I have been reprimanded and asked why I am political. Well, I am not political so much as I am a
Christian and see what is going on in this country today. What I see goes way beyond politics and is instead an affront to my Christianity.
I see our government who is supposed to work for us—the citizens of this country selling us out to the highest bidder.
I see the people in government caring more for the illegals that come into this country to rob and kill the citizens. To the politicians a vote is more important than human life. We have been tossed to the wayside for power and wealth. Our representatives in government care more about who will vote for them so they can keep getting richer and richer while we have homeless in our country and senior citizens having to decide between food and necessary medications.
I see the pharmaceutical companies putting profits ahead of the health of Americans. Many times people cannot afford the high cost of the medicines needed because the dollar speaks louder.
I see the most innocent of us, the unborn, being sacrificed on the altar of power. By declaring abortion as women's health we are neglecting the health of the unborn. We hear people shout, “my body, my choice”. What about the innocent child's choice. Women declare they are for women's rights but how many women are being aborted each year? While abortion is being shouted across the land, the new thing is to abort after birth. Think about that for a moment. Killing a child after birth is not just abortion. It is premeditated murder! The argument “my body, my choice” doesn't work here because the child is not in the woman's body any longer. People when are we going to wake up and see how far this country has gone from the foundation upon which it was built?
I see our education is not doing its job of teaching our young people how to think and be productive citizens. I see the education system as indoctrination camps for the depravity and lawlessness of the liberal agenda. Our kids are not taught how to think but are now being told what to think. This is beginning in preschool and continuing through college.
I see a political party that is using our kids to fit their agenda. One future presidential candidate stated he wrote about children being run over when he was only 16 and was too young to understand what he was doing. Now the democrats want to lower the voting age to 16. Come on. You can see on social media how mature these children are. They think it is “cool” to eat Tide Pods or snort condoms up their noses. How many of us were mature enough to elect a president when we were 16. if I can remember back that far, we were thinking about the opposite sex and what we were going to do on the weekend. We even had history class and civics class so we partially understood what the government was about. Those classes are no longer taught so where are the teenagers going to learn about our government. Oh some teachers are teaching the kids civics, I guess, by telling them that our President is ruining our country.
I see the perversion that is targeting our youngest children. We have 5 year old children being told they are the wrong gender and must be trans gendered. We now have “drag queen story hour” that sings the praises of living life as a drag queen. In some cities if a person “mispronouns” someone it means arrest and jail time. In California, it is against the law to use a plastic straw because it is bad for the environment but it is legal to urinate or defecate on the street or thrown used needles on the ground.
I see politicians wanting to dictate how many pain pills can be prescribed for a legitimate use but daily millions of dollars of dangerous drugs are smuggled into this country by the illegals the democrats are so fond of.
I see our police officers and military members being vilified daily but thugs and criminals are praised and lauded as heroes.
I see gun control advocates who want to disarm American citizens but allow criminals and gang members to possess guns. The preach the misconception that if all guns were out of the hands of citizens there would be no more gun deaths and mass shootings. They fail to see the mass shooters obtain their guns illegally or were not supposed to have the gun to begin with. No amount of laws will eliminate evil. If evil is in the heart and someone wants to kill, there are other methods. No gun was used by Timothy McVeigh or the 9/11 terrorists.
I see Christians being demonized because of our belief in the Bible. Islam is heralded as the religion of peace. This peaceful religion kills gays by throwing them off buildings. Their Koran teaches them to kill all infidels that will not convert. The God I serve does not demand us to kill unbelievers. The God I serve died for us.
God told us in His word that this day would come.
Isaiah 5:20 tells us:
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
That my friends is what is happening today. The family is being torn apart. Men are being told they are toxic and the patriarchy is evil. Women are told they are better than man and man is no longer needed. Our innocent babies are being murdered daily and our children are being sacrificed on the altar of diversity. We as Christians are told we are evil and the bible does not pertain to modern times. Adultery is being applauded and we are told if we do not agree with the liberal agenda we are worthless and no longer useful.
Satan is loose in the world today because he knows his time is short. He has so many people deceived for “he is a ravenous lion looking for souls he can devour.
So friends, it is not politics I am passionate about. It is standing on my christian faith and letting the world know where I stand. I would rather stand with God and be judged by man than stand with man and be judged by God.
As always, you are free to disagree but I am free to express my views. May God bless you all. Just saying..