Well, another Christmas has come and gone. I hope everyone had a wonderful time and enjoyed time with family and friends. We had a white Christmas this year and that really made me feel "Christmasy" (Is that a word?) Oh well, I had a wonderful time and feel so good that everyone had a good time at my house for Christmas dinner. It was a lot of work and play at the same time.
Again, I hope you all had a wonderful time and remembered to thank God for the real reason we celebrate Christmas each year. I watched the kids open their presents and paused and gave thanks to God for the many blessings.
Hi friends. Welcome. Come in and make yourself at home. Bring your coffee tea or your favorite beverage and let’s visit awhile. Let’s enjoy some encounters with God and rest in His presence.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Just finished my Christmas Shopping. Again spent too much but none of it is on credit. I can only thank God for that blessing. Of course, hubby is going to fuss but he hasn't even started his yet.
Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season. Hope you all are keeping warm. I am going to hibernate today and tomorrow afternoon. I forgot about a doctor's appointment I have in the morning. UGH!
Until next time--stay warm and happy and thank God for all His blessings you have received.
Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season. Hope you all are keeping warm. I am going to hibernate today and tomorrow afternoon. I forgot about a doctor's appointment I have in the morning. UGH!
Until next time--stay warm and happy and thank God for all His blessings you have received.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Well folks, Christmas is almost here. I hope you are all having a great time during the holidays. I have been running myself to death trying to get everything done in time--but isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing. School is about to be dismissed for the holiday and Christmas parties and school programs are in full swing. The only thing I wish for this season is that we remember the purpose of Christmas.
Well, I have got to go and settle the kids down and get things ready for school tomorrow.
So long for now from the edge.
Well, I have got to go and settle the kids down and get things ready for school tomorrow.
So long for now from the edge.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Little Star by Anthony DeStefano
A king is about to be born! All the stars compete for the chance to shine the brightest to welcome this anticipated arrival. They were all being shined and dusted by comets; all, that is, except Little Star. The other stars did not make fun of Little Star--they ignored him which hurt more.
When the stars saw the poor couple in the manger, they lost interest in the child's birth. "Surely no king would come in such an ordianry style," they thought. So interest was lost. But of all the stars in the heavens, Little Star was the only one who understood the King's message. His message is LOVE.
This is a beautifully written book for children. The illustrations really add to the message of the book. I read this story to my children and they absolutely loved it. My six year old gathered her dolls together and "read" the book to them.
I must say I hightly recommend this book and it will be a new tradition in my household.
When the stars saw the poor couple in the manger, they lost interest in the child's birth. "Surely no king would come in such an ordianry style," they thought. So interest was lost. But of all the stars in the heavens, Little Star was the only one who understood the King's message. His message is LOVE.
This is a beautifully written book for children. The illustrations really add to the message of the book. I read this story to my children and they absolutely loved it. My six year old gathered her dolls together and "read" the book to them.
I must say I hightly recommend this book and it will be a new tradition in my household.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Then Sings My Soul by Robert J. Morgan
This is a delightful book. It has words and music to 150 of our favorite hymns and the story behind their origins. It is more than a historical account but is written in an interesting devotional style.
Before I read this book I knew the history of "It is Well With My Soul" but was truly amazed to learn fun factsd about some of my other favorites: "Little Brown Church in the Vale" was written five years before the church was actually built. This story almost has a supernatural aura about it--what might be called a God Thing; The words to "Jesus Loves Me" was written in a novel written by Anna B. and Susan Warner. The music was written years later by William Bradbury when he found the words in the novel.
I loved this book because I use hymns in my own worship time with God. This book would make a wonderful gift to a music lover or for anyone (like me) who likes to learn interesting and fun facts.
I recommend this book highly.
This book was given to me by Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.
Before I read this book I knew the history of "It is Well With My Soul" but was truly amazed to learn fun factsd about some of my other favorites: "Little Brown Church in the Vale" was written five years before the church was actually built. This story almost has a supernatural aura about it--what might be called a God Thing; The words to "Jesus Loves Me" was written in a novel written by Anna B. and Susan Warner. The music was written years later by William Bradbury when he found the words in the novel.
I loved this book because I use hymns in my own worship time with God. This book would make a wonderful gift to a music lover or for anyone (like me) who likes to learn interesting and fun facts.
I recommend this book highly.
This book was given to me by Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.
The Devil is in the Details by Tony Kessinger
Tony Kessinger has more than twenty-five years ministry experience. He is the president of Truth Seekers International and the author of several books. He is an excellent Bible teacher who has taught in Bible institures on five continents.
Tony Kessinger has written a book that everyone should read. He has researched the material very well and speaks with great knowledge and authority on the wiles of the devil. He gives his readers a firm foundation of scriptures to add to their arsenal against the devil.
The devil is alive and well today. He is still using deceptive methods to entrap humans. The enemy is sneaking and bombarding us daily with his subtle tricks. As a grandmother rearing her four grandchildren, reading this book made me more aware of what these children are exposed to every day. Satan can use something that seems innocent and harmless but is slowly weakening their defenses until Satan has established a stronghold on them.
This book is full of information and the chapter summaries really encapsulate the essence of each chapter. This book is a must read for Christians who want to know more about the wiles of the enemy. I highly recommend it.
This book was given to me by the author for an honest review.
Tony Kessinger has more than twenty-five years ministry experience. He is the president of Truth Seekers International and the author of several books. He is an excellent Bible teacher who has taught in Bible institures on five continents.
Tony Kessinger has written a book that everyone should read. He has researched the material very well and speaks with great knowledge and authority on the wiles of the devil. He gives his readers a firm foundation of scriptures to add to their arsenal against the devil.
The devil is alive and well today. He is still using deceptive methods to entrap humans. The enemy is sneaking and bombarding us daily with his subtle tricks. As a grandmother rearing her four grandchildren, reading this book made me more aware of what these children are exposed to every day. Satan can use something that seems innocent and harmless but is slowly weakening their defenses until Satan has established a stronghold on them.
This book is full of information and the chapter summaries really encapsulate the essence of each chapter. This book is a must read for Christians who want to know more about the wiles of the enemy. I highly recommend it.
This book was given to me by the author for an honest review.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Mother's Holiday
This is for all of us mothers out there:
A Mother's Holiday
Up before dawn
Sweeping and mopping,
Too much to do
No time for stopping.
The family is nestled
All snug in their beds,
While visions of a turkey dinner
Dance in their heads.
There's cooking to be done,
And laundry to do,
Gotta scrub the floors
And clean the windows too.
The TV comes on--
The family is awake
How much more do you think I can take?
The relatives pour in with
Shouts of good cheer.
Why did I offer to have
The family dinner here?
Now that the meal is done
The relatives leave amid
Shouts of good wishes.
While hubby and the kids watch TV
Guess who gets stuck with the dishes?
Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night.
A Mother's Holiday
Up before dawn
Sweeping and mopping,
Too much to do
No time for stopping.
The family is nestled
All snug in their beds,
While visions of a turkey dinner
Dance in their heads.
There's cooking to be done,
And laundry to do,
Gotta scrub the floors
And clean the windows too.
The TV comes on--
The family is awake
How much more do you think I can take?
The relatives pour in with
Shouts of good cheer.
Why did I offer to have
The family dinner here?
Now that the meal is done
The relatives leave amid
Shouts of good wishes.
While hubby and the kids watch TV
Guess who gets stuck with the dishes?
Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Freedom is Not Free
Today is Veterans' Day. It is not a day just for a select few but a day all free Americans should celebrate. We owe a BIG THANK YOU to all the men and women who have risked and even given their lives so we can be free. I am the wife of a veteran, the mother of a veteran, and the daughter in law of a veteran. I love this country and thank God every day for the opportunity to live in this beautiful country.
Please watch the video on the sidebar and realize that our fighting men and women are not just anonymous faces. They have wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, parents, and children. This is not an impersonal battle--we must make it personal and give thanks to God. I have seen signs saying "God bless America", but I have seen few if any signs that say America, thank God.
I hope you have had a wonderful day and spent at least one minute of your day saying a thank you to God and the men and women fighting for us.
Until tomorrow.
Please watch the video on the sidebar and realize that our fighting men and women are not just anonymous faces. They have wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, parents, and children. This is not an impersonal battle--we must make it personal and give thanks to God. I have seen signs saying "God bless America", but I have seen few if any signs that say America, thank God.
I hope you have had a wonderful day and spent at least one minute of your day saying a thank you to God and the men and women fighting for us.
Until tomorrow.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Crazy World
Today, another bomb threat was made to my granddaughter's high school. This is the third one in a month. What kind of person thinks this stuff is cool? Today, there were bomb threats also found at 3 other schools in this county. It is time that people open their eyes to see the shape of our world today.
Somebody said it was just a prank to get out of school. What about old fashioned skipping? Isn't that safer than putting hundreds of lives at risk?
All I can do is pray for the children--mine and the others in the schools? Yes, even for the poor misguided person that thinks it is fun to scare others like this.
Somebody said it was just a prank to get out of school. What about old fashioned skipping? Isn't that safer than putting hundreds of lives at risk?
