Thursday, December 25, 2014

What’s In a Name?

17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.  Romans 16:17-18 (NIV)

Well, friends, it appears we have people in this world trying to make people believe they are true reverends when in fact, what they preach is as far from the word of God as the north is from the south.  I am not denying them the right to call themselves whatever they want.  However, just because they call themselves reverends does not make it so.  I could stand in the garage and call myself a car but would that make it true?   The danger in these people calling themselves men of God is the number of people that is totally taken in by these false claims. This type of deceit is spiritually and morally wrong.  I, for one, would not want to bear the responsibility of the lives and souls of the vulnerable and, dare I say, gullible people that subscribe to that line of thinking.

Three decades ago, a man called Jim Jones in a place he called Jonestown in Guyana, led hundreds of people in a mass suicide.  He convinced his followers that he was God’s prophet and at times he was God.  Years later, a man named David Koresh led many to their deaths in Waco, Texas.  He also convinced his followers he was God.  These are only two examples of the devastation that men have caused when they proclaim to be true men of God.  Many lives were lost and families destroyed by these egomaniacal self proclaimed men of God.

God has warned us to “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15.  In today’s news we see this happening now.  We see blacks being pitted against whites because these ravening wolves are deceiving many.  We see violence being perpetuated against innocent people because of the color of their skin.  This violence is being encouraged by these “so called” reverends.  They teach that only certain people matter.  But friend, God made us all in His image.  He loves each and everyone of us.  What these deceitful people are teaching do not line up with the Bible.  We are taught that we must test the spirits to see if their teachings are in line with what God teaches.  We must be able to discern the true teachings from the false teachers that claim to be of God but will be destroyed by God.  Not everyone that professes to love God and profess to teach in His name will be recognized by Him.

Don’t misunderstand me.  I am not judging anyone. If these people want to call themselves reverends to elevate themselves in their own minds, they must be prepared to answer for the lives and souls they are ruining.  I could call myself a doctor.  It might make me feel important but would you honestly want me to operate on you or a member of your family?  I thought not.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Yes, Virginia There Is A Santa Claus

Dear Editor

I am 8 years old.  Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus.  Papa says, “If you read it in The Sun it’s so.”  Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?

This appeared in the New York Sun, 1897.

The primary model for Santa Claus is thought to be St. Nicholas of Myra, a fourth century bishop in Turkey.  He gained a reputation of be4nevolence by giving gifts to children.  He gave these gifts to poor children whose parents could not afford to give gifts.  He would throw the gifts through the window of homes where the children lived.  One particular legend has been told about his wonderful acts of giving to the less fortunate.  There were three poor girls.  Their parents were so impoverished they could not pay for the girls’ weddings and help them set up their own households.  St Nicholas wanted to help but wanted to remain anonymous.  Each night he would climb to the roof and throw coins in the stockings that were hung by the chimney to dry.  On the third night the father determined to find out the identity of their benefactor.  He caught St. Nicholas as he was throwing the coins down the chimney.  He asked the father to keep his secret but the father was so overcome he could not keep from telling everyone.

Although the original  idea of Santa Claus began with a real man, different cultures have added their own ideas of this gift-giving legend.  Scandinavians brought the idea of gift-giving elves.  Germans brought the idea of decorated trees and Christ Kindlein.*

Throughout history the idea of a gift-giving jolly fat man with elves and reindeer has evolved into what we see today as the likeness of Santa Claus.

My answer to Virginia is –Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus but he does not look like the man we see depicted in commercials today.  The true spirit of Santa Claus is St. Nicholas, a bishop from Turkey who became known for his love of children and benevolent nature.

*From Traditions of Christmas by Linda J. Bean.  Faith point Press.  2008





Sunday, December 21, 2014

Freedom From What?

Choose you this day whom ye will serve…But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15


We no longer do this for fear of Offending Someone !!! Let's see how many Americans will re-post this. United Faith Network

Friends, I am confused.  About as confused as a blonde looking for a “WE” in an “M&M” factory. It appears there is a group going around calling itself the Freedom FROM Religion Foundation.  Fine, if you want to call yourself Freedom From Human Race Foundation go for it.But this group is allowing satanists to put up a display of a Bible verse and an angel falling into hell next to a nativity scene.  What’s with that?  OK we Christians don’t want to offend the satanists.  Only God can do that.  The basis for this “dumb” decision is “we don’t want to offend anyone.”  Ok fine.  But why is this same group of “brainless” people telling Christians we can’t put up nativity scenes because it will offend atheists.  We can’t say Merry Christmas because it offends muslims.   Our kids can’t pray or say the pledge to OUR flag because it might offend someone.  Come on people—WAKE UP.  To paraphrase the Bard of Avon from one his greatest plays—Evil by any other name would smell just as rotten.  Of course Shakespeare was talking about a rose smelling sweet.  But I think you can see the difference. 

