Monday, May 2, 2011

Refreshment in Refuge by Gina Burgess


About the Author:

Gina Burgess studied journalism, but took a thirty year break to raise her two daughters.  She then returned to school and earned a BAAS degree from the Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas.

She has been an editor for several publications, writes a weekly column for,  As well as a biweekly


This book will bring refreshment to the soul and remind you that God's love will never fail.
This book contains short stories from the author's experience, as well as, studies of biblical man and women.  The author writes with honesty about her faith in God.  Some stories are touched with humor, while others will tug at your heartstrings.
A couple of my favorite chapters include:
seven habits of highly effective godly women.
Goodness, which retells the story of the two women claiming the same baby.  This story was told, so clearly you could feel the pain of the true mother and the joy she felt when King Solomon rendered the fair and just decision.
I was hooked from the first chapter to the last page.  I fully endorse this book as one you will read over and over again.
I received this complimentary copy from the author, but the opinions in this review are entirely mine.

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