Saturday, September 30, 2017

Character Says a Lot About a Person

Now the whiny football players have enlisted their mommies to fight their battle. In an article by, the Professional Football Players Mothers Association (PFPMA) penned a letter to President Trump telling him they “believe in promoting a positive image of professional football players as athletes and young men of character.” As a mother and grandmother I can understand the sentiments expressed by these mothers. All of us want to think the best of our children. However, our children are not angel, we all know. But it amazes me to see how shocked everyone seems to be about President Trump's term he used. People, he is not the first nor I dare say will he be the last person to use this term about someone. I am will to say, football moms, your sons have even said it themselves a few times. Now don't get me wrong, I am not condoning its use. I just want to point out I find it hypocritical to condemn someone for using the same derogatory term you have used in the past.

And yes, Moms, your sons have done their parts in social justice issues too. One of the reasons the players gave for protesting is against police brutality. What I find interesting is that many NFL members actually have criminal records—even repeat offenses. These offenses include drunk driving, drug offenses, domestic violence cases, assault and battery, gun offenses, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, theft, burglary, rape and even murder. That is quite a list, wouldn't you say? These young men of character have been arrested 855 times since 2000. This list includes 215 DUI charges, 99 drug charges, 96 domestic violence cases 71 assaults and even two murders. A San Francisco 49er was even charged with assault for beating his 70 year old father in a San Francisco hotel.. In case you are accusing me of dreaming up these statistics, I researched and found them at

Of course police brutality is only one of the reasons given for the protests. Another reason is social inequality and oppression. These young men have succeeded in playing a game and becoming millionaires doing it. They have a great platform to use to fight oppression. Young people look up to these “heroes”. Why not go into neighborhoods and communities that are poverty-stricken and reach out to these youth. Start a mentoring program for these kids. Instead of preaching oppression and holding future players down, show them that with hard word and dedication, they too, can become successful. After all, I'm sure you worked hard to get where you are today. This is something you can do because right now your message of oppression is oppressing them. YOU are the oppressor! You are telling them, “You cannot be successful like me. Its impossible for you to even try.” Get out there and preach a message of hope to these youth. You just might be the agent of change that is needed in this country today. Think about that.

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to give my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Friday, September 29, 2017

A Woman With a Voice

I find liberal women amusing and sad at the same time. They are amusing in the way they think everyone must agree with them and express themselves in the same way. I mean, come on, vagina hats and paper vagina costumes? But they are also sad because all women, according to them in their own narrow self-centered minds should follow their insane and illogical ideas and agree with them.

I want use my voice to answer two of these delusional icons of the liberals—Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. You see, I think these two are by far the worst of the species known as liberal women. Hillary, I am not disrespecting myself because I support Trump. Yes, I heard what he said in this taped “locker room” talk but to me, you are disrespecting yourself when you tolerate what your husband did and then try to intimidate and silence his victims. I would be disrespecting myself if I had voted for you. When I heard what you said about Christians having to change their views and abortion is fine up to the day of deliver, I actually became sick to my stomach. I am a white, pro-life, conservative Christian woman and I apologize to no one for who I am and what I believe. I also believe you said you could not forgive women that did not vote for you. Well, I do not remember asking for your forgiveness because I neither want nor need it. I seek forgiveness from my Heavenly Father and I ask Him daily for it. You see, I do not see myself as perfect, I fail Him daily but He has never failed me.

Michelle, I did not vote “against my voice” when I voted for Trump. How dare you stand on that stage and insinuate that women who did not vote for Hillary are unintelligent, wall flowers that are afraid to speak up for ourselves! I don't know about you Michelle, maybe you were conditioned to shut up when men talk. I will say what I want to say and it's up to whom I am speaking with whether they will listen to what I say. But I will speak. In fact, I dare say my family sometimes wish I would lose my voice. If that happens, I can and will always write.

Who would even be stupid enough to think I should vote for a woman to lead this country simply because she is a woman? I weighed the issues for myself and decided who I thought would be the most competent for the job. Michelle, who did you vote for in 2008? Did you let your husband “take you voice” and tell you not to vote for the girl or did you speak out with your voice and vote for Hillary because she is a woman? I'm really interested in your answer.

