Sunday, March 3, 2019

Seeds of Love vs Seeds of Hate

Pa, Ma, and Junior were sitting on the front porch after a hard day on the farm. There were just relaxing when a car drove up and a man got out. He walked up to them and asked, “What kind of town is this? We’re moving because the town we left is full of hateful and spiteful people.” Pa looked at the man for a second and replied, “Well, I’m afraid you’ll find the same kind of people live here.” The man –muttered under his breath and stomped away.
Soon another car drove up and a man walked to the porch. “What kind of people live in this town? The town we just left has the most caring, kindest people we have ever known.” Pa looked at him for a second and smiled. “You will find the same kind of people live here.” The man smiled as he walked back his car and drove away.
“Pa, why did you tell the first man this town is full of hateful people, but you told the second man the town is full of kind people?” I don’t understand.”
Pa smiled and looked at Junior. “Well son, you see the first man has a heart full of hate and it is bubbling out of him and spilling over onto everyone around him. The second man has a heart filled with love and it too is spilling over onto everyone around him. You see, son, whatever is in your heart will show up on the outside.”
I read this story a few years ago and it has stayed with me. I don’t know who wrote it and apologize to the writer if I have slaughtered it too badly. The point is we see this story being lived out every day in this country. There are so many hate-filled people. They are letting their hatred bubble over and are trying to stomp out and eliminate any goodness and kindness they see.
I want to tell all the kindhearted compassionate people that are left in this great country—don’t give up the fight. Stay strong and endure until the end and we will prevail. By sowing our seeds of kindness, we can rest assured that we will have our rewards. God is in control and no matter what the hate-mongers try to tell us He will never leave us. Although the evil one is sowing seeds of hatred, our seeds of kindness will prevail and one day we will win the fight.
I love what St. Francis of Assisi said so long ago.
Make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred…let me sow love
Where there is injury…pardon
Where there is doubt….faith
Where there is despair…hope
Where there is sadness…joy.
Today's Whisper:
Stop and think about how our attitudes color the world of the ones around us. When we are happy we can notice the joy on the faces of our family and friends. When we are grumpy, that attitude also colors the world of others. When we see love shown by others it makes us want to spread that love to the people around us. When we are feeling angry and hateful, we need to take a step back and think of something beautiful. I know sometimes this is hard to do but it can be done. As St. Francis of Assisi we need to ask God to make us an instrument of His peace and sow seeds of love. We just might be amazed at the love that will come our way.
Today's Prayer:
Father, I ask you with a humble heart to make me an instrument of your peace. Help me to sow seeds of love instead of seeds of hatred. Guide and direct our paths in this great country. Be with our leaders and give them the knowledge to lead us where you want us to go. Too many people are sowing seeds of hate and are listening to the enemy's lies. I pray that you open the eyes of the blind and let them see your wondrous love and mercy. You have shown so much mercy to us but far too many are being deceieved by the father of lies.

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