Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday’s Whining's

Don’t let today’s title mislead you.  I am not whining—I just want you to know  why I am not posting as regularly as normal.  LIFE is what happened.  Flat tires, husband in hospital and backed up  housework are the culprits.  But God has never left me so I survived.  My God is awesome,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday Thought

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.  I am going to make everyday a day of thanks.  Today I am thankful for my friends and family and the love we share.  Until next time thank you and may God’s peace reign in your hearts this holiday season.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Good Morning and Hello


May we all pause and thank God for staying close to us this year and blessing us much more than we deserve.





Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Food For Thought

I  have heard it said that some people light up a room when they enter it. Some light up a room when they leave it. Let’s think about it.,  Which kind are we?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Embrace the Morning

God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.  Genesis 1:31.

When we wake each morning God gives us a manifestation of His love for us—a new day!  But too often we do not even notice because we live our lives in overdrive

Today our lives are filled with so many obligations and demands other people place on us—our families, our careers, our friends and yes we even let our church make .  —the list goes on and on.  As ,mothers we are so busy caring for other people in our lives, we too often fail to slow down enough to take care of ourselves or see the beauty of each new day  We cook, clean,transport kids to and from various activities, just to name a few of our responsibilities.  Gold did not intend for us to live such frantic lives.  He yearns for an intimate relationship with us.

Beloved slow down and spend time with your Heavenly Father   today..  Embrace each new day He gives you.  Enjoy His artistic hand in the glow of the beautiful sunrise of each morning.  Savor the beautiful sunset He puts in the sky each night for our pleasure.  After all, He is our Father and He loves all His children.

This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalms 118::24

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Good Role Model

The question for the child is not “Do I want to be good?” but “Whom do I want to be like?”  Thought to be by Bruno Bettelheim.

Parents and grandparents today our children look up to sports stars and movie celebrities as role models..  Admittedly, some of these people are worthy role models but too often they are not.  It is time to teach our children what a real hero is like..  Let’s live our lives so more of our kids want to be like us.  The home is the first teacher so let’s take that responsibility seriously.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

Well, it’s already Thursday.  Where did the week go.  I enjoyed my   Bible Study yesterday.  We are studying the book of Acts and what a wonderful book it is.  Yesterday we studied about the start of the church in Antioch.  It is amazing how these people overcame persecution and started the church.  I ask God to give us the courage these men displayed.  What do we do when we are ridiculed for our faith?  I want to be able to answer that question by saying, “I stand firm. “  This is easier said than done and I know I cannot do it in my own strength.,  God can and will give me the strength I need.  I know this and I rely on this every day.

Lord, I know I fail you so many times but I thank you that you have never failed me and will not give up on me.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pursuit of Proverb 31 by Amy Bayliss


I have always stood in awe of the wonder woman found in Proverbs 31.  After reading Amy Bayliss’ book I feel better about myself. Amy writes not as one “better” than me but as a friend chatting over coffee.  She brings the bar down to our level as she explains her own journey.  I found the Proverbs 31 can be anyone of us who love God, husband and family and serves them with love.

I have become discouraged so many times when I tried to “be” this perfect woman.  After reading this book I am more comfortable in my skin,  I recommend this book to any woman that is frustrated and stressed by her life.



I received this book from CWA Review Crew in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions contained in this review are solely mine.I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 525 “Guide Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Good Morning

Well, friends the sun is shining and the kids caught the bus today.  No repeat of yesterday.  It is going to be a good day today because He made it and He made me.  Need I say more?

Getting ready to go my Wednesday morning Bible Study.  I am so thankful we have this freedom to openly study the Bible.  I pray for the people who have to secretly study the word of God.  I will chat with you more later but I just. wanted you to know how thankful I am for all of you and I pray for you daily.

Until next time this is life on the edge and God is in control.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Peaceful Passages by Kim West PhD

Are you or a family member facing a terminal illness?  Then this is book for you.  This book addresses everything a caregiver needs to know in order to care for a loved one during this heartbreaking time of life.  It is not a technical manual but a comprehensive guide to providing care and love.  It is written with compassion and understanding.

Inside this book you will find help in:

deciding the first steps to take on this journey

partnering with hospice care

dealing with the emotional rollercoasters

handling other demands on you time and energy

as well as, a multitude of questions and decisions that will arise.