This country was founded on Freedom OF Religion not freedom FROM religion.  There can’t possibly be freedom from religion anyway.  Satanism is a religion worshipping satan.  Muslims practice Islam and worship allah.  Atheists worship who knows what-themselves maybe.  If a group wanted to start a religion of the first church of Wal-Mart and worship Wal-Mart they have that right.  But don’t try to force me to stop worshipping God because it offends someone.  It offends me when someone tries to tell me how, who, and when to worship. 

Christianity to me is more than a mere religion.  It’s a way of life and a relationship with my Heavenly Father.  Let me tell you there is no better relationship than that.

Now that I have vented, I am going to eat my bacon and eggs.  Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS in this nation under God and may God bless us each and every one.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Remember When

Think back if you can to a time when children were allowed to pray in school and even say the pledge to the United States flag every morning.  What! You don’t remember this.  Well let me tell you a story about how life used to be in this country.

Families actually had two parents.  If death had separated the parents, aunts, uncles, grandmothers and even the community came together to help the family. Divorces were seldom heard of.  You knew your neighbors—in fact—everyone in the community was your neighbor and all you had to do was ask for help and everyone that was able came to your aid.  Our neighborhoods were so safe, we kids could play outside until 10 or 11 o’clock at night.  We didn’t have air conditioning so we slept with windows open and sometimes even our doors because there was no such thing as crime.  Of course, we had neighborhood drunks and the occasional teen age boys that drag raced down the highway but nothing as serious as today.

If any of us kids caused any problem at school we could expect the punishment to be resumed when we returned home that afternoon.

We were taught to respect our elders and say “yes ma’am”, “no sir”, “please” and “thank you.” If a neighbor needed help with yard work or running errands, we helped without thoughts of “how much are you going to pay me”?  We had chores to do and if we forgot to do them we knew we could expect to have a “memory lesson” that would do the trick. No, we were not abused.  We were taught that to be a member of a family and the benefits that came with that also brought with it responsibility to help the family.  We brought that lesson with us to adulthood.

We were allowed freedom to have fun but we were always held accountable for where we went and what we did.  Although there were no phones our parents knew what we had been doing even before we got home.  That’s because we had “nosey” neighbors that were looking out for us.

We didn’t have video games or even much t.v but we had fun with our family and friends.

Yes, we said prayers and the pledge in school.  We helped each other.  There was no shouts of hate or police brutality no rioting in the streets or teenagers robbing the neighborhood store or beating up the elderly. The leaders of this country knew how to lead the country and be the leader of everyone in the country and not cater to a small segment of the population.

No friends, back when I was a kid, we were taught responsibility by our parents.  Our parents raised us themselves—not nannies, maids, babysitters or the gangs at the corner.  We were shown respect and we, in turn, gave respect to others.

I think this country would be better off if our society today went back to the days when we treated everyone the way the Bible teaches us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself”.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Daily Vent

Well, I have to vent again.  I am so sick of hearing about White Privilege.  In fact I am so mad I could spit enough nails to build a house.  And friends in the south that is pretty darn mad.  I hear about how whites have more inherent rights than minorities because we are white.  Who is spreading this  atrocity?  I will tell you.  It is the white hating race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Holder,  and yes, even the president himself.  Well I want to clarify a few things that need to be said.  Not all whites were born in the lap of luxury.  I, for one was born into poverty.  I come from a family of six kids.  We lived in a small house with two parents, an elderly grandmother, and an aunt who was wheelchair bound.

We did not have food stamps or welfare.  Yet we had food to eat and clothes on our backs.  We did not always have what we wanted to eat but we had nourishing food.  We did not have the latest fashions but we had clothes even if they were hand  me downs.  We felt rich at Christmas and when school started each year because we could get  some new items and new shoes.  What we got came from the hard work of our parents not from government handouts.

