From Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Tears Shall Cease January 28 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. (Revelation 21:4) Yes, we shall come to this if we are believers. Sorrow shalt cease, and tears shall be wiped away. This is the world of weeping, but it passes away. There shall be a new heaven and a new earth, so says the first verse of this chapter; and therefore there will be nothing to weep over concerning the Fall and its consequent miseries. Read the second verse and note how it speaks of the bride and her marriage. The Lamb's wedding is a time for boundless pleasure, and tears would be out of place. The third verse says that God Himself will dwell among men; and surely at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore, and tears can no longer flow. What will our state be when there will be no more sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain? This will be more glorious than we can as yet imagine. O eyes that are red with weeping, cease your scalding flow, for in a little while ye shall know no more tears! None can wipe tears away like the God of love, but He is coming to do it. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Come, Lord, and tarry not; for now both men and women must weep! From the Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app -
Hi friends. Welcome. Come in and make yourself at home. Bring your coffee tea or your favorite beverage and let’s visit awhile. Let’s enjoy some encounters with God and rest in His presence.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Rainy Days and Mondays
This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Good Monday morning friends. Even though it is raining, the spring flowers need water to grow and bloom. Don't worry. God knows what He is doing.
There is an old song about “rainy days and Mondays get me down.” Any day of the week can make us depressed. We just need to remember that the Creator of our days knows our innermost thoughts. I choose gratitude for the day He has given. How about you?
Think about it.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
A Very Big God
This is a story about a little girl who, on the way home from church, turned to her mother and said, “Mommy, the Preacher’s sermon this morning confused me.” The mother said, “Oh! Why is that? The girl replied, “Well, he said that God is bigger than we are. Is that true?” “Yes, that’s true,” the mother replied. “He also said that God lives within us. Is that true too?” Again the mother replied, “Yes.”
“Well,” said the girl. “If God is bigger than us and He lives in us, wouldn’t He show through?”
Moral - Our God is so Big and strong and mighty! And yet if we invite Him to live in us - He will gladly come in to settle with us. When God lives in our Heart's there will be a change for us from the inside out! People will see the Godliness shining within you. They will see the good attitudes, the 9 fruit of the spirit being displayed through you. You will be the light of this world shining brightly because God abides in your home - Your precious lil Heart. God bless.
My Thoughts
I want the world to see God living in me. I want to make a difference in the lives of those I touch. I want to spread light to a dark world.
Think about it.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Bequests For Our Children
There are only two lasting bequests we hop to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings
Thought to be by Hodding Carter
My Thoughts:
We want to bring our children up to be contributing members of society and adults we can be proud of. Parenting is a hard job today—the hardest but most worthwhile job we can ever have.
In order to give out children roots, we must let them know they are loved and we are always there for them. The most important lesson we can teach them is that with Christ as our foundation, we can not be destroyed by the world’s offerings. No one will tell you your child will not make mistakes. However, if we are there to pick them up when they fall, they will know we are available for them in despair and trials. Most importantly, God will be there for them.
In order to give them wings, we must let them learn from their mistakes and not “bail” them out of their consequences. In order to fly, our children must test their wings to see if they will carry them. Don’t clip their wings by making everything easy for them. Let them learn to use their wings to reach their potential. This will be the only way they can learn to fly and soar in the world today. I;’m not saying push them out of the nest too early. Always let them know they will have a home to come to but let them know they must live and learn to be on their own.
Think about it.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Care of Our Feet
From Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Care of Our Feet January 24 He will keep the feet of his saints. (1 Samuel 2:9) The way is slippery and our feet are feeble, but the Lord will keep our feet. If we give ourselves up by obedient faith to be His holy ones, He will Himself be our guardian. Not only will He charge His angels to keep us, but He Himself will preserve our goings. He will keep our feet from falling so that we do not defile our garments, wound our souls, and cause the enemy to blaspheme. He will keep our feet from wandering so that we do not go into paths of error, or ways of folly, or courses of the world's custom. He will keep our feet from swelling through weariness, or blistering because of the roughness and length of the way. He will keep our feet from wounding: our shoes shall be iron and brass so that even though we tread on the edge of the sword, or on deadly serpents, we shall not bleed or be poisoned. He will also pluck our feet out of the net. We shall not be entangled by the deceit of our malicious and crafty foes. With such a promise as this, let us run without weariness and walk without fear. He who keeps our feet will do it effectually. From the Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app -
My Influence
My life shall touch a dozen lives
Before this day is done;
Leave countless marks for good or ill,
Ere sets the evening sun;
So this the wish I always wish,
The prayer I ever pray;
“Lord, may my life help other lives
It touches by the way.”
