Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Language of Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

Emerson Eggerichs has uncovered the secret of communication between males and females. According to him the woman sees though pink glasses and hears through pink hearing aids while the man sees through blue glasses and hears through blue hearing aids. This difference in how the male and female speak and hear can cause much confusion in their communication. Although something is said that in itself is not meant to cause miscommunication, because the pink and the blue hearing can create confustion. This is called the "crazy cycle" and we must decode what is meant through what is said. A woman wants to feel love and a man wants to feel respect. Eggerichs tells us we must ensure that our spouse is made to feel loved/respected by what we say. If the husband's words makes the wife feel unloved she will respond in ways that, to him, seem disrespectful. This works in reverse--if she says something that makes him feel disrespected, he will respond in a way that make her feel unloved.

Eggerichs also explains the chairs/couple concept to explain this difference and what males and females must do in order to communicate with each other better. These concepts, as well as the TUFTS concept are presented in a clear, understandable way that makes them easy to internalize and use in real life.

I enjoyed this book and plan to use these concepts in my own marriage and relationships. I recommenc this book to other couples who need help in communicating with their mate.

This book was reviewed for Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Like Sands Through the Hour Glass

Well, chaos agains reigns "on the edge." It has been a couple of days that would send a stong man run screaming. But since I am not a strong man--or even a man, I stayed the course.

To really start things rolling downhill, the kids' bus was 15 minutes late. This doesn't sound like a major problem but with a kid to dress and feed and send to preschool, this set my already tight schedule back. This meant playing catchup the rest of the morning. Oh well, I'm used to rushing to get things done. But, when I picked up the preschooler, I needed to take her and the other darlins' to get their swine flu vaccines. I arrived at the location on time and was in line for the nurses to administer the vaccines. However, since it was given at school and time was running out for the older kids to catch their buses, we were instructed to let them go first. OK, no problem, another 45 minutes and we were almost to our destination again, when we were instructed to move to the back of the line to let an even larger group of students go first. Yeah, bus problems again. After another 45 minutes of standing in line, attempting to keep 3 kids corraled and cooperative, we were told that the elementary students weren't supposed to be there for another 2 hours. After much grumbling from other parents (not me, I am so easy to get along with. Yeah right) we were finally allowed to go through the staff line. All in all our total waitning time was about 2 hours. Did I ever tell you that patience is not my strong point. by this time my entire body ached and I'm afraid that I was not as nice to kids as I normally am. Oh no, I think the vaccine has infected my brain. Did I just say that I am always nice to my kids? You other mothers know what I mean, don't you?

OK so that is one day in a week of torture. The next day I attended the annual Thanksgiving at preschool. Well, when I arrive, my darlin' informed me she did not feel so well. Guess what, she has the same "bug" she had earlier this month. I took her home and she went to sleep and slept all day. Thank God, her fever did not get as high as it did before but I called her doctor for a prescription for her.
She slept fine all night but I didn't. I was always waking up to check on her.

Now, I have to take the boys to church for their Upward Basketball evaluations. I am glad they want to participate in this but it means I will be "On the road again." I just hope the road does not lead me over the edge. Life on the edge is enough for me.

Well, time is awastin' and I have things to do. So I guess I had better go and get to doin'. I hope you are encouraged by my life--if only to say to yourself "glad that's not my life."

Until next time, this is life on the edge.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Regret-Free Living by Stephen Arterburn

This book gives us tools to use to change our regrets and live regret-free. Arterburn tells us that not only must we forgive others but the biggest obstacle to the life that God plans for us is our inability to forgive ourselves. He actually relates an incident from his past to illustrate this concept. He is very open and honest in relating this major event and the process he had to go through in order to forgive himself and receive forgiveness from the other person involved in the situation. By following this process he shows the reader how much work is involved in the process but how satisfying his life became once he was able to find true self-forgiveness.

I enjoyed this book because it helped me release past regrets from my own life. In parts of the book I felt as though Arterburn was speaking directly to me Perhaps the most important and helpful information I gleaned from reading this book was when I read "don't take on more responsibilty than you actually own for a situation with another person." I have a tendency to focus on my mistakes and deceive myself into thinking I am the sole cause for a situation in my relationships. After reading this book, I will make a conscious effort to accept only my part in a problem.

This book was reviewed for Bethany House Publishers.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another Birthday

Well, another major birthday party today. She has left the 4 year old "little kid" phase and is now in the "BIG" girl stage of being 5. What a major step that is. She let her wishes known in no uncertain terms. The problem here was explaining that some of thse wonderful inventions would have to wait until the next important holiday--Christmas. She did enjoy the cake and is still buzzing from the sugar high. As for me, I am dragging but what to me is an end of an exhausting day is the beginning of a new adventure for her. After all, she is not a baby anymore but is now considered one of the major league players in her game of life.

Oh well, this year will also pass and the next one will bring more adventures and life changing events.

Sorry, the post is so short tonight but as I said, this is the end of an exhausting day. So until tomorrow that is life on the edge tonight.

Have a good night and enjoy your kids while they are young. Too soon they will be a member of that alien group called teenagers.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, I thought we all needed to count our blessings. If you are like me, sometimes our pain seems to crowd out the blessings. But If I look really close, the blessings are there and in abundance. I wrote this poem years ago when I was having a problem seeing the blessings. God came through for me again and showed me that He is always with me--in the trials and in the blessings.

My life is filled with trials
And tests on every hand.
But I take them all to Jesus
Because I know He'll understand.

I stop each day and ponder
The gifts He gives to me--
The blessings far outnumber
Whatever the trials may be.