All I can do is pray for the children--mine and the others in the schools? Yes, even for the poor misguided person that thinks it is fun to scare others like this.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Second Gallon of Lemonade
OK, I am getting my fill of lemonade in the recent weeks. Yesterday, I discovered my refrigerator-freezer has gone out. I have several packages of meat that I have to cook today. Kids will be eating good for awhile. Luckily, I have another freezer to use so I do not have to cook everything. Oh, I had just gone to the grocery the day before so you can imagine how I felt when I made this discovery.
Oh well, kids have to be fed so now we will a buffet to choose from. Any leftovers will be saved so it's not a total waste. Second thought. What a wonderful opportunity to cook in mass and make home made TV dinners. See the silver lining in this cloud?
This lemonade, I have to admit, is not as sweet as the first gallon. But, at least all is not lost. I guess I should be grateful for the food to cook.
Anybody want to join us for our buffet? We will have chicken, burgers, steaks, and beef roast. The only condition is you have to clean up afterwards. After I do all this cooking, I definitely will not want to clean the kitchen.
Until next time, this is life on the edge
Oh well, kids have to be fed so now we will a buffet to choose from. Any leftovers will be saved so it's not a total waste. Second thought. What a wonderful opportunity to cook in mass and make home made TV dinners. See the silver lining in this cloud?
This lemonade, I have to admit, is not as sweet as the first gallon. But, at least all is not lost. I guess I should be grateful for the food to cook.
Anybody want to join us for our buffet? We will have chicken, burgers, steaks, and beef roast. The only condition is you have to clean up afterwards. After I do all this cooking, I definitely will not want to clean the kitchen.
Until next time, this is life on the edge
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
From Lemons to Lemonade
Sometimes life just does not seem fair does it? I had some issues recently that really brought this home to me. I was not feeling well and had no energy to do any of my normal day to day chores--clean house, laundry, etc. I do not know what was wrong but for a couple of weeks all I could do each day was get the kids up and ready in time for their bus to come by. After a few days, I got tired of being tired and decided I would just plug along and do what I could. Well, by early afternoon I was totally exhausted so I would always lie down before the kids came home from school. I knew I had a list of books to read and review plus stories I wanted to write. Well, I decided that during my "off hours" I would work on a little bit of this backlog each day. So by the time my bad two weeks had passed I had waded though over half of the books and have written about half of the stories I have had on file to write.
I can now say that although life had given me lemons for a while--I was successful in making lemonade and let me tell you, it did taste sweet to be able to say I did accomplish something during this bad time.
Oh by the way, the house has been cleaned although when the kids are home--I still don't do as much cleaning as I get done when they are not home.
So for now so long from life on the edge.
I can now say that although life had given me lemons for a while--I was successful in making lemonade and let me tell you, it did taste sweet to be able to say I did accomplish something during this bad time.
Oh by the way, the house has been cleaned although when the kids are home--I still don't do as much cleaning as I get done when they are not home.
So for now so long from life on the edge.
Monday, November 1, 2010
A Chapter Closes; A New One Opens
Life is lived in chapters. There is the chapter of being young parents wanting the best for our children. This includes the best education we can afford for them, the best activities that will give them the best advantage in life, as well as, teaching them values that will not leave them when they are older.
The next chapter is when the children grow into teenagers, achieve the milestone of driving and leaving us to sit up nights worrying about their safety while they are in the "wide world" behind the wheel.
Then hopefully, the chapter opens when they have their own families and visit "Mom and Dad" on birthdays and other special days that will make good memories for their own kids.
Well, if you have read my blog at all, you know I am not only hosting the grandkids for visits but have custody of the 4 precious ones. Now, a brand new chapter has opened up for me--I now have a new 16 year old with a (I shudder when I say it) HER PERMIT. Now this should not be so scary but at my age, my nerves are not as good as they used to be anyway. SO--her I go again, teaching a new driver.
I just pray and ask for your prayers too that all of us will make it through this new chapter and come out on the other side with body and sanity intact.
Until next time, this is life on the edge. The edge is getting more and more slippery every day.
The next chapter is when the children grow into teenagers, achieve the milestone of driving and leaving us to sit up nights worrying about their safety while they are in the "wide world" behind the wheel.
Then hopefully, the chapter opens when they have their own families and visit "Mom and Dad" on birthdays and other special days that will make good memories for their own kids.
Well, if you have read my blog at all, you know I am not only hosting the grandkids for visits but have custody of the 4 precious ones. Now, a brand new chapter has opened up for me--I now have a new 16 year old with a (I shudder when I say it) HER PERMIT. Now this should not be so scary but at my age, my nerves are not as good as they used to be anyway. SO--her I go again, teaching a new driver.
I just pray and ask for your prayers too that all of us will make it through this new chapter and come out on the other side with body and sanity intact.
Until next time, this is life on the edge. The edge is getting more and more slippery every day.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Permission to Speak Freely by Anne Jackson
Anne Jackson posed this question on her blog: What is the one thing yu feel you cannot say in church?" brought in an avalanche of responses that birthed this book. In 194 pages, Ms Jackson uses art, anecdotes, and poetry to inspire the reader to tell their story.
I loved the layout and texture of this book. It reminded me of an art book but was inviting and inspiring to me. The beautiful artwork and poetry whet my appetite to digest the meat in the book.
Ms. Jackson writes in an open and honest manner and invites the reader to enter her life and learn from her past.
One truth that resonated with me (because it is a major issue I am faced with frequently) was found on page 4: fear wants to stop our stories." I realized I can't let fear stop me from telling my story if it helps one person to gain freedom from whatever bondage they find themself in.
Reading this book reinforced the fact that it is not only important to tell our stories--it is critical that we do,
I recommend this book to anyone who feels that church is too closed to the daily messes of life. The church should be a safe haven where open and honest communication should be able to take place. After all didn't Jesus communicate to the sinners and outcasts of society?
I loved the layout and texture of this book. It reminded me of an art book but was inviting and inspiring to me. The beautiful artwork and poetry whet my appetite to digest the meat in the book.
Ms. Jackson writes in an open and honest manner and invites the reader to enter her life and learn from her past.
One truth that resonated with me (because it is a major issue I am faced with frequently) was found on page 4: fear wants to stop our stories." I realized I can't let fear stop me from telling my story if it helps one person to gain freedom from whatever bondage they find themself in.
Reading this book reinforced the fact that it is not only important to tell our stories--it is critical that we do,
I recommend this book to anyone who feels that church is too closed to the daily messes of life. The church should be a safe haven where open and honest communication should be able to take place. After all didn't Jesus communicate to the sinners and outcasts of society?
The One Year Choose Your Own Ending Devotional
I recently received this book from Tyndale in exchange for an honest review.
This is an interactive and engaging devotional geared toward elementary aged children. My kids really enjoyed using this devotional. Each devotional starts with a situation, bible verses, and choices for the ending of the story. My kids have had some very interesting discussions. Through these discussions, each child was able to take something away that will help them in day-to-day life.
This devotional should be helpful for children to learn the right and wrong to behave and know what to do when faced with one of many temptations and pressures kids today face.
I intend to use and reuse this book and recommend it to families with children in this age group.
This is an interactive and engaging devotional geared toward elementary aged children. My kids really enjoyed using this devotional. Each devotional starts with a situation, bible verses, and choices for the ending of the story. My kids have had some very interesting discussions. Through these discussions, each child was able to take something away that will help them in day-to-day life.
This devotional should be helpful for children to learn the right and wrong to behave and know what to do when faced with one of many temptations and pressures kids today face.
I intend to use and reuse this book and recommend it to families with children in this age group.
Book Review,
growing up
Friday, October 29, 2010
Seeds of Turmoil by Bryant Wright
This book covers the Middle East conflict. However, it is more than a historical account, although this history is explained. Wright approaches the conflict from a biblical standpoint. It is well-known this is a religious conflict but how did it originate as a religious conflict.
This book begins with the well-known story of Abraham and God's promise to him that a son would be born to Him. This promised son would be the father of a great nation of God's chosen people. I'm sure you are familiar with Sarah's, Abraham's wife, disbelief and offered him Hagar, her maidservant. Abraham had a son with Hagar which he named Ishmael. Fast forward fifteen years. Sarah and Abraham had their promised son and named him Isaac. After Isaac's birth, Sarah had Abraham run Hagar and Ishmael from their home. God intervened and assured Hagar that Ishmael would live but would be a wandering tribe. From the beginning of this turmoil Wright explains how the trials of Ishmael and Issac endured through the years and how it effect the Middle East conflict today.
Wright examines the situation from Jewish, Muslim and Christian points of view. He presents all views fairly and without bias.
I enjoyed reading this book. Although I knew about the births of Isaac and Ishmael and the roles they played, I enjoyed learning about the many splits brought about by their turmoil.
I believe the Bible is clear about Israel and they are the chosen people of God. He gave them the land and it is theirs today.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Booksneeze blogger program.
