Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Indoctrination Of Our Young People

I’m queer and I’m Trump’s worst enemy

All you have to do to see the indoctrination of our children is to take a look at college campuses to see how liberal professors are teaching that “all the ills of today's society are the result of white,

conservative Christians and that white supremacy is running rampant in this country. If this country could purge itself of these evil hate-filled people, we could live in a land filled with lollipops and rainbows.”

This hate filled rhetoric is not limited to our college campuses any longer. It has now filtered down to our high school students. In October of last year, students at a high school in Utah thought they were attending a slam poetry workshop on tolerance and acceptance. What they found, however, was political rhetoric, LGBT propaganda and something called identity mapping.

One of the presenters announced to the class, “I'm queer and I'm Trump's worst enemy. Another presenter directed the students to group themselves according to their sexual identity, sexual preference and religious preference.

Needless to say, parents were outraged and the superintendent was forced to send a letter of apology to the parents.”I would not expect an exercise in which individual students were asked to reveal their sexual orientation and gender identity to be a part of the English curriculum.” he stated. He told the Todd Starnes show that the presentations were made to the entire student body during English class by poets connected to MOAB Pride, a local LGBTQ organization.

I'm sorry but when the presentation was presented by a local LGBTQ group shouldn't the faculty and administrators have a clue what it entailed?. To me this amounts to indoctrination of our children and should not be allowed in schools. A school should be enforcing anti bullying programs and not exposing the student body to group bullying by an organization that should not be allowed to be in the school in the first place. When the students were directed to divide into groups based on sexual orientation, sexual identity, religious or political views this opened the door to bullying. Bullying that was brought into the school through the front door of the school.

Our country is on a downhill slide when God is kicked out but liberal indoctrination of our most valuable and vulnerable citizens is welcomed with open arms.

As always you are free to disagree with me but I have the right to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

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