Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Bloom Where You Are Planted

For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
The other day I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I had recently lost my job. We should have been able to make it and able to live comfortably on one income. However, we had recently been granted custody of three grandchildren, in addition to, one we have had for most of her life. I do love these children and will do anything to make sure they receive the love and care they need. I must admit that these extra mouths to feed and clothe did create some stress. To add to this stress, our “grown children” are always asking for financial assistance. I lost my job when I received custody of these children. Please don’t get me wrong, I have no regrets about this switching of roles in my life but I did feel upset because of the shortage of money to provide the little extras every child wants.
Now my cupboard is bare. I have a mountain of laundry and the sink is full of dirty dishes. I admit I started feeling sorry for myself and started complaining about my life situation. “Lord, show me what I can do to provide what these children need. I love them and want only the best for them. But am I what they need?”
Suddenly a peace came over me and I heard a whisper in my heart. “Go for a walk.” I did not think I had heard right but I heard the voice again. “Go for a walk.” “But God, I have too much to do: I have dishes to wash, floors to sweep and mop and laundry to do. Besides, the kids will be home in a few hours tired and hungry.” “Go for a walk.” “OK, Lord,” I said as I began putting on my walking shoes.
Wondering what I was supposed to learn, I started walking along a route I had taken before. Suddenly about halfway through my walk, I saw it. It was a beautiful flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk. It was the most beautiful flower I had ever seen. The petals were a beautiful yellow color and reminded me of a ray of sunshine. I looked around but did not see another flower like this anywhere. It was then that God began to teach me the lesson He wanted me to learn. “This is what I wanted you to see. That flower is growing in a hard place but it is growing where the seed fell. It has overcome obstacles like the hot sun beating down on it and people stepping on it. Yet it is still here because I have taken care of it. If I can take care of this flower, don’t you know that I will take care of you? I know you feel overwhelmed at tines and feel as though you are all alone. You are where I want you be at this point in your life. Those kids need you. You are the person I picked that will teach them about me. You are to be an example of my love and let them see me through your life. Don’t worry. Just put your trust in me. Whatever I ask of you, I will equip you. Remember, I do not call the qualified. I qualify the called.” Suddenly, a peace came over me and I knew I was fulfilling His plan for my life. I know that He will be with me and give me the wisdom and strength to accomplish what He wants me to do.
I went back home with reassurance that the dishes, the laundry, the cooking and the cleaning are important because I am doing God’s will by bringing up these children to know God and His love. Just like that flower in the sidewalk, God will watch over me and give me the strength to make it through each day. I know I am important in the lives of these children and they are learning about God through my love and care for them. I still get overwhelmed at times with everything that must be done but I know the work I am doing is the most important work that I can do. I can rest assured that what I am doing today will be passed on through these children and they will know God as their Father.
Today’s Whisper:
Do you get discouraged with your life’s work. Do you ever wonder why you are doing what you are doing? Write about how your life seems to be getting out of control and how a visit with God can set your life on the right track. Just like the flower, we must bloom where we are planted—whether it is as a stay at home mom or out in the work world.
Today’s Prayer:
Father, help me to remember that you are in control of my life and have placed me in the special life you want me to have. Don’t let me forget that you can take care of that flower growing in that hard place and you will always be there to take care of me. I love you and trust you with my life and know that you will bless me while I am doing your work. I know you have plans for my peace and happiness and I claim that promise.

Monday, February 25, 2019

If Jesus Came To Visit

If Jesus came to visit
Would you make Him feel at home?
Would you gladly let Him see
everything that you might own?
Or is something
that you'd rather He not see
so you rush around and hide it
under lock and key?
Would you bring out bible and
wipe away the dust?
Would you treat Him as an intruder
or someone you could trust?
Would you invite Him in to dinner
or rush Him on His way?
What kind of host would you be
If Jesus came today?

Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Road Map

The bible is my road map,
I read it everyday.
Whenever I might stumble
it's there to show the way.
I read it every morning
to start my day off right.
It gives me a glimpse of Heaven--
Oh, what a wondrous sight!
It helps me through the trials
that this old world can bring.
It tells me of my Savior's love,
oh what a loving king!
It tells me of my Father
who always holds my hand.
It tells me how He gave His life
to save the souls of man.
So when you fall and stumble
over obstacles day by day,
let my road map guide you
along life's rocky way.

Friday, February 22, 2019

If God Had A Refrigerator

I do not know who wrote this but I think it expresses the love He has for us. I found this after I wrote "Love Notes From God' and think it ties right in to the message I was sending in my story.
If God Had A Refrigerator
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every Spring,
He sends you a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He listens.
He can live anywhere in the universe, but He chose –your heart.
Face it friend—He is crazy about you!
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain,
But He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Author Unknown

Love Notes From God

I recently participated in the bible study, The Power of a Praying Wife. This bible study taught me how to pray for my husband in the major areas of his life. Through this class I was reminded of a practice I had developed when we first married. I would write my husband little “love” notes and put them in his lunch box or somewhere in the house where I knew he find them. Unfortunately, when the children came into our lives and our time was wrapped up in caring for them and making a living to support our little family, this practice was pushed to the side.
However, when I really began to read the book for the study, I knew the man I fell in love with married is the one that I still love after so many years of marriage. I knew that over the years we both had, at times, felt that we had lost something in our relationship. I realized that even though we each now have major responsibilities in the day to day scheme of things we need to let each other know that our love is still alive and has has grown with the passing years. So I again picked up the practice of leaving little notes around the house for him. Although he not acknowledged that he reads the notes he has made reference to them from time to time and I can tell that he is pleased by this gesture on my part.
One morning not too long ago I was having my morning visit with God and asking for His help with some major problems with our children. As I cried in my coffee cup and bemoaned the loneliness and discouragement I was feeling, God spoke to me and said, “Do you remember the love notes you wrote Billy? Well have you read my love notes from me to you?” Love notes from God? Was I hearing Him right or has my imagination run away with me again?” “Lord, what do you mean love notes from you?”
As I listened to His answer the tears began falling down my face as I realized that I have been so caught up in my problems and trying to come up with my own solutions to them that I had not noticed the signs God had been sending me. He is always available with His arms stretched out wide for me to fall into. All I have to do is go to Him and tell Him my problems.
“Well,” he went on to say, “Do you remember the 'cute' little note you wrote to Billy that said, 'You deserve the best—and when you married me that is just what you got'?” “Sure, I remember that one,” I said. “I left that one for him because I know he does appreciate my sense of humor—sometimes that is.” “Well,” god replied. “You deserve the best—and when you became my child that is what you got. I gave my son to die on the cross for you and pay for all your sins.”
“How about that one with the candy kiss inside?” God asked. “Do you remember that one?” Of course. I remember that one with a smile. This one had a picture of a man, who, with sagging shoulders, looked as though he were carrying the weight of the world. On the inside I had taped two candy kisses with the words: 'This looks like a two kiss day to me.' “Well how many kisses from me have you missed? I have seen you tired and burdened down with the stresses of life and that is when I send a gentle breeze to touch your face or a gentle spring rain to let you know that I am here and thinking of you. When your precious granddaughter stops in the middle of a game and runs to you to throw her arms around your neck and gives you an 'I love you Nanny' that is a message from me to count the blessings I have given you.”
“That note that asks your husband to 'wake you with a kiss' should remind you that each morning I give you a kiss of sunshine to greet you and help you start another day. I am also there to hold you up when things go wrong for you. Do you remember when you had surgery years ago and had just gotten home from the hospital. When you saw the rose in full bloom with the snow outlining the petals on that cold November day do you know what message I was sending you? I was telling you that no matter how depressed and lonely you may get and how cold the world is I will always be with you to help you see the beauty in whatever is happening in your life?”
When God had finished speaking, I was totally overwhelmed. For I had forgotten so many times to look for the beauty and love that He is always sending me. From that day forward, I vowed to always look for God's love notes and I have been blessed each time I see a message that He is sending me. God is awesome and His messages are so beautiful. Just this week I have seen a rainbow in the sky for three consecutive days and know that God is not only in Heaven smiling down but is also with me each day.
God even sends humorous love notes. When I come home after a long hard day at work and my dog jumps on my lap and puts his paw up in a “high five” I can imagine God smiling He looks down and says, “everything is going to be OK.”
I challenge each and every one of you reading this to begin to look for love notes from God and I am sure you will be able to see more clearly than ever that God does truly love us and His love will us through anything we are going through in our lives.

