Pa, Ma, and Junior were sitting on the front porch after a hard day on the farm. There were just relaxing when a car drove up and a man got out. He walked up to them and asked, “What kind of town is this? We’re moving because the town we left is full of hateful and spiteful people.” Pa looked at the man for a second and replied, “Well, I’m afraid you’ll find the same kind of people live here.” The man –muttered under his breath and stomped away.
Soon another car drove up and a man walked to the porch. “What kind of people live in this town? The town we just left has the most caring, kindest people we have ever known.” Pa looked at him for a second and smiled. “You will find the same kind of people live here.” The man smiled as he walked back his car and drove away.
“Pa, why did you tell the first man this town is full of hateful people, but you told the second man the town is full of kind people?” I don’t understand.”
Pa smiled and looked at Junior. “Well son, you see the first man has a heart full of hate and it is bubbling out of him and spilling over onto everyone around him. The second man has a heart filled with love and it too is spilling over onto everyone around him. You see, son, whatever is in your heart will show up on the outside.”
I read this story a few years ago and it has stayed with me. I don’t know who wrote it and apologize to the writer if I have slaughtered it too badly. The point is we see this story being lived out every day in this country. There are so many hate-filled people. They are letting their hatred bubble over and are trying to stomp out and eliminate any goodness and kindness they see.
Radical groups like BLM, Antifa, White Supremacists and Neo Nazis are rioting and killing each other and innocent people. We saw this is Charlottesville, VA. If you don’t believe the same way or say what they want you to say—you have no right to live. Meanwhile the media is quick to jump on the bandwagon and tell us what they want us to know and how to think. The heart of the media is so evil they cannot stand the thought of anyone that dares to call them out on it. It has gotten so bad that media and celebrities are criticizing and berating an eleven year old boy just because of who his father is.
The average American cannot feel safe any longer. If we support our President, we are white supremacists and racists by default and have no right to live. The hatred in this country is in epidemic proportions and must stop. We are all Americans no matter the color of our skin. That is what makes this country so great. We should learn from each other’s views and not insist we all think alike.
With the radical groups today, it is hard to find the kind compassionate people that are still here. I know we still have them but the hatred spewed by the hate-mongers are drowning out the message we are trying to spread across the land. As Martin Luther King Jr. said. “Hate cannot drive out hate only love can drive out hate.”
College kids are fighting and do not know why or what they are fighting against. They believe what their liberal professors tell them and do not know enough American history to show enough intelligence to decide for themselves what to think. College is supposed to teach students how to make intelligent decisions and think for themselves and today colleges are failing our students in a big way.I do pity these kids when they graduate from college but do not know how to make a living or survive in the world.
I want to tell all the kindhearted compassionate people that are left in this great country—don’t give up the fight. Stay strong and endure until the end and we will prevail. By sowing our seeds of kindness, we can rest assured that we will have our rewards. God is in control and no matter what the hate-mongers try to tell us He will never leave us. Although the evil one is sowing seeds of hatred, our seeds of kindness will prevail and one day we will win the fight.
I love what St. Francis of Assisi said so long ago.
Make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred…let me sow love
Where there is injury…pardon
Where there is doubt….faith
Where there is despair…hope
Where there is sadness…joy.
Father, we ask you with humble hearts to guide us and protect our leaders. Give our President the wisdom and strength he needs to lead this great country back to you. be with your people and continue to bless us. You have shown great mercy to the United States and continue to be merciful to us. The father of lies is deceiving so many people today and leading so many to rebel against what is good and right. Your word tells us he is already defeated and the victory is already ours. Give us the strength to stand firm in our faith. Each day you show us in your wonderful creation how blessed we are to have you as our Father.
Thank you Father for loving us so much.