My cup runneth over
And my many blessings I can't count.
But I know that God is with me
Of that I have no doubt.

His arms are always around me
Each and every day.
And when I'm faced with trials
I know He hears me when I pray.

So always look to Jesus in
Whatever you're going through.
For dear friend He's there waiting
With such great love for you.

I hope you enjoy and remember that we are blessed whether we recognize the blessing He sends or not.

Stay encouraged and blessed.
Until next time, this is life on the edge.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Mother's Holiday

With the holidays fast approaching, I thought I would let you men know how a woman "relaxes" during this time of year.

Up before dawn
Sweeping and mopping.
Too much to do
No time for stopping.
The family is nestled
All snug in their beds.
While visions of a turkey dinner
Dance in their head.
There's cooking to be done
and laundry to do,
Gotta scrub the floors
And clean the windows too.
The TV comes on
The family is awake.
How much more do you think I can take?
The relatives pour in with
Shouts of good cheer,
Why did I offer to have
The family dinner here?
Now that the meal is done
The relatives leave amid
Shouts of good wishes,
While hubby and kids watch TV
Guess who gets stuck with the dishes?

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Best Laid Plans

Recently when my 4 year old was sick I was reminded of a time a few years ago when her 7 year old brother was sick. I had written a story about how God had used this to teach me a valuable lesson.

When I can get the kids on the school bus and to day care I consider my mornings to be a success. With four kids to feed and get dressed, mornings are always chaotic at my house. One wants cereal for breakfast, one wants eggs and one wants anything that no one else wants or we do not have. Getting out the door with everyone dressed and my sanity intact is always a miracle.

One morning I was "patting myself on the back" for managing to deliver the kids to their appointed destinations on time. I even had a few minutes to spare so I decided to stop at the neighborhood cafe for a much needed cup of coffee. As i was savoring the delicious coffee, I began to plan my my day. I could shampoo my carpets, clean the overstuffed closets, and maybe do a load or two of laundry. I had just finished my coffee and plans for the day when my cell phone began to ring.
Isn't technology wonderful?

The voice of the day care director, in one sentence, changed my entire plans for the day. "Christian has a fever and you will need to pick him up." "Sure, I'm on my way," I stammered gulping the last of my coffee. I paid my check and headed for my car. As I pu my keys in the ignition I thought of all my ambitious plans for the day. Oh well, I thought as I pulled out into the street and headed for the short drive to day care. I can pick up Christian and settle him down to watch his favorite cartoons and get some chores marked off my ever-growing "to do" list.

When I arrived at day care I spotted Christian in a corner with the saddest expression on his face. Ms. Sherry, his teacher, explained that he did not act as though he were sick. However, when a child has a fever he needs to go home. "I understand," I told her as I bent down to give Christian a hug. "Do you hurt anywhere?" I asked him. Tears began rolling down his face as he hugged me and said, "No Nanny, I just want to go home."

We got in the car and headed for home. I felt so sorry for him that I stopped at his favorite restaurant, McDonald's and got him a kid's meal and milk shake. As he enjoyed his meal we talked--I mean really talked--about everything. We talked about his friends at day care and what he was learning. When I talked to him I actually felt as though he were really interested in what I had to say (unlike my husband sometimes). I haven't felt that good about a conversation in a long time. I know what has been said about a "little child shall lead them" but today I actually learned about the pleasure of enjoying a conversation with someone.

When we arrived home I asked him if he would like to go to bed and watch TV. "No,Nanny, I want to make cookies with you." So we made cookies and laughed and talked some more. "This is fun," he said to me with flour on his face. He looked so precious I had to laugh and say, "You know these cookies are done, we need to taste test before we let the rest of the family eat any of these. Do you feel like having some milk and cookies?" "Sure," he said. After enjoying some milk and cookies, I checked his temperature. It had gone down some but he still had a small fever.

"Why don't you go in your room and let me put you in bed and turn your cartoons on for you?" Without another word he went into his room and got into bed. I turned on his favorite cartoon channel and kissed him. Before ten minutes went by he was sound asleep. I went into the kitchen and washed up the dishes and threw in a load of towels to wash. I then went into the living room and sat in my rocking chair for a rest. I looked at my to-do list and realized that I could not get my list done and laid it to the side.

When Christian awoke he wanted me to color with him. This is what we were doing when Tori came bounding through the door. She ran to Chriatain and gave him a hug. I explained to her that he had a fever and had to leave day care early. He excitedly showed her the cookies we made and the pictures that we had colored. I looked at the clock and realized it was time to pick up Nikolas and Alyssa. "Take care of Christian for me." I called to Tori as I ran out the door.

On the way to the day care I realized that I had not planned dinner so a quick stop at the market was in order. Hurriedly picking up a pack of chicken and a few additional things for dinner I jogged to the closest checkout. As luck would have it, I got behind a woman that had more items in her cart than money to pay for them. I impatiently waited for her to decide what she could do without. Finally, it was my turn. As I paid for my few groceries, I began to think of how I had spent my day. It was not exactly how I had planned it. I left the store with a smile on my face. Finally, I was again on my way to the daycare.

After retrieving the other two kids and assuring Christian's teacher that he was fine, I again headed for home. After I had prepared dinner and put the kids to bed, I sat down and reflected on my day. Guess what happened to my to-do list? Absolutely nothing! Sure I could have shampooed the carpets and cleaned closets but what would that have accomplished compared to the way I had spent my day? I had spent the day making memories with my grandchild. Memories I know I will never forget and memories that I think Christian will always remember.

