Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Every Knee Shall Bow

On Sunday, Joy Reid, an MSNBC host, made an idiotic comparison. She compared Christians kneeling in church to the overpaid, whiny ball players that took a knee in disrespect to our flag and our National Anthem. According to Ms. Reid, we Christians are hypocrites. Her reasoning for this comparison is both idiotic and illogical. Personally I am offended by her remarks.

She believes that it is odd for the same people who kneel in church to consider it highest form of reverence while calling out the whiny crybaby ball players for taking a knee on the field. Well, Ms. Reid, let me enlighten you on the difference between the two. When we kneel in church, it is to show reverence to our creator who has blessed this great country for so long. Other Christians and I bend our knees to honor God, the author and finisher of our faith. However, these “overpaid and oppressed” athletes are taking a knee, raising their fists in a black power salute, and pretending to be a dog urinating on the field are not kneeling reverence to our God. They are only showing reverence to themselves and are defying the one true God—the same God that has blessed them by allowing them to play the game they game they love and making money doing it.

Now, Ms. Reid, think back a year or so when a player did take a knee on the field. Do you remember what you in the lame stream media said about that? You told him to keep his faith out of the NFL. Football has no place for it. That player's name is Tim Tebow. Now do you remember? But now, you are all so concerned with the constitutional rights of free speech, but apparently only for some.

By the way, Ms. Reid, there will be a day when everyone on earth will kneel in front of God. That day is coming soon. Are you ready?

As always, you have the right to disagree with me but I have the right to my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

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