Today's Whisper:
Remember that He loves us and is always sending us reminders of that love. Take a few minutes today and think about the love notes He sends to you. You will always find a special note from Him. I challenge you to find a love note from God today and really read it with your heart and soul mindful of the love He is sending to you with that special note from Him.

Today's Prayer:
Father God, I know you love me with an enduring and unconditional love. Help me to stop and read your love notes to me. Often in the midst of daily life I miss them but help to sit under your sheltering wings and bask in your love for me. Amen.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Great Possum Caper

One day my husband fixed a leak behind the commode in my bathroom. Being the handyman he is, he cut a small hole in the floor to reach the pipes. Fine, no problem, leak fixed so now he will repair the hole and life goes on. Right? Wrong! He decided to leave the hole for a few days t make sure the leak is really fixed. Now that few days has turned into months. Although it is a small hole, I have tried my best to conceal it but there is just so much I can do to make a hole in floor more attractive .Now fast forward about six months. The hole is still there even though I have done all I can to conceal/decorate it. A hole is a hole and it is still there.
One night I stumble into bed after an exhausting day of transporting kids to different activities in addition to the daily circus of running a household with four kids. Around 2:00 in the morning my little dog woke me up with frantic barking and yelping. I forced one eye open to see him jumping up and down on the floor by my bed. He looked at me as if to say, “I'm trying to protect you, now come on and do your part.” When I did manage to stumble into the bathroom, I was instantly awake. There between the commode and the wast can was a possum! Pugsley, my dog, had him trapped. I could not move because I was in shock. Pugsley barked again as if to say, “See, I told you. Now get rid of it. I'm tired and want to go to sleep” frantically, I woke up my husband and screamed, “THERE'S A POSSUM IN THE BATHROOM! GET UP AND KILL IT” He looked at me as though I had completely lost my mind. “OK, just get me something to use to kill it.” He calmly said. I ran to my grandson's room and came back with a ball bat. I gave the bat to hubby and jumped on the bed and covered my eyes. I could hear the battle raging on in the bathroom. “HISS!” “POW!” “KA-POW!” “BOOM!” Finally all was silent so I opened my eyes. There on the floor lay the lifeless body of the intruder. I picked it up carefully by the tail and placed it into a plastic bag and ran to throw it into the outside garbage can. I was finally able to fall to sleep but the bathroom light was left on for the rest of the night.
I bet you thought this was the end of my story. WRONG! I pulled into the driveway the next morning after running errands and three kids met me at the car. All three were talking at once. I was finally able to understand their excitement when Christian told me, “Nanny, there is a possum in our garbage can.” “and he is alive,” Alyssa interrupted to excitedly tell me. “Yeah, he is ALIVE! Nikolas finished with excitement written all over his face. I went over to the garbage can to see for myself. Sure enough, when I raised the lid of the can, I could see two beady little eyes staring up at me. I slammed the lid down and get the kids into the house after explaining to them to stay away from the garbage can and leave the creature alone. I don't know what happened to our uninvited guest. The kids think he escaped and is now living happily-albeit traumatized-with his family. I hope that is what happened, but at least, is not living in my house with my family.
When I was finally able to sit down for my visit with God, I asked Him, as I always do, “What do you want to talk about today, Father?” His answer came as a total surprise to me. “I want to talk about the possum.” “What about the possum?” I asked in astonishment. “That was a small hole in your floor, wasn't it?” “Y e a h,” I slowly answered. “Just like that possum squeezing through such a small unguarded hole in the floor, the enemy can enter your heart through a small unguarded hole in your heart. Just as that intruding animal filled you with dread and fear, the enemy can fill your heart with fears and worries. When he does that you do not fully trust me to care for you.” Suddenly I understood what He was telling me. We must always guard our hearts against the enemy that roams around seeking who he devour. Satan doesn't need a door with a flashing neon welcome sign, he enters through a hole he finds unguarded. Don't make it easy for him to enter your heart. Fill your heart with joy and love and trust in your Heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally and will never leave you unprotected.
By the way, the hole in my floor has been fixed. I have not had another possum to enter my house but I have to admit, I have let fears and doubts enter my heart. I then have to remember that I have a Father who loves me unconditionally and with His help I can dispel these fears and doubts before they take up residence in my heart.
Today's Whisper:
Have you ever left your heart unguarded and the enemy was able to squeeze through and fill your heart with fear and doubt. Journal about the doubts and fears you let enter and write out a prayer confessing them and ask God to come into your heart. Just as the enemy can enter our heart, God can close that hole with His peace and joy.

