Tuesday, October 31, 2017

I Am Offended

I know the "thing today" is to be offended if you are a "minority" and whites are told "not to say or do anything that might “offend". Well, let me tell you I am offended. What I am offended by is the fact that as a white conservative Christian, I am supposed to be pc and be careful of what I say and do so I don't offend the blacks, atheists, muslims or anyone else who might be "offended". Well, I am to the point that I am offended by them. The last time I checked I still have a freedom of speech and freedom of religion and I will only bow to my Heavenly Father. Though man may declare himself as god and all knowing--no man is omnipotent or omniscient or omnipresent--only God. Oh, if I have offended anyone by this post, unfriend me if you must but if you expect me to apologize don't hold your breath.
As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Get Off the Pity Pot

I wrote this right after the election of Donald Trump but it appears as though the civil unrest has not stopped and our college students are still being indoctrinated by the liberal lunatics that pass themselves off as professors. Liberalism is a mental disorder and liberals are trying to spread their hate to everyone in this country. Now it seems a Baltimore Professor is telling white people to give all their "white privilege" money to blacks. To him I say, "my ancestors were Irish and native American so I will wait by my mailbox for his check to me since both the Irish and the native American were treated much worse than any other race of people in history." So now I would like to tell all the liberal snowflakes and anyone else that has the entitlement mindset to "Get Off the Pity Pot."

Get Off the Pity Pot
Unless you have been living under a rock you have seen the riots in our city streets over the recent elections. I have heard many people say that protest is good and is guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States. I agree. However, instead of peacefully protesting, these people (thugs) are destroying property, endangering lives and over all making nuisances of themselves. A washed up singer recently said that America is the laughingstock of the rest of the world. I won’t mention any names if that’s alright with you, Madonna. Well, honey, what do you think you were when you offered to perform sex for a vote for Hillary. We have been the joke of the rest of the world for the past 8 years under Obama.

When I see the “Snowflakes” crying and wringing their hands because they are “offended” by people that do not agree with them, it really offends me. Oh, excuse me, I can’t be offended because I am not a liberal. Let me see if I have this straight—I do want to be politically correct. HA! Conservatives offend but can’t be offended while Liberals can’t offend but are offended. OK. Gotcha!

I went to college in the 70’s. It might surprise the “enlightened” kids (yeah kids they are not acting like grown-ups) of today’s college campuses but we actuall6y learned from listening to the differing views and opinions of our classmates. This was during the Viet Nam war era and classes were filled with a wide diversity of students—from the fresh out of high school students, older more mature students and *gasp* even veterans. We did not run out of the room crying if someone voiced an opinion that differed from ours. We discussed the opinions and each student was able to take a little bit of knowledge out of that room. We did not curse or brow beat each other. The college did not offer safe spaces, play doh or cute little puppies to salve our wounded egos and hurt feelings. The only safety pins we wore were to hold a hem up or mend out clothes until there was time to mend the clothes the way they should be mended.

If you plan to prosper and flourish in this world, you need to realize LIFE IS NOT FAIR and the world does not revolve around you and your feelings. You might be offended when the bank tells you to make your house payment or you will lose the house. Your feeling might be hurt when your boss tells you to do something you do not want to do. You will find that no one will provide a safe space for you when the real world hits you in the face and you have kids to feed and clothe and bills to pay and you can’t stretch that paycheck far enough.


Monday, October 23, 2017

In Times Like These

I    Last week I posted about a demonic clad drag queen reading to small children in Michelle Obama’s library in Long Beach. I would like to tell this was an isolated event. I would like to tell you that but I can’t.
     A drag queen calling itself “Little Hot Miss”, I call it “Big Bad Mess” read to small children at a library in Brooklyn, New York. She asked the small children, “Who wants to be a drag queen whey they grow up?’ and sang a song to the tune of “The Wheels On the Bus.” “The hips on a drag queen go swish swish swish.. This was not done without the parents’ knowledge. Several parents were in attendance and many praised the program calling the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) important in explaining gender fluidity and the LBQT (whatever the initials are) to their children. These are young kids that should not even be exposed to this lifestyle much less having it explained to them.
     This program was started last fall and is now being held in several cities around the world including New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.  According to the DQSH, the purpose of the program is to “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive and unabashedly queer role models. People, these groups are targetingt our kids.
     This is not limited to public libraries. Khan Academy, a leading online educational video producer is worming this agenda into its online videos. In a lesson on plurality of nouns, a sentence is given with the instruction to select the correct plural: Marie and Sophie go out to breakfast with their              . The only choices are wifes or wives. It is up to us as Christian parents and grandparents to be aware of what our children are taught and exposed to.
     We read in God’s word in Revelation 12:12 “Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” We are living in the last days now. The devil is loosed and running amok trying to steal souls because he knows that God is returning.
     Too many people are too caught up in being politically correct that they are pushing God aside. Even many churches today are more concerned with being seen as tolerant and politically correct that the preachers are not preaching God’s word.  They are preaching “lite” and not the word of God. Friends, my Bible has not changed since it was written and God has not changed. What He called sin is still sin and what He ordained as good is still good.
     I do not profess to be a theologian but I do profess to be a Christian who is concerned about this world and its inhabitants. I urge you to read and study God’s words for yourself and heed his warnings to us all.
     As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.   

