Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving—Not Just One Day

I want to wish all my friends and family Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy all the good food and company of family and friends but don't forget to thank God who has blessed us so much throughout the year. Let's make every day a day of Thanksgiving because God continues His blessings throughout the year--not just one day. Some of you I will never meet but that doesn't mean I don't think of you often and whisper a prayer for you.

A Mother’s Holiday

Up before dawn

Sweeping and mopping

Too much to do

No time for stopping.

The family is nestled

all snug in their beds,

While visions of a turkey dinner

dance in their heads.

There’s cooking to be done

and laundry to do.

gotta scrub the floors

and clean the windows too.

The TV comes on

the family is awake`--

How much more

do you think I can take

The relatives pour in with

shouts of good cheer.

Why did I offer to have

the family dinner here?

Now that the meal is done

the relatives leave amid

shouts of good wishes.

While hubby and the kids watch TV

Guess who gets stuck with the dishes!