This book begins with the well-known story of Abraham and God's promise to him that a son would be born to Him. This promised son would be the father of a great nation of God's chosen people. I'm sure you are familiar with Sarah's, Abraham's wife, disbelief and offered him Hagar, her maidservant. Abraham had a son with Hagar which he named Ishmael. Fast forward fifteen years. Sarah and Abraham had their promised son and named him Isaac. After Isaac's birth, Sarah had Abraham run Hagar and Ishmael from their home. God intervened and assured Hagar that Ishmael would live but would be a wandering tribe. From the beginning of this turmoil Wright explains how the trials of Ishmael and Issac endured through the years and how it effect the Middle East conflict today.
Wright examines the situation from Jewish, Muslim and Christian points of view. He presents all views fairly and without bias.
I enjoyed reading this book. Although I knew about the births of Isaac and Ishmael and the roles they played, I enjoyed learning about the many splits brought about by their turmoil.
I believe the Bible is clear about Israel and they are the chosen people of God. He gave them the land and it is theirs today.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Booksneeze blogger program.
Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado
Will the world be a better place because you lived?
I have read several books by Max Lucado and enjpoyed each and every one of them. This one is no exception. It is an easy read written Lucado's familiar style of bringing biblical principles to fit out lives today. Lucado uses the book of Acts as the basis for this book. I enjoyed the entire book but Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 really hit home with me.
Chapter 9 challenges us to "Do Good Quietly." When I was in high school (that is too many years ago to remember anything clearly). I do, however, remember one incident clearly. I was valedictorian of my graduating class. Coming from a family of six children did not leave much money for many new clothes. One day while we kids were in school and my parents were at work, someone left a new dress hanging on our door. There was no name of who had left it but it did have a note with my name on it. I still remember what the dress looked like. I never found out who my "angel" was but I do remember her act of kindness. It made a difference in a young girl's life. Because of her kindness I try to pay it forward.
Chapter 10 challenges us to "Stand up for the Have Nots". Sometimes when we see a dirty homeless person we tend to walk the other way. I know I have been guilty of this. We need to step out of comfort zones and do what we can to help someone who does not have as much as we do. Although one person cannot save the world we can help to save one person.
Some of Lucado's other challenges include:
Get out of your shell. We cannot isolate ourselves from the suffering in the world.
Work with others. Individually, we can't do much but as a group of believers working for the same goal we can accomplish much.
Recognize Jesus in needy people. As Jesus said "feed, visit, clothe, and doctor those in need and you do unto me."
Don't give up on people. Don't give up on people. Keep doing good for people even when they seem to be unloveable.
I found this book to be inspirational and motivating. I whole-heartedly recommend this book to anyone who wants to make their life count for the good of humanity. I enjoyed the book so much I purchased the participant's guide to the book.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review of this book from Booksneeze, Thomas Nelson's blogger review program.
I have read several books by Max Lucado and enjpoyed each and every one of them. This one is no exception. It is an easy read written Lucado's familiar style of bringing biblical principles to fit out lives today. Lucado uses the book of Acts as the basis for this book. I enjoyed the entire book but Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 really hit home with me.
Chapter 9 challenges us to "Do Good Quietly." When I was in high school (that is too many years ago to remember anything clearly). I do, however, remember one incident clearly. I was valedictorian of my graduating class. Coming from a family of six children did not leave much money for many new clothes. One day while we kids were in school and my parents were at work, someone left a new dress hanging on our door. There was no name of who had left it but it did have a note with my name on it. I still remember what the dress looked like. I never found out who my "angel" was but I do remember her act of kindness. It made a difference in a young girl's life. Because of her kindness I try to pay it forward.
Chapter 10 challenges us to "Stand up for the Have Nots". Sometimes when we see a dirty homeless person we tend to walk the other way. I know I have been guilty of this. We need to step out of comfort zones and do what we can to help someone who does not have as much as we do. Although one person cannot save the world we can help to save one person.
Some of Lucado's other challenges include:
Get out of your shell. We cannot isolate ourselves from the suffering in the world.
Work with others. Individually, we can't do much but as a group of believers working for the same goal we can accomplish much.
Recognize Jesus in needy people. As Jesus said "feed, visit, clothe, and doctor those in need and you do unto me."
Don't give up on people. Don't give up on people. Keep doing good for people even when they seem to be unloveable.
I found this book to be inspirational and motivating. I whole-heartedly recommend this book to anyone who wants to make their life count for the good of humanity. I enjoyed the book so much I purchased the participant's guide to the book.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review of this book from Booksneeze, Thomas Nelson's blogger review program.
Book Review,
Tags: character
The Miracle of Mercy Land by River Jordan
"I was born in a bolt of lightning on Bittersweet Creek." This begins the fascinating journey of Mercy Land. The daughter of a preacher in rural Alabama, Mercy decides she wants more out of life. Her Aunt Ida lovingly encouraged her to spread her wings and move to Bay City, a picturesque little coastal town. Here she finds work as a waitress. She then goes to work for Doc, the editor-in-chief of the town's newspaper, the Banner. She soon masters her job and is known locally as Doc's girl. Her life is fairly routine until one early morning call from Doc.
A mystical and somewhat magical book has appeared on Doc's desk sometime during the night. This book displayed the details of the lives of the residents of Bay City. It showed the choices each individual made and how it had affected the lives of those around them. This book sends Mercy and Doc on different quests to find the purpose the book was left with them. Mercy is searching for the purpose of the book while Doc is trying to rectify a long ago error.
I have never read any of River Jordan's books before but I can tell you this will not be my last. This book was spell-binding and at the same time thought-provoking. What if we were given a chance to see how our choices and decisions have affected our current situations and the situations of the people around us. Perhaps a more interesting question would be: What if we were given a second chance to change our past?
This book reinforces the fact that whatever path we take in life has a lasting impact on the world. That, my friend, is a sobering thought.
I have no hesitation in recommending this book to others. My only advice would be: clear your calendar before you open this book because once you open it you will not want to do anything else until the book is finished.
I received this book from Waterbrook Press in exchange for an honest review of this book. I received no other compensation.
A mystical and somewhat magical book has appeared on Doc's desk sometime during the night. This book displayed the details of the lives of the residents of Bay City. It showed the choices each individual made and how it had affected the lives of those around them. This book sends Mercy and Doc on different quests to find the purpose the book was left with them. Mercy is searching for the purpose of the book while Doc is trying to rectify a long ago error.
I have never read any of River Jordan's books before but I can tell you this will not be my last. This book was spell-binding and at the same time thought-provoking. What if we were given a chance to see how our choices and decisions have affected our current situations and the situations of the people around us. Perhaps a more interesting question would be: What if we were given a second chance to change our past?
This book reinforces the fact that whatever path we take in life has a lasting impact on the world. That, my friend, is a sobering thought.
I have no hesitation in recommending this book to others. My only advice would be: clear your calendar before you open this book because once you open it you will not want to do anything else until the book is finished.
I received this book from Waterbrook Press in exchange for an honest review of this book. I received no other compensation.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
My Life is a Sitcom
Well, today started off with a BANG!. Tori, my teenager, overslept and missed the bus. This, in itself is not new for her. I woke up the other three and finally got then settled in the car. So far so good. I got her to school on time--nothing unusual yet. When I got her to school, however, the fiasco started. The high school was being evacuated because of a bomb threat. After sitting in traffic for over ten minutes, letting the high school students cross the street to go to the middle school for safety. Finally I got a chance to leave there and rushed home to get the other three ready for school. Of course, this put me behind my regular schedule. They would have made their bus BUT, my eight year old decided he did like the clothes he was going to wear to school. You can imagine how frazzled I was at this point. After he finally found some clothes to wear (unhappy, of course, because this was still not what he wanted to wear)
I heard their bus whizzing by the house. Great, now I have to take them to school. Finally, getting them into the car and stopping the usual morning arguments, I got them to school. Here the line is extremely long, and I wait another ten minutes to let them out. All the time they are shooting little barbs at each other--you know how kids are not happy unless their siblings are crying. Finally, I got them out of the car and fought my way through another round of traffic.
I am home now and have a to-do list a mile long. But I am already exhausted, so I just might put the list away and go back to bed. What a dream that is! Unfortunately, my list is filled with items that I have already put off as long as I can.
I hope you all have a better day than I have had so far. Oh well, God is in control and is definitely holding my hand today.
Until next time, this is life on the edge. May God open heaven's door and fill your life with blessings today.
I heard their bus whizzing by the house. Great, now I have to take them to school. Finally, getting them into the car and stopping the usual morning arguments, I got them to school. Here the line is extremely long, and I wait another ten minutes to let them out. All the time they are shooting little barbs at each other--you know how kids are not happy unless their siblings are crying. Finally, I got them out of the car and fought my way through another round of traffic.
I am home now and have a to-do list a mile long. But I am already exhausted, so I just might put the list away and go back to bed. What a dream that is! Unfortunately, my list is filled with items that I have already put off as long as I can.
I hope you all have a better day than I have had so far. Oh well, God is in control and is definitely holding my hand today.
