Thursday, November 16, 2017

Prayers Are Real

Liberals have taken it upon themselves to lecture us on everything from who to vote for to who should and should not own a gun. After the mass shooting in the small Texas church, they have come out in full force to tell us that prayers don't work. They, in their self-righteous moral authority, have taken to social media to ridicule and mock Christians that do believe in prayer and are praying for the victims and the families involved.

Wil Wheaton, a washed up actor took to Twitter to blast Congressman Paul Ryan when he said “our thoughts and prayers are with you.” Wheaton, in his all knowing wisdom shot back, “The victims were in church. If prayers did anything, they'd still be alive.” As despicable as his remark was, he was not the only “celebrity” to throw in their pearls of wisdom. One tweet even went as far to say, “They had the prayers shot right out of them.”

They not only ridicule Christians for their prayers. They have questioned the existence of God.”If God is real why did He let this happen?” Well, friends, God did not cause this tragedy. Man did. He used his free will that God has given us all and followed the “father of lies and great deceiver”, satan. Other people want to know “Why has God turned His back on America?” He has not turned His back to us. We have turned our backs on Him. We are now living in a world that has taken God out of our homes, schools, government and yes, even churches. We are now seeing what life is like without God. We cannot take God out of our lives and, when a tragedy, such as this happens, cast the blame on Him. He is not a magic elf that can be put on the shelf until we need something. He is a God of love but He does allow us freedom to make our own choices. So friends, no God is not to blame for this tragedy. But, I do know He has promised in Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” I do not claim to know what good will come of this. But I do know that He will work out His purpose in His own time.

So friends, I leave you with this: My prayers and thoughts are with you all and may God watch over you and yours.

As always you are free to disagree but I am still free to express my opinions. May God bless you all. Just saying.

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