One last thought. What if Hillary had won and with “gender fluidity” get up the next morning and decided she identified as a male? Where would all the women that voted for her because she was a woman be then? Think about it.

As always, you are free to disagree but I am free to my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Every Knee Shall Bow

On Sunday, Joy Reid, an MSNBC host, made an idiotic comparison. She compared Christians kneeling in church to the overpaid, whiny ball players that took a knee in disrespect to our flag and our National Anthem. According to Ms. Reid, we Christians are hypocrites. Her reasoning for this comparison is both idiotic and illogical. Personally I am offended by her remarks.

She believes that it is odd for the same people who kneel in church to consider it highest form of reverence while calling out the whiny crybaby ball players for taking a knee on the field. Well, Ms. Reid, let me enlighten you on the difference between the two. When we kneel in church, it is to show reverence to our creator who has blessed this great country for so long. Other Christians and I bend our knees to honor God, the author and finisher of our faith. However, these “overpaid and oppressed” athletes are taking a knee, raising their fists in a black power salute, and pretending to be a dog urinating on the field are not kneeling reverence to our God. They are only showing reverence to themselves and are defying the one true God—the same God that has blessed them by allowing them to play the game they game they love and making money doing it.

Now, Ms. Reid, think back a year or so when a player did take a knee on the field. Do you remember what you in the lame stream media said about that? You told him to keep his faith out of the NFL. Football has no place for it. That player's name is Tim Tebow. Now do you remember? But now, you are all so concerned with the constitutional rights of free speech, but apparently only for some.

By the way, Ms. Reid, there will be a day when everyone on earth will kneel in front of God. That day is coming soon. Are you ready?

As always, you have the right to disagree with me but I have the right to my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hypocrisy In the Media

Folks, I would like to give you a little test. A white man shoots up an all black church. A black Sudanese refugee shoots up an all white church. What is the difference? If you said media coverage, you would be right. Here is another one. White cop shoots black man. Black Lives Matter member beats up white teen. Again, what is the difference? Right again, media coverage. I could go on and on but I think you get the message.

It is a shame that the lame stream media only reports what fits their radical leftist agenda. Black Lives Matter protest cops shooting black criminals while innocent people are being victimized and shot so where is the media outrage? You are right. There is none. A small child is shot and killed in a drive by shooting and again the media is silent but when a black drug dealing thug is shot by a cop, riots break out, roads are being blocked, and more people and property are attacked. This gets all the media coverage because stories like this bring in viewers and raise ratings from the leftist population.

I believe it was Mika on MSNBC who said, “It is our job to tell the American people what to think.” No, it is not your job to tell me what to think. It is your job to read the news and let us know what is happening. I have a brain and I really can make my own decisions. God gave us all a brain for us to use. He did not say, “I will give my children brains that they can use until Mika comes along so she can then tell them what to think. Until then they can do their own thinking.”

If the media wants to be believed and held in the same esteem as the media enjoyed in the past, they should get over themselves and stop the hypocrisy. Do your jobs and report the news and withhold your political views. You are not the smartest people in this country but are sheep that follow the orders of the higher-ups in your network. If you stopped following the crowd and did your job, you might be a happier lot. I know the American people would rather you do your jobs and leave the decision to what to think to us—the listeners. I think it would take a lot of pressure off of you and let you enjoy your life much more.

As always, you have the freedom to disagree but I have the freedom to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying

Monday, September 25, 2017

Hypocrisy In the NFL

Hypocrisy is defined at as saying or feeling one thing and doing another. If you were on social media or were able to find a reliable news source this weekend, you have probably heard about the NFL controversy. The NFL players all joined in the “take a knee” movement to protest President Trump. When fans became outraged about this “protest”, the commissioner and owners stated that they stood by their players' right to express themselves.