Until next time, this is life on the edge. May God open heaven's door and fill your life with blessings today.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
When It"s Time to Push the Pause Button
Often I find myself racing through life trying to get from Point A to Point B in the shortest amount of time. I frantically rush from job to job so I can mark them off my ever-growing “to do list.” The sad thing is for every task I mark off I always add two more to the list.
My family life suffers because of the “hurry-scurry syndrome”. My house never gets completely cleaned, laundry never gets caught up and we’ve eaten take-out so often the workers at McDonald’s know us by name and have our food ready when they see my minivan turn into the parking lot.
With two kids in elementary school, one in half day preschool, and one in high school, I can see no chance of slowing down in the near future. I am a volunteer in the kindergarten class, have two kids in t-ball and one in flag football, and one on the high school softball team. There are numerous practices and games I chauffeur kids to and from. This does not include the many social activities of the teenager. Add to this mix a husband who was injured on the job and has to go to his doctor three hours from home. Although he only has to go once or twice a month, this does add stress to the already hectic life of our family.
Recently, I was reading my morning devotional when I read Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.” I became aware that God was using this devotional reading to tell me to slow down and “smell the roses”. I paused at that point and looked out my window. It was then that I saw the most beautiful awe-inspiring sunrise I had ever seen. I knew than that god was speaking to me.
Since that time I have made a conscious effort to really notice God’s presence and slow down to see that He is still God. I now see the beauty in God’s world. Although I still have as many responsibilities as have always had I now take time to breathe the awesome gifts God presents to me every day.
My family life suffers because of the “hurry-scurry syndrome”. My house never gets completely cleaned, laundry never gets caught up and we’ve eaten take-out so often the workers at McDonald’s know us by name and have our food ready when they see my minivan turn into the parking lot.
With two kids in elementary school, one in half day preschool, and one in high school, I can see no chance of slowing down in the near future. I am a volunteer in the kindergarten class, have two kids in t-ball and one in flag football, and one on the high school softball team. There are numerous practices and games I chauffeur kids to and from. This does not include the many social activities of the teenager. Add to this mix a husband who was injured on the job and has to go to his doctor three hours from home. Although he only has to go once or twice a month, this does add stress to the already hectic life of our family.
Recently, I was reading my morning devotional when I read Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.” I became aware that God was using this devotional reading to tell me to slow down and “smell the roses”. I paused at that point and looked out my window. It was then that I saw the most beautiful awe-inspiring sunrise I had ever seen. I knew than that god was speaking to me.
Since that time I have made a conscious effort to really notice God’s presence and slow down to see that He is still God. I now see the beauty in God’s world. Although I still have as many responsibilities as have always had I now take time to breathe the awesome gifts God presents to me every day.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I received a month's free subscription to Time4Learning in exchange for a canbdid review of the site. I found this site to be very educational for my grandkids. They enjoyed using the site to reinforce their learning at school. I found the parents' section very helpful in helping with homework and reinforcement lessons.
I recommend this site to parents' wanting to give their children additional resources in their education.
The website is http://www.time4learning.com/. I think you will be impressed with this website.
I recommend this site to parents' wanting to give their children additional resources in their education.
The website is http://www.time4learning.com/. I think you will be impressed with this website.
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Day In the Life
The morning started out as chaotic as any other morning at my house. After three attempts to wake Tori for school, she finally stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. I then went to find clothes for the other kids. Glancing at my watch I found I had a few minutes to spare. I decided to check my email. I discovered an email from an old friend and decided to answer it right away. Before I knew it, Tori’s bus was coming up the road. I ran to her room to tell her good-bye before she left. Imagine my dismay when I found her in front of her mirror and her bus already gone.
By this time the other kids were up and already fighting. I managed to stop the fighting long enough to herd them all to the car to take Tori to school. Another fight then erupted over who was going to sit in what seat. I assigned the seats and got everyone buckled in and ready to go. By this time I was so stressed and frazzled I must admit I lost my temper and began yelling at the kids. After this totally messy scene I apologized but the damage was already done. Everyone was in a bad mood and the ride to school was punctuated with crying and sighs.
After I dropped Tori off I knew I had to rush to get the others dressed and on their bus. Finally with showers done and the kids dressed, I began to relax a little until the cries of “I’m hungry” began. There was no time for a “real” breakfast but I did have some toaster pastries in the cupboard. I ran and grabbed these and gave one to each of the kids. Now it was time for their bus so we hurriedly ran out the door just in time to see the bus coming up the road. Frantically, I got the kids on the bus and went into the house totally exhausted already. When I collapsed in my chair and leaned my head back to relax for jus t a minute my dog jumped into my lap. I had forgotten to feed him in all the chaos of the morning. After feeding him and sitting back down , I heard the still small voice begin to speak to me.
“My child, why are you so angry with Tori this morning? You were the one who was distracted and lost track of your time. If you had used those spare minutes to visit with me instead of answering that email, your mind would have been more rested and centered on the right things. I’ve seen you so many mornings rushing to do all that needs to be done for the kids. I wait for you to ask me for help but you are too busy trying to do it all in your own strength. Don’t you know by now that I am here for you? Just ask me and I will bring peace to your heart.”
I realized that I had been trying to do everything on my own. “Please Lord forgive me. Sometimes I get so caught up in my life I so often forget you are there for me.”
I would like to tell you that was the last hectic morning of getting the kids to school on time. I would also love to tell you that from that moment on I became the picture of the totally “cool, calm and collected” woman. I would love to tell that the first thing each morning I sat down and asked God to take over my day and give me the grace and patience I need with the kids. I would love to tell you that—but I can’t. Mornings at my house are still rushed and chaotic. But on the mornings that I do spend with God in prayer I find I am able to handle the chaos with a calmer heart and a peaceful mind.
Today’s Whisper:
How many days start out hectic? If you spend the first few minutes with your Heavenly Father do you think the day would start out calmer? Write out a prayer to God to help you remember to start your day right. Trust me—the highly frazzled female that prayer does make a difference in our day.
Today’s Prayer:
Father, help me to remember that you are in control of my life. I do not need to spin my wheels trying to do everything in my own power. You are there to help me. You are always waiting for me to ask for your help. You are always ready to guide my steps. I just need to ask. I love you.
By this time the other kids were up and already fighting. I managed to stop the fighting long enough to herd them all to the car to take Tori to school. Another fight then erupted over who was going to sit in what seat. I assigned the seats and got everyone buckled in and ready to go. By this time I was so stressed and frazzled I must admit I lost my temper and began yelling at the kids. After this totally messy scene I apologized but the damage was already done. Everyone was in a bad mood and the ride to school was punctuated with crying and sighs.
After I dropped Tori off I knew I had to rush to get the others dressed and on their bus. Finally with showers done and the kids dressed, I began to relax a little until the cries of “I’m hungry” began. There was no time for a “real” breakfast but I did have some toaster pastries in the cupboard. I ran and grabbed these and gave one to each of the kids. Now it was time for their bus so we hurriedly ran out the door just in time to see the bus coming up the road. Frantically, I got the kids on the bus and went into the house totally exhausted already. When I collapsed in my chair and leaned my head back to relax for jus t a minute my dog jumped into my lap. I had forgotten to feed him in all the chaos of the morning. After feeding him and sitting back down , I heard the still small voice begin to speak to me.
“My child, why are you so angry with Tori this morning? You were the one who was distracted and lost track of your time. If you had used those spare minutes to visit with me instead of answering that email, your mind would have been more rested and centered on the right things. I’ve seen you so many mornings rushing to do all that needs to be done for the kids. I wait for you to ask me for help but you are too busy trying to do it all in your own strength. Don’t you know by now that I am here for you? Just ask me and I will bring peace to your heart.”
I realized that I had been trying to do everything on my own. “Please Lord forgive me. Sometimes I get so caught up in my life I so often forget you are there for me.”
I would like to tell you that was the last hectic morning of getting the kids to school on time. I would also love to tell you that from that moment on I became the picture of the totally “cool, calm and collected” woman. I would love to tell that the first thing each morning I sat down and asked God to take over my day and give me the grace and patience I need with the kids. I would love to tell you that—but I can’t. Mornings at my house are still rushed and chaotic. But on the mornings that I do spend with God in prayer I find I am able to handle the chaos with a calmer heart and a peaceful mind.
Today’s Whisper:
How many days start out hectic? If you spend the first few minutes with your Heavenly Father do you think the day would start out calmer? Write out a prayer to God to help you remember to start your day right. Trust me—the highly frazzled female that prayer does make a difference in our day.
Today’s Prayer:
Father, help me to remember that you are in control of my life. I do not need to spin my wheels trying to do everything in my own power. You are there to help me. You are always waiting for me to ask for your help. You are always ready to guide my steps. I just need to ask. I love you.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
You Can Run But You Can't Hide
I have a small Pug , Pugsley. I love him and he is a good dog with the kids. But I have to say he does have a stubborn streak and when he wants to do something he will do it regardless of the consequences.
