Monday, September 25, 2017

Hypocrisy In the NFL

Hypocrisy is defined at as saying or feeling one thing and doing another. If you were on social media or were able to find a reliable news source this weekend, you have probably heard about the NFL controversy. The NFL players all joined in the “take a knee” movement to protest President Trump. When fans became outraged about this “protest”, the commissioner and owners stated that they stood by their players' right to express themselves.

I am not denying the players their right to protest. This is a right all Americans have. But what exactly are they protesting? Some say they are protesting this country because they say it is oppressive to black people. Yet, when I saw the pictures of the teams I saw pictures of black millionaire athletes. How have they been oppressed? If they are protesting the plight of other black people, why don't they help them by donating either time or money to make their lives better? If they are protesting the recent shootings of black criminals by police officers, why don't they also worry about black on black crime? Why don't they protest the victims of sexual abuse or domestic violence?. I'm sure this is an issue that should be close to at least 44 of the NFL players.

These athletes are playing a game and making more money than our brave men and women who are sacrificing their lives to defend this country so they can right to protest.

Roger Goodell, the commissioner of the NFL assert that when the NFL is disparaged, it is a sign of utmost disrespect for the NFL, the game of football and the players of the game. But I say the NFL is showing disrespect for the American people who pay these whiny crybabies to entertain us. Yes, they are paid to entertain us. They are not paid to set policy or influence our politics.

The owners and coaches contend that the players have a right to express themselves. However, apparently, this right is not intended for everyone in the NFL. The coach of the Steelers became irritated and berated an Afghani war vet because he “went against the team” and went out to show honor to the Anthem and flag while the rest of the team cowered in the locker room. I salute this brave veteran for doing what was right.

Dallas Cowboys players were denied this right when they were not allowed by the NFL when they were not allowed to wear a helmet decal honoring the Dallas Police Department and the city as a whole following the ambush of on Dallas police officers.

Tim Tebow was denied his right to free expression when he took a knee in prayer on the football field. He was ridiculed and told to keep his faith out of football.

As I stated earlier, yes, the right to protest is a sacred right afforded to every citizen in the United States. But when the black player flashes a black panther sign on the field, this is beyond protesting. This is a defiant act and should be addressed as such. Newsflash NFL just as you have your right to protest we, as Americans, also have our right of free expression. We choose to use that right by not watching your games, buying your merchandise, or frequenting your sponsors.

A little word of advice. Save your protests for when you are off the clock and not while you are being paid to perform. Maybe then you will be taken more seriously and people can see exactly what you are protesting for and against.

Again, you are free to disagree just like I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all.


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