On second thought I guess you could say I am privileged.  I am privileged to have parents that loved all their kids and taught us to love and fear God.

I am privileged to be adopted into God’s family.  I am proud to say my Heavenly Father is the only king I will bow to.

I am privileged to say I got a college education.  I not only graduated one time but I went back to college after my kids were grown and I was raising grandkids and working full time and graduated with honors and a second degree.  I got no free ride either time.  The first time I worked my way through.  I admit I had to take out student loans but they are paid in full.  The second time I worked and paid my way through.

I  am privileged to have the support of my family.

I am privileged to have five sisters who are close and love each other.

I am privileged to raise two kids and four grandkids and teach them about God’s love and grace.

I lost my only son two years ago but I am privileged to know that I will see him again one day in Heaven.

I am privileged to have a husband who has provided for his family the best way he could.  It has been tough at times, I will admit and it took both of us working to make ends meet.  I am privileged to stay home now so I can take kids to their activities and school functions.  It will not be easy since social security will be our income now but I have faith that God will provide our needs.

Yes, I guess you could say I am a privileged white but not in the politically correct sense.  There can be privilege for everyone in America if they are willing to dare to dream and work hard everyday to make those dreams come true.  Don’t expect to get anything for free.  Use your heart and mind and don’t be afraid of that four letter word-WORK.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Blessings In Disguise

I posted this last year but Thanksgiving reminded me of all the blessings we have that we don’t always think of as blessings.  I hope you realize all the blessings you have that do not always seem like blessings.  You might be surprised.

What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?

Count your blessings

Name them one by one.

Count your many blessings

See what God hath done.

Have you counted your blessings today?  I admit I do not always thank God for all He has blessed me with.  In fact, I have been known to grumble about my blessings.  Why would I do such a thing?  Well sometimes His blessing come to us in disguise.  That’s right.  Sometimes His blessings can be found in our day to day chaos of day to day living such as dirty dishes, laundry, bills, and even our dirty houses.  I can see you scratching your head and saying “this woman is crazy!  How can dirty dishes, laundry, and bills be blessings?”

Well, dirty dishes tell us we have food to eat.  So many people do not have enough food.  Dirty laundry lets us know we have clothes to put on our backs.  When we pay our bills, we know God has provided us with the means to pay them.  A dirty house is a sign we have a roof over our heads and a family that loves us and children God has entrusted to our care.

Sometimes blessings can be hidden in trials.  James 1:2 tells us:  “Count it all joy my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Remember, God is on the throne, in control and blessing us each and every day.  We may not recognize them at first but when we look through our eyes of faith, they are clear to see.  So beginning today, let’s all count our blessings, name them one by one.  Count our many blessings  see what God hath done.


Father, I thank you for your blessings you have given me and the ones you are giving me.  Help me to see your love and care in my day to day life.  Everything I have and everything I am I give my thanks and praise your wonderful name.  Thank you for loving me so much.


Friday, November 28, 2014

Where Is Your Heart?

Do not store up yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21

In today’s world we are bombarded with ads that tell us to buy more, want more, do more, and be more. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make our lives easier and better but when we put material things and our personal accomplishments ahead of God, we are worshipping idols.

Idol worship did not end in the Old Testament. An idol is anything or anyone we make more important than God. When we put possessions, job, money, or even our family and friends our most important priority we make them idols. God blesses us with gifts to show His love to us but too often, we replace Him with these blessings.

How can we use these blessings on earth to store up treasures in Heaven? I will explore three ways we can have treasures in Heaven that will last for an eternity. First, we must treasure Christ. In John 3:16, we read that God loves us so much that He sent His one and only son to pay the penalty for our sins. Can you imagine such love?

The second way is to use the gifts and talents God has given us to glorify Him. He has gifted each of us with talents we can use to further His kingdom. Some of us can sing, others are gifted teachers, and still others’ hearts are touched to write of His love. We have different gifts but all can and should use them for His glory.

Finally, when we spread the gospel to other people, we are storing treasures that will not rust or decay. We are called to be missionaries. We may not be called to a foreign mission field but our own communities are fertile soil for spreading the good news. Sometimes our own families and friends can be ministered to. I lead my own children and grandchildren to Christ. Nothing else I have accomplished can match that. Jesus has commanded us to spread the news and there are plenty of opportunities to let others know how great our God is.

