This is a book for women who want to live godly lives and thrive in the "do it all world." When we live according to God's calling for our lives we will thrive. When we attempt to live "in the world" without listening to God, we find ourselves stressed and overwhelmed.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part contrasts the mold society attempts to fit us into vs the unique design and callings God has for us.
In part 2 we learn about "living from the inside out." Inside out living is using our core calling to enhance our lives by putting God's design for us before the world's designs.
I was really impacted by the "seasons of life" descriptions. I, personally, do not fit into a specific stage but find myself in several stages at once. I am married with young adult children but since I have custody of four grandchildren I am also married with grade schoolers, and married with teenagers. I do not know if I will ever be a married empty nester but I do know that I'm living God's purpose for my life.
This book did impact my life and provided me with several things to really think about. I believe you will, after reading this book, also find yourself thinking about your core calling and God's design for your life.
I received this book from LitFuse in exchange for an honest review.
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