Sunday, March 12, 2023

Our Lord is Majestic

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Psalm 8:9 NIV Each new day brings us evidence of our Lord’s greatness. Each sunrise and sunset display His creativity in the sky. His beautiful color combination outshines any man-made art. Each flower is different and beautiful. Even the birds in the sky, creatures of the water and animals on land each bear unique characteristics He gave them. Even we humans have our own traits and beauty He gave us when He created us. We all have our own personalities and DNA which make us different from each other. The snowflakes are all different and no two are alike. How can looking at the earth—His creation not pierce the hardest heart? How can we not say, “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.” Father, I want to praise you for your wonderful creation—the earth. The beauty of your creation far surpasses anything man can make. I pray that people open their eyes and see the love you have for us—the humans you created in your image. May they see you in the sunrises and sunsets and feel your touch in each breeze that touches us. Amen

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