My Thoughts:
We all touch lives as we travel on this earth. Sometimes the touch will be encouraging and positive but other times we might actually harm someone with our behavior or words. I want to make a positive influence on all my friends that read my posts. Sometimes I might not have the right words to say but I always have love in my heart for my many friends in life and cyberspace. I try to only write words that will lift you up and not bring you down. If I can touch one life through these posts and make a positive difference, I will consider my ministry a success. I welcome all comments-favorable and not so favorable. Please feel free to let me know if my words bring you up or let you down.
I’m like each and every one of you—an imperfect person loving a perfect God who loves me unconditionally. If I thought I have all the answers I could not worship God in the right spirit. Oh, don’t get me wrong. Sometimes I try to tell God how to fix my problems. But He always bring me back to reality. Sometimes I willingly lay my burdens at His feet but other times He lets me try to fix myself and waits patiently for me to ask for His help.
I said all this to tell you I just want to encourage you in your walk. May you also encourage others.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Ease Heartaches
To ease one’s heartache is to forget one’s own.
Thought to be by Abraham Lincoln
My thoughts:
When we look at our problems, they can seem insurmountable. There is a story about a man that was praying to God to ease his burdens. God took the man into a room filled with crosses of varying sizes. He gave the man a choice of the cross he wanted to bear. The man saw crosses that could barely fit into room. He then looked over to a small cross that stood alone in the corner. :Father, I want that cross in the corner.” “My child,” the Father lovingly said, “that is the one you brought in here.”
Sometimes when we feel our road is too rocky and hard to walk, remember that man with no feet. When we do not have the money we want remember the family that has no money to buy food.
Our troubles can seem so small when we stop to count our blessings.
Think about it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Christian Liberality
From Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Christian Liberality January 22 Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. (Psalm 41:1) To think about the poor and let them lie on our hearts is a Christian man's duty; for Jesus put them with us and near us when He said, "The poor ye have always with you." Many give their money to the poor in a hurry, without thought; and many more give nothing at all. This precious promise belongs to those who "consider" the poor, look into their case, devise plans for their benefit, and considerately carry them out. We can do more by care than by cash, and most with two together. To those who consider the poor, the Lord promises His own consideration in times of distress. He will bring us out of trouble if we help others when they are in trouble. We shall receive very singular providential help if the Lord sees that we try to provide for others. We shall have a time of trouble, however generous we may be; but if we are charitable, we may put in a claim for peculiar deliverance, and the Lord will not deny His own word and bond. Miserly curmudgeons may help themselves, but considerate and generous believers the Lord will help. As you have done unto others, so will the Lord do unto you. Empty your pockets. From the Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app -
Monday, January 21, 2013
Words of a Great American
Never be afraid to do what’s right. especially if the well being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.
Martin Luther King Jr.
My Thoughts:
When we turn our backs on someone that needs help we are turning our backs to God. We are not only letting the wrongs continue we are putting scars on our souls. I would feel better knowing my soul is clean than caving in to popular opinion. I know that takes strength but my God will give me the strength I need.
Think about it.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
The Overcomer
From Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" The Overcomer January 20 To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in
the midst of the paradise of God. (Revelation 2:7) No man may turn his back in the day of battle or refuse to go to the holy war. We must fight if we would reign, and we must carry on the warfare till we overcome every enemy, or else this promise is not for us, since it is only for "him that overcometh." We are to overcome the false prophets who have come into the world and all the evils which accompany their teaching. We are to overcome our own faintness of heart and tendency to decline from our first love. Read the whole of the Spirit's word to the church at Ephesus. If by grace we win the day, as we shall if we truly follow our conquering Leader, then we shall be admitted to the very center of the paradise of God and shall be permitted to pass by the cherub and his flaming sword and come to that guarded tree, whereof if a man eat, he shall live forever. We shall thus escape that endless death which is the doom of sin and gain that everlasting life which is the seal of innocence, the outgrowth of immortal principles of Godlike holiness. Come, my heart, pluck up courage! To flee the conflict will be to lose the joys of the new and better Eden; to fight unto victory is to walk with God in paradise. From the Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app -
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Conservatives and Progressives
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.
