Friday, September 29, 2017

A Woman With a Voice

I find liberal women amusing and sad at the same time. They are amusing in the way they think everyone must agree with them and express themselves in the same way. I mean, come on, vagina hats and paper vagina costumes? But they are also sad because all women, according to them in their own narrow self-centered minds should follow their insane and illogical ideas and agree with them.

I want use my voice to answer two of these delusional icons of the liberals—Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. You see, I think these two are by far the worst of the species known as liberal women. Hillary, I am not disrespecting myself because I support Trump. Yes, I heard what he said in this taped “locker room” talk but to me, you are disrespecting yourself when you tolerate what your husband did and then try to intimidate and silence his victims. I would be disrespecting myself if I had voted for you. When I heard what you said about Christians having to change their views and abortion is fine up to the day of deliver, I actually became sick to my stomach. I am a white, pro-life, conservative Christian woman and I apologize to no one for who I am and what I believe. I also believe you said you could not forgive women that did not vote for you. Well, I do not remember asking for your forgiveness because I neither want nor need it. I seek forgiveness from my Heavenly Father and I ask Him daily for it. You see, I do not see myself as perfect, I fail Him daily but He has never failed me.

Michelle, I did not vote “against my voice” when I voted for Trump. How dare you stand on that stage and insinuate that women who did not vote for Hillary are unintelligent, wall flowers that are afraid to speak up for ourselves! I don't know about you Michelle, maybe you were conditioned to shut up when men talk. I will say what I want to say and it's up to whom I am speaking with whether they will listen to what I say. But I will speak. In fact, I dare say my family sometimes wish I would lose my voice. If that happens, I can and will always write.

Who would even be stupid enough to think I should vote for a woman to lead this country simply because she is a woman? I weighed the issues for myself and decided who I thought would be the most competent for the job. Michelle, who did you vote for in 2008? Did you let your husband “take you voice” and tell you not to vote for the girl or did you speak out with your voice and vote for Hillary because she is a woman? I'm really interested in your answer.

One last thought. What if Hillary had won and with “gender fluidity” get up the next morning and decided she identified as a male? Where would all the women that voted for her because she was a woman be then? Think about it.

As always, you are free to disagree but I am free to my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

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