I wrote this poems years ago but now our kids are targeted even more than when this was written. With the transgender movement and LBTQ movement we must be vigilant in protecting these vulnerable members of society. Not only is sexual perversion a problem the liberal agenda has targeted our young people in schools and are indoctrinating them into the agenda of the left.
Our children today can read of evolution
and are taught we come from apes.
They can learn of hate and prejudice
are are encouraged to murder and rape.
Family life is becoming obsolete
in this great country today.
Why it's just not cool
to kneel with your family and pray.
Alcohol, drugs, and sex
are the “in” things to do.
The only thing that really matters
is what feels good to you.
Our kids today are taught that sexual perversion
is nothing but an alternative lifestyle,
homosexuality is not a sin--
why I can almost see satan smile.
Our children are exposed to so many of satan's snares,
yet, in school they are not allowed to
bow their heads in prayer.
The Ten Commandments have been taken
out of our schools by law.
Because the government tries to tell us
they are meant for all!
The results of these perversions are
becoming clearer each day--
kids can kill each other
but it's wrong for them to pray.
It is how I see things.