Saturday, October 21, 2017

How Low Will They Go?

The past couple of days have really shown me the depths liberals will sink to destroy this country because of their hatred of President Trump. It seems a black liberal Congress Woman from Florida listened in, I say eavesdropped, on a very special, very intimate phone conversation the president made to the widow of a fallen soldier. He called Myeshia Johnson to offer his condolences on the recent loss of her husband, Sgt La David T. Johnson in Niger.

This hat wearing hate filled liberal then took it upon herself to twist and distort the words our president spoke to he grieving widow. Congress woman, Frederica Wison, then accused the president of being uncaring and lacking in compassion. She twisted his words as only a hate filled liberal infected with BAD (Brain Absent Disorder) could do.

But friends, as offensive as this is, that is not the worse part. In her vitriolic garbage spewing hatred she is dishonoring the memory of this brave soldier and other fallen heroes. She claims to care about out military, but I checked her cvoting record on military affairs and she came up lacking. She cvoted against measures that would benefit military members and their families. Because of her insane babbling this poor widow and others cannot grieve in the peace and privacy they deserve. Sgt. Johnson's life and death have become a media circus and Wilson has proclaimed she is a “rock star”.

Mrs. Johnson and her family should be allowed the privacy and respect they deserve instead of being used as pawns for the liberal agenda. Sgt Johnson should be remembered as the hero he is and not just a notch in someone's political belt.

Major John Kelly, who lost his own son in the military, gave a heart-rending speech about the president's call and compared the Congress woman to an “empty barrel”. This was meant as a metaphor to represent someone who “makes the most noise”. Now Wilson is playing the race cared and callingh General Kelly racist.

Now get ready for this. The New York Times is soliciting for stories from other Gold Star families to try to find some way to discredit our president more. I ask you how low will liberals and the media sink?

Mrs. Johnson, has posted on facebook pleading for this circus to stop. She stated in no way was the president disrespectful and included his exact words. It is so heart breaking to see our fallen heroes and their families being used to spread the liberal hatred of our president and our country. I want to thank Mrs. Johnson for her sacrifices and her husband for fighting for this country. I pray that God will sustain her and her children in the days ahead and I want her to remember that America and true citizens will always be in debt.

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinions. May God bless you all. Just saying.Myeshia Johnson

Friday, October 20, 2017

Friend Or Foe

I'm sure we have all heard of the Congress woman who is trying to politicize the death of one of our brave fighting men. She took what our President said to the grieving widow totally out of context and callled President Trump unfeeling. All the time she was painting herself as a hero for the men and women who fight for our great country and one who has only the best interest of the American people at heart and must save America from the monster that is in the White House.

According to Bill O'Reilly, the family was given a 24 hour notice that the president would be calling. The widow then told Congresswoman Wilson, who made it a point to be there when the call came in. Do you see where this is leading? She planted her hat right there in order to be able to twist and distort what was said.

As far as her concern for the American fighting men and women, and veterans, let her voting record speak for itself. Does this record look like a person that is concerned for our military and their families or one who has her own liberal agenda to be more concerned about? I'll let you decide for yourself.Enemy of Veterans

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Offended By the Cross

Again, I did not know what I was going to write until I saw Todd Starnes article about a war memorial. Yesterday, I wrote about the satanic drag queen reading to little children in Michelle Obama's library in Long Beach. I found this to be offensive. Today, we can see the flip side where Christians are actually attacked because of the Cross.