There on my couch alone in the dark and with the TV on in the background, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I realized that although I had big plans of my own for the day, He had His own plans for me. Without God's intervention I would have missed out on experiencing the greatest day of my life. After checking Christian's temperature and giving all my precious grandchildren goodnight kisses, I stood and watched each one of them. Do you know what I did next? I thanked God for each and every one of them. I had not cleaned carpets today but I had done something more important. I had spent the day with of God's angels.

True satisfaction in life comes from walking with God everday in all areas of our life--even in our day to day to-do lists.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Noticer by Andy Andrews

This is a very easy read but it is filled with a wonderful philosophy on perspective. It is a book that needs to be digested slowly in order to gain the full benefits of the wisdom contained in its pages.

Jones, not Mr. Jones, is a gentle old man that visits people in their darkest hours. He helps them sort out their problems by helping them gain a new perspective on the issue they are facing. He helps a couple sort through marital difficulties by explaining the different dialects of love. He helps the down-trodden and outcasts see why they are alone and depressed. He gives them tools to see their life in a new light and change this self-destructive patterns.

I enjoyed reading this book. I have read several of Andrews' books and have never been disappointed in them. This book is full of wonderful "bits of wisdom". One that has stuck with me is "whatever you focus on increases." I have often been guilty of focusing on the bad events in my life. Since reading this book I will focus on what is good in my life. I give this book five stars.

In closing, I would like to ask you a question from the book.
"How can you take the ideas presented by Jones and seek out people who may need a new perspective of their own?"

This book was reviewed through Tommy Nelson Publishing Review Program.

I hope you will read this book and see what a difference a little perspective can make.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fearless by Max Lucado

When I was given a chance to review Fearless by Max Lucado I was thrilled. I have enjoyed reading his books for years. The discussion guides he provides at the ends of his books always drive home the points he makes in his books and really make me think. Fearless is no exception.

Lucado lists several commom fears but the three that top my list are: Fear of disappointing God; Fear of not having enough; and Fear of failure to protect my children. Lucado emphasizes that Jesus can erase all these fears if we will turn them over to Him.

This book is a good book to share with family and friends that are also caught up in the traps fear can place in our path. I might buy more copies but I intend to keep mine as a "reference book" to help me with the fear that might have me its grasp at any given time. The sentence "Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear." really hit home with me. It seems that each morning, if I don't spend time in God's word, a new set of worries grip me. Lucado helped me to realize that fear shows a lack of confidence in God. Because of this book, I can now turn all my worries over to God and rest assured in His love.

I give this book 5 stars because it is a thought-provoking and comforting book to read and re-read.

I reviewed this book for Thomas Nelson Publishers. You can preview this book by clicking on the book in my sidebar.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sick Bed on the edge

Well, today I have sick little girl to care for. I had to pick her up early yesterday and take her to the doctor. This is the one kid that never gets sick. So when she is sick everyone suffers. She is taking to barking orders for something to drink very well. If I don't jump at her first command she says, "Nanny, the doctor said I had to drink more so bring me something to drink." Seriously, I don't like it when the kids are sick. I worry too much although I know that God is in control. I guess I'm too much of a mom.

Now, when my DH gets sick that is another story. When he has a cough or sneeze, the world is coming to an end. I know you ladies know what I am talking about. Actually, the kids are braver than a man when sickness strikes.

Oh, well, I guess that is why God made us with strong backs--to hold up our family when we need to. The male thinks he is the stronger sex. He doesn't know that the female is smart enough to just let him think that. How else would we get him to do our dirty jobs for us.

Enough for now. The patient is calling me. Here goes Dr. Mom, waitress Mom, maid Mom, and whatever else the job requires.

So long. Until later--This is life on the edge!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Power of Respect by Deborah Norville

Respect is the music the
deaf can hear and
the blind can see.

Veteran journalist; sought after lecturer; and best-selling author, Deborah Norville calls the power of respect the most forgotten element of success. With scientific research, a common sense approach and real life anecdotes she makes a compelling case for the importance of respect in the major areas of life: Home, Relationships, School, and Business.

Many of the concepts presented in the book can be thought of as common sense; all to often these concepts are either forgotten or simply ignored. It is important to remember that all people are important and deserve respect, no matter who they are or the type of job they do for a living.

I enjoyed reading The Power of Respect because I was reminded of the many times I have failed to show respect to my own family and friends. I also gained some very good ideas on how to show my family how much respect I do have for them. I especially found the chapter on self-respect very enlightening. After all, if we cannot respect ourselves, how can we respect anyone else?

I must admit that some of the research was hard to read, I did find this book to be overall very informative.

I reviewed this book for the Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers Program.

The Power of Respect by Deborah Norville
If you want to preview this book click on the book cover in my sidebar.

Halloween Scares Me

Well, Halloween is over for another year. What a relief! Halloween always scares me to death. I don't mean the goblins or witches and any other grotesque costume the kids can envision. I mean the effects of so much candy on the kids. I do try to monitor the amount of candy they consume at one time but in reality--that is impossible to do 100%. I know you all have the same problem. Hyperactive kids that refuse to sleep or cooperate in any way. Of course, this is day to day life on the edge Face it life is hard enough as it is but add to the equation tons of sweet confections and life really takes a turn for the worse at Halloween.

That's not really the worse part--you can tie the kids up and duct tape their mouths shut. Don't call CPS--I'm only kidding. The worse part is trying to walk across the floor and find yourself sticking to the floor by leftover sweet delights the kids have dropped. Walking across a sugar laden floor is a lot like watching yourself move in slow motion.

