Thursday, May 9, 2013

Best Advice

The best advice from my mother was a reminder to tell my children every day: 'Remember you are loved.'

Evelyn McCormick


We know the responsibilities we have as mothers.   We make sure our family has good nutritious food, clean and fairly stylish clothes for school, and homework help when needed. 
As our children grow, these responsibilities do change but our children still need and want advice from us.  Sure they go through a “stage” when they think it is not “cool” to listen to dear old Mom’s advice, but they will still come to us in the dark of night.  They do this so their friends won’t know that they still seek advice from Mom. 

I do not profess to know how to give the best advice but I do know the best thing we can do, is to let them know they are loved.  If a child knows he is loved, he will be willing to listen sometimes even  when he thinks he knows best.  We need to remind our children every day that we love them and then do it—love then unconditionally.  Love them when are loveable and when they are not so loveable.  This means when they are considerate of other people’s feelings and when they refuse to share their toys with a friend.  Sometimes, these same friends will hurt our children’s feelings and this is when we should be available to listen –sometimes listening without trying to “fix” the problem will be all it takes.  Whatever happens in our children’s lives, letting them know they are deeply loved will make the harshest situation more bearable and our children better prepared for life.


I come before you tonight with a desire that my children know they are loved.  I want to love them in the way that you love me—unconditionally.  I know I am often not so loveable but you still do love me because I am your child.  Give me patience and understanding with my children so they can see your love in me.

I ask these things in Jesus name.


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