Today's Prayer:
Loving Father, help me to be ever vigilant to guard my heart against the enemy's attacks only you can fill my heart with the peace and joy I crave. Make me ever mindful of your love and care for me. I surrender my heart and soul to you. I know you will never me or forsake me. I covet your presence in my life today and forever. Amen

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Blessings In Disguise

Count your blessings
Name them one by one.
Count your many blessings
See what God hath done.
What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? How would feel if everything you have was taken from you except what you were thankful for yesterday? Would you have your family? Your home? Would you be left with only the material things and not the love of someone? Thought provoking isn't it?
Have you counted your blessings today?  I admit I do not always thank God for all He has blessed me with.  In fact, I have been known to grumble about my blessings.  Why would I do such a thing?  Well sometimes His blessing come to us in disguise.  That’s right.  Sometimes His blessings can be found in our day to day chaos of day to day living such as dirty dishes, laundry, bills, and even our dirty houses.  I can see you scratching your head and saying “this woman is crazy!  How can dirty dishes, laundry, and bills be blessings?”
Well, dirty dishes tell us we have food to eat.  So many people do not have enough food.  Dirty laundry lets us know we have clothes to put on our backs.  When we pay our bills, we know God has provided us with the means to pay them.  A dirty house is a sign we have a roof over our heads and a family that loves us and children God has entrusted to our care.
Sometimes blessings can be hidden in trials.  James 1:2 tells us:  “Count it all joy my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
Remember, God is on the throne, in control and blessing us each and every day.  We may not recognize them at first but when we look through our eyes of faith, they are clear to see.  So beginning today, let’s all count our blessings, name them one by one.  Count our many blessings  see what God hath done.
Today's Whisper:
Look around and see how many blessings you can see. I bet you will find they are like an old potato chip commercial. You can't stop at just one. I challenge each and every one of you to see the blessings that are disguised. Maybe your grumbling about bills and dirty dishes will make you smile when you see these as blessings.
Father, I thank you for your blessings you have given me and the ones you are giving me.  Help me to see your love and care in my day to day life.  Everything I have and everything I am I give my thanks and praise your wonderful name.  Thank you for loving me so much.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