Well, it is time to start the major overhaul on the house and attempt to clean it before the dog decides he wants some candy too. Oops, almost forgot. Got to untie the kids so they can get their exercise for the day.

Until next time, this is life on the edge.

Say a prayer for me if you can. I need all the help I can get.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Life on the Edge--orSliding in the Mud

Well, if things could not be complicated at "the edge" we are now fighting a water leak. Half my yard is dug up and is a solid mass of mud. Naturally, the kids are acting like they are on a water park ride. This would not be bad except, hello, we have no water. So the kids are running around with inches of mud on their feet and hands and playing tag. I guess I should just sit back and let them play without worrying about it. Actually, with no water what else can I do. I might just rub some on my face--isn't that supposed to be good for your skin? I am really getting delusional now. HELP!!! Oh well, what else have I got to do but clean house 24/7 and scrub kids or should I say scrape kids? If you pass my house and see me spraying kids off with the water hose (when I do get water that is), don't think bad of me. Just honk your horn and wave because you have just seen how life is "on the edge."

Until next time, take care and thank God for your family.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Then I Had Kids

I began to think about life without my (grand)kids the other day and realized that although my life has changed since I got them I really am glad they are with me. They keep my life from becoming boring.

My hair was always fixed
Not a strand out of place.
I even had time to put
Makeup on my face--
Then I had kids.

I could clean my house
In about an hour
And still have time
For a long hot shower--
But then I had kids.

I could spend all day shopping
Without a single worry.
Take time to browse around
And never had to hurry.
Then I had kids.

Since the kids came along
My life will never be the same
Some days I can't even
Remember my name.
But I love those kids.

Now my house is a mess
With toys and clutter.
"Can't you clean up this mess?"
I often hear Dear Hubby mutter.
But I love those kids.

Now my hair stands on end
And there's no time for showers.
The kids fight and scream
Sometimes for hours.
But love those kids.

Come to think of it
my life has really changed
But, you know, I would't trade it
For anything because
I love those kids.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life is Crazy Here on the Edge

Well, you probably all know about my new car I got after my van "bit the dust". There was a glitch with the panel lights and indicators--gas, speed, etc. The dealer set me up an appointment to have it repaired. You would think that with an appointment you could go, get your business taken care of and leave. Right? Well, after 4 hours sitting in the customer lounge I am told that they have to order a part so they rented a car for me. So far, nothing drastic. I get the rental car and go home. I am just in time for football practice. I load the car with kids and whoever else wants to go. The car did fine and we made it to ball practice and back home. I know I am rambling but please bear with me. The next day I have to take my husband to his doctor which is 3 hours away. By the time we got there my back was a little stiff but nothing major. But by the time we got back home, I was bent over and my back was hurting so much I was almost in tears. If you know me you know that I am a wimp with pain. With an aching back, 4 hungry kids, homework to help get done, supper to cook, and a house that was neglected too long, I went off the deep end and started yelling (I'm ashamed to admit) at everyone that got in my way. I noticed my 4 year old looking at me with a puzzled look on her face. Finally with fear in her voice she blurted out, "Nanny, why do you look like the mean old troll under the bridge in that story about the 3 billy goats?" That brought me back to earth long enough to fix the kids something to eat, and hang on until bedtime.

I guess the kids taught me another lesson about life. No matter what shape you are in kids still need a mother to help them.

Until next time, this is how life is "on the edge."

Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Days

Well, the kids went back to school today. My life is slowly getting back to normal. What I said previously about getting my house cleaned--forget that. I was speaking delusionally. Oh well, last week was chaotic anyway. Monday, I got my new car, Tuesday and Wednesday I took my husband to Nashville for his second shoulder surgery and the rest of the week didn't just go downhill, it snowballed down there.

But, you know what? God was right where He said He would be. Right there with me. All I had to do was call on Him and He held me in His arms.

Today, my oldest turns 15. Fun times are starting. Actually, the teenage turmoil has already begun. Pray that both of us will survive these teen years.

I hope you all are encouraged by my posts. If nothing else be thankful that it's my life and not yours. lol.

Gotta go, until next time I will be right here--living my life on the edge!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Praise Report

When I posted In a Desert Place-2 I related the story of my "dead" van. Well, prayer does work people. I was able to get a new car today. All I can say is it the work of God. Our financial situation is almost as dead as the van, but God opened the door for a car for us. Of course, we had to finance it but I have faith that we will be able to cover the monthly bill which is very low anyway.

I prayed the whole time we were applying for the credit and all I can say is GOD CAME THROUGH FOR ME ONCE AGAIN.

Until next time. Remember, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In a Desert Place-Part 2

After I finished posting In A Desert Place, I am finding myself in one. I hope that I can follow the advice in the poem and rely on Him to see me through. Picture this. You have no idea of any problem and turn the key to start your car. All you hear is a sound like a handful of rocks in your engine. Well, that happened to me yesterday. Now my van is dead in my driveway with no hope of returning to life. Now, this might not sound so bad but our financial situation is about as dead as the car. With only child support and worker's comp as income we are no situation to purchase a bicycle much less a four wheeled luxury like a car big enough to hold 2 adults, 1 teenager, and 3 children. Need I even say anything about the status the teenager wants to project with our choice. Oh well, I trust God for my day to day life and circumstances so I will pray and trust Him for this. After all He owns the car, doesn't He?

I will keep on keeping on and plugging along with Him by my side.

Just keep me in your prayers too.