By storing up treasures in Heaven we are assured that these treasures will not be destroyed by moths and vermin or stolen by thieves. How great is that?

Recently in church I heard as sermon based on these scriptures in Matthew 6. As I was listening, this poem began to run through my head. I wrote it down while it was fresh in my head. It expresses how easy it is to let “things” in our life crowd out God’s place in our hearts.

My True Treasure

I bought a new car today,

Such a beautiful ride.

Church time came and went

And I pushed God aside.

I bought a new house today

Oh what a beautiful space.

Church time came and went

But I was not in my place.

I got a raise at work today

To make my bank account grow.

Church time came and went

But I did not go.

Now the car is filled with rust

And the home was taken away,

When my good job was lost

And the bills I could not pay.

One day the Lord spoke to me

When I got on my knees to pray,

He said, “My child, I’ve been right here

It was you who went away.”

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Keep On Keeping On

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.Galatians 6:9

"I give up! I can't do this! It's too hard!" Nick slammed his math book shut. I stopped washing dishes and sat down beside him. After helping him for about 20 minutes he hugged me. "Now I understand and it is not as hard as I thought." He gathered up his books and prepared for school the next morning. I sent him to the shower before he went to bed.

After his shower and he had gone to bed, I sat down to relax a bit before I finished my nightly routine. I began to think about Nick and his homework. I realized that I too, want to give up and quit when success seems out of reach. Sometimes when I work on a goal and run into a brick wall I want to throw up my hands in despair. That is when I cry out to God, "Lord, this is too hard! I can't do it. You are asking too much from me." I often feel defeated before I start because I try to work in my own strength.

Just when I feel overwhelmed with my endeavors, God speaks to my heart, "Child, I am here for you-- don't forget that you do not have to go alone in your own strength. I called you for a special purpose and I will go before you and equip you with all you need. Don't give up. You helped Nick with his homework and he knew you were there for him. I want you to know that I am here for you."

I would like to say that all my doubts were wiped away but I can't. Doubts still come and I still get overwhelmed at times. I would like to say that I never want to give up and reach every goal I attempt without fear. Again I can't say that. I still have doubts about my ability but when these doubts do rear their ugly heads, I remember I don't have to face them alone. I have a loving and caring Father who will always be with me to help me keep on keeping on.

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on one minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tides will change, Harriet Beecher Stowe

Don't Quit

Don't Quit no matter what!

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won if he'd stuck it out.

Don't give up, though the pace seems slow -

You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than It seems to a faint and faltering man;

Often the struggler has given up

When he might have captured the victor's cup,

And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out -

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are -

It may be near when it seems afar;

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -

It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit. -

by Author Unknown

Friday, November 21, 2014

Modern Miracle

Miracles can and do still happen. In fact, they happen every day. Unfortunately we are often too busy living our lives in the hectic pace that is so common today, we often miss the miracles that are all around us. I can recall one special miracle that happened to my family on Halloween in 2004.

That Saturday began like every other day for my family—frantic rushing to get somewhere. Today my two older girls had soccer games and as usual we are running late. In the chaos of finding soccer gear and loading up the car a quarrel broke out with the two. “I'm riding in the front seat!” “No I am!” This argument went on for what seemed like hours. Finally, I had enough of this nonsense so I ordered both to get in the back seat so we could leave.

When they finally realized I meant what I said but still mouthing insults to each other, they got in the car. When I heard the last door slam, I heard a frightening scream from the younger boy. I looked back to see what was wrong and my blood ran cold with horror. His hand was stuck in the closed door. I jumped out and tried to open the door but it would not open! My husband came out of the house to see what all the screaming and crying was. He frantically tried to open the door but it was stuck.

“Call 911!' I was still attempting to pry open the door. Just as Mom ran to the house to make the phone call, the EMTs pulled into the driveway. “We were passing your house when we noticed the frantic activity.” one of the men shouted as he came running to the car. I hurriedly explained what had happened. He then began shouting orders while he tried to open the door. Still the door would not budge and the child's hand would not come out.

Now the flurry of activity became even more hectic while the kids were crying and I was praying that God would keep His hand over Christian's hand to minimize the damage to his hand. The EMTs were just as panicked as the rest of us when one turned to me and asked permission to break the car windows in order to use the jaws of life to open the door. “Do what you have to do,” I tearfully replied. With all the prayers that went up today, God surely was listening. The medics tried the door again and it opened up.