In the Wilderness

We all wish life could go smoothly all the time. But unfortunately we find ourselves in the wilderness at times. During these hard times in our lives we sometimes question why a loving God would allow hard times to happen to His children. He seems so far away and His voice seems silent. “Where are you Father” we cry out. We often try to solve the issues in our own power. Trust me that doesn't work. I have tried that and have only made more trouble for myself.
He tells us that we are not alone in this world and we do not have to fight our own battles. He stands ready to fight the battles for us. All we have to do is take His hand and never let go. When we read His holy word we find that the greatest people in the Bible found themselves in a wilderness. Moses spent forty years wandering in the wilderness with the children of Israel. Paul was in the wilderness of imprisonment and trials but did not give up. Even Jesus himself spent forty days in the wilderness being tempted by satan. What I have learned from these stories is that God will never let His children down. He will always have a way of getting us to the other side. We are told that the world will hate us. The world hated Jesus and he was killed by people that hated Him.
I have found myself many times in the wilderness and, if you are honest, you can say the same thing. But friend, I am here to tell you that I made it out. Sometimes I prolonged the stay by not listening to Him and tried to make it through on my own. Sometimes, the trial did not turn out the way I wanted it to. But I can say He always brought me through according to His plan. This has never worked. When I turned it over to Him, He was faithful to see me through. Remember, God will not take you to the wilderness and leave you there. If He brought you to it, He is faithful to bring you through it.
I wrote this poem in the midst of one of my wilderness stays and hope it will help you make it through your own wilderness times too.

When I'm, in a desert place
where fears and doubts abound,
I look up to Jesus for I know
He's already looking down.
When I'm in a desert place
and feel overwhelmed by despair,
I can hear Jesus whisper to me,
“My child, I'm always near.
I will never leave nor forsake you
though from me you often stray.
Just take my hand and hold it
and I will lead the way.”
When I', in a desert place
Lord, help me to see
that there are others hurting
even more than me.
So when you are in a desert place
just look to Heaven above.
You will see that our Father
is looking down in love.

Today's Whisper:
When we find ourselves going through a hard time, we should not forget that we have a Heavenly Father that loves us more than anyone else. He will care for us no matter what we are going through. He takes care of the birds in the air and the flowers on the earth. How much more can He care for us—His children? The next time you find yourself in the midst of the wilderness, stop and thank Him for the blessings He has already given you. I dare say if you can think of one so many more will come to your mind that you cannot count them all.

Today's Prayer:
Father God, I thank you that you are always with me. You are there for me even when I stray from you. You wait patiently for me to return because you have everlasting and unconditional love for me. I thank you that you never fail me even though I fail you many times a day. Help me remember that every wilderness I go through you are going through it with me.

Friday, February 15, 2019

The Only Bible

With the recent backlash against Christians coming from the world and the liberal left, we must all remember that one of the greatest commandments Jesus gave His followers is to love our neighbor. He tells us that it is easy to love those who love us but we must love those that hate us and spitefully use us. He did not tell us to compromise our faith in order for them to like us but we should pray for them.
This is not an easy thing to do, I know but it is worth it. If we want the peace of God we must follow Him and obey His teachings. Sometimes, people that profess to be Christian live lives that are opposite of what He teaches. People will look at them and judge all of us by that same standard. Friends, I can stand in a garage but that doesn't make me a car. People can go to church faithfully and not be a Christian. My Father does not have grandchildren. I have heard heard people say, “I have gone to church all my life so I know I am going to Heaven.” Well, friend my Father does not have grandchildren. He only has children. To become a child of His you must go through Jesus yourself. Your mother's faith won't send you to Heaven. Your father's faith won't get you there. You have to accept Jesus for yourself. I would rather see someone walk the walk and not just talk the talk. After all, even satan can recite bible verses. I want to see the fruits of the Christian life in their daily walk.
I wrote this poem many years ago but its message is still a goal I try to live by day by day. I admit I am not always successful. I fail Him so many times but I can tell you He has never failed me.

I may be the only bible
that someone else will read.
So take my life and guide it
in thought and word and deed.

Let me be a blessing
to someone else I meet.
Help me show them it's your love
that makes my life complete.

Oh, such a sobering thought to think
of what they're apt to see.
Help me show them it you, Lord
that lives inside of me.

