Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Our country was founded on principles that all men are created equal. Our founding fathers were visionaries and sought to assure all citizens the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, today we have groups that will deny others the right to life, deny others their liberty, and only think they themselves should be able to pursue happiness.

Friends, so much of what I see in our country today crushes these values America was built upon.

When a senator can shed tears on the senate floor because there is a policy to vet refugees from terror sponsored countries but remains dry eyed when millions of innocent babies are murdered in the womb—that is In-American.

When our homeless go hungry while illegal aliens can come into this count5ry and receive food stamps, welfare and shelter—that is Un-American

When our elderly much choose between eating or buying their medications while abortions and transgender surgeries are paid for with tax payer money—that is Un-American.

When our troops go without proper equipment while celebrities and athletes protest our country and national anthem—that is un-American.

When our veterans go without benefits that were promised but billions of dollars are given to countries that hate us—that is Un-American.

When Christian companies are forced to compromise their faith and values by serving same sex weddings while other businesses can say, “if you support traditional marriage, don’t shop here.”—that is Un-American.

When radical groups like BLM and anti fa can riot, burn cities and kill or injure people but citizens are prosecuted and persecuted for speaking out against them—that is Un-American.

When a black criminal disobeys law enforcement and is shot by police and there is a public outcry while police officers are shot everyday for doing their jobs and media is silent—that is Un-American.

When the media takes it upon itself to slant the news and tell us what to think instead of reporting the news and trusting us to decide for ourselves what to think—that is Un-American.

When liberal head explode at the use of word in describing a third world country while cities in this country resemble these third world countries and nothing is being done to improve the lives of citizens in these cities— that is Un-American.

When a political party would rather protect 8,000 illegal aliens than protect the citizens of this country and even go as far to threaten a government shut-down and deprive the elderly and military of their money— that is Un-American.

It appears that some of our leaders are more concerned about themselves and the special interest groups that has bought them out than the citizens that elected them and that is not only Un-American but unacceptable to the the citizens pf this country that are counting on the leadership.

Friends, I have been told that, as a Christian, I should not be political. I am not a political person but what I see goes beyond politics. It is now about our survival as a country and the fabric of our way of life. I once read “All it takes for evil to spread is for good men to do nothing.” I am only trying to do my small part to stop the spread of evil.

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. . Just saying

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

An Open Letter To the Media

I know I have already posted this but with the recent “firestorm” from the media about President Trump allegedly calling Haiti and African countries “shitholes”, I think the media needs to be on the carpet again. While the left let their heads explode at the word he, according to the liberal demonrat Dick Durbin, said in a closed meeting, the real news of the country and the world passed them by with no word at all. I mean, when the unemployment is the lowest in years and the black unemployment rate is definitely the lowest, all they can talk about is a word that was supposedly used by President Trump. Come on media, if that is all you got, hang up your computers and go to work at McDonald's.

Dear CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC and all the other media outlets that do not report the news. Instead you pander to the liberals and their agendas by telling me what I ought to think and do. When I turn on my TV or radio and pick up a newspaper, I want to know what is really happening and not what you think I should know. I am old enough to make my own decisions about how to interpret the news. Yes, I know this might come as a surprise to you with your high intelligence and wisdom but some of us lowly Americans are just as intelligent as you and I dare say some are even more intelligent than you. “Gasp” the horror of thinking the average American has a brain and can actually exist and thrive outside the bubble you put us into.

I can actually remember the good old days of real newscasters like Walter Cronkite and Huntley and Brinkley. Yes, they actually just reported the facts and left their spin on the news out of their reports. They did not pontificate on how the American people should take the news but left it up to the listeners to make their own decisions. Those days, I'm afraid, are gone forever.