Thought to be by G.K. Chesterton
Isn’t that still true?
Think about it.
Never blame a legislative body for doing nothing. When they do nothing, they don’t hurt anybody, When they do something is when they become dangerous.
Will Rogers
Let’s all pray for our great nation and remember it doesn’t matter who is president—God is still the King.
Friday, January 18, 2013
The Truth
Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.
Thought to be by Elvis Presley
As my mamma used to say “it’ll come out in the wash.” You might be able to hide the truth for awhile but eventually the truth will come out. I would rather live my live in the sunshine of truth than in the shadow of hidden truth. Trust me, the sun will always shine again and the truth will be disclosed.
Think about it.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Children Heal The Soul
The soul is healed by being with children.
Thought to be by Fyodor Dostoevsky
My soul is being healed today. The kids are out of school because of the weather. How many out there can say the same?
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
What We Do For Others
What we have for ourselves alone dies with us; what we4 have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Thought to be by Albert Pike
My thoughts:
What kind of legacy do you want to leave? Do you want to die and be forgotten because you did nothing for someone else or do you want to be forever remembered for your acts of love and compassion. If we only do things to benefit ourselves our rewards will be “burned like chafe” but if we do things to benefit others we will live forever in the hearts and minds of the ones we leave behind.
Today, ask yourself a question. Is the act going to benefit me only or will it benefit someone else too?:
Think about it.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Made Rich by faith
From Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Made Rich by Faith January 15 For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever. (Psalm 9:18) Poverty is a hard heritage; but those who trust in the Lord are made rich by faith. They know that they are not forgotten of God, and though it may seem that they are overlooked in His providential distribution of good things, they look for a time when all this shall be righted. Lazarus will not always lie among the dogs at the rich man's gate, but he will have his recompense in Abraham's bosom. Even now the Lord remembers His poor but precious sons, "I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me," said one of old, and it is even so. The godly poor have great expectations. They expect the Lord to provide them all things necessary for this life and godliness; they expect to see things working for their good; they expect to have all the closer fellowship with their Lord, who had nowhere to lay His head; they expect His second advent and to share its glory. This expectation cannot perish, for it is laid up in Christ Jesus, who liveth forever, and because He lives, it shall live also. The poor saint singeth many a song which the rich sinner cannot understand. Wherefore, let us, when we have short commons below, think of the royal table above. From the Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app -
Eyes To See
To be blind is bad, but worse is to have eyes and not see.
Thought to be by Helen Keller.
How many times have we closed our eyes to the hurting and troubled people in the world today? How many times have we failed to see God’s blessings because we looked at them with spiritually blind eyes. Open your eyes and see what needs to be done, then do it. Open you eyes and see the beauty creation of God and thank Him for the many blessings He has given you. I don;’t know who said this but it sure is true: There is none so blind that will not see.
Think about it.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Your Heart
A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart. (NLT)
Heart trouble is not just a physical ailment. It can also penetrate our emotional and spiritual health. We must be careful what we let in our heart. The words that come from our mouth are the words that are in our hearts. If your heart is full of criticism, hate, and disrespect we let these thoughts escape from our mouths. But if our hearts are full of the peace and joy of Jesus, love and concern flows from our speech. I would much rather have a heart that is calm and peaceful so my words reflect Christ’s love. What about you?: Would you rather be known as one with the hateful heart or the one with the loving heart.
Think about it.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
A life spent making mistakes is more honorable than a life spent doing nothing.
George B Shaw
I would rather make a mistake by doing what is right than make a bigger mistake doing nothing. I would rather stand up for what I believe in and be ridiculed than be a part of the “in” crowd who just stands around while wrongs are being committed around me. I know that to make a mistake is inevitable at times but I want to make my mistakes doing what I know is right.