Today's Whisper:
How many times do you try to let the world know you are a child of His by the way you live your life? Are you capable of walking the walk as well as talking the talk. He knows we will fail Him but He is always there to pick us up when we fail. It's not how many times we get knocked down to our knees by life but how we react when we are knocked down. After all when life knocks us to our knees, we are in the perfect position to pray.

Today's Prayer:
Father, help me be a witness to you today. Let other people see how wonderful you are and let them see your love through the way I live my life. I don't want to cause anyone to stumble by my words or actions. I know I fail you many many times but I am thankful that you do not give up on me. You, in your infinite love and mercy pick me up each time I fall.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

If The Empty Nest Doesn't Occur Soon I'm Going To Fly The Coop!

Every little girl has a dream of meeting her Prince Charming, her Mister Right, and riding off into the sunset to live happily forever. This dream includes marriage, a little white house with a picket fence and, of course, children. Naturally these children should be a little boy who will fish, hunt, and play sports with his father and a little girl who will dress in ruffles and lace and be a “mama's little helper.” the dream continues and the children are grown and married with homes and children of their own. Ah, such a wonderful dream to have. However, dreams do not always come true. We often get a little reality check when life kicks us back to the real world. We learn that “happily ever after” only works in fairy tales. Reality teaches us that real life is where all the action is.
When my children grew up, they not only moved in with us again (and again), my daughter brought her children to live with us. Now please do not misunderstand me, I do love my children and grandchildren. I will fight to the death anyone who questions that. It is just that at this point in my life I was looking forward to time for me and my husband. I thought I could have time to spend doing things I wanted to do and spend time with the man I married but haven't seen in two weeks because I have either been at school for a meeting or at the ballpark watching a grandchild play little league.
Imagine if you can, a leisurely trip to the mall with no worries about cleaning house or cooking dinner. Perhaps a late afternoon move would be fun a lunch at one of those “fancy” restaurants. You know the kind. You actually go in and a waitress takes your order and serves you. You don't have to yell into a little box and you get fries whether you want them or not. After the mall and lunch I think I will—uh oh, I must be dreaming because for just a moment I thought I was having lunch at the mall. Well, when reality hits it often uses a sledge hammer doesn't it?
I guess I must come back to reality and clean the house and prepare dinner for my hungry bunch. I have to admit that preparing dinner is not as much fun as it once was. When the children were younger, I could prepare one meal and everyone would eat it without presenting any major problems. Now, however our schedules are so hectic that we seldom eat at the same time. Now with our busy schedules and different tastes my kitchen looks more like the kitchen of a fast food restaurant. Oh well, I guess it is nice to be needed—when it's time to clean up and scrub the cooked on food off the counters and floor.
I have started looking through magazines of beautiful homes and dreaming of living in a house that is as beautiful as the homes shown in these magazines. I'm not talking about expensive homes or expensive furniture. I'm talking about homes that stay clean with everything in its place. A home where you will not find a hair brush in the kitchen or a glass of milk in the bedroom. I am dreaming of the day when I can clean the house and it will stay clean for more than fifteen minutes at a time. I am not complaining though because right now you can eat off my kitchen floor. Yeah, there is a spot of mashed potatoes in that corner, gravy over there and bread crumbs scattered throughout.
I know that in the Bible the children of the Proverbs 31 woman rise up and call her blessed. My children rise up and call me when they need clean clothes, more junk food and the keys to the car or money for gas. Ah, the feeling of being needed. Such a wonderful feeling for a mother to have.
I do not live an unfilled life however. I happen to have front row seats to the biggest sporting events of the year. I'm not talking about some boring sports with players that are known nationwide and who seem to be larger than life. I know the hottest new baseball stars of the century and am even on first name bases with the players and their coaches. I am also a regular at the ballet and the prima ballerina calls me by her pet name for me—Nanny. Oh, I can't forget my volunteer work and charitable donations of which I am a faithful contributor. Let me see, there is the magazine subscription drive, the raffle ticket peddler, and the volunteer for the biggest dance of the season—the Daisy Scout cotillion. Ah, what a wonderfully busy by satisfying life I lead.
Although I do not have the opportunity for time alone to spend reading all the books I want to read or doing all the things I want to do for myself, I have learned to be like Paul—content in all circumstances. I have discovered that I have the greatest opportunity in the world. I am talking about influencing my family by living my life as a testimony to what Christ can do and has done for us. I want my children to see the awesome love that is possible in Him and through Him. I hope my family can learn from my example that with Christ all things are possible and without Him we can do nothing. I am trying to live my life so they can see my love for God and my appreciation for the blessings He has already given. us. I know my family will always remember me and want them to remember me my faith and my love for God. I want them to see this love through all the little things I do for them. I know that they will rise up and call me blessed. I want to leave them with the knowledge that everything I have done has been done out of my great love for them and my faith in God.
I want to show them that when they do leave my nest and start out on their own they will always have someone to call on they the times are tough and the nights are long. I won't be around always to pick them back up but there is a father will never leave or forsake His children. If they do not learn any of the lessons that I have attempted to teach them in life I want them to learn that one. He is always there for us, even when we mess up and think that we have no place to go or no one to listen to their problems. His nest will never be empty because He always has His arms open wide for us.
Today's Whisper:
A second grade teacher was teaching a unit on magnets. She asked the class, “what has 6 letters and picks up things?” little Johnny raised his hand and responded proudly, “Mother.” Ah, the wisdom of children. Although this is funny, it shows us how important a mother is in the lives of her children. It has been said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. I have had the wonderful privilege of not only raising two children of my own but I have had the honor of raising four grandchildren. I have tried to instill in each of them the love of our Savior and hopefully have let them see His love and mercy in my own life.
Today's Prayer:
Heavenly Father, I want to thank you that you will never “kick us out of your nest” but will always be there to shelter us under your wings. I know that you are always ready soothe our hurts and heal our wounds that daily living inflicts upon us. I thank you Father for your tenderness and mercy even when we disobey and go our own way. You are the ultimate Father and have shown us the ultimate love. Thank you that you gave me the honor and privilege of caring for the children you placed in my home and heart. I pray they always remember the love I have for them and the love you have for them.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

