Friday, October 20, 2017

Friend Or Foe

I'm sure we have all heard of the Congress woman who is trying to politicize the death of one of our brave fighting men. She took what our President said to the grieving widow totally out of context and callled President Trump unfeeling. All the time she was painting herself as a hero for the men and women who fight for our great country and one who has only the best interest of the American people at heart and must save America from the monster that is in the White House.

According to Bill O'Reilly, the family was given a 24 hour notice that the president would be calling. The widow then told Congresswoman Wilson, who made it a point to be there when the call came in. Do you see where this is leading? She planted her hat right there in order to be able to twist and distort what was said.

As far as her concern for the American fighting men and women, and veterans, let her voting record speak for itself. Does this record look like a person that is concerned for our military and their families or one who has her own liberal agenda to be more concerned about? I'll let you decide for yourself.Enemy of Veterans

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