Friday, February 15, 2019

The Only Bible

With the recent backlash against Christians coming from the world and the liberal left, we must all remember that one of the greatest commandments Jesus gave His followers is to love our neighbor. He tells us that it is easy to love those who love us but we must love those that hate us and spitefully use us. He did not tell us to compromise our faith in order for them to like us but we should pray for them.
This is not an easy thing to do, I know but it is worth it. If we want the peace of God we must follow Him and obey His teachings. Sometimes, people that profess to be Christian live lives that are opposite of what He teaches. People will look at them and judge all of us by that same standard. Friends, I can stand in a garage but that doesn't make me a car. People can go to church faithfully and not be a Christian. My Father does not have grandchildren. I have heard heard people say, “I have gone to church all my life so I know I am going to Heaven.” Well, friend my Father does not have grandchildren. He only has children. To become a child of His you must go through Jesus yourself. Your mother's faith won't send you to Heaven. Your father's faith won't get you there. You have to accept Jesus for yourself. I would rather see someone walk the walk and not just talk the talk. After all, even satan can recite bible verses. I want to see the fruits of the Christian life in their daily walk.
I wrote this poem many years ago but its message is still a goal I try to live by day by day. I admit I am not always successful. I fail Him so many times but I can tell you He has never failed me.

I may be the only bible
that someone else will read.
So take my life and guide it
in thought and word and deed.

Let me be a blessing
to someone else I meet.
Help me show them it's your love
that makes my life complete.

Oh, such a sobering thought to think
of what they're apt to see.
Help me show them it you, Lord
that lives inside of me.

Today's Whisper:
How many times do you try to let the world know you are a child of His by the way you live your life? Are you capable of walking the walk as well as talking the talk. He knows we will fail Him but He is always there to pick us up when we fail. It's not how many times we get knocked down to our knees by life but how we react when we are knocked down. After all when life knocks us to our knees, we are in the perfect position to pray.

Today's Prayer:
Father, help me be a witness to you today. Let other people see how wonderful you are and let them see your love through the way I live my life. I don't want to cause anyone to stumble by my words or actions. I know I fail you many many times but I am thankful that you do not give up on me. You, in your infinite love and mercy pick me up each time I fall.

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