Peaceful Passages a complete resource in this heart-wrenching journey.

It should be on everyone's reference shelf and will remain on mine to be used when the time comes.

I received this book from CWA Review Crew in exchange for and honest review.   The opinions expressed here are solely my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 525 “Guide Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Here I Go Again

Well friends, this day started out as a challenge.  I overslept and the kids missed the bus.  This is not bad in itself but all three were in bad moods and tempers flared.  Yes, I must admit mine too.  Amid all the punches were being thrown—I didn’t throw any but the kids did.  I would not lie to you.  My forte is yelling, “Hurry up, we’re late already!  Quit hitting your brother!, Leave your sister alone!  Finally all were in the car and started to school.  I still heard arguing (quiet arguing, if that is possible). 

Already exhausted , I stumbled into my house to be greeted by –say it with me—silence!  Yes sweet nothing to listen to.  Then it came like thunder.  The still small voice of my Father.  “What happened to you this morning?  Why were you being angry with the kids when you were the one that overslept?  Guilt began to creep into my voice when I answered “I was stressed because I did not want them to be late for school.”

“My child, my child,”  you get stressed by such little things.  Do you not know that I love you?  Is the sun shining on you this morning?  Are not the color of leaves falling beautiful to you?  If you are alive and the children are healthy, can you not be thankful for that?”

“Yes, Father. I am grateful for each day you give me and I am thankful for the grandchildren you have entrusted into my care.”

This little exchange changed my whole outlook on the day and I began singing worship songs to Him.  His last remark did bring me back to earth.  He said,  “Child turn on the radio.  Singing is not the talent I gave you.”

This is the day the Lord has made.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Vanished by Barbara Ann Derksen


This is a very good thriller that kept me reading long after the light should have been turned off for the night.  Yes, I was sleep deprived  but I always am after a good book.  It proved to be a good read with some violence.  However, the violence was placed for effect and not just for the sake of violence.  The characters are real and their faith shines through amidst their struggles.

When their friends are kidnapped, Andréa Wilton and Brian Strait travel to Haiti in search for them.  There they experience voodoo,  murders, and even more missing people.  These friends put their own lives on the line as they search for their friends.  Andrea and Brian discover a lot about themselves and each other during their daring escapades and narrow escapes.

This is the first of this author’s work I have read but it will definitely not be my last.

I was given this book by CWA Review Crew for an open and honest review. The opinions expressed here are solely my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 525 “Guide Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Monday Meditations

Father, I want to thank you for giving me life.  I want to use my time on earth to glorify your name and encourage others.  I am thankful for eyes to see your wonderful creations and ears to hear the birds sing and your still small voice everyday.  I want to be an encourager to all I meet.  I want them to see you in me and want to know more about what I have.

I want to be a testimony to you without words.  I want them to see what joy you bring just by watching me.  Sometimes the most effective sermon is one without words.

Be with me today and give me wisdom and strength.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank You

This picture says it all.  Thank you veterans for fighting for our freedom.May we never forget your sacrifices.for us.  God bless you.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Aftermath: Growing in Grace Through Grief by Margaret McSweeney


When someone we love dies, we experience a myriad of feelings—anger, grief, and denial being a few of these feelings.  Margaret McSweeney helps us along this journey in this encouraging look at the various stages of grief.  She writes with candor and honesty about the rollercoaster. She shares her personal journey through her through her own grief at the death of her mother.

I found great comfort from the quote from C.S. Lewis about anger at God.  I lost my own son last May and I found myself angry at my son for leaving and at God for taking him..

This book should be a reference book for anyone going through grief or when the feeling of loss return after the “time” for grief is over.  Believe these emotions will return again and again.

I received this through Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions expressed here are solely my own.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 525 “Guide Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Seek the Company and Wisdom of Other Brothers

Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.

Proverbs 18:1 ()ESV)

We are not made to be isolated but to interact with others.  Interact with other Christians.  Encourage each other.  Lift each other up in prayer and encouragement. especially in the dark days now and in the ones that are ahead.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Ramblings From the Shower by Faye Bryant

I do my best singing in the shower but I don’t usually have deep or profound thoughts—until I am wet and find my shampoo missing again.  Oh, wait that’s “profane” thoughts.  UMMMMMM, back to the subject at hand.

