Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hypocrisy In the Media

Folks, I would like to give you a little test. A white man shoots up an all black church. A black Sudanese refugee shoots up an all white church. What is the difference? If you said media coverage, you would be right. Here is another one. White cop shoots black man. Black Lives Matter member beats up white teen. Again, what is the difference? Right again, media coverage. I could go on and on but I think you get the message.

It is a shame that the lame stream media only reports what fits their radical leftist agenda. Black Lives Matter protest cops shooting black criminals while innocent people are being victimized and shot so where is the media outrage? You are right. There is none. A small child is shot and killed in a drive by shooting and again the media is silent but when a black drug dealing thug is shot by a cop, riots break out, roads are being blocked, and more people and property are attacked. This gets all the media coverage because stories like this bring in viewers and raise ratings from the leftist population.

I believe it was Mika on MSNBC who said, “It is our job to tell the American people what to think.” No, it is not your job to tell me what to think. It is your job to read the news and let us know what is happening. I have a brain and I really can make my own decisions. God gave us all a brain for us to use. He did not say, “I will give my children brains that they can use until Mika comes along so she can then tell them what to think. Until then they can do their own thinking.”

If the media wants to be believed and held in the same esteem as the media enjoyed in the past, they should get over themselves and stop the hypocrisy. Do your jobs and report the news and withhold your political views. You are not the smartest people in this country but are sheep that follow the orders of the higher-ups in your network. If you stopped following the crowd and did your job, you might be a happier lot. I know the American people would rather you do your jobs and leave the decision to what to think to us—the listeners. I think it would take a lot of pressure off of you and let you enjoy your life much more.

As always, you have the freedom to disagree but I have the freedom to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying

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