Life is blessed just because I am His.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

In A Desert Place

When I'm in a desert place
Where fears and doubts abound,
I look up to Jesus for I know
He's already looking down.

When I'm in a desert place
And feel overwhelmed by despair,
I can hear Jesus whisper to me,
"My child," I'm always near.

"I will never leave nor forsake you,
Though from me you often stray.
Just take my hand and hold it
And I will lead the way."

When I'm in a desert place
Lord, help me to see
That there are others hurting
Even more than me.

So let me thank you, Father
For this trial I'm going through.
Because this desert place
Has brought me back to you.

Today's Whisper:
Stop and think when you are going through a trial that God is there with you. He will never leave you but wants you to take His hand and trust Him. You might think you are the only one going through a trial or troubles but remember there are other hurting people in this world.

Today's Prayer:
Dear Father, help me to remember that you are there with me when I find myself in a desert place. You will always be there for me and never leave me. Thank you for loving me and never forsaking me.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kids Will Be Home Next Week---HELP!

Today is the last day of school for the kids.  For some reason, they get a break for a week.  Life is hectic getting all four ready for school every day, but believe it or not, life is even more hectic when they are home.

Maybe I can utilize child labor and get my house cleaned thoroughly while they are home.  Sorry.  I just got delusional again didn't I.  Oh well, life goes on whether the house is clean or not.  The housework will still be around but the kids are growing so fast I think I will enjoy them while I can.

You are welcome to come and visit unless you are a clean freak.  If that is case, save yourself some stress and wait until the kids are grown and have their own places.  I thought that would happen with my own kids.  But I guess I was delusional again. lol.

I hope everyone has a good day.  Don't forget to thank God for the day He has given you.

This is the day the Lord has made.  Let ME rejoice and be glad in it.

Until next time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

If God Had a Refrigerator

I found this on the internet. I think it goes pretty well with my previous entry. I hope you enjoy it.

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He’ll listen. He could live anywhere in the universe and He chose your heart. What about the Christmas gift He sent you, not to mention that Friday at Calvary. Face it, He’s crazy about you.


Love Notes From God

I recently participated in the bible study, The Power of a Praying Wife. This bible study taught me how to pray for my husband in the major areas of his life. During this class I was reminded of a practice I had developed when we first married. I would write my husband little “love” notes and put them in his lunch box or somewhere around the house where I knew he would find them. Unfortunately, when the children came into our lives and our time was wrapped up in caring for them and making a living to support our little family, this practice was pushed to the side.

However, when I really began to read the book for the study, I knew the man I fell in love with and married is the one I still love all these years of marriage. I knew that over the years we both had, at times, felt that we had lost something in our relationship. I realized that even though we each now have major responsibilites in the day to day scheme of things, we need to let each other know that our love is still alive and has grown more with the passing years. So I again picked up the practice of leaving little notes around the house for him. Although he has not acknowledged that he reads the notes he has made reference to them from time to time and I can tell he is pleased and flattered by this gesture on my part.

One morning not too long ago, I was having my morning visit with God and
asking for his His help with some major problems with our children. As I cried in my coffee cup and bemoaned the loneliness and discouragement I was feeling, God spoke to me ande said. “Do you remember the love notes you wrote for Billy? Well, have you read my love notes to you?” Love notes from God? Was I hearing Him right or has my imagination run away with me again? “Lord, what do you mean ‘Love notes from you’?” As I listened to His answer the tears began falling down my face as I realized that I have been so caught up in my problems and trying to come up with my own solutions to them, I had not noticed the signs God had been sending me. He is always available with His arms stretched out wide for me to fall into. All I have to do is go to Him and tell Him my problems.

“Well,” He went on to say, “Do you remember the ‘cute’ little note you wrote to Billy that said, “You deserve the best–and when you married me that is just what you got.’?” “Sure I remeber that one,” I said. “I left that one for him because I know he does appreciate my sense of humor–sometimes, anyway.” “Well,” God replied. “You deserve the best–and when you became my child–that is what you got. I gave my son to die on the cross for you and pay for all your sins.”

“How about the one with the kiss inside?” God asked. “Do you remember that one?” Of course I remembered that one with a smile. This one had a picture of a man who, with sagging shoulders, looked as though he were carrying the weight of the world. On the inside I had taped two candy kisses with the words–’This looks like a two kiss day to me.’ “Well, how many kisses from me have you missed? I have seen you tired and burdened down with the stresses of life and that is when I send a gently breeze to touch your face or a gentle spring rain to let you know that I am here and thinking of you. When your precious little grandkids stop in the middle of a game and runs to you throw arms around your neck and give you a ‘I love you, Nanny’ that is a message from me to count the blessings that I have given you.”

“The note that asks your husband to ‘wake you with a kiss’ should remind you that each morning I give you a kiss of sunshine to greet you and help you start another day. I am also there to hold you up when thibngs go wrong for you. Do you renmember when you had surgery years ago anbd had just gotten home from the hospital? You were feeling so depressed and even feeling a little useless because you had to have a hysterectomy. When you saw the rose in full bloom with the snow outlining the petals on that cold November day do you know what message I was sending you? I was telling you that no matter how depressed and lonely you may get and how cold the world is I will always be with you to help you see the beauty in whatever is happening in your life.”

When God had finished speaking, I was totally overwhelmed. For I had forgotten so many times to look for the beauty and love that He is always sending me. From that day forward, I vowed to always look for God’s love notes and I have truly been blessed each time I see a message that God is sending me. God is so awesome and His messages are so beautiful. Just this week I have seen a rainbow in the sky for three consecutive days and know that God is not only in Heaven smiling down but is also with me each day.