Faye Bryant has profound thoughts she has had shared some of her  profound thoughts during the most basic ritual of hygiene.

With wit and wisdom Ms. Bryant openly shares her trials of melanoma, and a candid discussion of a painful divorce.  she could have easily given up on life but she found comfort in knowing that God was always with her.

I gleaned so many insights from this book it will remain in my reference section of my home library for years to come.

I received this book from CWA Review Crew in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions expressed here are solely my own.

I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 525 “Guide Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

My Morning Prayer

Father God, I thank you this morning that I was able to see your beautiful world.  The tree leaves are changing and falling from the trees displaying your beauty.  My children were able to go to school and –yes, they did not fight this morning while waiting for the bus.  For this I am truly thankful. 

I ask that you watch over my family today as they go and do what they have to do today.  Give me the strength and wisdom to do all the things you have planned for me.  Father, please be with the hurting and broken-hearted in our world.  Open their hearts and ears so they might hear of you and your wonderful love.

I know that you are with me and will never forsake me.  I take great comfort in knowing this.  Let every word out of mouth and every action be a living testimony of you. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Crossing Values by Carrie Dawes

For years Amber ran from past.  She refused to let anyone penetrate the shell she had built around her life. She kept her emotions inside and her heart locked to any dangers.

As winter approaches the Rockies, Amber decides to take a job in the office of a family owned logging business.  As she is exposed to this family, she begins to wonder if they are for real.  They seem to love and respect each other.. As she waits for their “true colors” to come through, she learns more about herself and the God they worshipped than she had ever known.

I found myself immersed in the book from page one.  I don’t usually like romance books but this is different.  This story is not only about romance but displays the actual values and character of each of the people in the story. I took away the message that God’s love and redemption will find us even when we try to run from him.

I received this book from the CWA Review Crew for an honest review.  The opinions expressed here are solely my own.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 525 “Guide Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Prayer for Today

Father, please shower blessings on my family and friends.  Let my hands pick up someone who is down.  Let my feet willingly travel down the path you have for me.  Let my mouth speak only kind and encouraging words to all I might meet.  Open my heart to compassion for others who cannot see you in the day.  Let my life be an example of your love and mercy.  Grant me the wisdom and strength to make it through this day.

Father I pray for this great country.  Open the hearts of its people, Lord.  You are in control.  I know you will never leave us or forsake us.  I claim that promise now.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life is Messy

Sometimes we all fall flat on our faces:  business downsize or fail, , relationships end, financial problems erupt, and serious illness brings us to our knees.  Best selling author, Cecil (Ceca) Murphy shows us these setbacks, major or minor, are not the end of the world.  Instead these “curveballs” give us options:  hide from life, run away from problems, dwell on the past or think about these challenges as opportunities to become better than we were.

Mr. Murphy shares his experiences and trials.  I found these revelations very interesting.   It is encouraging to know that he became a writer later I life.  He writes very candidly and honestly.  This book is a very inspirational and motivational read.

The lesson I took away from this book is everyone faces chaos and challenges.  It’s not whether we face them head-on but how we face them that determines our growth.

I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  The contents of this review are solely my opinion

I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 525 “Guide Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

A New Day

Well, folks, America has spoken.  We have four more years with President Obama.  I do know that whoever is our president—God is still the king.  He is still in control.

Until next time.  I will continue to pray for this country and its president.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Call to Arms


This says it all.

Election Day

Well folks, the day is finally here.  I am on my way out the door to vote.

I hope each and every one of you will vote today and let your voice be heard.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Morning Prayer

So far today, Lord, I’ve done okay.  I haven’t gossiped, haven’t lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, selfish or mean.  I’m really glad about that.

But in a few minutes, Lord, I’m going to get out of bed, and from then on I’m going to need a lot of help.  Amen.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


This is the final weekend before the presidential election.  I am not campaigning for either candidate here.  All we, as Christians, can do is pray and vote our conscience.  God is in control and knows the outcome. I do urge you to vote.  This is a very important election that will have consequences for our children and their children.

Voting is a  responsibiloity and a privilege.  Exercise this with a prayerful attitude.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Family Problems

What can we do to promote world peace?

Go home and love your family.

Mother Teresa