When I get to Heaven I want to be there because I wore out instead of rusted out.
Think about it.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Today’[s Bible Quote
Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things.
Psalms 128:1-2
Today more and more people are looking to someone else to supply their needs. This verse tells us to trust in God and obey what He says to you. More satisfaction can be gained by working for what you need and trusting the Heavenly Father to equip us to succeed. When we put in an honest day’s work He will richly bless us above and beyond. God is a righteous God who demands respect and deserves our total respect.
Respect God and enjoy His blessings. People will fail you and let you down but God does not ever fail you. He is always there wanting to bless us. Let Him.
Think about it.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Kind Words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless.
Thought to be said by Mother Teresa
Let’s speak kind words to others today. They do not have to be “big” words. In fact they should not be words that only educated people know but words of encouragement—words like “well done”, “you are loved”, “I support you and will stand by you.” If kind words are too hard to think of give a hug or even a smile. You would be surprised at the power of such encouragement.
Think about it.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Present help
From Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Immediately Present December 22 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1) A help that is not present when we need it is of small value. The anchor which is left at home is of no use to the seaman in the hour of storm; the money which he used to have is of no worth to the debtor when a writ is out against him. Very few earthly helps could be called "very present": they are usually far in the seeking, far in the using, and farther still when once used. But as for the Lord our God, He is present when we seek Him, present when we need Him, and present when we have already enjoyed His aid. He is more than "present," He is very present. More present than the nearest friend can be, for He is in us in our trouble; more present than we are to ourselves, for sometimes we lack presence of mind. He is always present, effectually present, sympathetically present, altogether present. He is present now if this is a gloomy season. Let us rest ourselves upon Him. He is our refuge, let us hide in Him; He is our strength, let us array ourselves with Him; He is our help, let us lean upon Him; He is our very present help, let us repose in Him now. We need not have a moment's care or an instant's fear. "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." From the Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app -
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Life’s Most Urgent Question
Life’s most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?
Thought to be by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Are you spending your life collecting more material things that will make you “happy.” The bible teaches us to store our treasures in heaven when “thieves cannot steal nor dust and moths cannot destroy”. What we obtain to make us happy here on earth will only rot away. On the other hand, what we do for others will live on and leave a legacy.
In this world of “me, me, me” let’s try to help others by offering an encouraging word or a smile. You will find this to be more satisfactory than any new gadget because a person is more important than “things”. You can replace material objects but the damage done to a person’s emotional, or spiritual life cannot always be repaired. Watch the face of a child that is told he is worthless or stupid. Now, watch the face of a child that is told he is loved and valued. Do you see a difference in their faces and actions. Can a broken computer tear at your heart like that?
God loves us with unconditional love. He did not send His son into the world to die for a gadget. He sent Him to die for US. Let’s follow His example and do for others.
Monday, January 7, 2013
He Lifts Me Up
When I fall, He lifts me up!
When I fail, He forgives!
When I am weak, He is strong!
When I am lost, He is the way!
When I am afraid, He is my courage!
When, I stumble, He steadies me!
When I am hurt, He heals me!
When I am broken, He mends me!
When I am blind, He leads me!
When I am hungry, He feeds me!
When I face trials, He is with me!
When I face persecution, He shields me!
When I face problems, He comforts me!
When I face loss, He provides for me!
When I face Death, He carries me Home!
He is everything for everybody everywhere, every time and every day!
He is God, He is faithful
I am His, and He is mine.
My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.
So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure,
Understand this…
He said it and that settles it!
God is in control, I am on His side,
And that means all is well with my soul.
