Thursday, March 14, 2019

Is Your Life a Blessing?

Today is almost over and
our daily struggles through.
Has another person's life been blessed
just by knowing you?

Have you helped an ailing neighbor
struggle through his pain?
Did you give enough encouragement
to lift him up again?

Did you help a lonely traveler
who stumbled on his way?
When you heard of someone's troubles,
did you get on your knees and pray?

Did you help a hungry brother
find food that he could eat?
Did you help a wayward stranger
get back up on his feet?

So as the sun sets on this day
and it finally through,
has another person's life been blessed
just by knowing you?

Today's Whisper:
Have you tried to bless someone else each day? Maybe smiling at someone or complimenting them on their clothes or something that seems so insignificant to us can mean the world to someone else. Have you helped your neighbor when they are going through a rough spot? Sometimes the smallest acts of kindness can have the most lasting and positive effect on someone else.

Today's Prayer:
Father, help me to see other people as you see us. With love and compassion. May our life be enriched by helping someone else as they struggle along in life. Give me the wisdom to know what to say to someone who is suffering. Let my words and actions reflect you and show them that someone cares for even the most minor problem that comes to all of us in life. I know you are by my side each and every day. Let me show others the same kind of kindness you show me. May I light someone else's path and help them to see you more clearly by what I do. I want my life to be a blessing to others and in it glorify your wonderful name.

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