I am not denying the players their right to protest. This is a right all Americans have. But what exactly are they protesting? Some say they are protesting this country because they say it is oppressive to black people. Yet, when I saw the pictures of the teams I saw pictures of black millionaire athletes. How have they been oppressed? If they are protesting the plight of other black people, why don't they help them by donating either time or money to make their lives better? If they are protesting the recent shootings of black criminals by police officers, why don't they also worry about black on black crime? Why don't they protest the victims of sexual abuse or domestic violence?. I'm sure this is an issue that should be close to at least 44 of the NFL players.

These athletes are playing a game and making more money than our brave men and women who are sacrificing their lives to defend this country so they can right to protest.

Roger Goodell, the commissioner of the NFL assert that when the NFL is disparaged, it is a sign of utmost disrespect for the NFL, the game of football and the players of the game. But I say the NFL is showing disrespect for the American people who pay these whiny crybabies to entertain us. Yes, they are paid to entertain us. They are not paid to set policy or influence our politics.

The owners and coaches contend that the players have a right to express themselves. However, apparently, this right is not intended for everyone in the NFL. The coach of the Steelers became irritated and berated an Afghani war vet because he “went against the team” and went out to show honor to the Anthem and flag while the rest of the team cowered in the locker room. I salute this brave veteran for doing what was right.

Dallas Cowboys players were denied this right when they were not allowed by the NFL when they were not allowed to wear a helmet decal honoring the Dallas Police Department and the city as a whole following the ambush of on Dallas police officers.

Tim Tebow was denied his right to free expression when he took a knee in prayer on the football field. He was ridiculed and told to keep his faith out of football.

As I stated earlier, yes, the right to protest is a sacred right afforded to every citizen in the United States. But when the black player flashes a black panther sign on the field, this is beyond protesting. This is a defiant act and should be addressed as such. Newsflash NFL just as you have your right to protest we, as Americans, also have our right of free expression. We choose to use that right by not watching your games, buying your merchandise, or frequenting your sponsors.

A little word of advice. Save your protests for when you are off the clock and not while you are being paid to perform. Maybe then you will be taken more seriously and people can see exactly what you are protesting for and against.

Again, you are free to disagree just like I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all.


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Open Letter To Professional Athletes

Our President spoke out against the “take the knee” movement in football. I agree this is showing great disrespect for this country and its people. Football, to many, is a great sport. But that is what it is—a sport people like to watch to escape the harsh realities of life. Instead it has become a slap in the face to these people.

Whiny crybaby millionaire athletes have over the sport to spout garbage about this country-the same country that allowed them to succeed in their chose career. They say that America is oppressive. How oppressive did they think it was when they were taking the hard earned money from the fans that enjoyed watching them play. Were they oppressed when they were on the field throwing that ball and patting each other's butts?

Commissioner Roger Goodell stated in response to President Trump, “the NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture. Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players” To you Mr. Goodell, I say this. Your words and the actions of your players demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for this great country and its people.

When I was young, kids looked up to “stars” be it movie stars or athletes. We used them as role models and wanted to be like them. You had a great platform for turning young lives around in communities that have kids living in poverty no matter the color of their skin. Your success could have let them know they could rise above their circumstances because this great country allows even the poorest kids to work hard and succeed. Instead, by your actions, you are taking that incentive away and telling them that there is no hope. They will never rise above and succeed because of their skin color.

This is what is so sad about this whole 'take a knee movement'. You are depriving our youth of the same opportunities you had. YOU are, in essence, oppressing the very people you proclaim to help. It is YOU, not the President, not our flag, and certainly not our National Anthem!

As always, agree or not. That is your right just as I have a right to my opinion. God bless you all.+

Friday, September 22, 2017

Over Grown Bullies Part 2

In yesterday's post, I expressed frustration at over grown bullies such as BLM, Antifa, Obama and Hillary. Well, today I am continuing to express frustrations at an entirely different set of them. This group include the so called media and the self-important elitist from Hollywood that think they ae so all-knowing that the little people that is average American citizens should stand in awe of them and breathlessly hang on to their every word. Well, to this I say, grow up and do the jobs you are paid to do-entertain us and read the news accurately and truthfully.

