Sunday, March 17, 2019

Be Positive In Negative Times

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. Anne Frank

Negativity seems to run rampant in today's world. Economies are failing; people are fighting; crime is on the rise and doubts and fears assault us daily. Our televisions and newspapers flood us with news of how evil man has become and we have replaced God and His wisdom with tales of doom and disasters. We feed our minds with a diet of instant gratification and selfishness. Our children are targeted by evil each day. We can see how modern technology has taken the place of family and relationships. If we constantly surround ourselves with negativity, we soon realize that people have stopped practicing “the golden rule” and are now practicing the philosophy of “me first” and “I want what I want now.” No one has the time to care for anyone else and compassion has been replaced with selfishness and self pity.
But we, as Christians, have a strong protector on our side. He is a father who loves His children. He sends us proof of that love each and every day. All we have to do is look around us. A beautiful sunrise and extraordinary colors He places in the sky are His message that He still loves His creations. No man can combine such beautiful colors and create such masterpieces as our Father. He placed the rainbow in the sky as a promise that He is here for us. He wants us to trust Him and know that He will take care of us. He tells us to look at the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. If He can take care of those, can He not take care of us? (Luke 12:22-24)
When the enemy fills our hearts and minds with fears and worry we just need to remember that we have a loving Father that cares for us. We need to remember His promises and turn all the doubts, fears, and worries over to Him because “He that is in us is greater than he who is in the world.” (I John 4:4)

Today's Whisper:
Look around and see something positive in your life today. Journal on how you are going to concentrate on the positive and let your positive outlook color everything you do and see today.

Today's Prayer:
Father, I come to you sand turn my fears and worries over to you. I cannot change the situation by worrying but I know that You are holding me in your hand and will care for me. You are there to catch me and protect me. When I hear the birds singing and see the flowers growing I know that you are caring for them and I know that you will care for me. Amen

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