Tuesday, January 16, 2018

An Open Letter To the Media

I know I have already posted this but with the recent “firestorm” from the media about President Trump allegedly calling Haiti and African countries “shitholes”, I think the media needs to be on the carpet again. While the left let their heads explode at the word he, according to the liberal demonrat Dick Durbin, said in a closed meeting, the real news of the country and the world passed them by with no word at all. I mean, when the unemployment is the lowest in years and the black unemployment rate is definitely the lowest, all they can talk about is a word that was supposedly used by President Trump. Come on media, if that is all you got, hang up your computers and go to work at McDonald's.

Dear CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC and all the other media outlets that do not report the news. Instead you pander to the liberals and their agendas by telling me what I ought to think and do. When I turn on my TV or radio and pick up a newspaper, I want to know what is really happening and not what you think I should know. I am old enough to make my own decisions about how to interpret the news. Yes, I know this might come as a surprise to you with your high intelligence and wisdom but some of us lowly Americans are just as intelligent as you and I dare say some are even more intelligent than you. “Gasp” the horror of thinking the average American has a brain and can actually exist and thrive outside the bubble you put us into.

I can actually remember the good old days of real newscasters like Walter Cronkite and Huntley and Brinkley. Yes, they actually just reported the facts and left their spin on the news out of their reports. They did not pontificate on how the American people should take the news but left it up to the listeners to make their own decisions. Those days, I'm afraid, are gone forever.

Today, I cannot find a news source that I can trust. Greed has taken over your industry and you pander to the big money giants that pay you the most money and get your ratings higher that your competitor. Do you remember the hurricane in Texas? The big “news story” was not the devastation caused by the storm. No, the big report was Melania's shoes. Are you kidding me? People were left without homes and some lost their lives but did you care to report on the tragedy that these people suffered? No, you criticized our First Lady on her choice of shoes! Did you report on the Americans coming together to help their fellowmen in this time of tragedy? No, you expressed disgust that Melania wore heels to Texas. I, for one, give the First Lady enough credit enough to know how to dress herself. She did not need me and definitely not you media pundits to tell her.

Sometimes you don't bother to slant your news stories. No, jokers like Lemon and Acosta out and out lie about what is happening. Lemon, Hillary is not the most transparent candidate in history. She should be arrested, tried and imprisoned for endangering American lives for profit and selling out this country to the highest bidder. I won't even mention Benghazi. We both know what happened there. So I won't mention that she let four brave Americans die and then lie about it by saying it was caused by a bad YouTube video. See, I can be charitable towards you. Acosta, quit crying because the President doesn't like you and calls you fake new. Guess what you are fake news..

If in the future you decide to leave your fake news career, maybe Stephen King will let you co-write a book with him. I really think you do have a creative imagination, You have proven that with your news stories you broadcast. Maybe he will let you bring along your anonymous source with you. That is one smart guy. He seems to know about everything that is worth knowing or reporting.

So as a final thought. Report the news factually and objectively. If I want to know what you think about something, I will ask you.

So good-bye and have a great day.

As always, you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinions. May God bless you all. Just saying.

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