In 1925 the American Legion erected a memorial in Bradenburg, Maryland to honor the memory of 49 brave men who fought and died in World War I. In 2004 the American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit because the cross shaped memorial is unconstitutional because the Cross carries “an inherently religious message.

On Wednesday the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed the historic memorial has to come down. Why? Simply because the memorial is in the shape of a cross.

So Friends, this is what this country is coming to. A satanic drag queen can read to kids to “normalize” the LGBTQ agenda but a memorial honoring our brave men who fought for this country offends people. People are offended by the Cross but are fine with a satanic drag queen!

In Isaiah 5:20 we read Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness. Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. We are seeing more and more of this every day. People are redefining everything from marriage and sexuality to gender. What was once good and right is now called evil and wrong. What was once a perversion and evil is now applauded and called courageous. The only remedy for this world is God's return and that will be soon.

Father, with heaviness in my heart, I come before you. I pray that people will wake up and accept your love and mercy before it is too late. Satan has deceived so many people and has hardened their hearts. I pray that people will hear your voice calling to them. I ask for wisdom and courage in the days ahead. I pray that I can do one small thing to bring people to you. I ask these things in Jesus' name.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Demonic Teaching In School?

I could not decide what to write today so as I was skimming my news feed and archived articles, my eye landed on this:

Satanic Drag Queen Reads to Little Kids at Michelle Obama's Public Library in Long Beach

I could not believe my eyes so I read the article. The first picture I saw was the smiling faces of Barack and Michelle Obama standing behind the demonic drag queen. I literally became sick to my stomach as I read more.

The event was hosted by the Long Beach Public Library and was a collaboration between the LBPL (whatever that is), the LGBTQ Center of Long Beach, the Genders and Sexualities Alliance Network, and the LGBTQ nonprofit Imperial Court of Long Beach, according to the Long Beach Public Library's calendar. The event also got the approval of the Church of Satan.

The drag queen goes by the name Xochi Mochi and has his own YouTube channel. He also posted on his Instagram:

“I got to read to the children today and it was one of the best experiences I have been given as a drag queen. It's so important to have representation and normalize all the letter in LGBTQIA+ in everyday lives.”

Notice the name of the drag queen Mo chi and the demon of child sacrifice Moloch, the demon of child sacrifice. Am I too far reaching to notice the similarity here? Even if a similarity is not meant, are we not sacrificing our children on the altars of Satan.

This is disturbing on so many levels. In a time in our society when Christians are being discriminated against, are told we must compromise our faith to fit the agenda of the left, and are being called an “extremist hate group for believing the Bible, our children are subjected to this unholy alliance with Satan. Christians are open to persecution, hatred and even death in some countries of the world but this abomination is being hailed as courageous and good.

I would like to leave with a question. Would a Christian be given the same opportunity to read to the children?

As always you are free to disagree but I am still free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Days Ahead

I assume you have all heard of the proposed Civil War that is set on November 4 by Antifa and other hate groups. I have, for the last few days, felt an overwhelming burden to pray for our country, our President and our Vice President.

I have, like may of you, seen these hate groups in actions in several areas of this country. What strikes me is how young most of these rioters are. It saddens me to think how these young people are being used by people like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros to do their dirty work.

These young people do not even know or understand what they are fighting against. They are only doing what they are told to do by these evil puppet masters that are leading them to destruction. These evil puppet masters are trying to tear this great country down and, through their hatred for President Trump and the American citizens, are willing to sacrifice the lives of so many people to attain their goal.

I found a booklet on my dining room table the other day and do not even know where it came from or how it got on my table. I read the booklet and a section called “A Personal Matter” struck a chord in my heart and I would like to share a paragraph with you.

We need to feel responsible for doing our part. Nations are not converted as nations. Change takes place when individuals within a nation come to realize their personal responsibilities and when each resolves to do his part. As greater numbers take a stand the influence for good increases and the benefits multiply.

Friends, I think now is when we should all come together and do our part by praying for this country, its leaders and its citizens. God tells us we are fighting against flesh and blood but against the darkness and principalities of the air. This is a spiritual battle that we must all fight. We need to get on bended knee—not in protest—but in prayer. Satan has been loosed in this world and is deceiving many. I do not profess to know the day or the hour when He will return but I do know He is returning.

