Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Christmas

Well, another Christmas has come and gone.  I hope everyone had a wonderful time and enjoyed time with family and friends.  We had a white Christmas this year and that really made me feel "Christmasy"  (Is that a word?)  Oh well, I had a wonderful time and feel so good that everyone had a good time at my house for Christmas dinner.  It was a lot of work and play at the same time.

Again, I hope you all had a wonderful time and remembered to thank God for the real reason we celebrate Christmas each year. I watched the kids open their presents and paused and gave thanks to God for the many blessings.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Just finished my Christmas Shopping.  Again spent too much but none of it is on credit.  I can only thank God for that blessing.  Of course, hubby is going to fuss but he hasn't even started his yet.

Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season.  Hope you all are keeping warm.  I am going to hibernate today and tomorrow afternoon.  I forgot about a doctor's appointment I have in the morning. UGH!

Until next time--stay warm and happy and thank God for all His blessings you have received.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Well folks, Christmas is almost here.  I hope you are all having a great time during the holidays.  I have been running myself to death trying to get everything done in time--but isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing.  School is about to be dismissed for the holiday and Christmas parties and school programs are in full swing.  The only thing I wish for this season is that we remember the purpose of Christmas.

Well, I have got to go and settle the kids down and get things ready for school tomorrow.

So long for now from the edge.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Little Star by Anthony DeStefano

A king is about to be born!  All the stars compete for the chance to shine the brightest to welcome this anticipated arrival.  They were all being shined and dusted by comets; all, that is, except Little Star.  The other stars did not make fun of Little Star--they ignored him which hurt more.

When the stars saw the poor couple in the manger, they lost interest in the child's birth.  "Surely no king would come in such an ordianry style," they thought.  So interest was lost.  But of all the stars in the heavens, Little Star was the only one who understood the King's message.  His message is LOVE.

This is a beautifully written book for children.  The illustrations really add to the message of the book.  I read this story to my children and they absolutely loved it.  My six year old gathered her dolls together and "read" the book to them.

I must say I hightly recommend this book and it will be a new tradition in my household.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Then Sings My Soul by Robert J. Morgan

This is a delightful book.  It has words and music to 150 of our favorite hymns and the story behind their origins.  It is more than a historical account but is written in an interesting devotional style.

Before I read this book I knew the history of "It is Well With My Soul" but was truly amazed to learn fun factsd about some of my other favorites:  "Little Brown Church in the Vale" was written five years before the church was actually built.  This story almost has a supernatural aura about it--what might be called a God Thing;  The words to "Jesus Loves Me" was written in a novel written by Anna B. and Susan Warner.  The music was written years later by William Bradbury when he found the words in the novel.

I loved this book because I use hymns in my own worship time with God.  This book would make a wonderful gift to a music lover or for anyone (like me) who likes to learn interesting and fun facts.

I recommend this book highly.

This book was given to me by Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.

The Devil is in the Details by Tony Kessinger

Tony Kessinger has more than twenty-five years ministry experience.  He is the president of Truth Seekers International and the author of several books.  He is an excellent Bible teacher who has taught in Bible institures on five continents.

Tony Kessinger has written a book that everyone should read.  He has   researched the material very well and speaks with great knowledge and authority on the wiles of the devil.  He gives his readers a firm foundation of scriptures to add to their arsenal against the devil.

The devil is alive and well today.  He is still using deceptive methods to entrap humans.  The enemy is sneaking and bombarding us daily with his subtle tricks.  As a grandmother rearing her four grandchildren, reading this book made me more aware of what these children are exposed to every day.  Satan can use something that seems innocent and harmless but is slowly weakening their defenses until Satan has established a stronghold on them.

This book is full of information and the chapter summaries really encapsulate the essence of each chapter.  This book is a must read for Christians who want to know more about the wiles of the enemy.  I highly recommend it.

This book was given to me by the author for an honest review.