Author Unknown
Sunday, January 6, 2013
From Charles Spurgeon's "Faith's Checkbook" Defended and Covered December 18 As birds flying, so will the lord of hosts defend Jerusalem. (Isaiah 31:5) With hurrying wing the mother bird hastens up to the protection of her young. She wastes no time upon the road when coming to supply them with food or guard them from danger. Thus as on eagle's wings will the Lord come for the defense of His chosen; yea, He will ride upon the wings of the wind. With outspread wing the mother covers her little ones in the nest. She hides them away by interposing her own body. The hen yields her own warmth to her chicks and makes her wings a house, in which they dwell at home. Thus doth Jehovah Himself become the protection of His elect. He Himself is their refuge, their abode, their all. As birds flying and birds covering (for the word means both), so will the Lord be unto us: and this He will be repeatedly and successfully. We shall be defended and preserved from all evil: the Lord who likens Himself to birds will not be like them in their feebleness, for He is Jehovah of hosts. Let this be our comfort, that almighty love will be swift to succor and sure to cover. The wing of God is more quick and more tender than the wing of a bird, and we will put our trust under its shadow henceforth and forever. From the Faith's Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app -
The secret to having it all…is knowing you already do.
Too often we spend our time chasing after more and more “stuff” to make us happy. We are always trying to outdo each other with the biggest house or the newest car. There is nothing wrong with enjoying what this life can offer us but to pursue it at the risk of our health, relationships or family only depletes our pleasure in all the things we cannot live without and too often cannot afford.
Today try this experiment. Open your eyes to see what God has already given you. Children’s laughter, loving and supportive spouse, good friends to share both your pains and your joys. Look at God’s world. Feel the breeze on your face, or marvel at the snow that has fallen. Open your eyes and your heart and appreciate what you do have. Don’t waste another minute in wanting that latest gadget or the newest appliance. Appreciate what you have. You will be happier and your family will enjoy being around you more.
“What profits a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul.” Matthew 16:26
Think about it.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Too Much Talk
Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.
Proverbs 10:10 (NLT)
This is why God gave us two ears and one mouth.
Think about it.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Live Laugh Give
Another fresh year is here. another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear; to love and laugh and give.
William Arthur Ward—Writer, poet (1921-1994)
What a way to live our lives—banish worry, doubt and fear. What a good example we could set for our children if they saw us love our neighbors as we love ourselves, laugh with genuine joy and give to others in need. What a better world this would be.
Think about it.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Wrong vs. Right
Nothing which is morally wrong can ever be politically right.
William E. Gladstone British leader (1809-1898)
We can see a controversy between these two sides very clearly today.
With the issue of abortion, especially, we see the government mandate for “:women’s health”. While an abortion might ease the “problem” of an unwanted pregnancy what about the repercussions of the after abortion syndrome. The guilt, the depression and the self-hatred many women experience after the abortion.
My Bible says that God is the “giver and sustainer of life”. He does not say the government has the right to give life or end it before it enters the world.
We have a mind of our own. Let’s use our God-given gifts to choose to stand for the right even when we stand alone. I once heard this wise statement—If you stand for everything, you will fall for anything.
Let’s stand for the morally right even if it is not politically right.
Think about it.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Small Things
We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.
Mother Teresa—Missionary (1910-1997)
When I read about Mother Teresa, I find myself admiring her more and more. She did not minister to the wealthy or upper class citizens. She chose to spend her time ministering to the least of the least—the sick, the outcasts, the infants. She loved each of them with unending kindness instead of judgment. She wasn't expecting praise of man or medals of honor. She lived her life as she felt God’s lead. I want my legacy to be rich like hers. I want to leave a legacy of encouragement and love. We can all do little things to lift someone up. Things that do not cost much in money or time—a smile to someone who is “down” a word of encouragement to a young mother who is feeling overwhelmed by the daily struggles of bringing up kids, a hug to a teenager who feels abandoned by her peers or is experiencing problems in her life.
My challenge for you today is find some small thing you can do to help someone today. I think you will find a sincere smile, word, or hug will come back to you tenfold.
Think about it.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A Man Can No More Diminish God’s Glory
A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can out the sun by scribbling the word, “darkness” on the walls of his cell
Thought to be by C.S. Lewis
In the world today, many people deny the existence of God but that does not mean He is not real. If my prayer offends someone, close your ears. My God is alive and as the Newsboys sing “He’s living on the inside and roaring like a lion”. I don’t intend to push my beliefs on anyone else but I refuse to let them push their beliefs or unbelief's on me. I serve a real God and am proud of it.