Father god, I come before you with a heavy heart and burden for this country that you have blessed for so long. I pray that people's eyes and hearts will be open to your calling. I pray for the many young people that are being deceived and lied to by the great deceiver and father of lies. I claim your promises that you will never leave nor forsake me and no weapon formed against me will stand. You have overcome this world and conquered death. Father, I pray for the wisdom to help others know you and the courage to stand firm in times of trials. I ask these things in the name of your son, Jesus.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Eminem—Courageous or Cowardice

Eminem was hailed as courageous this week with his insane rant on President Trump. In reality, he was nothing but a sniveling coward acting like a two year that didn't get the candy from the store. All he did was take the same old talking points of liberals everywhere and the Lame Stream Media and make an attempt to put them to rhyme. A poorly made rhyme at that. I was always told how talented he is but he did not show me any talent with this incoherent childish tantrum I saw. Eminem, if you want to show courage, look no further than Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, and James Woods who are all truly courageous by standing for their convictions in the land of the liberal loonies in Hollyweird. Those three men are truly heroes in my book. Not some sad has been rapper.

Eminem, you are a 44 year old immature coward that is fighting hard to find relevance in this world again. What you did is not courageous or even noteworthy. You are playing up to the very people who are trying to destroy this great country. You and your friends are only sheep that are following the puppet master right off the cliff.

I hear you are coming out with a new album. Maybe this was only a publicity stunt to get you back in the public eye after so many years of irrelevance. I will not be buying your album or even listening to it. You have drawn a line in the sand and kiddo (I will not even call you sir) I have drawn mine. I stand on the side of my President who is fighting against all the weak minded liberals to make this country great again. He is fighting for every citizen in this country no matter the color of their skin. Yes, Eminem, even you.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Letter to Uncle Jimmy Our Moral Conscience

Dear Uncle Jimmy,

You, sir, are a self-righteous hypocrite. With your fount of knowledge on the kind of health care I should have to your “emotional monologue” about gun control, you show your ignorance about real America. You can sit high in your gated, walled-in castle with your many armed security guards and tell us how we should live. We deserve the same protection you and your family have. We just don't outsource our protection. It might come as a shock to you but my family's lives are just as important to me as your family's lives are to you. I do want to say kudos to Chucky Schumer on the effectiveness of the acting lessons he gave you. He taught you how to let the tears flow just right didn't he? Congratulations to you, the student, and Chucky, the teacher.

Now about Harvey Weinstein. You say in an interview with Good Morning America, he was not a friend of yours and you are not in the movie business. Well, Jimmy, that doesn't matter to me. You see all of you Hollyweird “celebrities” tend to cover for each other. You did attempt to make one joke about the scandal but even then you were taking aim at President Trump by aiming the joke at his son, Donald Trump Jr. So you see, you are taking care of one of “your own”.

I bet you didn't think or at least hoped that the video of your being a typical Hollyweird scum would not surface. You know the one I mean, that little game of “What's in my pants?” This was back when you hosted the “Man Show”. You took advantage of women by telling them “I've dropped something in my pants. Can you guess what it is?” You told the women to put their hands on the outside of your pants and feel to see what is in your pants. You even told them to use both hands and put their mouth on it. Some of the remarks you made were appalling. “You'll make a fine wife.” “You can get to the Olympics with that technique.” Jimmy, do you remember asking one woman how old she was and when she told you she was 18, you said “Good, Uncle Jimmy doesn't need to do time.” You, sir, are as despicable as the rest of the degenerates that populates Hollywood.

You may not call yourself the “moral conscience of America” but your friends at CNN do. Bill Carter wrote an article about “How Jimmy Kimmel Became America's Conscience”. In it he extolled your virtues as just that. You are being showered in praise from the gun grabbing er, gun control advocates after your “tearful” performance regarding the Las Vegas Massacre.

We do not need your fake tears or your moral lectures. When you can climb down from you pedestal, get rid of your armed guards, and live in Real America, you might just might find people willing to listen to you. Until then, stay on your self-righteous holy mountain and spout your garbage to your elitist friends. I'm sure they are waiting breathlessly for your next nugget of self-righteous, holier than thou babble. But I am not.