We Are All Americans

The left wing liberals are fighting to divide this country based on race, gender, and anything else that can possibly be conceived to cause division. Why? Because if we are divided, we are easier to control. It's as simple as that but sadly too many people are being deceived and think that we are enemies. We are all Americans and have got to start acting like it. Forget the labels of African American, Asian American, Hispanic American. If you are a citizen of this country, you are Americans.. I am not saying forget your heritage but live in the knowledge that you are an American citizen and be proud of that fact.
I heard someone I admire greatly recently use this as an example of being “color blind”. If you are in the hospital and need a blood transfusion immediately or you will die, do you first ask what “color” the donor was? Of course not. The blood you are about to receive to save your life could have come from a black American or a white American or a pink and purple polka dotted American. Do you refuse the transfusion if it came from someone different that you. Not if you value your own life. If you refuse it then I guess you can die thinking your are so righteous and the last thought you had was “Well, I showed them didn't I?” My point here is our blood is all the same because God made each and every one of us. Yes, we might be of different cultures and different backgrounds but that is what makes this country so great isn't it? If we all thought and acted the same we would be nothing more than robots that spit out the same ideas and views. Maybe you disagree with something I say. You have that right just as I have the right to disagree with something you say but that should not divide us. You cannot make me agree with you and I cannot make you agree with me. Yet, that is what the liberals are trying to do. If we disagree with them we are racist or bigoted or homophobic or Islamophobic or any other phobic they can think of. People wake up before it is too late. If they succeed in dividing us, we are all in danger of losing our rights, our freedoms and, in many cases, our lives.
As always you are free to disagree with me but I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.