When Melania went to Texas after Hurricane Harvey all we heard from the media was “I can't believe Melania wore spike heels to a hurricane devastated area.” So what if she did? The last time I checked she is an adult and perfectly capable of making her own decisions about what she wants to wear. After all, she speaks five languages fluently and has an architecture degree.. In my book she is one smart and classy lady. If these people with delusions of grandeur would do the jobs the American people paid you to do (Yes, you work for us. We do not work for you), memorize lines and entertain us they would not have the time to spout the garbage they do about our First Lady or anyone else for that matter. If the media would tell the public the news and only the news, not their ideas of what we lowly Americans should think, I bet their ratings would be better and they would have more credibility with us common people.

Even when Melania was giving her speech at the UN luncheon on guess what—bullying of our children media was—wait for it, wait for it—bullying her by ridiculing her outfit. They were so busy bullying her that I am willing to bet they missed the content of her speech. How absurd is that? She was being bullied while she was speaking against bullying.

Now folks, Barron is an eleven year old child. Does it make the media and celebrities feel “big” and more important to victimize a child? What if it were your child being treated this way just because of who you are? Would you feel outrage?

Rosie, you are an offensive, hate-filled, self absorbed bigot. I hope I am not too harsh but honestly I did hold back on how I really feel about you. I am not apologizing to you but I am standing by every word I write. How dare you attack Barron just because you hate his father? Get over it. How far would you have gotten if you had made the same comments about Obama's kids? Kathy Griffin, you are another piece of fine work. When you held up your piece of art did you really think it would be received with open arms by America? How do you think your family would feel if the head being held up was yours? Your sense of entitlement never ceases to amaze me. To the so-called writer of Saturday Night Live that suggested that Barron would be the first home school shooter, all I say to you is that SNL has sunk into a hotbed of depravity.

Folks, I might have sounded too harsh but I meant every word. How can we teach our children that bullying is wrong when they see this going from adults that should know better? I am against bullying of any type, but, in my opinion, this country has become a country of bullies. Before you put another person down for any reason, stop and put yourself in that person's place. How would you feel if you were attacked in this way.

The Golden Rule is still the best rule to live by. “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

Again, you are free to disagree with me and tat is your right. I will still respect you. All I ask in return is for you to respect my right in saying it. I will not apologize for my opinion. So everyone have a good day and may God bless you all.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Over Grown Bullies

How many of you remember being bullied in school? How many of you will admit to being a bully? Yes, it sad to see children being bullied today. I have a child I love who has been victimized. Trust me, it's a heart breaking thing to see and experience.

What I want to talk about today goes above and beyond childhood bullying. I want to express my frustrations toward “over grown bullies”. I'm talking about Black Lives Matter and Antifa among others I consider to be bullying American citizens.

Black Lives Matter will protest and riot, destroying property and attack people when a white police officer shoots a black criminal. Meanwhile, in Obama's own city of Chicago, thousands of blacks are killing other blacks. Even small children are being shot in gang related drive by shootings. But Black Lives Matter are not protesting this. In fact, I consider BLM to be cowards. When they attack someone, they do not attack people that can fight back but attack weak defenseless people like the physically and mentally disabled people and even lone women who cannot fight back. You will not usually see a lone member attacking someone, it's either a “gang” of these bullying cowards or they will attack when a “gang” of friends are close by to applaud the bullying.

Antifa works in much the same way. They will only attack in groups and are careful to attack someone who is weaker and cannot fight back. They claim they are fighting against fascism and “white supremacy” and free speech. But what they are really fighting for is free speech for only those that believe in what they believe in and agree with them.. Does that sound to you like they are fighting for us? I don't think so either. When they destroyed Berkeley and shut down Milo from speaking there this shows me what their idea of “free speech” really is.

OK enough about these hate groups. Let's talk about bullies that are actually in a position to ruin our country even more: Obama and Hillary. Obama is NOT our president any longer but in his little weak mind he still thinks and acts like he is. He is bullying us, the American people, by telling us how great he is and how he is going to overthrow our President and change this world. He has already changed this country far more than I wanted to see. He apologized to other countries for American and made us the laughingstock of the world. He didn't get to finish with all the change he wanted to bring about to destroy this country so enter Hillary. She was supposed to pick up the mantle he started and finish destroying this country. That didn't happen so she wrote a “blame it all” book that is nothing but a bullying tool. She is bullying us by telling us it is our fault she lost the election. She is bullying American women that did not vote for her. She has even attacked Melania by criticizing her on her stance of school and cyber bullying. This last point would be hilarious if it were not so sad.

