Monday, April 1, 2013

Morning Prayer

Father, I come before you today with a heart that is so full of love and gratitude to you. You sent your only son, Jesus, to give me eternal life. I ask your continued mercy and grace over my friends and family today. Keep us under your protective wings and hold us tight. I pray for this great country of ours. May the leaders turn back to you. This country was founded on your laws and mandates. Somehow we have gotten away from the basic principles that formed the foundation for this country. I carry a heavy heart for our country and know the only hope is in you.
I pray this in your sweet son's name. Amen.,


  1. Beautiful, thank you.

  2. Thank you so much for reading my blog. I now have a page on facebook called God Whispers. Check it out and I hope you find encouragement there.
