Monday, October 16, 2017

The Days Ahead

I assume you have all heard of the proposed Civil War that is set on November 4 by Antifa and other hate groups. I have, for the last few days, felt an overwhelming burden to pray for our country, our President and our Vice President.

I have, like may of you, seen these hate groups in actions in several areas of this country. What strikes me is how young most of these rioters are. It saddens me to think how these young people are being used by people like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros to do their dirty work.

These young people do not even know or understand what they are fighting against. They are only doing what they are told to do by these evil puppet masters that are leading them to destruction. These evil puppet masters are trying to tear this great country down and, through their hatred for President Trump and the American citizens, are willing to sacrifice the lives of so many people to attain their goal.

I found a booklet on my dining room table the other day and do not even know where it came from or how it got on my table. I read the booklet and a section called “A Personal Matter” struck a chord in my heart and I would like to share a paragraph with you.

We need to feel responsible for doing our part. Nations are not converted as nations. Change takes place when individuals within a nation come to realize their personal responsibilities and when each resolves to do his part. As greater numbers take a stand the influence for good increases and the benefits multiply.

Friends, I think now is when we should all come together and do our part by praying for this country, its leaders and its citizens. God tells us we are fighting against flesh and blood but against the darkness and principalities of the air. This is a spiritual battle that we must all fight. We need to get on bended knee—not in protest—but in prayer. Satan has been loosed in this world and is deceiving many. I do not profess to know the day or the hour when He will return but I do know He is returning.

Father god, I come before you with a heavy heart and burden for this country that you have blessed for so long. I pray that people's eyes and hearts will be open to your calling. I pray for the many young people that are being deceived and lied to by the great deceiver and father of lies. I claim your promises that you will never leave nor forsake me and no weapon formed against me will stand. You have overcome this world and conquered death. Father, I pray for the wisdom to help others know you and the courage to stand firm in times of trials. I ask these things in the name of your son, Jesus.

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