Today, I cannot find a news source that I can trust. Greed has taken over your industry and you pander to the big money giants that pay you the most money and get your ratings higher that your competitor. Do you remember the hurricane in Texas? The big “news story” was not the devastation caused by the storm. No, the big report was Melania's shoes. Are you kidding me? People were left without homes and some lost their lives but did you care to report on the tragedy that these people suffered? No, you criticized our First Lady on her choice of shoes! Did you report on the Americans coming together to help their fellowmen in this time of tragedy? No, you expressed disgust that Melania wore heels to Texas. I, for one, give the First Lady enough credit enough to know how to dress herself. She did not need me and definitely not you media pundits to tell her.

Sometimes you don't bother to slant your news stories. No, jokers like Lemon and Acosta out and out lie about what is happening. Lemon, Hillary is not the most transparent candidate in history. She should be arrested, tried and imprisoned for endangering American lives for profit and selling out this country to the highest bidder. I won't even mention Benghazi. We both know what happened there. So I won't mention that she let four brave Americans die and then lie about it by saying it was caused by a bad YouTube video. See, I can be charitable towards you. Acosta, quit crying because the President doesn't like you and calls you fake new. Guess what you are fake news..

If in the future you decide to leave your fake news career, maybe Stephen King will let you co-write a book with him. I really think you do have a creative imagination, You have proven that with your news stories you broadcast. Maybe he will let you bring along your anonymous source with you. That is one smart guy. He seems to know about everything that is worth knowing or reporting.

So as a final thought. Report the news factually and objectively. If I want to know what you think about something, I will ask you.

So good-bye and have a great day.

As always, you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinions. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Golden Globe Actresses Protest

golden globe actresses

Well, the Golden Globes were broadcast about a week ago. All of America's moral voices were on hand and dressed in black to show us “lowly commoners” they were in unison in their protests of sexual harassment and in favor of #MeToo movement. So to the liberal way of thinking we should all be applauding their moral convictions and pat them on the back for their courage in coming out in public against this growing menace in Hollywood. Great, they can agree that this atrocity is wrong but where were they when the Harvey Weinsteins and Kevin Spaceys were committing these horrendous crimes?They were there but they turned their heads so it wouldn't mess up their careers. So they pretended it did not happen until they were trapped in a corner and had to admit the truth.

This hypocrisy just represents another facet of the Hollywood elite trying to show us commoners how to live and what to think. These women that dressed in black pretend to care for women's wrights but where are they when women's rights are being violated in Muslim countries where a woman is stoned if she is raped? Where is their outrage when children are being sold and traded in the sex trafficking trade? Where is their moral indignation when millions of women are killed each year by abortion?

What about their outcries for all the women that do not fit their narratives or agree with ideologies against Trump and adoration for Hillary Clinton. It seems to me that in order to fit in the umbrella of their caring and protection a woman must be a robot and be programmed with the liberal talking points.

They “claim” to be against the objectification of women by wearing their “cute” little black dresses. But what I see tends to lead to more sexualizing of women. I mean, how can you object to the demoralizing of women when you demoralize yourself with your dresses that let your cleavage hang out in dresses that are slit from the hem to your—well, I'll let you picture where the slit ends. You cannot be pretending to be demure little victims of the big bad wolf when you are clearly wanting the wolf to notice you. You cannot claim the victim status when you so clearly put your self out in the spotlight to be ogled by these “big bad wolves”.

I'm not saying all women who are victimized are like this but from what I see coming out of Hollywood, this seems to be the mode of protest. I have been a victim myself so I know how it feels but I do not protest as a victim and dress as a seductress. Ladies, where I come from when you dress like that, you are not a victim. We have another word for it.

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinions. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Kids Today

I wrote this poem years ago but with the indoctrination of our children in schools today, it is even more relevant. A preschool student was recently traumatized when she called a “trans gendered student by his real name. Kids are being indoctrinated in Islam but are punished for mentioning Jesus. Letters were sent home to parents of young children requesting the parents instruct their children not to mention the name of Jesus in school. I recently published a post about a high school in Utah that exposed the student body to a presentation by a local LGBT group of poets that informed the students “I am queer and I am Trump's worst enemy.” The students were also directed to divide themselves into groups based on their sexual identity, gender identity and religious and political views. Our kids today are being assaulted on all sides by the liberal left and it is time for all Christians to take a stand to stop this bullying and indoctrination of our future.

