Thursday, October 12, 2017

Liberal Hypocrisy

This is in response to the Hollyweird Hollowheads that have taken it upon themselves to be our voice on how to act, what to think, and how to live. I have heard enough garbage spewing from you to fill up a 40 acre landfill. With the news of Harvey Weinstein and the massive cover up in Hollyweird, and yes, even Washington DC you loud mouth liberals have no right to be my moral conscience

Meryl Streep, you are definitely the wrong person to tell me how to act and what to think. With your diatribe at the awards show you let your true colors shine through. You spewed out vitriolic hatred about our president and the “injustice” in the country you deserved another award for that little act you put on there. You and your like live in your ivy covered castles, look down upon all of us “little people” and take it upon yourself to be our voice. You say you did not know about Weinstein's behavior and it disgusts you. How could you not know? It was a a standing joke in Hollyweird for over two decades. You are complicit in the pit of Hell that covered up for him. Why Meryl, you even called him god. How dare you blaspheme the name of my God in such a despicable way as that? You all get on your little soap box and tell regular Americans to listen to you because you are so much brighter than we are. In reality, Meryl you are all living in a fantasy world where nothing is is as it seems. You have told the same lies for so long you believe your own lies.

But Meryl, I am not picking on you. Others are just as guilty in this massive cover up. Matt Damon and Russell Crowe took it upon themselves to “kill” a story about this scandal in 2004. Weinstien was given a free pass because he was such a “big shot” in Tinseltown. Even Ben Affleck did his part in sexually exploiting women when he groped actress Hilarie Burton. I guess he did not have as much clout as Weinstein because he was called on it.

As repulsive as Weinstein is he was not the first nor I am afraid to say will he be the last pervert that comes from the Hollyweird scene When Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old girl and fled to Paris in 1977 to escape prosecution, Weinstein headed a petition to allow Polanski to return to the United States because “whatever you think about the so-called crime, Polanski has served his time. So I guess sexual perversion is a club where members take care of their own.

Hollyweird is not the only place Weinstein's influence has extended. He was a main contributor to Hillary Rodham Clinton and other demonratics, as well as, the DNC. He also contributed to Bill Clinton's defense fund in his impeachment hearings. It took Hillary about 5 hours after the Las Vegas massacre to come out and condemn the NRA and pro second amendment advocates but 5 days to respond to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. Even then it was a weak and watered down response. “I was shocked and apalled by the revelation about Harvey Weinstein. The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.” Yeah, Hillary, your support of Bill's victims is to be commended. You really showed your advocacy for women in your actions back then.

Barack and Michelle Obama took even longer. Their response was a bit puzzling to say the least. “Michelle and I have been disgusted by the recent reports about Harvey Weinstein.” Are they disgusted by the reports or by the actions of Weinstein? Their own daughter Malia was an intern for Weinstein and he was a frequent visitor at the White House. They took so long to issue a response that even the Crazed Nuts Network (CNN) wasn't pleased.

Perhaps the democrats who received monies from Einstein could donate these contributions to a rape crisis center to help other women who have been victimized by predators like them.

As always, you have the right to disagree but I have the right to express my opinion. May
God bless you all. Just saying.

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