.

I hope I leave these kids with a legacy of love.  I want them to know that I loved them but, even more importantly, I want them to know God loves them.  I want to teach them about Him and His love.  They should be taught that with Him by their side and holding their hands, they will be able to accomplish anything and do whatever He asks of them.  I can provide the material things they need but I want them to know that God can provide for them even more than I can. 

While other people are suffering from the empty nest syndrome, I consider myself fortunate that I still have children in my life.  I just ask God to give me the wisdom and strength to bring them up in the way He wants me to.  I know He will because He said He would and my God keeps all of His promises.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

If I Only Had a Brain!

I think my all time favorite movie when I was a kid had to be “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”.   I would watch Dorothy, Toto, and their friends travel the Yellow Brick
Road in search of Emerald City and the Great Wizard.  I remember tuning out the world and feel as though I were with them and experiencing all their adventures as they did.  For weeks afterward I would walk around the house singing (or at least trying to) sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.  Believe me my family were glad when I quit singing.

Anyway, you can imagine my excitement when I had a chance to watch this movie with my grandchildren.  I wanted them to have the opportunity to see a wonderful movie and hoped they would like it as much as I do. We decided to make it a movie night with popcorn, sleeping bags, and all the junk food we could eat.  As the opening music began we settled down with our bowls of popcorn for a wonder filled night.

Soon, however , I began to hear that still small voice begin to speak to me.  I knew the voice was my Heavenly Father but I was totally unprepared for what He had to say to me.

“Do you see that the adventures Dorothy and her friends have are like the doubts and fears that can rob you of your peace and joy?  Fears and doubts sneak in when you least expect them and take control of your life.” 

When I heard this, I began to see that I was letting these fears and doubts haunt me every day.  When I am thinking that all is well and my life could not be any better, the old doubts and insecurities begin to creep into my mind and fears sneak in to send my world spinning out of control.

Like Dorothy I long for love and security.  Too often I have looked for these in wrong places and with wrong people.  I have even counted on filling the hole in my heart through obtaining more and more material possessions.  Instead of giving me a sense of security, I found I had created more stress and problems by having more financial difficulties.  These difficulties in turn created more stress and offers no security.

The Lion was looking for courage which he already possessed and proved during their travels to Oz.  Although I have shown courage when faced with some situations, I find myself cowering in fear all too often.  When my life overwhelms me and seems to spin out of control, I am frozen in fear and try to hide from life.

The Tin Man wants a heart in order to show emotion.  Sometimes I feel as though my heart is missing when my problems seem to take over my life.  I find myself focusing on me and my problems instead of looking around me and seeing the pain of other people.  When I do focus on others, I often find their problems are much bigger and more serious than mine.  I then remember that I am put on this earth to help and encourage others.  I am commanded to come alongside others and help them in their times of troubles.  When I do this I find my heart is there and beating strong.

Yes, I even find a part of me when I see the Scarecrow.  Remember,. he was looking for a brain.  When I want to take my life back into my own hands and do not trust God, I find my brain does not want to work.  Instead of telling me to listen to God, it is telling me not to listen to God.  It is telling me, “You don’t need help.  You are in control of your life and can handle it on your own terms.

Too often I have trusted the “Great Oz”.  He offers a false sense of security.  He tells me he can get me home where I can find the love and security I seek.  He leads me to believe he can give me courage to face my trials, a heart to show compassion, and a brain that will solve all my problems.  But what he is telling me are lies….lies that are meant to take my eyes off my Father who can offer me these things.

I have learned through many hard lessons that only with God can I live a life of peace and joy.  God is the life giver and sustainer of life and security.  I will have doubts and fears and suffer from insecurity but He will always be by my side to see me through the troublers I face.  I will not have smooth sailing every day but He will never let me down.  Sometimes He will calm the storm, but often He will calm me so I can make it through the storm.  Although I will feel insecure and unloved, lack courage, lose my heart for compassion, or my brain is sending me wrong signals, I know He is there giving me His messages of love and peace.  I know that even when I feel like Dorothy looking for security and a way home, I know He loves me and He gives me the greatest security that I will ever know.

After the movie ended, I looked over at the kids.  They were all sound asleep but I knew I would never look at this movie the same way again.  A childhood favorite has now become a daily reminder that God’s love can be seen in day to day life.  I might let God down but He will never let me down.  How encouraging is that?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Where My Loyalties Lie

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.  Psalm 118:8

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.  James 1:12


I am not a Democrat.

I am not a Republican.

I am a human born in America.

Above all else I am a Christian.  God is my Father and my leader.  Everything I am or do is because of His love for me and my love for Him.   I have rights and responsibilities that are given to me by God which cannot be taken from me by anybody, including the government.

I have the responsibility to be a missionary for Him.  All Christians are given this mandate and should not take it lightly.  I may not be called to serve in a foreign field, but I am called to be a missionary to my family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.  This is a rich field for broadcasting the news of the Gospel.  I have a responsibility to teach my children about Him.  If I don’t teach them about Him, the world is waiting to detour them to worldly ways.  I try to live a life that shows His mighty love and grace.  I want to radiate His love because I may be the only Bible that many people will read.  I am called to stand up for Him and His Kingdom.  This is very difficult at times but I do know that what God calls me to do He will equip me to accomplish the task set before me.  I do know that He will give me the strength and courage to do what He wants me to do.  In fact, He is doing just that right now as I type this.  I know some people will be offended by my message but Jesus said, “If you deny me in front of men, I will deny you in front of my Father.”

God has also given many gifts and blessings.  One of these is a freedom of choice—free will.  No earthly government can take that from me.    This country, no, this world, is in a cycle of destruction.  It seems that decency and morals have totally been put in reverse.  What God calls good and just is now against the law.  Christians have been called terrorists and racist if we stand up for what is right and just.  Evil is rewarded and godly living is condemned.  What were once freedoms in America is now being usurped by the government.  Our freedom of choice is being eroded with the persecutions of Christians and the “law” that one insurance plan be used.

I am using my free will God gave me and live up to my moral standards and live my life to please God and not men.  It is true that my life can be taken away, my soul cannot be taken because my heavenly Father sent His son, Jesus, to pay the price for my soul.  I accepted His free gift and now my soul belongs to Him.