Saturday, October 14, 2017

Letter to Uncle Jimmy Our Moral Conscience

Dear Uncle Jimmy,

You, sir, are a self-righteous hypocrite. With your fount of knowledge on the kind of health care I should have to your “emotional monologue” about gun control, you show your ignorance about real America. You can sit high in your gated, walled-in castle with your many armed security guards and tell us how we should live. We deserve the same protection you and your family have. We just don't outsource our protection. It might come as a shock to you but my family's lives are just as important to me as your family's lives are to you. I do want to say kudos to Chucky Schumer on the effectiveness of the acting lessons he gave you. He taught you how to let the tears flow just right didn't he? Congratulations to you, the student, and Chucky, the teacher.

Now about Harvey Weinstein. You say in an interview with Good Morning America, he was not a friend of yours and you are not in the movie business. Well, Jimmy, that doesn't matter to me. You see all of you Hollyweird “celebrities” tend to cover for each other. You did attempt to make one joke about the scandal but even then you were taking aim at President Trump by aiming the joke at his son, Donald Trump Jr. So you see, you are taking care of one of “your own”.

I bet you didn't think or at least hoped that the video of your being a typical Hollyweird scum would not surface. You know the one I mean, that little game of “What's in my pants?” This was back when you hosted the “Man Show”. You took advantage of women by telling them “I've dropped something in my pants. Can you guess what it is?” You told the women to put their hands on the outside of your pants and feel to see what is in your pants. You even told them to use both hands and put their mouth on it. Some of the remarks you made were appalling. “You'll make a fine wife.” “You can get to the Olympics with that technique.” Jimmy, do you remember asking one woman how old she was and when she told you she was 18, you said “Good, Uncle Jimmy doesn't need to do time.” You, sir, are as despicable as the rest of the degenerates that populates Hollywood.

You may not call yourself the “moral conscience of America” but your friends at CNN do. Bill Carter wrote an article about “How Jimmy Kimmel Became America's Conscience”. In it he extolled your virtues as just that. You are being showered in praise from the gun grabbing er, gun control advocates after your “tearful” performance regarding the Las Vegas Massacre.

We do not need your fake tears or your moral lectures. When you can climb down from you pedestal, get rid of your armed guards, and live in Real America, you might just might find people willing to listen to you. Until then, stay on your self-righteous holy mountain and spout your garbage to your elitist friends. I'm sure they are waiting breathlessly for your next nugget of self-righteous, holier than thou babble. But I am not.


A Proud Deplorable from Real America

As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinions. May God Bless you all. Just saying.

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