Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Biggest Lesson

The best lesson we have to give our children is truth.

-Goldie Hawn

Today with all the trials and lies in the world, we have a hard lesson to pass on to our children.  This lesson is teaching them honesty and integrity.  They are exposed to so much dishonesty in their own world, sometimes this dishonesty seems to be the normal way of life.  It is always easier to pass the blame to someone else than take responsibility for our own actions.  “Who’s to know if I cheat on this test?” “ What does it hurt to take that piece of candy from the store without paying for it?  After all, it’s only one piece, right?” 

If we don’t teach our children the value of telling the truth in all they do, we do a great disservice to them.  Our kids are in school for the majority of the day and busy scurrying to after school activities with friends, but the bottom line is if we don’t teach them how important honesty is, no one else will teach them.  It’s never too early to start the lessons.  Our toddlers can be taught this important lesson by catching “teachable moments” in each day.  We don’t have to make these lessons difficult or overwhelming.  The easiest way to teach honesty to our children is simple—live an honest life and always tell the truth.  Children will always follow our example before they listen to our words.


I come before you to ask you help in letting me live a life of honesty and truth for my children.  I want to be a good examine for them to follow.  Don’t let my words come back void but let my children see you in me.  I ask these things in Jesus’ name.


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