Now by this time we had drawn quite a crowd and cheers went up that surely must have reached heaven. I turned around and saw the ambulance waiting in the driveway. While Christian's hand was packed in ice and he was loaded into the ambulance, my daughter grabbed her stomach and moaned. Yes, the mother of this precious child was eight months pregnant. She was rushed into the ambulance with Christian and both of them were rushed off to the hospital—he went for treatment and she went for a checkup to assure her safety and the precious baby she was going to have in a month.

Mom and I followed in my car and rushed into the emergency room. Christian was calm and quiet as the doctors checked out his hand. I imagined every bone and muscle destroyed and when his hand was uncovered there did not appear to be any damage at all. The nurses got him ready to have X-rays and Mom was holding his other hand. I reluctantly left and went to the OB-GYN department to see how my daughter was doing. After she was thoroughly checked out and her health and the health of the baby were confirmed, I went back to the ER to see about Christian. When I returned I heard laughing and cheering from the staff. “What is the prognosis?” I asked utterly confused by the cheerful atmosphere in the exam room. I then saw Christian and his hand was completely normal—even the swelling had gone. One nurse looked at me as she hugged Christian and he smiled through his tears. There was no damage at all to his hand. The ER doctor told us in his “professional” voice that we had all over reacted and had given in to hysteria. One paramedic was still there and was waiting until we found out everything was fine told the doctor “That kid's hand was in that door for 45 minutes before the door would open. I guess if the family over reacted we “professionals” did too. This experience has taught me that miracles do happen because I just witnessed one.”

Yes, a miracle had just happened to us. No one can convince me that God does not perform miracles today. My grandson had an angel holding his hand over that child's hand. No one can convince me He was not protected by my heavenly Father and His angels.
Christian is now twelve years old and has not had any problems with his hand. There is no evidence at all that he suffered a traumatic injury of any kind.

So friends, yes there is a heavenly Father who watches over His children and protects us from dangers that befall us. I will never forget the day that God sent His angels to protect a three year old. Today Christian remembers that day he experienced God's unconditional love for him. His faith and mine were made stronger that day. If you ask him what happened that day he will tell you that God came down and held his hand in His

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Where My Loyalties Lie

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. Psalm 118:8

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12

I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I am a human born in America. Above all else I am a Christian. God is my Father and my leader. Everything I am or do is because of His love for me and my love for Him. I have rights and responsibilities that are given to me by God which cannot be taken from me by anybody, including the government.

I have the responsibility to be a missionary for Him. All Christians are given this mandate and should not take it lightly. I may not be called to serve in a foreign field, but I am called to be a missionary to my family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. This is a rich field for broadcasting the news of the Gospel. I have a responsibility to teach my children about Him. If I don’t teach them about Him, the world is waiting to detour them to worldly ways.

I try to live a life that shows His mighty love and grace. I want to radiate His love because I may be the only Bible that many people will read. I am called to stand up for Him and His Kingdom. This is very difficult at times but I do know that what God calls me to do He will equip me to accomplish the task set before me. I do know that He will give me the strength and courage to do what He wants me to do. In fact, He is doing just that right now as I type this. Yes, I admit I often fail Him but He has never failed me.  I know some people will be offended by my message but Jesus said, “If you deny me in front of men, I will deny you in front of my Father.”

God has also given me many gifts and blessings. One of these is a freedom of choice—free will. No earthly government can take that from me. This country, no, this world, is in a cycle of destruction. It seems that decency and morals have totally been put in reverse. What God calls good and just is now against the law. Christians have been called terrorists and racists if we stand up for what is right and just. Evil is rewarded and godly living is condemned. What were once freedoms in America is now being usurped by the government. Our freedom of choice is being eroded with the persecutions of Christians and the “law” that one insurance plan be used. I am using my free will God gave me and live up to my moral standards and live my life to please God and not men. It is true that my life can be taken away, my soul cannot be taken because my heavenly Father sent His son, Jesus, to pay the price for my soul. I accepted His free gift and now my soul belongs to Him.

I am not saying I am perfect—far from it.  But, I do know that God is always with me and will give me the strength I need for whatever comes my way.