One problem I’ve had with him is he frequently runs outside anytime the door is open. Now this doesn’t sound like a big problem but it is a dangerous situation for Pugsley, as well as me and the kids. You see we live on busy road with a lot of curves and hills. Cars are constantly speeding by our house. Can you see where I am heading with this line of thought? You’re right. As soon as Pugsley gets out he immediately heads for the road. Several times cars have actually had to stop in order to avoid hitting him. This frightens me because I am afraid the kids will run out into the street to get him and be hit by a speeding car. Now Pugsley is a good dog but when he is on one of his “adventures” he totally ignores me when I call his name. He wants to play and will stop long enough for me to get within arms’ length and then start running wanting me to chase him.
One morning he escaped when the kids went out to catch the school bus. This was a cold morning and I still had my robe on so running was a bit difficult. I tried for about twenty minutes to catch him—I might add—I looked a bit like a crazy woman to the neighbors . I was running around the neighbors’ yards and sneaking from behind trees and buildings. Finally I gave up and decided to go in out of the cold. When I went inside my house I quietly prayed, “God, please take care of that silly dog.” Immediately, I felt a tugging in my heart and knew God was telling me something. I sat down and replied, “What are you trying to tell me, God?” I then heard Him whisper to me. “My child I love you but sometimes you are like Pugsley. Sometimes you ignore my voice and find yourself in dangerous situations. You could avoid so much pain if you would listen when I call out to you. Just as you love Pugsley and want to protect him I am always there to protect you if you would just listen to me and call out to me.”
With tears in my eyes I realized god was right. Sometimes I give in to the temptations to ignore my heavenly Father and “do my own thing.” It is during these times of “childish rebellion” that I suffer more pain and heartache than I need to. I know He is always watching over me and protecting me even when I selfishly ignore His voice.
In case you are wondering If Pugsley ever came back home. About five minutes later I heard him scratching at the door wanting to come in. I would like to say Pugsley never escaped again. But I can’t. I would also like to say I never took things in my own hands again and ignored God again. But I can’t say that either. I sometimes still try to “do my own thing” and ignore God calling to me. However, I know God will never leave me and will always watch over me. He loves me enough to let me go my own way but He loves me too much to let me stay away from His sheltering arms. Just like Pugsley will always come home I will always return to my loving Father’s arms.
Today’s Whisper:
Have you ever tried to run and hide from God? What happened? Did you prosper or find more heartache? Take a few minutes to write about your experience.
Today’s Prayer:
Father, I am so thankful you love me enough to let me experience “life on my own.” But I thank you that you never leave me on my own. You have promised never to leave me or forsake me. I love you and am so thankful for your love and mercy.
One problem I’ve had with him is he frequently runs outside anytime the door is open. Now this doesn’t sound like a big problem but it is a dangerous situation for Pugsley, as well as me and the kids. You see we live on busy road with a lot of curves and hills. Cars are constantly speeding by our house. Can you see where I am heading with this line of thought? You’re right. As soon as Pugsley gets out he immediately heads for the road. Several times cars have actually had to stop in order to avoid hitting him. This frightens me because I am afraid the kids will run out into the street to get him and be hit by a speeding car. Now Pugsley is a good dog but when he is on one of his “adventures” he totally ignores me when I call his name. He wants to play and will stop long enough for me to get within arms’ length and then start running wanting me to chase him.
One morning he escaped when the kids went out to catch the school bus. This was a cold morning and I still had my robe on so running was a bit difficult. I tried for about twenty minutes to catch him—I might add—I looked a bit like a crazy woman to the neighbors . I was running around the neighbors’ yards and sneaking from behind trees and buildings. Finally I gave up and decided to go in out of the cold. When I went inside my house I quietly prayed, “God, please take care of that silly dog.” Immediately, I felt a tugging in my heart and knew God was telling me something. I sat down and replied, “What are you trying to tell me, God?” I then heard Him whisper to me. “My child I love you but sometimes you are like Pugsley. Sometimes you ignore my voice and find yourself in dangerous situations. You could avoid so much pain if you would listen when I call out to you. Just as you love Pugsley and want to protect him I am always there to protect you if you would just listen to me and call out to me.”
With tears in my eyes I realized god was right. Sometimes I give in to the temptations to ignore my heavenly Father and “do my own thing.” It is during these times of “childish rebellion” that I suffer more pain and heartache than I need to. I know He is always watching over me and protecting me even when I selfishly ignore His voice.
In case you are wondering If Pugsley ever came back home. About five minutes later I heard him scratching at the door wanting to come in. I would like to say Pugsley never escaped again. But I can’t. I would also like to say I never took things in my own hands again and ignored God again. But I can’t say that either. I sometimes still try to “do my own thing” and ignore God calling to me. However, I know God will never leave me and will always watch over me. He loves me enough to let me go my own way but He loves me too much to let me stay away from His sheltering arms. Just like Pugsley will always come home I will always return to my loving Father’s arms.
Today’s Whisper:
Have you ever tried to run and hide from God? What happened? Did you prosper or find more heartache? Take a few minutes to write about your experience.
Today’s Prayer:
Father, I am so thankful you love me enough to let me experience “life on my own.” But I thank you that you never leave me on my own. You have promised never to leave me or forsake me. I love you and am so thankful for your love and mercy.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Great Possum Caper
One day my husband fixed a leak under the commode in my bathroom. Being the handynan he is, he cut a small hole in the floor to make it easier to reach the pipe. Fine--no problem--leak fixed. Now he will fix the hole and life goes on-right? Wrong! He decided to leave the hole for a few days to make sure the leak has been permanently fixed. Now that few days has turned into months. Although it is a small hole, I have tried my best to conceal it but there is just so much I can do to make a hole in the floor attractive..
Now fast forward about six montbs. The hole is still there even though I have done all I can to conceal/decorate it. But it is still there.
One night I stumble into bed exhausted after transporting four kids to four different activities as well as the usual daily struggles of running a household with four kids. Around 2:00 in the morning my little dog woke me up with frantic barking and yelping. I forced one eye open to see him jumping up and down on the floor by my bed. He looked at me as if to say, "I'm trying to protect you, now come on and do your part." When I did manage to stumble into the bathroom I was instantly awake. There between the commode and the waste can was a possum. Pugsley, my dog had him trapped. I could not move because I was totally in shock until Pugsley barked again as if to say,"See I told you. Now get rid of it. I'm tired and want to go to sleep."
Frantically, I woke my husband and screamed, "THERE'S A POSSUM IN MY BATHROOM! GET UP AND KILL IT!" He looked at me as though he thought I had totally lost my mind.
"Ok, get me something to use to kill it," he calmly said. I ran to my grandson's room and came back with a ball bat. I gave the bat to hubby and jumped on my bed and covered my eyes. I could hear the battle raging on in the bathroom. "Hiss!" "Pow!" "Ka Pow!" "Boom!" Finally all was silent so I opened my eyes. There on the floor lay the lifeless body of the intruder. I carefully picked it up by the tail and placed it into a plastic bag and ran to throw it into the outside garbage can.
I was finally able to fall back to sleep but the bathroom light was left on for the rest of the night.
I bet you thought this was the end of the story. WRONG! While going about my daily chores the next morning, my grandkids came running to me with excitement written all over their faces. "Nanny, Nanny, Nanny (all three were talking at once. There is a possum in our garbage can and he is alive!" I went out to see what what was happening and sure enough when I raised the lid of the can, I could see two beady little eyes staring up at me. I don't know what eventually happened to this wayward creature. The kids think he escaped and is now living happily ever after with his family. I hope so. But at least he is not living his life with my family.
The next morning when I sat down for my morning visit with God, I asked Him, as I always do "What do you want to talk about today Father?" His answer came as a total surprise to me. "I want to talk about the possum."
"What about the possum?" I asked in astonishment.
"That was a small hole in your floor wasn't it?"
"Yes, it was a very small hole." I answered, not sure where this conversation was going but definitely intrigued by it.
"Well that possum was able to come into your house through that small hole, wasn't he?"
"Yeah," I slowly answered.
"Just like that possum squeezing though such a small opening in your floor that was unguarded, the enemy can enter your heart through a small unguarded hole in your heart. Just as that intruding animal filled you with dread, the enemy can fill your heart with fears and worries. When he does that you do not fully trust me to care for you."
Suddenly, I understood what He was telling me. We must always guard our hearts against the enemy that roams around trying to find who he can devour. Satan doesn't need a door with a welcome sign, he enters through a hole he finds unguarded. Don't make it easy for him to enter your heart. Fill your heart with joy and love and trust in a heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally and will never leave you unprotected.
Oh, by the way--the hole in my floor has been fixed!
Now fast forward about six montbs. The hole is still there even though I have done all I can to conceal/decorate it. But it is still there.
One night I stumble into bed exhausted after transporting four kids to four different activities as well as the usual daily struggles of running a household with four kids. Around 2:00 in the morning my little dog woke me up with frantic barking and yelping. I forced one eye open to see him jumping up and down on the floor by my bed. He looked at me as if to say, "I'm trying to protect you, now come on and do your part." When I did manage to stumble into the bathroom I was instantly awake. There between the commode and the waste can was a possum. Pugsley, my dog had him trapped. I could not move because I was totally in shock until Pugsley barked again as if to say,"See I told you. Now get rid of it. I'm tired and want to go to sleep."