Well, folks, I know I am making enemies because not everyone will agree with me. But, you know what. You still have the freedom to disagree just like I still have the freedom to say it. What I have written is my opinion so agree or not but I will not apologize for my words.

So goodbye and may God bless America but more importantly, may America thank God.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What Happened?

What Happened?

Hillary, I can tell you What Happened in two words—you happened. But I would like to elaborate on this a little more.

During your campaign you stated, “I can put half of Trump's supporters in what I like to call a basket of deplorables. They are Islamophobic, homophobic, xenophobic. And half of these people are irredeemable.”

You have also called us racist. Well, Hillary, think back if you can to a time when you called “blacks super predators and they needed to be taught to heel.” Do you remember your “mentor” Robert Byrd? He was not only in the KKK but one of the founders of it and often spoke of it with pride. You also have advocated for Planned Parenthood and expressed your admiration for Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. She advocated for Eugenics and fought to exterminate the black race. You remember the ones you called super predators and then claim to help. Honestly, do you think the true American citizens are too stupid to see through your two faced double talk? You seem to care for no one except yourself and how much money you can make from the American people.

This brings me to facets of your personality that I find repulsive in anyone much less a potential President of our country.

  • You think you are better than anyone else. This can be seen by your smug look and condescending attitude you project on anyone that does not agree with you and dares to question your ideas.

  • You show no empathy to the working middle class. This was brought to the forefront when you stated “I am going to put a lot of coal mines and coal miners out of business.” How many votes did that remark get you in the coal mining communities around the country? Not many, I am willing to bet.

  • You show a remarkable knack for lying. “It was a stupid video on You Tube that caused the deaths in Benghazi. You knew all along that it was a terrorist attack.

  • You show a great deal of placing the blame on others instead of where it belongs—on you. You have blamed everyone and everything for you loss. I won't mention all of them because frankly, I do not have the time or space. Let's just say you did not blame my dog and cat but Honey, they did not vote for you either.

I do, however, want to address a few of these groups that caught your blame. I am a white, conservative, Christian woman and pro-life advocate. When you said that Christians would have to change their views to follow your laws of the land and abortions could be performed up until the time of delivery, I knew I could not take any more of you or your “policies”. My husband did not tell me not to vote for you. He did not have to. I was very vocal about my opposition to you and even lost some friends (well so called friends). Oh, by the way, my husband did not vote for you either even though I did not tell him not to vote for you.

Finally, Hillary, I do not need your forgiveness for not voting for you. If I had voted for you knowing how you feel about Christians and abortion, I would need to ask forgiveness from God. He is the only I will bow to. So, Hillary, I can live without your forgiveness.

A Proud Deplorable Christian American woman.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Putting the World Back Together

There was a man who had a little boy that he loved very much. Everyday after work the man would come home and play with the little boy. He would always spend all of his extra time playing with the little boy.

One night, while the man was at work, he realized that he had extra work to do for the evening, and that he wouldn't be able to play with his little boy. But he wanted to be able to give the boy something to keep him busy. So, looking around his office, he saw a magazine with a large map of the world on the cover. He got an idea. He removed the map, and then patiently tore it up into small pieces. Then he put all the pieces in his coat pocket.

When he got home, the little boy came running to him and was ready to play. The man explained that he had extra work to do and couldn't play just now, but he led the little boy into the dining room and taking out all the pieces of the map, he spread them on the table. He explained that it was a map of the world, and that by the time he could put it back together, his extra work would be finished, and they could both play. Surely, this would keep the child busy for hours, he thought.

About half an hour later the boy came to the man and said, “Okay, it's finished. Can we play now?”

The man was surprised, saying, “That's impossible. Let's go see.” And sure enough, there was the picture of the world, all put together, every piece in it's place.