With the elections coming up, I pray that His people will carefully weigh the issues at hand and not vote for the candidate that tells you  just what sounds good but the candidate that will uphold the law of our land and do what is right for America.  Our country is on a downhill slide and the results of this election will determine the direction our country and the world will take.   I do not take this responsibility lightly and I hope you don’t either.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Keep On Keeping On

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.Galatians 6:9
 "I give up! I can't do this! It's too hard!" Nick slammed his math book shut. I stopped washing dishes and sat down beside him. After helping him for about 20 minutes he hugged me. "Now I understand and it is not as hard as I thought." He gathered up his books and prepared for school the next morning. I sent him to the shower before he went to bed.
 After his shower and he had gone to bed, I sat down to relax a bit before I finished my nightly routine. I began to think about Nick and his homework. I realized that I too, want to give up and quit when success seems out of reach. Sometimes when I work on a goal and run into a brick wall I want to throw up my hands in despair. That is when I cry out to God, "Lord, this is too hard! I can't do it. You are asking too much from me." I often feel defeated before I start because I try to work in my own strength. Just when I feel overwhelmed with my endeavors, God speaks to my heart, "Child, I am here for you-- don't forget that you do not have to go alone in your own strength. I called you for a special purpose and I will go before you and equip you with all you need. Don't give up. You helped Nick with his homework and he knew you were there for him. I want you to know that I am here for you."
 I would like to say that all my doubts were wiped away but I can't. Doubts still come and I still get overwhelmed at times. I would like to say that I never want to give up and reach every goal I attempt without fear. Again I can't say that. I still have doubts about my ability but when these doubts do rear their ugly heads, I remember I don't have to face them alone. I have a loving and caring Father who will always be with me to help me keep on keeping on.
 When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could noy hang on one minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tides will change, Harriet Beecher Stowe

 Don't Quit
 Don't Quit no matter what!
 When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
 When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
 When funds are low and the debts are high,
 And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
 When care is pressing you down a bit,
 Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
 Life is queer with its twists and turns
 As every one of us sometimes learns,
 And many a failure turns about,
 When he might have won if he'd stuck it out.
 Don't give up, though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.
 Often the goal is nearer than
 It seems to a faint and faltering man;
 Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
 And he learned too late,
 when the night slipped down
, How close he was to the golden crown.
 Success is failure turned inside out -
 The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
 And you never can tell how close you are -
 It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
 It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit. -

 by Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Love Letters From the Edge by Wanda Sanchez and Shelly Beach

Many women today have suffered traumatic experiences and now battle with the after effects so severe they are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is the same disorder many soldiers suffer from after fighting in a war Some women suffer from extreme abuse and feel there is no hope for them. The good news is "there is help". Love Letters From the Edge gives these women encouragement and the hope they need to find relief. Each devotional focuses on the good news from the Bible. The message in this book is to point these women to the great healer--Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this book to all women who need the healing touch of God. I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review;

My Baby's Feet by Sheila Luck

Although this book is written to focus  on the aftermath of abortion, this book can be used by anyone who is suffering from guilt for any reason.

Ms. Luck is very open and honest with her story and emotions.   She shares her pain and guilt she suffered because of her choice.  She eventually found that she was not bound forever by the choices she made  Rather, she used her past to improver her future.

I recommend this book to anyone who feels forever bound to past mistakes and wrong decisions.  The candid way tis writer reveals her past mistake and acknowledges her past's affect on her future, is refreshing and encouraging to all of us who are loaded with guilt. 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest and open review.

Of Feathers and Friends by Darlene Haggard Davis

"Nobody loves me everybody hates me. I'm gonna eat worms." Tyler is a child of divorce and sent to live with his grandmother. He is confused, angry, and hurt. He is trying to figure out where he fits in and decides to run away. He wants to show his family that he doesn't need anyone anymore. As Tyler goes about on his adventure, he meets other kids that help him find his place in the scheme of things. As he goes about experiencing life with his new friends, he discovers how valuable friends and family can be. Although this book is written for young readers, adults can glean some treasures from the pages. Readers can find the messages about friends and family to be universal. I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I give the book 5 stars and will recommend this book.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The 7th Trumpet and the 7 Thunders by Russell M. Stendal

Mr. Stendal has written an inspiring book for all students of prophecy and those of us who want to understand the book of Revelation better.