Our children today can read of evolution

and are taught we come from apes.

They can learn of hate and prejudice

and are encouraged to murder and rape.

Family life is becoming obsolete

in this great country today.

Why it's just not cool

to kneel with your family and pray.

Alcohol, drugs and sex

are the “in things” to do.

The only thing that really matters

is what feels good to you.

Our kids today are taught that sexual perversion

is nothing but an alternate lifestyle,

Homosexuality is not a sin--

Why I can almost see Satan smile.

Our children are exposed

to so many of Satan's snares,

Yet, in school they are not allowed to

bow their heads in prayer.

The Ten Commandments have been taken

out of our schools by law.

Because the government tries to tell us

they are not meant for all!

The results of these perversions are

becoming clearer each day--

Kids can kill each other

but it's wrong for them to pray.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Indoctrination Of Our Young People

I’m queer and I’m Trump’s worst enemy

All you have to do to see the indoctrination of our children is to take a look at college campuses to see how liberal professors are teaching that “all the ills of today's society are the result of white,

conservative Christians and that white supremacy is running rampant in this country. If this country could purge itself of these evil hate-filled people, we could live in a land filled with lollipops and rainbows.”

This hate filled rhetoric is not limited to our college campuses any longer. It has now filtered down to our high school students. In October of last year, students at a high school in Utah thought they were attending a slam poetry workshop on tolerance and acceptance. What they found, however, was political rhetoric, LGBT propaganda and something called identity mapping.

One of the presenters announced to the class, “I'm queer and I'm Trump's worst enemy. Another presenter directed the students to group themselves according to their sexual identity, sexual preference and religious preference.

Needless to say, parents were outraged and the superintendent was forced to send a letter of apology to the parents.”I would not expect an exercise in which individual students were asked to reveal their sexual orientation and gender identity to be a part of the English curriculum.” he stated. He told the Todd Starnes show that the presentations were made to the entire student body during English class by poets connected to MOAB Pride, a local LGBTQ organization.

I'm sorry but when the presentation was presented by a local LGBTQ group shouldn't the faculty and administrators have a clue what it entailed?. To me this amounts to indoctrination of our children and should not be allowed in schools. A school should be enforcing anti bullying programs and not exposing the student body to group bullying by an organization that should not be allowed to be in the school in the first place. When the students were directed to divide into groups based on sexual orientation, sexual identity, religious or political views this opened the door to bullying. Bullying that was brought into the school through the front door of the school.

Our country is on a downhill slide when God is kicked out but liberal indoctrination of our most valuable and vulnerable citizens is welcomed with open arms.

As always you are free to disagree with me but I have the right to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Thou Shalt Not Offend

Eva Brunne, Sweden's first openly Lesbian woman bishop of the Lutheran Church of Sweden has suggested the priest at Seaman's Church in Freemont take down all Christian symbols in the church to make Muslims feel more comfortable and welcome. She calls the Muslims “visiting angels” and states she wants to make them feel comfortable when they come to the church to pray. She has also suggested setting up a Muslim prayer room in the church.

Although this is happening in Sweden, similar events are occurring in this country. A church in Washington is taking down plaques honoring George Washington and Robert E. Lee in order to make parishioners feel “safe” in church.

Too many people, and yes, even churches, are so concerned with being politically correct, we are willing to compromise our values and beliefs. Christians are told constantly not to do or say anything that will “offend” the Muslims or LGBTQ members or we will be called Islamophobic and homophobic. Yet, we as Christians, are ridiculed, mocked and called hate-filled violent extremists if we believe the Bible and its teachings.

Today, people don't want to hear the truth. They want to hear “motivational” speeches or “lite” “feel good” sermons. This “lite” version of teaching might tickle our ears and make us feel good, it's just like lite food—it has no substance.

When Jesus walked this earth, He did not cater to the PC crowd. He told the people the “cold hard truth”. Can we do less? I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than to stand with the world and be judged by God.

As always, you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinion,. May God bless you all. Just saying.