The man said, “That's amazing! How did you do that?” The boy said, “It was simple. On the back of the page was a picture of a man. When I put the man together the whole world fell into place.”


With so much hate in the world today, we must take a look at ourselves (all of us). How much hate do we harbor within our own hearts against our fellow man. Races are fighting against other races. People are killing each other. In some instances, just for the sake of killing. Our leaders are fueling this hatred for political and monetary gain. We cannot look at social media without seeing the riots and assaults on each other. The news media does not report the news without interjecting their opinions and telling us what we should think.

Islam is being touted as the “religion of peace” but kill anyone who does not believe the way the do. Christians are being persecuted for their beliefs. Friends, it saddens me to see the persecution of Christians all over the world, even in our own country. Christian business owners are being told to compromise their faith or risk being jailed and prosecuted or lose everything they have worked for. Meanwhile, businesses like Starbucks, Target, and some camping supply store that means so little to me I cannot remember their name, are telling people if you support traditional marriage, are against gender neutral bathrooms or support a certain political party, take your business elsewhere. Well, friends, I have taken my business elsewhere and do not miss these businesses at all.

People are protesting our flag, our pledge to the flag, and our National Anthem. Millionaire celebrities and athletes who made their millions from the American people threaten to leave the country or strike because their presidential candidate didn't win or this country is oppressive. They did not think about the oppression when they were taking money from its citizens, did they? The candidate that did not win the presidential election has written a book of excuses and touring this great land making excuses without once taking any responsibility for her loss. The former president is seeking to destroy the current president. Why are they doing this? Hatred. Yes, hatred for the president and for the American people. Radical hate groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa are rioting in the streets because of hatred for people who disagree with them. By the way, BLM, Jesus died for all skin colors and Father God created all skin colors so ALL LIVES MATTER! Our news media and even some of our leaders are singing the praises of these groups. One news commentator, I won't mention names or network, recently said “Antifa is working on the side of the angels.” Well Newsflash, they are not working on the side of my Father's angels. They are not doing the work of my Heavenly Father. He commanded us to love our fellow man and our neighbors as ourselves.

Celebrities, politicians, and others are calling for the assassination of our president and the media is silent. One man was jailed for offering money for a lock of Hillary Clinton's hair. Where is the outcry for the assassination threats?

People are trying to erase parts of history they do not agree with. We cannot erase history by tearing down historical statues and monuments. Will tearing these down erase hatred and bring about love for our fellow man. No. We must erase the hatred in our hearts. Martin Luther King Jr once said, “Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can drive out hate.” He is remembered as one of our great Civil Rights leaders and did not burn a flag, destroy property or assault anyone. Someone with hatred in his own heart killed Mr. King to silence his message.

People, let's look in our own hearts and drive out the hatred we find there. I must admit, when I read the social media posts of the violence and crimes being committed today, I find that evil emotion enter my own heart. I must make an effort each and every day to drive it out. No one is above this negative emotion but we must make an effort to make sure it does not take root and remain. I have to pray to my God each and every day and ask Him to cleanse my heart of the negativity.

Like the little in the story above, when we are able to put ourselves together, the world will fall into place.

Father, you said when your people who are called by your name will humble themselves and call out to You, You will hear them and heal their land. I am calling out to you. Father, our land, our world, needs you. I pray that people's eyes are opened and hearts softened to let Your word penetrate and heed your warnings. Without You, we are nothing, but with You we can do so much. We must stand together with You, Lord. Help us to remember that You love us all. I plead that You use us, your children, to do Your great work in this great land. I ask these things in Jesus' name.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Changing the World