A Proud Deplorable from Real America

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinions. May God Bless you all. Just saying.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Liberal Hypocrisy

This is in response to the Hollyweird Hollowheads that have taken it upon themselves to be our voice on how to act, what to think, and how to live. I have heard enough garbage spewing from you to fill up a 40 acre landfill. With the news of Harvey Weinstein and the massive cover up in Hollyweird, and yes, even Washington DC you loud mouth liberals have no right to be my moral conscience

Meryl Streep, you are definitely the wrong person to tell me how to act and what to think. With your diatribe at the awards show you let your true colors shine through. You spewed out vitriolic hatred about our president and the “injustice” in the country you deserved another award for that little act you put on there. You and your like live in your ivy covered castles, look down upon all of us “little people” and take it upon yourself to be our voice. You say you did not know about Weinstein's behavior and it disgusts you. How could you not know? It was a a standing joke in Hollyweird for over two decades. You are complicit in the pit of Hell that covered up for him. Why Meryl, you even called him god. How dare you blaspheme the name of my God in such a despicable way as that? You all get on your little soap box and tell regular Americans to listen to you because you are so much brighter than we are. In reality, Meryl you are all living in a fantasy world where nothing is is as it seems. You have told the same lies for so long you believe your own lies.

But Meryl, I am not picking on you. Others are just as guilty in this massive cover up. Matt Damon and Russell Crowe took it upon themselves to “kill” a story about this scandal in 2004. Weinstien was given a free pass because he was such a “big shot” in Tinseltown. Even Ben Affleck did his part in sexually exploiting women when he groped actress Hilarie Burton. I guess he did not have as much clout as Weinstein because he was called on it.

As repulsive as Weinstein is he was not the first nor I am afraid to say will he be the last pervert that comes from the Hollyweird scene When Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old girl and fled to Paris in 1977 to escape prosecution, Weinstein headed a petition to allow Polanski to return to the United States because “whatever you think about the so-called crime, Polanski has served his time. So I guess sexual perversion is a club where members take care of their own.

Hollyweird is not the only place Weinstein's influence has extended. He was a main contributor to Hillary Rodham Clinton and other demonratics, as well as, the DNC. He also contributed to Bill Clinton's defense fund in his impeachment hearings. It took Hillary about 5 hours after the Las Vegas massacre to come out and condemn the NRA and pro second amendment advocates but 5 days to respond to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Even then it was a weak and watered down response. “I was shocked and apalled by the revelation about Harvey Weinstein. The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.” Yeah, Hillary, your support of Bill's victims is to be commended. You really showed your advocacy for women in your actions back then.

Barack and Michelle Obama took even longer. Their response was a bit puzzling to say the least. “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.” Are they disgusted by the reports or by the actions of Weinstein? Their own daughter Malia was an intern for Weinstein and he was a frequent visitor at the White House. They took so long to issue a response that even the Crazed Nuts Network (CNN) wasn't pleased.

Perhaps the democrats who received monies from Einstein could donate these contributions to a rape crisis center to help other women who have been victimized by predators like them.

As always, you have the right to disagree but I have the right to express my opinion. May
God bless you all. Just saying.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

What Happened To Tolerance

Starbucks is now begging conservatives to come back after the CEO told people that believed in "traditional marriage" to buy their coffee elsewhere. Target's stocks have fallen since they fell for the gender fluidity nonsense. But neither of these companies have been sued or ordered to go against their beliefs in order to serve the public. However, a few years ago, two christian businesses were forced to go against their faith values to serve same sex couples.
A Christian florist and grandmother was fined $1,001 by a Washington court and held responsible to pay the legal fees incurred by the gay couple. This judgment devastated her financially and cost her everything she had worked for.
Barronelle Stutzman was found guilty of violating the state's non-discrimination law, after referring Rob Ingersoll and Cirt Feed to another florist when they asked her to provide floral arrangements for the "wedding".  It was not like Stutzman did not know the parties. She had sold flowers to Ingersoll for nearly a decade before this and had a positive relationship with him. She did not, however, feel comfortable providing her services for a practice she did not agree with. She had the option to get out of her legal crisis if she had agreed to pay a fine of $2,001 and agree to provide her services to the couple. She did not feel comfortable in compromising her faith to save her business.
Or perhaps you remember the Christian baker who refused to make a wedding cake for same sex marriage ceremonies. The owner of the bakery, Jack Phillips, refused because of his religious beliefs. The couple teamed up with the American Civil Liberties Union and the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled against Phillips. He was also ordered to take reeducation classes on discrimination He has now given up making cakes altogether because of his stance on being forced to go against his religious beliefs.
This is happening all over the country today and yet, in the video below you can see what happens when a gay man orders a Christian group out of his coffee shop. Christians are being forced to go against their beliefs or lose everything they have worked for while the Liberal Left can say and do anything they want to. What happened to tolerance of others who do not believe they way you do?
Tolerance should be a two way street but in today's society, it is a one way street with the left in charge.
What do you think would have happened if the Christian florist or the Christian baker mocked and berated the same sex couples? The media would have been had their heads on a platter. We have got to start standing for our faith and values or the left will win and Christians will be totally destroyed.
As always, you have the right to disagree with me but I have the right to my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Do Not Grow Weary

Friends, this nation has become an asylum and the inmates are in charge. People are thinking only of themselves. This is evident in the hate-filled social media posts with people celebrating the tragic loss of lives in Las Vegas. Now the liberal Hollywood elites and the demonrats are calling for gun control. They want to take guns from the American citizens so this killing will stop. Well, that will only leave the average American defenseless for the evil-doers. People's hearts are hardened and they refuse to acknowledge the truth. People have even said, “Prayer does not help because there is no God. If He is real why did He let this evil happen?” God did not cause this evil. Man caused this evil. God gave us all free will when we were created. This means we make decisions on whether we want to do the right thing or turn to evil. We all have that choice and some people have listened to the enemy's lies and chosen to follow him instead of having a relationship with God. No, friends, God did not cause this evil that is in our land but He is in control and when the final battle is fought, if we continue to stand with Him we will be the victors.

Today, this world is turned upside down. What God has ordained as pure and good, the world calls evil and politically incorrect. What God has called sin, the world today applauds and embraces. God foresaw this and warns us in His word, the Bible. In Isaiah 5:20 we read “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who puts bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

Global terrorism and illegal immigration runs rampant in this country and the world. Radical Muslims are threatening to overtake the world for Allah. If you can find a reliable news source, you can see the acts of barbarism and violence that are committed in the name of Allah. Christians are beheaded, women and children are raped and sold into slavery by this “peaceful religion”.

We are not only fighting these radical jihadists, we are fighting to keep our basic rights guaranteed by our Constitution. The Second Amendment which allows citizens to bear and keep arms is being attacked on all sides. Our First Amendment right—our right to free speech is being assaulted on a daily basis. The new rule of the land is Political Correctness. We are told we must not say anything to offend blacks, Muslims, or the LGBT population. Yet it is considered admirable to attack Christians and call them a radical hate group because we believe in the Bible and Constitution. We are willing to stand for what is right and speak against what is wrong. Christian businesses are forced to close and the owners sued and fined because they will not compromise their beliefs to those groups that are intent on destruction of Christians and American values. Yet, businesses like Starbucks can tell people that believe in the traditional marriage to shop elsewhere.

God has been taken from our public schools and, in many cases, replaced by Allah. Our children are ridiculed and harassed if they mention Jesus in school. He has been taken from many of our churches because the world teaches tolerance and any mention of sin is hate speech. Our churches need to preach the truth that Heaven and Hell is real and lead people down the right path instead of guiding them down the wrong road.

More babies are being killed by abortion because society does not respect the sanctity of life. According to society, a woman's body is her own and it is her right to kill the “inconvenience” of a new life. The boundaries have been expanded for abortion until the ninth month. I have conducted a very thorough and extensive research on the abortion issue and have found that “100% of those in favor of abortion have already been born.” Not only is abortion on the increase but child abuse and neglect are on the rise. Parents are torturing and killing their own children. Child predators and pedophiles are kidnapping, raping, and murdering our children. Many of these pedophiles and in this country illegally. But they are not the only predators, many high ranking officials and celebrities are also committing pedophilia on our children. Again Jesus has spoken to these evil-doers when he tells us in Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.

The day is coming when this world will stand in judgment. The wheat will be separated from the chaff and all who not accept God's free gift of salvation will be permanently removed and separated the God. Satan loves silence and we Christians must be silent no more. We are commanded to spread the gospel and tell others about His great love. We must let the world that He is coming and every knee will bow and every voice profess Him Lord.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:32-33, “Whosoever acknowledges me before others, I will acknowledge before my Father in Heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in Heaven.

My fellow Christians, we must persevere and keep on fighting the good fight. God is on the throne and will send His Son for His children soon. We must not grow weary in fighting the good fight or as Paul said, “run the race that is before us.” We must pray daily for our country and its leaders. We must also pray for each other.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Gun Control or People Control

Folks, I have read a lot of DemonRats statements and the mush brained liberal Hollywood elites' take on the Las Vegas massacre. Just hours after it happened, the Queen of Benghazi said, “Let's not politicize this tragedy, BUT maybe now we can stand up to the NRA.” Earth to Hillary, he was not a member of the NRA. In fact, reports are there was no indication he would do something like this. He even passed his background check when he bought his gun. Oh, yeah, about your remark about silencers. How idiotic do you think that sounds. A silencer does not mean there would be no sound. Do some research before you open your mouth and you might be taken a little more seriously by people other than the liberal snowflakes that worship you. So where does that leave your fake outcry? My advice to you, Lady, is to let “sleeping dogs lie” (that is a saying in the South, in case you are not familiar with it). With your record and your crimes, if I were you, I would retire quietly and be a private citizen instead of a loudmouth political hack that thinks you are the president. You lost. Get over it. Go back to the home, take your meds and get a looooooooooong rest. You need it.

Jimmy Kimmel, you are another liberal moron with no workable brain who is ranting about gun control. You so glibly dismiss prayers but let me tell prayer is the strongest tool we have. God does answer the prayers of His children. I can attest to that. It might not be the answer we want but it will what is best for us. I resent your self-righteous tone when you try to tell “us” the little people what to do. Jimmy, you said there was a lot of things that could be done to prevent this Las Vegas tragedy. If you have listened to reliable news sources not Crazed News Network, Always Being Crap, Crazy Bat Society, Nothing But Crap and More of the Same Nothing But Crap (otherwise known as CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC—the lame stream media) you would know the guns he used has been illegal since 1986 and he did pass his background check. Your intelligence never ceases to amaze me. You late night comics are so smart. You think you can tell us what to do about gun control and medical care while you sit there in your gated mansions with armed security guards to keep us “little people” away from you. You can afford the best insurance money can buy but you still think you can tell us what insurance we need to buy. But the one thing you cannot do, Jimmy, is tell a decent joke without using profanity or sex.

Lady Gaga, your tweet shows how ignorant you really are. I think someone must have poked your face too hard. Blood is on the hands of the killer or killers and no one else's. You are another pathetic liberal sitting in your gated mansion with armed security guards. You know nothing about how life is in real America. You have no right to tell me or anyone else what we should do. If you are serious about gun control-lose the body guards. Come down to reality and then maybe we can talk. I'll have my people call your people and we'll do lunch. OK? OK.

To the Yonkers, New York mayor that said “the country music shooting was God's message to Republicans on gun control” I say “hogwash” (another Southern term). How dare you to pretend to be God's messenger when you condone such atrocity to further a political view. God did not cause this tragedy but He did warn us about these perilous times. I suggest you take your Bible off the shelf and open it to Matthew 24 and 2 Timothy 3. These two passages are only a small sampling of His warnings to us. My Bible does not say, “Woe be unto you if you like country music, support Donald J. Trump and believe in the Second Amendment for ye shall surely die.” So if it's OK with you, Shaquanda Jenkins, I will trust my God instead of you and will listen to His voice and not yours.

To all liberals, you are so ill informed if you think by taking citizens' rights to bear arms away gun violence will be stopped. Just because citizens do not have guns criminals will not give their guns up. Murder is already illegal and criminals will not stop because citizens are unarmed. They are criminals and that is what they do—they commit crimes. Look at Chicago. It has the strictest gun laws in this country. But the murders still get guns. How? Black market illegal sales.

What about the terrorist attacks with vehicles or stabbings? Are the liberals going to take our vehicles, or knives? To take our guns would leave us defenseless against the terror groups. Antifa is threatening a civil war beginning November 4. What should law abiding citizens do? Just stand there and say come and get me. That would be the message if we are forced to give up our guns. I for one do not intend to make it easy on them or anyone else that means harm to me or mine.

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

Monday, October 2, 2017

No Love Left

My rant today is to the heartless, ignorant people who are actually celebrating the “White Trump Supporters” killed last night in Las Vegas. It saddens me to no end to see such depravity as this. People where is your love for your fellow man? Of course I expected Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi and the other swamp dwellers, as well as, the Hollywood elites to spew their vitriol about gun control. I would be surprised if they didn't. But that is a message for another day.

Today, I want to rant about “normal” people (and I use that term “normal” loosely). Hayley Gilftman-Gold, a top legal executive at CBS stated on her Facebook page that she”is not even sympathetic for the victims of the shooting because country music fans often are Republicans.” Jeff Zeleny, of the famed Crazed Nuts Network, wanted to remind viewers that many country music fans are Trump Supporters. What did this bit of information have to do with what he was spouting anyway? Was it to say that since the victims supported Trump that this tragedy was not so tragic. How did he know who they supported anyway. It is not a prerequisite to support a candidate to declare what kind of music you like. These remarks are why I do not listen to Lame Stream Media any longer.

Not only did the media trash the victims but a liberal buffoon that goes by Ann#TheResistance, who according to her twitter profile is a teacher, mother, sister, and woman. She tweeted such hatred that if she were my kids' teacher, she would be looking for another job. Preferably away from kids. She tweeted this message: “Lots of white Trump supporters in Las Vegas at route 21 watching Jason Aldean. Pray only trumptards die.” Wow! She has such hatred in her heart it is scary.

This country is in total chaos today. And it is only going to get worse. We have taken God out of our schools, our homes and, in many cases, our churches. In Matthew 24 we are warned to watch because with the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold. Friends, this is what is happening in the world today. Wee can read more about this in 2 Timothy 3:

There will be terrible times in the last days. For men will be loves of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.

We can see this increase in wickedness more and more every day. It is a sad commentary on our society when we celebrate the deaths of our fellow citizens. How cold hearted we have become!

Father God,

I come before you with a heavy heart for this great country you have blessed. I pray for our leaders and ask that you give them the wisdom to lead us. I pray for our President. May he always be open to your leading. I pray for my fellow citizens. Let their eyes and hearts be open for your calling before it is too late. I humbly ask you to continue your mercy and protection on all in this great country. I thank you for your son, Jesus, who sacrificed His life on the cross to save all. I am so thankful that He died for all and not just for some. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. I pray for the strength to finish the race you have set before me. I humbly ask these things in the name of your precious son, Jesus.



Sunday, October 1, 2017

My Rant (No Apology Forthcoming)

Friends, I have asked God to put a hand over my mouth today and to let the words coming out of my mouth to be gracious and loving. I know He will do that but I feel a rant coming on. I want to express my frustrations about the Mayor of San Juan who is literally letting people die in order to fit the agenda that the President is not doing anything to help her people. She made that statement while standing in front of full pallets of food and supplies. And where did she have the time and materials to make her fashion statement with her “Help us. We're dying shirt and SOS cap? I would guess that it was a gift from the Lame Stream Media since she was wearing it during an interview with Anderson Cooper of the Crazed Nuts Network otherwise known as CNN.

Lady, if I were you I would be on my knees not in protest but in thanks that our President sent aid to you as fast as he did. And no, Hillary, you do not get credit for it even if the leftist media gives it to you. You are not the president. You lost. And you have no authority to send anything anywhere. Ask Haiti. I'm sure they remember you and your rapist in chief husband. I'm sorry God. That one slipped. Please forgive me.

You members of the media also have blood on your hands for the news you ( can't in good conscience say report) spout. Because of your garbage, people are dying all over the country. You hide the atrocities of BLM and Antifa but talk about how unfit our President is. He has done more for this country in 8 months than the previous white house occupant did in 8 years. Yes, I support Trump because he is doing what he was elected to do. I have no such confidence in the Congress and Senate because they, for some reason, hate him and stand in his way. I know why they hate him is because he is an outsider and not an established politician that can be bought. This earns him more respect in my book. It is as obvious that Trump loves American and her people just as much as Obama hated America and her citizens. I have come to the point of distrust in the media that if they told me it is raining, I would have to go outside to see for myself.

Now, what about the NFL protests? These whiny crybabies that have their mothers take up their battle and call them “young men of character”. I have also researched the teams and their criminal records are frightening, to say the least. They have no respect for anyone or anything else except themselves. The owners that put them back on the team after they serve time in prison for anything from DUI to murder are just as bad. I have no respect for you and it looks like the majority of Americans don't either. What you “boys” call each other and your wives or girlfriends is much worse that what Trump called you. BTW, Trump would have never made that statement if your buddy Colon (no I did not misspell his name that is only the nicest thing I will call him) started it all when he sat the Anthem to protest “the flag that represents a country that oppresses black people and other people of color.” So you see, Colon is to blame for this mess you are in and he does not even have a job. So you can thank him for your lost revenues in ticket sales.

God, thank you for only letting “nice” words come from my mouth. I have said this in a loving tone but you can't water down the truth. It had to be said. Again, I say thank you for keeping my language clean because you know some of the words I wanted to us. You are so gracious.

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.