Tuesday, October 31, 2017

I Am Offended

I know the "thing today" is to be offended if you are a "minority" and whites are told "not to say or do anything that might “offend". Well, let me tell you I am offended. What I am offended by is the fact that as a white conservative Christian, I am supposed to be pc and be careful of what I say and do so I don't offend the blacks, atheists, muslims or anyone else who might be "offended". Well, I am to the point that I am offended by them. The last time I checked I still have a freedom of speech and freedom of religion and I will only bow to my Heavenly Father. Though man may declare himself as god and all knowing--no man is omnipotent or omniscient or omnipresent--only God. Oh, if I have offended anyone by this post, unfriend me if you must but if you expect me to apologize don't hold your breath.
As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.

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