Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Storm Of Fear

Life sometimes fills me with fear and dread. One day not long ago was one of those times. It had been raining all day with thunder and lightning piercing the sky. Normally, I would not be so uptight about a storm but I had my van loaded with kids and groceries. We did make it home safely but were soaked to the skin by the time we managed to run into the house balancing grocery bags. I wish I could say there were no causalities in the mad dash to the house. But I can't say that. My feet stepped on a spot of mud that became slick in the storm and I am totally ashamed to say that my butt met the ground. I was carrying the eggs because I was afraid the kids would drop them. Well, I'm sure you can imagine what happened. Yeah, the eggs were scrambled in my graceful dive to the ground. My great kids came over to help me up and make sure I was not hurt. If you believe that you do not have kids, do you? They actually enjoyed the sight of me flat on the ground with water, mud and eggs covering me from head to foot. We finally made it into the house with no further crisis. The rain fell and the storm raged all afternoon with sign of letting up.
Once inside I convinced the kids to play quietly while I cleaned myself up, put away the groceries and mopped the water from the floor. It did not take long, however, for the fighting to begin. After stopping the battles and clean up their toys, we decided to pop some popcorn and watch a movie. When they were finally settled down with their popcorn and movie, I went back to the tasks on never ending “to do” list. I must admit I kept looking out the window to monitor the storm activity. I had heard tornado warnings but did not want to scare the kids. I silently up a prayer to God: Please watch over us, Father.”
By the time I had fed the children their dinner and had gotten them into bed, the rain had slowed but had not stopped. After the nightly stories, drinks of water and numerous trips to the bathroom, the house was finally quiet and I could actually sit down for a few minutes in my comfortable old rocking chair. I got out my Bible and started to read. Suddenly I found myself reading Isaiah 41:10: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you in my righteous right hand.” What a comforting thought! He well never leave us and the only place we can fall is into His arms! Suddenly my mind was at ease and peace filled my heart. Although the storm outside was still raging, inside I knew were saf3e in His loving arms.

Today's Whisper:
Can you recall a time when fear gripped your heart? How did you handle it? Did you remember God's promise that He will never leave? Write out a prayer thanking God for bringing you through fearful times.

Today's Prayer:
Father God, I want to praise you and thank you for keeping your children in you loving arms. So many times I become afraid during the storms of this life. I praise your name. Sometimes you calm the storm and other times you calm my heart and give me the strength to weather storm. But I know that are always with me during the storms.
FEAR-False Evidence Appearing Real.

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