God even sends humorous love notes. When I come home after a long hard day at work my dog jumps on my lap and puts his paw up in a “high five” I can inagine God smiling in Heaven as He looks down and says, “everything is going to be OK.”

I challenge each and every one you you reading this to begin to look for love notes from God. I am sure you will be able to see more clearly than ever that God does truly love us and His love will see us through anything we go through in our lives.

Today’s Whisper:
Remember that He loves us and is always sending us reminders of that love. Take a few minutes today and think about the love notes He sends to you. You will always find a special note from Him. I challenge you to find a love note from God today and really read it with your heart and soul mindful of the love He is sending to you with that special note from.

Father God, I know you love me with an unconditional love. Help me to stop and read your love notes to me. Often in the midst of daily life I miss them but help me to sit under your sheltering wings and bask in your love for me. Amen.

School Shopping Blues

Back to school shopping always brings back bittersweet memories. Watching frazzled mothers taking their children school shopping reminds me of the times that I took my own two children through this ritual of growing up. The excitement of buying new clothes and attempting to negotiate with the kids to get items that are within budget but will still pass the peer inspection can cause major meltdowns for parents and children.

I remember the scenes with my children–especially my daughter. When she reached her teen years, shopping became a nightmare for both of us. “But Mom, you just don’t understand.” Nobody wears that style anymore!” These words echo through my mind when I see moms and kids going through what must be the universal conflict parents and children have every year at this time of the year.

The other day at a local department store I observed a very interesting exchange between a pre-teen and her mother. The girl was trying to convince her mother to buy a very expensive pair of shoes. The mother was clearly torn between staying within budget and wanting to please her daughter. Just when I thought she was about to cave in to her daughter’s pleadings, the daughter’s attention was diverted to more sensiblwe and less expensive pair. A smile crossed both their faces and peace was restored once again. As the mother paide for the purchase and they walked out the door arm in arm, I smiled and thought of the many times I had gone through the same scenario with my own daughter.

My mind was suddenly jolted back to the present when I heard a familiar voice, “Nanny, why can’t I have these shoes?” I turned my attention back to my own pre-teen granddaughter. She was holding the only shoes in the entire store that would make her truly happy with life and with me.

You see, although my children are now grown I have four grandchildren to care for and three of them will be in school this year. Although years have passed since my own children were in school, school shopping is a yearly ritual that has changed little over the years.

No matter how many tempers flare and disagreements arise, all is forgiven on that all important first day of school when the most beautiful and most intelligent children in world step out of the house and on the bus to embark on a fresh new adventure known as the “first day of school.”


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another Week at the Edge

Well, it's Sunday evening here and the weekly battle has begun. School clothes to prepare, papers to sign, and kids to settle down. All I can say is "Thank God, tomorrow is a school day." I know that sounds strange but I am not insane, totally anyway. With all the kids in school I do have a couple of hours breathing time before chaos reigns again. This has been a confusing and hectic weekend here. I have either a cold or the "flu"--only know I have felt terrible. But life goes on doesn't it. I still had to take kids to ballgames even if I am sick. I managed to watch the games from my car since it was cold outside and and I didn't want to get close enough to other people to spread any germs. Today, I did absolutely nothing and did not feel any guilt at all. Hopefully, tomorrow I can force myself to clean the house a little bit. Who knows, I felt no guilt today maybe tomorrow I can stay in bed again. What do you think?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall is Here

This morning I awoke to a crisp cool Fall day. Good football weather. In fact I had a 9 a.m. football game to watch. It is not one iota less important because it is a 7 year old flag footlball game. In fact give me one of my kids' games anyday over a major league game any day. With steaming cup of coffee in hand I cheered him on to victory. After this exciting game, it was off to a 6 year old's baseball (t-ball) game. Such excitement is hard to take all at once. After watching these future ball champs play a thrilling game, it was home to fix lunch and rest abit. Tonight there is another major game to attend-a 4 year old's t-ball game. How many celebrities can say they attended 3 major events in one day? Oh, did I mention that I am losing my voice--not from cheering but from this crazy bug I have caught. Kids and DH are happy that I can't yell at them but guess what---the old voice will return and then.......

Rest time is over. Time to get in motion again. Maybe I take a Nyquil when I get back home and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Til next time.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Still on the Edge

I hope everyone is well and hasn't been attacked by the flu. It is definitely that time of the year. I have been sick and haven't felt like posting much lately. To the ones that missed me thank you. I have still got housework to do though. Moms don't get sick days. Kids told me they did not do the housework because they did not want me to think that I wasn't needed. Such thoughtful kids! I hope this is the end of the sick days for me. Life must go on. I will post more when I get the house back in shape.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


For anyone interested, I have set up a writing blog that will display my creative writing.  It is located at  I would like to inite you to come over and visit and critique my mindless ramblings.


For anyone interested, I have set up a writing blog that will display my creative writing.  It is located at  I would like to inite you to come over and visit and critique my mindless ramblings.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Leading by Example

I think that as moms (grandmothers) we must let our children see us live our life to glorify God. We must live that life in private at home as well as in the public sector. I once heard a wise man say "live your life in such a way that you would sell your parrot to the town gossip."

Saying one thing to our children and living the opposite is only confusing to our children. If we tell them it is wrong to lie or steal and "bring home office supplies" or have the children tell the telephone caller "I'm not home" is only broadening the gap between a good example and actual living.

Our children have enough pressures and problems to deal with at school today without wondering why Mommy tells them to live one way while she is doing what she is telling them to never do.

