Friday, April 23, 2010

How Should a Christian Live? Word of Promise Next Generation

I chose this book to review because I have a teen granddaughter that will enjoy reading this book and journaling. My eight year old grandson expressed interest in the games. When I read the book I could see the value of the issues covered. This book breaks down the sections in easily digestible segments. It can be read easily and comprehended with no problem. The text is very interesting yet covers issues that young people today deal with.

As a grandmother who is bringing up her grandkids, I am thrilled to find a book that we can read together and discuss. I will recommend this book to anyone who has teens or who works with teens. I think it will be an invaluable addition to any library.

This book was donated by Thomas Nelson for the purpose of an honest review.

The Bridegrooms by Allison Pittman

This book was provided for review by Waterbook Multnoman Publishing Group.

Tragedy strikes the Allenhouse family on a hot summer night in Ohio when a mother abandons her husband and four daughters. The daughters are now grown and still bear confusion of why she left. Vada is the oldest and has had to take on the task of protecting her younger sisters. She must also be the confidant to her father lovingly called Doc.

By day she was the errand runner for the Cleveland fledgling amateur orchestra. Her strait laced lawyer suitor was in the orchestra. At night she kept company with him. Her life had taken on a routine and heavy with the responsibilities of her family.

The family's life changed when the Brooklyn Bridegrooms came to town to play the Cleveland Spiders. A stray ball hit a spectator in the head knocking him unconscious. Since Doc was the local doctor, the unconscious man was brought to the Allenhouse house for treatment.

Vada's heart is torn between her steady but passionless suitor and a "man of the world" ballplayer. We are taken on the ride of confusion and self-imposed guilt Vada struggled with. Her three sisters are also thrown into emotional whirlwinds as they also struggle with the attention given to them by the visiting ballplayers.

This is only one conflict that these sisters must struggle with. Ms. Pittman deftly and effectively explores the complex inner workings of both familial relationships and the emotions that can come to the surface for young women just embarking on their life's journey.

I enjoyed reading this book and will read other books by Allison Pittman. I will pass this book along to family and friends and recommend it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

As the Baseball Flies So Go the Nights of My Life

Home at last! When I left here this afternoon at 4:00 I had no idea if I would see my home again. You guessed it, t-ball, softball, and baseball once again dominated my life. While some women have glamorous evenings out on the town or (sigh) a nice quiet night at home, I am sitting on cold bleachers watching future all stars strike at high balls, low balls, or any ball that falls in between. But the truth is I love watching my kids play. Of course, there is the usual sibling rivalry from the one that is not practicing at the time but I have learned to deal with that by tuning out the crying and fighting until I see blood or see a bone poking through the skin.

Of course foul balls are always a hazard of the game. The other night I was watching practice and actually felt the breeze of a wayward ball zoom by my head. Would I lie to you? I heard the fateful words, "Heads Up" and froze in place. Fortunately, I did not look up or I would have the imprint of a baseball right between the eyes. Oh well, I guess that adds to the excitement of the game.

This weekend is going to be a non-stop marathon of games. One boy has a game Friday night, and all day Saturday. The other boy has games in between the games of the first boy. Confused yet? I am. But hey, what can you say about an old woman hauling the kids to their games. Was boy 1 supposed to be at Field 2 at 1:00 or was boy 2 supposed to be at Field 1 at 2:00?

Wow! I am getting more confused by the minute so I had better try to sleep before my befuddled brain starts smoking and completely blows up on me. \

So until next time, if I can keep dodging the foul balls, this is my life. As a TV family always says: "It's a crazy life. But it's my life."

Until next time may God keep you in His loving arms and protect you from all the "stray balls" life throws at you. God bless and good night.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hunter's Moon by Don Hoesel

Some secrets are not made to last forever. This is what CJ Baxter found out when he was summoned back to Adelia after the death of his grandfather. Seventeen years before he had left his hometown vowing never to return. He had moved to Tennessee and had become a famous writer. But with his marriage falling apart and numerous legal issues facing him he hound his life becoming more complicated than the characters he wrote about.

His brother was about to be elected senator and a black sheep brother returning to town was not exactly what a up and coming politician needed. The long-buried secrets would definitely put an end to this career, as well as the lifestyle that had become very comfortable to the Baxter family.

This book was a surprise to me because I usually do not like political novels. However, I found this book to be much more. It covered issues of family dynamics and dysfunctions.

I will recommend this book to my family and friends because it can appeal to a wide range audience.

I reviewed this book for Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Break is Over!

Well, Spring Break is over for another year. I have enjoyed the break from getting up soooooooo early but trying to clean house with the kids home was next to impossible. So I did what any normal, worn-out woman did--I didn't try to clean. Just maintaining a sense of order was hard enough.

Monday was my birthday and the little ones showed me they loved me by giving me a surprise party. Of course the food was peanut butter sandwiches (made by their own little hands) and kool-aid in a bowl with a soup ladle ( a punch bowl of course). There were games of charades and plenty of dancing. It was the best birthday party I ever had. Now I know I am appreciated by them.

But----since the kids are back in school I guess I had better do some heavy duty cleaning today. So---it's back to work for me but I will see all my friends again soon. Until then, take care and remain blessed.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Rewards of Simplicity A Practical and Spiritual Approach by Pam & Chuck D. Pierce

I reviewed this book for Bethany House Publishers. I recieved this book for the purpose of an honest review.

Although this book is fairly short (194 pages), I did not find it an easy read. I am very interested in simplifying my life but found the idea of purging mental and spiritual clutter an interesting idea.

Although Pam and Chuck address the subject matter with authority, I found the book hard to follow. There seemed to be many "side streets" they went down that was both confusing and irrelevant to the topic at hand. The most memorable story to me was the one Pam told about the water damage and the experience of only having the necessities of life. This story did hit a chord with me because we can live with less stuff if we have to.

I would not recommend this book. I did not agree with the authors theologically. I am satisfied with the few useful points I was able to glean from reading the book. However, the book is not one I would pass along to my friends.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Fun Week! Whatever

Well, this has been spring break for my darlins. It is now Friday night and I am totally exhausted. The kids have a new tree house though. Oh, no I didn't build it. It is still standing after all. I did inherit the chore of running errands, holding tape measures and cleaning up the mess. Just a normal day around "the edge" for me. I am happy about the tree house too--it will make a dandy hiding place for me to relax (if ever I get that chance) and read. I took the kiddos to the park today thinking it would run the down for bedtime. Yeah, you guessed it, the joke's on me. Not only did it invigorate them it wore me out and I still haveto cook dinner. Maybe I will do a clean the refrigerator night. Oh, can't do that, cleaned frig yesterday. Maybe bread and water would be a good choice. See, how life is on the edge. Never a dull moment. Well, life is something to be lived and children make it worthwhile. Or so I'm told. If you are not familiar with my blog and are reading it for the first time don't get me wrong. I absolutely love my kids and will fight to the death to keep them safe. I just get overwhelmed at times and need to regroup my few brain cells and renew my energy. I'm sure you mothers can understand.

So until next time--this is life on the edge. Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to thank God for your blessings--even the ones disguised.