Frantically, I woke my husband and screamed, "THERE'S A POSSUM IN MY BATHROOM! GET UP AND KILL IT!" He looked at me as though he thought I had totally lost my mind.
"Ok, get me something to use to kill it," he calmly said. I ran to my grandson's room and came back with a ball bat. I gave the bat to hubby and jumped on my bed and covered my eyes. I could hear the battle raging on in the bathroom. "Hiss!" "Pow!" "Ka Pow!" "Boom!" Finally all was silent so I opened my eyes. There on the floor lay the lifeless body of the intruder. I carefully picked it up by the tail and placed it into a plastic bag and ran to throw it into the outside garbage can.
I was finally able to fall back to sleep but the bathroom light was left on for the rest of the night.
I bet you thought this was the end of the story. WRONG! While going about my daily chores the next morning, my grandkids came running to me with excitement written all over their faces. "Nanny, Nanny, Nanny (all three were talking at once. There is a possum in our garbage can and he is alive!" I went out to see what what was happening and sure enough when I raised the lid of the can, I could see two beady little eyes staring up at me. I don't know what eventually happened to this wayward creature. The kids think he escaped and is now living happily ever after with his family. I hope so. But at least he is not living his life with my family.
The next morning when I sat down for my morning visit with God, I asked Him, as I always do "What do you want to talk about today Father?" His answer came as a total surprise to me. "I want to talk about the possum."
"What about the possum?" I asked in astonishment.
"That was a small hole in your floor wasn't it?"
"Yes, it was a very small hole." I answered, not sure where this conversation was going but definitely intrigued by it.
"Well that possum was able to come into your house through that small hole, wasn't he?"
"Yeah," I slowly answered.
"Just like that possum squeezing though such a small opening in your floor that was unguarded, the enemy can enter your heart through a small unguarded hole in your heart. Just as that intruding animal filled you with dread, the enemy can fill your heart with fears and worries. When he does that you do not fully trust me to care for you."
Suddenly, I understood what He was telling me. We must always guard our hearts against the enemy that roams around trying to find who he can devour. Satan doesn't need a door with a welcome sign, he enters through a hole he finds unguarded. Don't make it easy for him to enter your heart. Fill your heart with joy and love and trust in a heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally and will never leave you unprotected.
Oh, by the way--the hole in my floor has been fixed!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
When Life is Hard
Some days it seems as though there is nothing I can do that is right. The kids are grouchy when they get up for school and things go down hill from there. I know you have all had days like this. Usually mornings like this come on the heels of nights that seem so long and sleep evades me. I have a clock that reflects the time on the ceiling. Some nights I find myself gazing at this clock and thinking it has stopped because time seems to drag by. A wonderful clock for an insomniac for sure. Lately, I have been going through a time when depression is my constant companion. I don't mean to bring you all down and discouraged when my purpose is to be an encouragement. I'm sure God is teaching me something about myself but I just haven't learned the lesson yet.
I just need your prayers and understanding as I go through this tough time. Remember, Moses was once a basket case.
I just need your prayers and understanding as I go through this tough time. Remember, Moses was once a basket case.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
LOL with God by Pam Farrel and Dawn Wilson
In this devotional of hope and humor for women, I found the hope consistent and the humor very uplifting. Some of the devotionals seemed to speak right to my heart and helped me through a tough time. Each devotional consists of a bible verse, a short story to make the point of the devotional, a short prayer, a place to write your own thoughts, bible verses called "text helps" and a short humorous story called LOL.
Although I found the book to be very enlightening I do confess the "text" verses at the beginning of each devo was a bit puzzling at times. However, I did concentrate on the verses because I had to decipher them.
I enjoyed reading this book and will recommend it to others.
I received this book from Tyndale publishers in exchange for an honest review of the book.
Although I found the book to be very enlightening I do confess the "text" verses at the beginning of each devo was a bit puzzling at times. However, I did concentrate on the verses because I had to decipher them.
I enjoyed reading this book and will recommend it to others.
I received this book from Tyndale publishers in exchange for an honest review of the book.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Why Do Something Now When You Can Put It Off?
Well, I've put this post off as long as I can. I guess I will write it and get it off my to do list. Today I had to go to the doctor for a physical exam. Something else I have put off for too long. I hoped that if I waited long enough I would automatically feel better--well, that did not happen. So...........now I have to have more tests and more blood drawn. Procrastination never benefits me but I keep doing it anyway. Maybe I subconsciously wait because I get a "high" by barely making a deadline or maybe I am just old and lazy. Laziness is probably the reason for my procrastination. I have intended to research the scientific reasons for this problem but just have not gotten around to it.
Well, I have put off washing my dishes long enough so I guess I had better do that now. I will post more when that is done. That is, if I can find the time to.
Until then, see ya later on the edge.
Well, I have put off washing my dishes long enough so I guess I had better do that now. I will post more when that is done. That is, if I can find the time to.
Until then, see ya later on the edge.
The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews
YOUR LIFE MATTERS!!! This is the message of the book by Andy Andrews. What decision we make today or what action we take will have an effect on other people for generations.
I believe that what happens to us happens for a reason and some of these events happen because someone years ago made a decision that brought about our situation. Mr. Andrews relates the story of Col Chamberlain who made a decision in the Civil War that affected our country. Because of that decision we have a United States of America and not a divided country.
This book will cause you to stop and think about every decision you make. It is truly a thought provoking book. Although it is a small volume in size it contains more truths that a book with thousands of pages. It will make a wonderful gift for family or friends that have made a difference in your life. However, I will buy another copy for a gift. I plan to keep my copy to read over and over especially when I feel the "What's the use" monster creep into my thoughts. I will read this tiny book and realize that what I do does make a difference and my actions ARE important.
The book is very attractive in appearance and very well illustrated. I will definitely recommend this book.
I received this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest and open review.
I believe that what happens to us happens for a reason and some of these events happen because someone years ago made a decision that brought about our situation. Mr. Andrews relates the story of Col Chamberlain who made a decision in the Civil War that affected our country. Because of that decision we have a United States of America and not a divided country.
This book will cause you to stop and think about every decision you make. It is truly a thought provoking book. Although it is a small volume in size it contains more truths that a book with thousands of pages. It will make a wonderful gift for family or friends that have made a difference in your life. However, I will buy another copy for a gift. I plan to keep my copy to read over and over especially when I feel the "What's the use" monster creep into my thoughts. I will read this tiny book and realize that what I do does make a difference and my actions ARE important.
The book is very attractive in appearance and very well illustrated. I will definitely recommend this book.
I received this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest and open review.
The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews
This is a wonderful story for children. Mr. Andrews' is a master storyteller and through this book children can learn that they can make a difference in the world. This book carries a thought provoking question to everyone who reads it. I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. MY LIFE COUNTS. What an awesome message to send to our children. We all need to know that our lives count and effect others.
The illustrations are very well done and are of good quality. I applaud the illustrator for the work that went into each and every one of them.
I have read several of Mr. Andrews' books and have never been disappointed. I do recommend this book to anyone who has children or has contact with children in any way. Our children need to know that their lives count and what decision they make or action they take today can have far reaching effects on not only the people they know today but for generations to come.
I received this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review.
The illustrations are very well done and are of good quality. I applaud the illustrator for the work that went into each and every one of them.
I have read several of Mr. Andrews' books and have never been disappointed. I do recommend this book to anyone who has children or has contact with children in any way. Our children need to know that their lives count and what decision they make or action they take today can have far reaching effects on not only the people they know today but for generations to come.
I received this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Captured By Grace by Dr. David Jeremiah
Amazing Grace. I have heard this song since I was a child but had never thought about it in the way Dr. Jeremiah has explained it. He tells the life stories of Saul who persecuted early christians and John Newton who dealt with the slave trade. Through retelling these men's life stories Dr. Jeremiah demonstrates that grace can touch each and every life. He dissects each verse and relates the effect grace has on each and every one of us.
I found the story of Victoria Ruvolo fascinating. If only we could be show the grace she did toward her "attacker." I found this book very interesting and enlightening. In parts of the book, I felt as though Dr. Jeremiah were speaking directly to me. I will highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the depth of God's grace. I will "lend" my copy to family and friends but I plan to keep this book ro reread time and again.
I found the story of Victoria Ruvolo fascinating. If only we could be show the grace she did toward her "attacker." I found this book very interesting and enlightening. In parts of the book, I felt as though Dr. Jeremiah were speaking directly to me. I will highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the depth of God's grace. I will "lend" my copy to family and friends but I plan to keep this book ro reread time and again.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Times Flies When You Are Having Fun
Well, school has started again and life is returning to "normal". By this I mean I spend all day cleaning and five minutes after the kids get home, you can't tell I have done anything. When they ask me, "nanny, what have you done all day?" it is not a smart aleck question but because they have destroyed my whole day's work, they actually want to know. I think I will take pictures and post them on the wall so when they ask me that question--I can point to the picture and they will have their answer.
