Thursday, November 19, 2009

Regret-Free Living by Stephen Arterburn

This book gives us tools to use to change our regrets and live regret-free. Arterburn tells us that not only must we forgive others but the biggest obstacle to the life that God plans for us is our inability to forgive ourselves. He actually relates an incident from his past to illustrate this concept. He is very open and honest in relating this major event and the process he had to go through in order to forgive himself and receive forgiveness from the other person involved in the situation. By following this process he shows the reader how much work is involved in the process but how satisfying his life became once he was able to find true self-forgiveness.

I enjoyed this book because it helped me release past regrets from my own life. In parts of the book I felt as though Arterburn was speaking directly to me Perhaps the most important and helpful information I gleaned from reading this book was when I read "don't take on more responsibilty than you actually own for a situation with another person." I have a tendency to focus on my mistakes and deceive myself into thinking I am the sole cause for a situation in my relationships. After reading this book, I will make a conscious effort to accept only my part in a problem.

This book was reviewed for Bethany House Publishers.


  1. Awesome. I have to doubt that these guys have written yet another great book. I am beginning a serious relationship and choosing to live it w/o regrets. So far, the joy of the Lord is our strength, No Regrets is my battlecry. :)

  2. Greetings:

    Two of the more oft-cited and highly recommended books on how to fight impurity are "Every Man's Battle" by Arterburn & Stoeker and "Clean of Heart" by Rosemarie Scott.

    Here you can find sources where you can take a preview before purchase them:

    eD2K links:
    ed2k://|file|Arterburn%20&%20Stoeker%20-%20Every%20Man's%20Battle.pdf|24613840|0 FEE9ABE27B0014EFB855641EB5E4162|h=UR7SCY 3GBB3HURLVHXQ2YP7ZQFUJKVC4|/
    ed2k://|file|Rosemarie%20Scott%20-%20Clean%20of%20Heart.pdf|21728910|A42CC AA5EDA7F3D77B5EDCAACCE2B0A4|h=JMXTXPEFYX MGKPVTNGBIYUVN4BOSV5MV|/

    Torrent files:
