Monday, October 2, 2017

No Love Left

My rant today is to the heartless, ignorant people who are actually celebrating the “White Trump Supporters” killed last night in Las Vegas. It saddens me to no end to see such depravity as this. People where is your love for your fellow man? Of course I expected Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi and the other swamp dwellers, as well as, the Hollywood elites to spew their vitriol about gun control. I would be surprised if they didn't. But that is a message for another day.

Today, I want to rant about “normal” people (and I use that term “normal” loosely). Hayley Gilftman-Gold, a top legal executive at CBS stated on her Facebook page that she”is not even sympathetic for the victims of the shooting because country music fans often are Republicans.” Jeff Zeleny, of the famed Crazed Nuts Network, wanted to remind viewers that many country music fans are Trump Supporters. What did this bit of information have to do with what he was spouting anyway? Was it to say that since the victims supported Trump that this tragedy was not so tragic. How did he know who they supported anyway. It is not a prerequisite to support a candidate to declare what kind of music you like. These remarks are why I do not listen to Lame Stream Media any longer.

Not only did the media trash the victims but a liberal buffoon that goes by Ann#TheResistance, who according to her twitter profile is a teacher, mother, sister, and woman. She tweeted such hatred that if she were my kids' teacher, she would be looking for another job. Preferably away from kids. She tweeted this message: “Lots of white Trump supporters in Las Vegas at route 21 watching Jason Aldean. Pray only trumptards die.” Wow! She has such hatred in her heart it is scary.

This country is in total chaos today. And it is only going to get worse. We have taken God out of our schools, our homes and, in many cases, our churches. In Matthew 24 we are warned to watch because with the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold. Friends, this is what is happening in the world today. Wee can read more about this in 2 Timothy 3:

There will be terrible times in the last days. For men will be loves of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.

We can see this increase in wickedness more and more every day. It is a sad commentary on our society when we celebrate the deaths of our fellow citizens. How cold hearted we have become!

Father God,

I come before you with a heavy heart for this great country you have blessed. I pray for our leaders and ask that you give them the wisdom to lead us. I pray for our President. May he always be open to your leading. I pray for my fellow citizens. Let their eyes and hearts be open for your calling before it is too late. I humbly ask you to continue your mercy and protection on all in this great country. I thank you for your son, Jesus, who sacrificed His life on the cross to save all. I am so thankful that He died for all and not just for some. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. I pray for the strength to finish the race you have set before me. I humbly ask these things in the name of your precious son, Jesus.



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