Sunday, October 15, 2017

Eminem—Courageous or Cowardice

Eminem was hailed as courageous this week with his insane rant on President Trump. In reality, he was nothing but a sniveling coward acting like a two year that didn't get the candy from the store. All he did was take the same old talking points of liberals everywhere and the Lame Stream Media and make an attempt to put them to rhyme. A poorly made rhyme at that. I was always told how talented he is but he did not show me any talent with this incoherent childish tantrum I saw. Eminem, if you want to show courage, look no further than Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, and James Woods who are all truly courageous by standing for their convictions in the land of the liberal loonies in Hollyweird. Those three men are truly heroes in my book. Not some sad has been rapper.

Eminem, you are a 44 year old immature coward that is fighting hard to find relevance in this world again. What you did is not courageous or even noteworthy. You are playing up to the very people who are trying to destroy this great country. You and your friends are only sheep that are following the puppet master right off the cliff.

I hear you are coming out with a new album. Maybe this was only a publicity stunt to get you back in the public eye after so many years of irrelevance. I will not be buying your album or even listening to it. You have drawn a line in the sand and kiddo (I will not even call you sir) I have drawn mine. I stand on the side of my President who is fighting against all the weak minded liberals to make this country great again. He is fighting for every citizen in this country no matter the color of their skin. Yes, Eminem, even you.

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