Frequently, I will become so busy with my work that I do lose track of time and before you know it that same yellow bus that takes them away will bring them home again. This seems to be happening earlier and earlier in the day lately, I have looked at my watch and think that it is running 2-3 hours too fast until I stop and see the show that is on tv. and realize that the day is almost over. You know what the old saying is "time flies when you're having fun." I guess that is true because while I am cleaning up after the little darlins' I find myself remembering the good times and fun we have had. Remembering the good times does make the mundane chores go by faster. The next time you find yourself scrubbing up a sticky floor or washing a dirty load of laundry say a little prayer of thanks that the kids who made the mess are in your life.
Frequently, I will become so busy with my work that I do lose track of time and before you know it that same yellow bus that takes them away will bring them home again. This seems to be happening earlier and earlier in the day lately, I have looked at my watch and think that it is running 2-3 hours too fast until I stop and see the show that is on tv. and realize that the day is almost over. You know what the old saying is "time flies when you're having fun." I guess that is true because while I am cleaning up after the little darlins' I find myself remembering the good times and fun we have had. Remembering the good times does make the mundane chores go by faster. The next time you find yourself scrubbing up a sticky floor or washing a dirty load of laundry say a little prayer of thanks that the kids who made the mess are in your life.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Latte Daze by erynn mangum
Maya Davis' life is complicated. Her ex-boyfriend is engaged to her roommate and best friend, she is barista at Cool Beans, and her brother and sister-in-law have just announced they are pregnant. Then there is Jack, her co-worker and friend who might be falling in love with her. Does she love him? After all they have been friends since second grade. When she thinks her life could not get more complicated, her roommate's totally obnoxious mom moves into the apartment to help plan the wedding--or does she have a more sinister agenda?
Told with humor and fun, this story will keep you wondering what will happen next. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and plan to read more by this author. erynn's light-hearted, down to earth style will leave you wanting more. Her brand of humor is like caffeine--addictive and at the same time satisfying. You will come away from this book with a fresh and rejuvenated look at life, love, and friendships.
I will recommend this writer's works to family and friends.
This book was given to me by NavPress in exchange for an honest review.
Told with humor and fun, this story will keep you wondering what will happen next. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and plan to read more by this author. erynn's light-hearted, down to earth style will leave you wanting more. Her brand of humor is like caffeine--addictive and at the same time satisfying. You will come away from this book with a fresh and rejuvenated look at life, love, and friendships.
I will recommend this writer's works to family and friends.
This book was given to me by NavPress in exchange for an honest review.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Flight to Heaven by Capt. Dale Black
I received this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
Reading Flight to Heaven reinforced the fact that God is who He says He is and we serve an awesome God.
The sole survivor of a catastrophic plane would crash would be amazing on its own merit but Capt. Black's story doesn't end there--in fact it begins at that point. Capt Black is taken on an awesome journey to Heaven and shown what Heaven is like. This experience sends him on a life-long journey of faith that will forever change his life.
Written in an inspirational and motivational style that captured my attention from the first page to the last page. This book will renew your faith in God and trigger a homesickness for Heaven.
I found Capt. Black to be very credible and real. He did not embellish his experience for sensationalism but told his story in a straightforward and candid manner.
I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know what lies ahead when we reach Heaven. I could not put this book down until the last word on the last page was read. My reaction: WOW! I do serve an awesome and magnificent God.
Reading Flight to Heaven reinforced the fact that God is who He says He is and we serve an awesome God.
The sole survivor of a catastrophic plane would crash would be amazing on its own merit but Capt. Black's story doesn't end there--in fact it begins at that point. Capt Black is taken on an awesome journey to Heaven and shown what Heaven is like. This experience sends him on a life-long journey of faith that will forever change his life.
Written in an inspirational and motivational style that captured my attention from the first page to the last page. This book will renew your faith in God and trigger a homesickness for Heaven.
I found Capt. Black to be very credible and real. He did not embellish his experience for sensationalism but told his story in a straightforward and candid manner.
I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know what lies ahead when we reach Heaven. I could not put this book down until the last word on the last page was read. My reaction: WOW! I do serve an awesome and magnificent God.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven by Kevin and Alex Malarkey
I received this book from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
After a tragic car accident left Alex with injuries so severe no one thought he could survive, God worked miracles that everyone in awe. Alex was in a coma for months while family, friends, and complete strangers prayed for his recovery and healing.
After coming out of the coma, Alex related a story to his father that his father initially had trouble comprehending. It is only after Alex reported what had happened at the accident scene and later in the hospital that Kevin could grasp the immensity of his son's experience. Alex told his father that he had visited Heaven and spoken with God. But this is not the only contact Alex had with angels during his recovery. He relates his experiences with these heavenly creatures in such intimate detail, the reader is left feeling as though the angels are in the room while he is reading the book.
The book kept me riveted to each page from the first page to the last. I am a christian and reading Alex's description reinforced for me the fact that God does take care of His children and never leaves us. I will (and have) recommended this family and friends.
After a tragic car accident left Alex with injuries so severe no one thought he could survive, God worked miracles that everyone in awe. Alex was in a coma for months while family, friends, and complete strangers prayed for his recovery and healing.
After coming out of the coma, Alex related a story to his father that his father initially had trouble comprehending. It is only after Alex reported what had happened at the accident scene and later in the hospital that Kevin could grasp the immensity of his son's experience. Alex told his father that he had visited Heaven and spoken with God. But this is not the only contact Alex had with angels during his recovery. He relates his experiences with these heavenly creatures in such intimate detail, the reader is left feeling as though the angels are in the room while he is reading the book.
The book kept me riveted to each page from the first page to the last. I am a christian and reading Alex's description reinforced for me the fact that God does take care of His children and never leaves us. I will (and have) recommended this family and friends.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Thank You
I want to say "thank you," to my readers who nominated me for the 2010 top CSAHM blog. I was pleasantly surprised to learn of my nomination and selection for the award. I hope that what you read on my blog will be encouraging in some way to you--if only to say "Thank you Lord, that I am not living her life." See, I can encourage you and you can find something to be thankful for in any of life's struggles.
Again I want to say a heartfelt "thanks" to each and everyone of you. May God fill your blessing basket to overflowing.
Again I want to say a heartfelt "thanks" to each and everyone of you. May God fill your blessing basket to overflowing.
Friday, August 6, 2010
I’ve been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Edge of the Divine by Sandy Patty
In this book Sandy Patty is honest and open about her stumbles in her Christian walk. She candidly talks about her struggles and consequences of poor decisions in her past and her ongoing struggles with her weight.
I appreciated Ms. Patty's straightforward method of letting the reader know her inner thoughts and struggles. She presents the details of her past like an invitation to her life. Her writing style is conversational and easy to follow. Reading this book is like talking to an old friend I haven't seen in a while. The way she spoke of "the edge" hit a note with me because when I named my blog "life on the edge" that is the meaning I had in mind.
I recommend this book to anyone who is facing trials in their life either from poor decisions in their past or perhaps a physical problem they are enduring. This book is for anyone who is "on the edge" wondering which side of the cliff they will land on.
This book was provided by Booksneeze (Thomas Nelson) in exchange for an honest review.
I appreciated Ms. Patty's straightforward method of letting the reader know her inner thoughts and struggles. She presents the details of her past like an invitation to her life. Her writing style is conversational and easy to follow. Reading this book is like talking to an old friend I haven't seen in a while. The way she spoke of "the edge" hit a note with me because when I named my blog "life on the edge" that is the meaning I had in mind.
I recommend this book to anyone who is facing trials in their life either from poor decisions in their past or perhaps a physical problem they are enduring. This book is for anyone who is "on the edge" wondering which side of the cliff they will land on.
This book was provided by Booksneeze (Thomas Nelson) in exchange for an honest review.
Friday, July 16, 2010
No Man is an Island
Friends, I have just been diagnosed with moderate COPD. I have to stop something that I have been doing for over half my life--smoking. I cannot do this alone. I need your prayers. This is the first post I have written asking for something. But I do need and want your prayers. If anyone has tips please send them to me.
I know I am not alone in this. My Father is with me. Thank you all so much for being my friends.
I know I am not alone in this. My Father is with me. Thank you all so much for being my friends.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Root, Root, Root For the Home Team
I came across this on the internet today. It is not only a good story but at this time of year, it seems to fit. My kids' seasons are almost over but I do admit I have enjoyed watching them play.
Root, root, root for the home team! I’m not sure who wrote this story but they creatively captured the reality of grace!
Freddy and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team. The Lord's team was at bat, the score was tied zero to zero, and it was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs. They continued to watch as a batter stepped up to the plate whose name was Love. Love swung at the first pitch and hit a single, because Love never fails. The next batter was named Faith, who also got a single because Faith works with Love. They had runners at first and third with two outs. The next batter up was named Godly Wisdom. Satan wound up and threw a fast ball. Godly Wisdom looked it over and let it pass: Ball one. Three more pitches, one slider, one curve and another fast ball --- Godly Wisdom walked on four straight pitches --- because Godly Wisdom never swings at what Satan throws.The bases were now loaded. The Lord then turned to Freddy and told him He was going to bring in His star player as a pinch hitter. Up to the plate stepped Grace. Freddy said, "He sure doesn't look like much!" Satan's whole team relaxed when they saw Grace. Thinking he had only one more easy out to win the game. Satan wound up and fired his first pitch. To the shock of everyone, Grace hit the ball harder than anyone had ever seen. But Satan was not worried; his center fielder was an All-Star. He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head and sent him crashing to the ground; then the ball continued on its bounce over the fence for a home run! The Lord's team won!
