Tuesday, January 29, 2019

I'm Growing Down

That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried with every wind of doctrine but may grow up in all things into Him who is the the head—Christ. Ephesians 4:14,15.

Recently my granddaughter completed kindergarten. Although she should have been happy and excited about entering first grade in the fall, she went around the house with a very sad look on her face. Instead of celebrating the end of the school year with her friends, she proclaimed, “I want to stay in kindergarten!” Needless to say, this took me by surprise but Tori refused to explain to me what she meant by that statement. One night after reading a story together and saying our prayers I again brought up the subject of going into first grade. “Aren't you excited about going into first grade in the fall?” “No Nanny I am not. I want to stay in kindergarten for the rest of my life.” Now this was not exactly what I expected to hear. My son and daughter were glad to be one of the big kids so they could be one of the old timers at school and the envy of the little kids in kindergarten.
After recovering from the shock of Tori's remarks I attempted to explain to her that we all graduate from one stage in life to another. I went on to tell how each stage is built upon the last stage to help us grow. Imagine my shock when she looked at me with tears running down her face and said, “Nanny I know but growing up is so scary.”
I hugged her to me and brushed the tears from eyes and sighed. She was right—growing up is scary. I was at a tonal loss for words of comfort until I had an idea (a brilliant idea for me). “Listen, honey,” I gently began. “ I know growing up is hard but I am growing older too and that is scary for me too.”
“Wow!” I thought to myself. “This is brilliant.” So I continued. “You know growing up can be fun. Just think of all the new things you are going to learn. You will make new friends and have so much fun. But I am growing older and won't be able to do as many things as I once did. That is what makes growing old scary for me.”
After I had finished explaining this to her, I congratulated myself on my new found wisdom. I sat back, kissed her cheek gently and asked her if she understood what I was saying. With solemn eyes she replied, “Yeah, I think so.” Then her blue eyes widened with understanding and a smile crossed her face. “I understand, Nanny,” she exclaimed with a leap into my arms. “I'm growing up sand you are growing down.” Wow! Out of the mouths of babes. I had not thought of it quite that way but she was absolutely right. I am “growing down.” I used to be able to mow my lawn, clean my house completely and still practice baseball with the kids. Now if I can make sure the house is clean enough not to be condemned by the health officials I congratulate myself on making it through another week.
This sobering conversation with Tori caused me to reflect on my life. I was reminded of the challenges I have faced in my life. Some of these challenges left me feeling overwhelmed and confused about the meaning of my life. I never doubted God's love but I did doubt my ability to stand on my own two feet. I realized that these challenges have made me stronger and wiser. I would not be the person I am today without these experiences. I realized that God had not let me down but had held me up during these trying times.
I might be growing down in the physical realm. But I know God is “growing me up” with His love and grace. He is always with me each day to give me the wisdom and strength I need to fulfill His purpose in my life.
As I thought back on my life span, I began to realize that we should not just grow down physically but we should always strive to grow up in Him. To grow up in the Lord is something we should all do whether we are young or old. I hope that I able to helpTori grow in her relationship with God and always look to Him for her strength.
Yes Tori, growing up can be scary but with God holding our hands, there is nothing we cannot do. I want you to remember that God will grow us to be the people He intends for us to be if we only believe that everything is possible with Him and He promises us life that is eternal and abundant.
Today's Whisper:
As we grow older we might find we are slowing down. Journal about how you feel about aging. What can you not do that you could in your younger days? It has been said that with age comes wisdom. Do you feel this is true and think about whether you would rather be older and wise or if this is a fair comparison.
Today's Prayer:
Father, I come before you today with a thankful heart that you are still working on me and haven't given up on me. You are always here with me to help me grow in your knowledge and grace. I ask that as the days and years pass I can look to you and know that you are still molding me into the woman you want me to be. I may be growing older in earthly years but I ask for your wisdom and grace each and every day that I have left on this earth.

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