Saturday, October 21, 2017

How Low Will They Go?

The past couple of days have really shown me the depths liberals will sink to destroy this country because of their hatred of President Trump. It seems a black liberal Congress Woman from Florida listened in, I say eavesdropped, on a very special, very intimate phone conversation the president made to the widow of a fallen soldier. He called Myeshia Johnson to offer his condolences on the recent loss of her husband, Sgt La David T. Johnson in Niger.

This hat wearing hate filled liberal then took it upon herself to twist and distort the words our president spoke to he grieving widow. Congress woman, Frederica Wison, then accused the president of being uncaring and lacking in compassion. She twisted his words as only a hate filled liberal infected with BAD (Brain Absent Disorder) could do.

But friends, as offensive as this is, that is not the worse part. In her vitriolic garbage spewing hatred she is dishonoring the memory of this brave soldier and other fallen heroes. She claims to care about out military, but I checked her cvoting record on military affairs and she came up lacking. She cvoted against measures that would benefit military members and their families. Because of her insane babbling this poor widow and others cannot grieve in the peace and privacy they deserve. Sgt. Johnson's life and death have become a media circus and Wilson has proclaimed she is a “rock star”.

Mrs. Johnson and her family should be allowed the privacy and respect they deserve instead of being used as pawns for the liberal agenda. Sgt Johnson should be remembered as the hero he is and not just a notch in someone's political belt.

Major John Kelly, who lost his own son in the military, gave a heart-rending speech about the president's call and compared the Congress woman to an “empty barrel”. This was meant as a metaphor to represent someone who “makes the most noise”. Now Wilson is playing the race cared and callingh General Kelly racist.

Now get ready for this. The New York Times is soliciting for stories from other Gold Star families to try to find some way to discredit our president more. I ask you how low will liberals and the media sink?

Mrs. Johnson, has posted on facebook pleading for this circus to stop. She stated in no way was the president disrespectful and included his exact words. It is so heart breaking to see our fallen heroes and their families being used to spread the liberal hatred of our president and our country. I want to thank Mrs. Johnson for her sacrifices and her husband for fighting for this country. I pray that God will sustain her and her children in the days ahead and I want her to remember that America and true citizens will always be in debt.

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinions. May God bless you all. Just saying.Myeshia Johnson

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