Our children need us to show them how to live--not just tell them.

This is something I pray about every day and trust God to give the strength and wisdom to help my grandchildren see me "walking the walk and not just talking the talk."

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What a Life!!

I guess I had better explain the previous post (by the same name as this one).  It has been one of those crazy weeks.  Whatever could go wrong did. But, you know what?  I found that there are blessings in crazy weeks just like there are blessings in good weeks.  Sometimes I find more blessings in the crazy weeks.  In fact, the crazier the week, the more of God's blessing can be found.  I had trouble keeping up with housework this week because of the kids, and I was sick for a couple of days.  Then I thought of the blessings the kids brought to me.  The housework reminded me that I do have a house to make into a home for my family.  I was sick with a simple "bug"  which reminded me that most of the time I do feel well and am thankful for my health.

This week taught me that although troubles do come along, God is always there for me.  I'm sure you can find the blessings hidden in the trials that might come your way.

Think about it!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another Day in the Life

Well, I've been too busy to write much. I have foothall games and practices for my 7 year old. T-ball is still going on for my 4 and 5 year old. My 14 year old is such a social creature she is never at home.   Now it is Sunday afternoon and things still have not slowed down much.  Guy-Guy is busy planning his professional ball career.  Tater is busy whining about what she wants to eat.  Have you ever tried to cook with 3 little ones and a dog under your feet in a kitchen that like a large closet?  Fun, isn't it?  Not to mention the whining, 3 kids all want 3 different things to eat.  One wants wafffles, one want pancakes, and one wants a cheese mushroom omelet.  Such decisions.  Soon, I will begin gathering things needed for school tomorrow and sign the forms needing to returned--permission forms, behavior forms, send money by Wednesday.  The most forms I do sign are requests for money.  Even the schools have hands out for my hard earned money.  Oh, well, why should they be left out of the cycle.

I'm sorry I seem to be rambling but that is how my mind works today.  That is why I called this blog Life on the Edge.  I feel like I'm on the edge of sanity just about to take the plunge into ............  But the problem is I can't afford even the luxury of insanity.  Who else would take my place and run life at my pace?  I don't mean to sound cynical or bitter but I have had only 1 cup of coffee this morning and had to lock myself in my room for that.  My life is really wonderful.  I have 4 precious (usually) children to care for.  I consider this responsibility a God-given task that I am counting on Him to hold me up. I dearly love this kids and am thankful that I have them.  I just need to vent every now and then.  I know there is someone out there in cyberspace that understands and has probably felt the same way.  All I can say is "Thank you God for being in control of my life."  If I were in control, I would be even worse off.

Until next time, this is my life on the edge. 

Friday, September 11, 2009

When Innocence Died

I was working as a social worker and had just gone to conduct a home visit. As soon as I arrived, the manager of the facility met me at the door and told me about the first plane that had hit the twin towers. I was speechless and after watching the news on the TV we realized how serious this tragedy was. Needless to say, I did not conduct the home visit I had gone to do. Instead I went to my car and cried. I cried for the victims that had lost their lives and for the families that loved them. I cried for the children that would never see their mother or father again. Most of all I guess I must admit I cried for my grandchildren who would never know the safety net that had held me in my childhood. Never again could we enjoy life as carefree and innocently as we had before.

After my tears had all fallen, I prayed that God would continue to hold us in His hand. He is the only one who can fully understand the reasons behind such a vicious act. This country has enjoyed prosperity and blessings without giving much thought to the source. Never again will I take the freedom I enjoy for granted. I know ,although I was an adult when this happened, I matured that day. I thanked God for the freedom we have because of the many sacrifices that have been made. I hope that we, as a country, never take God's love and blessings for granted again.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Letter to My Children

I want to write a note to you that says, "I love you and thank you for allowing me to be your mother." I realize there were times that you probably wished you could trade me in for one of your friends' mother but you were "stuck" with me. To be honest there were times when I wished you behaved as well as another mother's child. But that wish was only for a fleeting moment in a lifetime of joy and pain, laughter and tears. That mother with the "well-behaved" children would confide in me that she wished her children were as well-behaved as mine.I would sneak in and look at you when you were asleep at night and just stare at you. You were such beautiful children and my heart would literally ache with all the love I felt for you. This is the only time I could lovingly look at you because during the day you were never silent or still long enough. I was kept busy with girl scouts, boy scouts, soccer, baseball and softball, not to mention the numerous school plays and classroom parties. But you know I would not trade all the practices and games for a trip to a spa where I would be pampered and treated like a queen.

You brought your friends over and the house was constantly in disarray from toys and sporting equipment but I always found time to dust and straighten the house after you went to bed. The dust would always be there but you grew so fast I did not want to miss a day of your life. As you grew your toys became more expensive and complicated. Baseball bats gave way to stereos and bikes and scooters were replaced by cars. During all this time I enjoyed being your mother.

There were times when I Waited up nights for you to return home from dates and paced the floor until I heard the car pull into the driveway. I would then hurry to bed so you wouldn't know that I was waiting for you. There was the time I received the news no parent wants to hear. You had an accident in the car but thankfully, you were not hurt. I always told you that you have a guardian angel and you were being protected by your angel.

Yes, I am your mother and did my best to instill values in you that would make you a person you could be proud to be. I loved you enough to risk your anger when I asked where you were going, with whom, and instructed to be home by your curfew. Yes, you thought the curfew was ridiculous and unfair but you knew why it was necessary. I loved you enough to let you learn that the friend you thought so much of was nothing more than a manipulator who only wanted to use you. I wanted you to see that moms are humans and make mistakes too. I want you to understand that "I'm sorry" is not admitting weakness but rather showing great courage. I wanted to show you that we all must face the consequences and assume responsibility for our actions no matter how old we are.

