Monday, October 23, 2017

In Times Like These

I    Last week I posted about a demonic clad drag queen reading to small children in Michelle Obama’s library in Long Beach. I would like to tell this was an isolated event. I would like to tell you that but I can’t.
     A drag queen calling itself “Little Hot Miss”, I call it “Big Bad Mess” read to small children at a library in Brooklyn, New York. She asked the small children, “Who wants to be a drag queen whey they grow up?’ and sang a song to the tune of “The Wheels On the Bus.” “The hips on a drag queen go swish swish swish.. This was not done without the parents’ knowledge. Several parents were in attendance and many praised the program calling the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) important in explaining gender fluidity and the LBQT (whatever the initials are) to their children. These are young kids that should not even be exposed to this lifestyle much less having it explained to them.
     This program was started last fall and is now being held in several cities around the world including New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.  According to the DQSH, the purpose of the program is to “capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive and unabashedly queer role models. People, these groups are targetingt our kids.
     This is not limited to public libraries. Khan Academy, a leading online educational video producer is worming this agenda into its online videos. In a lesson on plurality of nouns, a sentence is given with the instruction to select the correct plural: Marie and Sophie go out to breakfast with their              . The only choices are wifes or wives. It is up to us as Christian parents and grandparents to be aware of what our children are taught and exposed to.
     We read in God’s word in Revelation 12:12 “Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” We are living in the last days now. The devil is loosed and running amok trying to steal souls because he knows that God is returning.
     Too many people are too caught up in being politically correct that they are pushing God aside. Even many churches today are more concerned with being seen as tolerant and politically correct that the preachers are not preaching God’s word.  They are preaching “lite” and not the word of God. Friends, my Bible has not changed since it was written and God has not changed. What He called sin is still sin and what He ordained as good is still good.
     I do not profess to be a theologian but I do profess to be a Christian who is concerned about this world and its inhabitants. I urge you to read and study God’s words for yourself and heed his warnings to us all.
     As always you are free to disagree but I am free to express my opinion. May God bless you all. Just saying.   

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