Beginning with Noah’s Ark and concluding with God’s plan of redemption the reader is led through prophecies that will culminate with the end times.  We are shown that all the Bible is tied together and not a bunch of independent stories that do not relate to each other or our world today.

I enjoy the scripture passages that Mr. Stendal uses to support his points.  The reader is treated with a panoramic view of the biblical prophecies and how they tie in to each other.  This is a good resource book that deserves to be read again and again.  In fact, it should be read more than once to glean all the treasures it contains.

I received a copy of this book from Life Sentence Publishing in exchange for an honest review.  All the opinions expressed in the review are solely mine.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Tessa From Fear to Faith by Melissa Wiltrout

Tessa is a young girl caught in what appears to be a helpless situation.  Abused and forced to help her father make and sell drugs, she sees no way out.  When she did attempt to escape she was caught and forced to return home.  Who can she trust?

She must not only deal with home situation, she discovers her family’s dark secret.  This secret haunts her as she is fighting for her own survival. 

When neighbors open their home to her she begins to feel hope and begins to think that her life is worthwhile after all.  She discovers that God does love her in spite of what she has done.  She realizes that He is there for her and reaches out to Him.  She can see that her new found life can positively impact her father and he stops his illegal activities.  What he does next proves that no one can sink too far in the depths of sin that God cannot or will not reach down an lift them out.

I found myself cheering for Tessa and her family as their new lives emerge.  I also felt the need to pray for the many of today’s teens and young people who find themselves caught in horrible and frightening situations.  Ms. Wiltrout has written a realistic book without “preaching”.  I highly recommend this book to teens and their parents and to anyone who works closely with today’s youth.

I received a complementary copy of this book from Life Sentence Publishing in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions expressed in this review are solely mine.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Truth or Consequences

The lip of truth shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.  Proverbs 12:19

We all fall for lies sometimes.  Let’s face it—truth is often boring; it’s much more exciting to think our neighbor is a “wanted fugitive” rather than to know the truth that he is just a hard-working father and coach for his kids’ little league team.
Lies can be more believable than the truth.  We can believe lies the politicians tell us or the smooth talking salesman that hooks us in their deception.  Too often we discover  the truth when it is too late.The politician is elected and his true agenda is then made known.  The wonderful car we bought from the salesman breaks down after we finalize the deal.  The man who promised a good job leaves and does not return to finish the job after the money changes hands.  We all learn the truth the hard way and chalk these deceptions up to experience.
I have come to the end of a long and painful battle trying to dispel lies told about me.  Although the lies were exposed and truth was finally reve4aled, more people chose to believe the lies and I am left to deal with the aftermath.  What hurts even more is the fact that two of my family members started these untruths.  I know God is holding me up and has promised He will never leave me to suffer alone.  I can rest assured that although these people continue to prosper and live their lives without obvious consequences, the consequences will eventually come.  It is up to God to deal with them.  I am so glad He is in control.
I Peter 5:8,9 tells us the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith.  We are not alone alone in our struggles.  God is there with us and He will make us strong.
Don’t let satan work his web of of deceit.  If we focus on God’s love and presence, He will give us peace that the “father of lies” cannot take away.
A lie travels around the world while truth is putting her boots on.  Jewish Proverb

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Keep Your Eyes On Jesus

In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:6


I have recently been through a very trying time in my life.  I was taken to court for custody of three grandkids I have raised all their lives.  I kept the faith prayed daily that I would prevail.  God worked it out in His own way and time.  I retained 50% of the custody which still keeps me in their lives but I now have time to pursue my writing.  I have felt God’s calling to write but had not been able to devote much time to that pursuit.  Friends, I want to tell you to keep your eyes on Jesus and trust in His promises.  He does keep His promises to sustain us in all circumstances.  This past week I have spent more time writing and will eventually post them but this poem came to my mind and I felt the need to post it first.


Keep Your Eyes On Jesus

When the road of life seems all uphill,

And troubles come as they most certainly will.

Don’t give up—just keep plugging along.

Keep your eyes on Jesus and you can’t go wrong.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Social Events

Well friends, last night was a very busy but exciting one for me.  At 6:00 I attended a very exclusive concert.  Attendance was invitation only and the music was top quality.  It didn’t hurt that I know one of the talent Saxophone players on a first name basis.  After an hour of wonderful music I went to a play premiere where I also know one of the stars on a first name basis.  Both events were wonderful experiences that I would not have missed for anything.  OK you caught me—these were school events.  This makes them all the more enjoyable because I watched my own grandkids perform.

