We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.
Mother Teresa—Missionary (1910-1997)
When I read about Mother Teresa, I find myself admiring her more and more. She did not minister to the wealthy or upper class citizens. She chose to spend her time ministering to the least of the least—the sick, the outcasts, the infants. She loved each of them with unending kindness instead of judgment. She wasn't expecting praise of man or medals of honor. She lived her life as she felt God’s lead. I want my legacy to be rich like hers. I want to leave a legacy of encouragement and love. We can all do little things to lift someone up. Things that do not cost much in money or time—a smile to someone who is “down” a word of encouragement to a young mother who is feeling overwhelmed by the daily struggles of bringing up kids, a hug to a teenager who feels abandoned by her peers or is experiencing problems in her life.
My challenge for you today is find some small thing you can do to help someone today. I think you will find a sincere smile, word, or hug will come back to you tenfold.
Think about it.
I once talked with a leader of a ministry about his role. He said that he read a book and it challenged him. The book said to imagine your funeral and imagine the things you'd like people to stand up and say about you. What do you hope they will say? Then, go BE that person! It's important to consider the legacy we are leaving behind. To live a life that positively touches the lives of others is the greatest legacy I can imagine.