Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Offended By the Cross

Again, I did not know what I was going to write until I saw Todd Starnes article about a war memorial. Yesterday, I wrote about the satanic drag queen reading to little children in Michelle Obama's library in Long Beach. I found this to be offensive. Today, we can see the flip side where Christians are actually attacked because of the Cross.

In 1925 the American Legion erected a memorial in Bradenburg, Maryland to honor the memory of 49 brave men who fought and died in World War I. In 2004 the American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit because the cross shaped memorial is unconstitutional because the Cross carries “an inherently religious message.

On Wednesday the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed the historic memorial has to come down. Why? Simply because the memorial is in the shape of a cross.

So Friends, this is what this country is coming to. A satanic drag queen can read to kids to “normalize” the LGBTQ agenda but a memorial honoring our brave men who fought for this country offends people. People are offended by the Cross but are fine with a satanic drag queen!

In Isaiah 5:20 we read Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness. Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. We are seeing more and more of this every day. People are redefining everything from marriage and sexuality to gender. What was once good and right is now called evil and wrong. What was once a perversion and evil is now applauded and called courageous. The only remedy for this world is God's return and that will be soon.

Father, with heaviness in my heart, I come before you. I pray that people will wake up and accept your love and mercy before it is too late. Satan has deceived so many people and has hardened their hearts. I pray that people will hear your voice calling to them. I ask for wisdom and courage in the days ahead. I pray that I can do one small thing to bring people to you. I ask these things in Jesus' name.

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