Monday, May 19, 2014


I am sorry I have not been posting regularly.  I have been going through a very rough time.  I am standing in the crosshairs of  some vindictive people who love nothing more than spreading lies and untruths about me.  I am  now in danger of losing the grandkids I have had for their entire lives based on these lies.  I have been working and praying in order to keep these kids.  To the other parties involved, the kids are only collateral damage in this vendetta.  There have been so many trials and obstacles placed in my way I am getting physically and emotionally exhausted.  I do covet any prayers you can offer up on these children’s behalf.  If I do lose these kids, I feel like I will be throwing them to the wolves.  None of these kids want to be taken out of my home.  I am raising them to know and trust God.  They are all at a very impressionable age (9-12).  I pray that God gives the lawyers and judges involved the wisdom to really see what is in the best interest of these children. 

I do promise I will post more in the future—bear with me until then.  I know my God is bigger than this problem and He is the one holding me up through all of this. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

He Has Arisen

He has arisen

He walked from that room.

Death could not hold Him

In that borrowed tomb.


He has arisen,

Spread the news around.

Satan thought he had won,

But he couldn’t keep God down.


He has arisen

Such good news to tell.

When Jesus was put to death

My soul was saved from hell.


He has arisen

Though He was crucified

Oh how Satan must have laughed

When he watched my Savior die!


He has arisen

Take the message to the streets.

When Jesus Christ arose

Death had met defeat.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I am asking for all your prayers.  I have had custody of my 4 grandchildren all of their lives.  Tomorrow, April 30th, the father of 3 of them is taking me to court for custody of them.  The kids do not want to live with him and are totally stressed out.  I need the prayers of all my friends to soften the heart of the judge and let her see that in best interest of the children, they need to stay in the only stable home they have ever known.  To move them now would put them in new schools, no outside activities (football, music,), and leaving their friends.  I know God is in control but I think prayer makes a difference.  Please pray for my kids.

The oldest is 12 (boy)  a very impressionable age, 10 (boy) and 9 (girl).

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Dream

Easter is not about bunnies and eggs.  It’s about the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross so that we might be forgiven.  Imagine how much love God had for each of us.  He gave His own son for us.  Jesus willingly went to the cross as an expression of this love.

One night I had a dream

That seemed so real to me.

I saw my Lord and Savior

On top of Mount Calvary.

A crown of thorns was on His head

Nails pierced His side.

The soldiers laughed and mocked Him

Until my Savior died.

When I awoke, my face was wet

With the tears that I had cried.

But He gave me eternal life--

The day my Savior died.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

He Lifts Me Up

I was having a bad day recently. I know you think all my days are bad by the other stories I write. But, honestly, my life is not all that bad. Anyway, I found this clipping I had filed back and it was just what I needed to realize He is watching out for me. God is so awesome.

I know He is in control and after a heart felt talk with Him, I felt as though a load of bricks had been lifted from my shoulders.

When I fall, He lifts me up!

When I fail, He forgives!

When I am weak, He is strong!

When I am lost, He is the way!

When I am afraid, He is my courage!

When, I stumble, He steadies me!

When I am hurt, He heals me!

When I am broken, He mends me!

When I am blind, He leads me!

When I am hungry, He feeds me!

When I face trials, He is with me!

When I face persecution, He shields me!

When I face problems, He comforts me!

When I face loss, He provides for me!

When I face Death, He carries me Home!

He is everything for everybody everywhere, every time and every day!

He is God, He is faithful

I am His, and He is mine.

My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.

So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure,

Understand this…

He said it and that settles it!

God is in control, I am on His side,

And that means all is well with my soul.

Author Unknown

Thursday, April 3, 2014

In a Desert Place

When I’m in a desert place

Where fears and doubts abound,

I look up to Jesus for I know

He’s already looking down.

When I’m in a desert place

And feel overwhelmed by despair,

I can hear Jesus whisper to me,

“My child,” I’m always near.

“I will never leave nor forsake you

Though from me you often stray.

Just take my hand and hold it

And I will lead the way.”

When I’m in a desert place

Lord, help me to see

That there are others hurting

Even more than me.

So let me thank you, Father

For this trial I’m going through,

Because this desert place

Has brought me back to you.