I watched you stumble and fall many times, but was always there to help you get back up. I hurt when you hurt but did not want to diminish the life lessons by stepping in and taking away all your pain, rather, I shared the pain with you. I hope the hard times we experienced helped to shape you into a person that is able to empathize with someone else's pain and will offer to help those people who need help without thinking about the glory and rewards you might receive.

I want you to know that I have loved you unconditionally even when you hated me for saying NO when you thought I was only being mean to you. I want you to know that was the hardest part of being your mom. I want to remember that I will always be with you. The most important lesson I want you to learn from me is that God is there for you and will pick you up when you fall. He will be with you even when your mother can't.Love,Your Mom.

Today's Whisper:
Just as we love our children God has given to us for a short time, God loves us, His children. He wants what is best for us even though at times we think He has forgotten about us. He is always there waiting for us to ask Him for help when we need it. He does not rescue us from every situation because He knows our struggles will bring us closer to Him. Just like the mother who will sacrifice anything for her children, He has made the ultimate sacrifice for us. He gave His only son to die for us so might live. Just as earthly parents need to chastise their children our Father in heave chastises His children because He loves us so much. Take a few minutes today to focus on how loving God is to you and how He shows that love to you.

Father God, thank you so much for your son who died for us so we might live. May we never forget the importance of that love. Keep us in your sheltering arms and pick us up when we fall. Help us to remember that you are there for us when we need you and all we need to do is ask for your help.

This is a sample of the book I am currently working on. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Frantic Friday

Ever have days when you just know you should stay in bed? I should have listened to my little voice this morning. To start things off rolling downhill, my oldest granddaughter missed her bus to school. Now this shouldn't be a problem except that I have 3 others to get up and get ready before I could take her to school. Not to mention, two of them have to catch a bus in less than an hour for their school. Believe me, it is hard enough to get these kids up when they are supposed to get up but this was about 1 hour earlier. After getting them up and in the van, the youngest decided she needed to use the bathroom and could not wait until we returned. So we listened to her whining all the way home. Then a mad dash into the house to get her to the bathroom in time and to get the two boys bathed and dressed for school. Once they were gone it was time to get her bathed and dressed for preschool. Whew! What a morning. When I returned home after dropping her off my DH naturally had a few errands for me to run. Finally a few hours later, I made it home in time to go to preschool and pick up "Tater" from preschool. Home to fix her some lunch and attempt to settle her down for a nap. By then it was time to finish my housework and fix a snack for the boys for afterschool. After listening to them tell about their day and eat their snack, it was time for cooking supper. Then as you probably already know, after supper comes the cleanup, bathing, and getting ready for bed. Can you guess what DH is doing during all this? If you said sitting on the couch watching T.V you would be right. Oh, well tomorrow is Saturday and the only thing different is the kids will be home all day. Gee, I wonder if..................

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dear God

This actually happened. Usually I would go ballistic when something like this happens. I think God was guiding me and guarding the children that day. lol.

Dear God,

Do you have a minute or two?
I've had a rally bad day
And need to talk to you.
After searching in five different stores
For a left handed t-ball glove
(What a grandparent won't do for love?)
I brought it home so the kids could play.
But I should have known from the start of my day
An accident was bound to happen
When two of the kids grabbed a bat and ran to play.

With the sound of breaking glass and a cry of surprise
I ran to the kitchen and couldn't believe my eyes--
My oven door was in a million pieces,
My face, I could feel, began to make creases.
I asked who had done such a dreadful thing.
Words of accusation the kids then began to fling.
"I didn't do it," the kids all cried and
I knew it would be a problem to hear the true side.
Then fingers began to point to each other in turn,
It became ever more difficult for me the truth to learn.
I calmly and quietly asked again
"Who swung the bat and caved the oven door in?"
From eyes tears then began to fall and
I finally began to learn it all.
"I didn't do it" had done such a deed.
But guilt on three faces gave me what I did need.
So with broom and dustpan I cleaned the mess
Then went to my room for a much needed rest.

Well, I guess this "small" inconvenience was worth it because the little "red head" plays t-ball now on a team. He is really enjoying the game and learning so much about teamwork and skills necessary to help him grow up and know what teamwork is all about.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The greatest game of all

This has been a chaotic week on the edge. One birthday party for a 6 year old took precedence over everything else last weekend. It was worth it though when I saw the excitement and joy radiating from his little face. There were numerous ball practices and ball games to attend and cheer for. But, personally, I find T-ball the most thrilling game to watch. The "players" are still young enough to enjoy playing for the game's sake and not for accolades or praise. My little "players" showed enough enthusiasm to play in the World Series. What fun to watch as they missed hitting the ball more times than they hit. God surely loves the children and when He said "You must become as little children" he meant lose the attitudes of adulthood.
Well, it is Monday again and the darlins' are back in school and I have a kid wrecked home to clean. So until next time---enjoy living life "on the edge".

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome from the Edge

Hi. I am a grandmother with custody of 4 grands. I love caring for them and find that my life is never boring with them around. This morning I have refereed 3 fights, answered 1000 (at least) questions, and fixed 20 pancakes--all before my first cup of coffee. If I sound incoherent and delirious at times, it's because I am.

Hope to have fun with sharing my kids escapades and my ramblings with you.