Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Great Possum Caper

One day my husband fixed a leak behind the commode in my bathroom. Being the handyman he is, he cut a small hole in the floor to reach the pipes. Fine, no problem, leak fixed so now he will repair the hole and life goes on. Right? Wrong! He decided to leave the hole for a few days t make sure the leak is really fixed. Now that few days has turned into months. Although it is a small hole, I have tried my best to conceal it but there is just so much I can do to make a hole in floor more attractive .Now fast forward about six months. The hole is still there even though I have done all I can to conceal/decorate it. A hole is a hole and it is still there.
One night I stumble into bed after an exhausting day of transporting kids to different activities in addition to the daily circus of running a household with four kids. Around 2:00 in the morning my little dog woke me up with frantic barking and yelping. I forced one eye open to see him jumping up and down on the floor by my bed. He looked at me as if to say, “I'm trying to protect you, now come on and do your part.” When I did manage to stumble into the bathroom, I was instantly awake. There between the commode and the wast can was a possum! Pugsley, my dog, had him trapped. I could not move because I was in shock. Pugsley barked again as if to say, “See, I told you. Now get rid of it. I'm tired and want to go to sleep” frantically, I woke up my husband and screamed, “THERE'S A POSSUM IN THE BATHROOM! GET UP AND KILL IT” He looked at me as though I had completely lost my mind. “OK, just get me something to use to kill it.” He calmly said. I ran to my grandson's room and came back with a ball bat. I gave the bat to hubby and jumped on the bed and covered my eyes. I could hear the battle raging on in the bathroom. “HISS!” “POW!” “KA-POW!” “BOOM!” Finally all was silent so I opened my eyes. There on the floor lay the lifeless body of the intruder. I picked it up carefully by the tail and placed it into a plastic bag and ran to throw it into the outside garbage can. I was finally able to fall to sleep but the bathroom light was left on for the rest of the night.
I bet you thought this was the end of my story. WRONG! I pulled into the driveway the next morning after running errands and three kids met me at the car. All three were talking at once. I was finally able to understand their excitement when Christian told me, “Nanny, there is a possum in our garbage can.” “and he is alive,” Alyssa interrupted to excitedly tell me. “Yeah, he is ALIVE! Nikolas finished with excitement written all over his face. I went over to the garbage can to see for myself. Sure enough, when I raised the lid of the can, I could see two beady little eyes staring up at me. I slammed the lid down and get the kids into the house after explaining to them to stay away from the garbage can and leave the creature alone. I don't know what happened to our uninvited guest. The kids think he escaped and is now living happily-albeit traumatized-with his family. I hope that is what happened, but at least, is not living in my house with my family.
When I was finally able to sit down for my visit with God, I asked Him, as I always do, “What do you want to talk about today, Father?” His answer came as a total surprise to me. “I want to talk about the possum.” “What about the possum?” I asked in astonishment. “That was a small hole in your floor, wasn't it?” “Y e a h,” I slowly answered. “Just like that possum squeezing through such a small unguarded hole in the floor, the enemy can enter your heart through a small unguarded hole in your heart. Just as that intruding animal filled you with dread and fear, the enemy can fill your heart with fears and worries. When he does that you do not fully trust me to care for you.” Suddenly I understood what He was telling me. We must always guard our hearts against the enemy that roams around seeking who he devour. Satan doesn't need a door with a flashing neon welcome sign, he enters through a hole he finds unguarded. Don't make it easy for him to enter your heart. Fill your heart with joy and love and trust in your Heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally and will never leave you unprotected.
By the way, the hole in my floor has been fixed. I have not had another possum to enter my house but I have to admit, I have let fears and doubts enter my heart. I then have to remember that I have a Father who loves me unconditionally and with His help I can dispel these fears and doubts before they take up residence in my heart.
Today's Whisper:
Have you ever left your heart unguarded and the enemy was able to squeeze through and fill your heart with fear and doubt. Journal about the doubts and fears you let enter and write out a prayer confessing them and ask God to come into your heart. Just as the enemy can enter our heart, God can close that hole with His peace and joy.

Today's Prayer:
Loving Father, help me to be ever vigilant to guard my heart against the enemy's attacks only you can fill my heart with the peace and joy I crave. Make me ever mindful of your love and care for me. I surrender my heart and soul to you. I know you will never me or forsake me. I covet your presence in my life today and forever. Amen

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