Let there peace on earth and let it begin with me.
When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world. Unknown Monk 1100 AD
We all have said at one time or another, “If only the world were different....If only this country got back to the basics of life.... I wish the city government would.....” Admit it you have said that and so have I. Well, we cannot change the world, the country or the town. Believe me, if we could we would not please everyone. We cannot even change our family. But there is one thing we can change—ourselves. If we put more time into improving ourselves and less time worrying about others, we would slowly notice the change in other people. If we spent time with God everyday our families would notice the peace that time alone with the Father brings. If we start exercising on a regular basis, we would notice out health improve and so will our families.
A woman was praying to God one day to change her husband. He was not as attentive to her as he once was. The answer was not what she expected to hear. “You cannot change him, only change yourself. Be more attentive to him and expect his behavior to change.” She decided to give it a try. She started meeting him at the door after work and even wore clothes other than her sweat pants she had been cleaning the house in. She would ask him about his day and actually listen to him. She served his favorite dinners and showed him she loved him. To her surprise, he did become more attentive to her and began taking her out more. When their friends noticed the change in their relationship, the wife explained what she had learned. This made a difference in her friends' relationships, as well. She found out that by changing herself, she did manage to change her little corner of the world.
So my friends if you want to see change, it must begin within. Once we have made that change in ourselves, we will notice the change in other people.

Father, help me to realize that the only person I can change is myself and I can only do that with your help. I cannot change anyone else but I can be an example to them. I pray that others will see you in me and realize that you are the way, the truth, and the life. I want people to look at me and how I live my life as an honor to you and want you in their lives too. I realize that in order to change my little part of the world, I need to look to you and spend time with you each and every day. .

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Open Letter to Christians in Name Only

I am a Christian who is not ashamed of my faith.  God tells us that if we are ashamed of Him He will be ashamed of us before His father. I want my faith to shine through for the world to see.  If I am accused of wearing my faith on my sleeve, then I am doing what my Father wants me to do.  We are put upon this earth to be the light and let our light shine through the darkness.  Too many people want to live in the darkness because they prefer it to the light. I have heard some members of Congress berate and ridicule a federal court nominee because “her Catholic dogma is too evident. (Weinstein)”   Another member says “Christians don’t have a place in government. (Sanders).  These so called Christians are Christians in name only. Anyone can call themselves Christian but to be a true Christian, we must accept His free gift of salvation.  This gift was made available to all when God gave His only son to die upon a cross for us all.  Yes, I said ALL.  You must live out your faith day by day and not take it out of the box when it is convenient. We should let the world see Him in us. I, for one, am proud to be called a Christ follower. 

Jesus tells us we will have troubles in this world.  But He also says, He has overcome the world.  I will stand for and with Him. In 2 Timothy we read “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.  But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  But you must continue in the things which you have learned.”

Friends, I don’t have to answer to God for them and they do not have to answer to God for me.  I thank God for that.

The values of this world have been turned upside down.  What God has ordained as pure and good, the world has called evil and politically incorrect.  What God has called sin, the world today applauds and embraces.  Friends, this nation has become an asylum and the inmates are in charge.  God foresaw this happening in the Old Testament book of Isaiah.  In Isaiah 5:20 we read,”Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who puts bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Christian business owners are being sued and forced to lose everything when they are asked to compromise their beliefs and faith to serve same sex marriages. At the same time, CEOs of businesses like Starbucks are applauded by the liberal left for telling people “if you believe in traditional marriage, we don’t want your business”.

Friends, Satan is loose in this world and going about deceiving so many people today.  But I want to remind you all who wins the war.  We do if we stand strong and firm in our faith. I would rather stand with God and be judged by men than stand with men and be judged by God.  We are all given this choice to make and I sincerely pray you make the right decision.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Lesson From a Bumble Bee

Scientists have told us that

bumble bees cannot fly.

Their bodies are not designed for it

there’s no need for them to try.

If you’ve seen a bumble bee flitting

here and there.

they don’t know they cannot fly

nor do they really care.

The God that made the bumble bee

is the one that made me and you.

So hold on tight to Jesus’ hand

and there’s nothing you cannot do.

We can learn a valuable lesson

from this bumble bee so small.

If we keep our eyes on Jesus

He’ll catch us when we fall.

Friends, I believe that with Jesus by our side, we can accomplish the impossible.  If bumble bees listened to the scientists, they would never get off the ground.  My lesson is this poem is to ignore the insignificant naysayers and listen only to God’s still small voice.  With Him all things are possible and like the bumble bee, we can soar to heights unimagined.  Remember in the Bible when Paul says in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all this in Him who gives me strength.”