Root, root, root for the home team! I’m not sure who wrote this story but they creatively captured the reality of grace!
Freddy and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team. The Lord's team was at bat, the score was tied zero to zero, and it was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs. They continued to watch as a batter stepped up to the plate whose name was Love. Love swung at the first pitch and hit a single, because Love never fails. The next batter was named Faith, who also got a single because Faith works with Love. They had runners at first and third with two outs. The next batter up was named Godly Wisdom. Satan wound up and threw a fast ball. Godly Wisdom looked it over and let it pass: Ball one. Three more pitches, one slider, one curve and another fast ball --- Godly Wisdom walked on four straight pitches --- because Godly Wisdom never swings at what Satan throws.The bases were now loaded. The Lord then turned to Freddy and told him He was going to bring in His star player as a pinch hitter. Up to the plate stepped Grace. Freddy said, "He sure doesn't look like much!" Satan's whole team relaxed when they saw Grace. Thinking he had only one more easy out to win the game. Satan wound up and fired his first pitch. To the shock of everyone, Grace hit the ball harder than anyone had ever seen. But Satan was not worried; his center fielder was an All-Star. He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head and sent him crashing to the ground; then the ball continued on its bounce over the fence for a home run! The Lord's team won!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Blind Hope: An Unwanted Dog and the Woman She Rescued by Kim Meeder and Laurie Sacher
Blind Hope is a powerful story of love. We are taken on a journey with Kim Meeder and Laurie Sacher. It is a journey of love for a dirty unkempt dog Laurie rescues from an abusive home. When she rescued the dog she named Mia, she did not know how much this little dog could teach her about love and God's grace.
Laurie had sought love and acceptance from other people. She would hide her true self and put on masks she thought others wanted to see. It was only when she brought Mia home with her did she really learn true acceptance. Because of Mia's peace and contentment in spite of going blind, Laurie learned to lean on God to bring her to the understanding of her past and hope for her future.
I enjoyed reading this book because it also helped me to listen to God and lean on Him more in my own struggles. I recommend this book to others who are animal loves but also to others who need to listen to God's teachings through everyday life and living. I intend to keep this book to read again and again when I find myself trying to live life on my terms.
This book was given to me by Multnomah Waterbrook in exchange for an honest review.
Laurie had sought love and acceptance from other people. She would hide her true self and put on masks she thought others wanted to see. It was only when she brought Mia home with her did she really learn true acceptance. Because of Mia's peace and contentment in spite of going blind, Laurie learned to lean on God to bring her to the understanding of her past and hope for her future.
I enjoyed reading this book because it also helped me to listen to God and lean on Him more in my own struggles. I recommend this book to others who are animal loves but also to others who need to listen to God's teachings through everyday life and living. I intend to keep this book to read again and again when I find myself trying to live life on my terms.
This book was given to me by Multnomah Waterbrook in exchange for an honest review.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Hot by Laura L. Smith
Lindsey has emerged from an ugly duckling to a beautiful young woman who dresses like a model. She should be happy but inside she feels empty. Her parents are so caught up with her rebellious sister and Lindsey feels alone. She thinks no one understands her until she meets Noah. He possesses a calm confidence and Lindsey wants this for herself.
She finds herself caught up in world of popularity, fashion and boys. She is torn between values she has grown up with and the temptations that face our teenagers today. She is haunted by questions that she cannot find answers to. Will Lindsey discover what matters most before she becomes even more entangled in the new world she has discovered?
This book will be an invaluable addition to any teenage girl's library. I recommend that parents read this book to understand the problems and questions that face our young girls today. I recommend this book highly and am looking forward to reading other books by this author.
I received a free copy of Hot from Navpress in exchange for an open and honest review.
She finds herself caught up in world of popularity, fashion and boys. She is torn between values she has grown up with and the temptations that face our teenagers today. She is haunted by questions that she cannot find answers to. Will Lindsey discover what matters most before she becomes even more entangled in the new world she has discovered?
This book will be an invaluable addition to any teenage girl's library. I recommend that parents read this book to understand the problems and questions that face our young girls today. I recommend this book highly and am looking forward to reading other books by this author.
I received a free copy of Hot from Navpress in exchange for an open and honest review.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
New Site
Friends, I have started a new site for my original writings. I will still keep this site updated and post here but visit my other site and hopefully be encouraged there as well. The new site is http://ritingsandramblings.web.com/. Come on over and enjoy.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Heart Mender by Andy Andrews
While Andy Andrews was digging up a tree beside his home on the Gulf Coast, he found a rusty can containing Nazi artifacts. This whetted his appetite to find the story behind these rare findings. He interviewed neighbors and other residents of his home town until he was able to piece together the story behind his amazing discovery.
During WW II Germany dispatched submarines and U Boats to the Gulf to sink US vessels filled with supplies for the war. These attacks and the people involved form the basis for The Heart Mender. Lives of both German soldiers and the residents of the Gulf Coast intertwine to bring the story to life.
Helen Mason has recently lost her husband to the war. She has not recovered from her loss and was walking late one night along the beach. She soon discovers a wounded man lying on the beach. Angered when she sees his German uniform she decides to leave him there to die. But when she hears an unusual pharase he utters she changes her mind and helps him to her home to nurse him back to health.
The Heart Mender is set agains a backdrop of angry suspicions. Struggles faced by the people touched by the war are chronicled. It is a story of how people were forced to face fears of the future and ghosts of the past in order to survive the frightening present.
Although I am not an avid reader of war stories this book captured my interest and refused to release it. It is more than a story of war; it is a story of forgiveness and redemption. I do recommend this book. I have read several of Andrews' books and was not disappointed by this one.
After reading this book I did some research of my own and discovered the U-Boat mentioned in The Heart Mender was found sunk in the Gulf. In fact it is very close to the current oil spill. If you would like to read more of this interesting period in our country's history go to www.andyandrews.com. I don't think you will be disappointed.
During WW II Germany dispatched submarines and U Boats to the Gulf to sink US vessels filled with supplies for the war. These attacks and the people involved form the basis for The Heart Mender. Lives of both German soldiers and the residents of the Gulf Coast intertwine to bring the story to life.
Helen Mason has recently lost her husband to the war. She has not recovered from her loss and was walking late one night along the beach. She soon discovers a wounded man lying on the beach. Angered when she sees his German uniform she decides to leave him there to die. But when she hears an unusual pharase he utters she changes her mind and helps him to her home to nurse him back to health.
The Heart Mender is set agains a backdrop of angry suspicions. Struggles faced by the people touched by the war are chronicled. It is a story of how people were forced to face fears of the future and ghosts of the past in order to survive the frightening present.
Although I am not an avid reader of war stories this book captured my interest and refused to release it. It is more than a story of war; it is a story of forgiveness and redemption. I do recommend this book. I have read several of Andrews' books and was not disappointed by this one.
After reading this book I did some research of my own and discovered the U-Boat mentioned in The Heart Mender was found sunk in the Gulf. In fact it is very close to the current oil spill. If you would like to read more of this interesting period in our country's history go to www.andyandrews.com. I don't think you will be disappointed.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Summer Fun
I have really enjoyed watching my future all star ball players make home runs one time at bat and strike out the next time. But I have 2 more games and the summer season of baseball, t-ball and softball will be over for another month. My 3 youngest will be starting "fall" ball in August but I will get a week or 2 before the excitement starts again. But wait--after fall ball comes flag football and cheerleading. I have a very athletic bunch of kids. But the kids have a very worn out nanny. Still I enjoy watching them have fun and learn teamwork and socialization that these sports can provide. I do have to admit that it is wearing me out but if God did not think I was up to the task He would not have trusted me with it.
I know He has a sense of humor because I can hear Him laughing but He is not laughing at me-He is laughing with me as I watch the outrageous activities of these precious young ones. I see Him smiling down at me and reassuring me that He knows what He is doing and this is the plan He has for me. When I feel weary and worn out from the day to day chores I must do to make their lives memorable and their childhoods happy, I hear Him say, "My child, I am always with you. Just lean on me and I will give you rest."
That is the reason, friends, that I keep putting one foot in front of the other and plug along each day. Without Him by my side, I know I would fail but just knowing He is here energizes me daily.
I do ask for your prayers though. I have to have some tests done next week on my heart and lungs. I am a little concerned but I know He is in control and will take care of me and my darlins'.
Until tomorrow, this is how it is with life on the edge. May God bless and continue to bless you every day.
I know He has a sense of humor because I can hear Him laughing but He is not laughing at me-He is laughing with me as I watch the outrageous activities of these precious young ones. I see Him smiling down at me and reassuring me that He knows what He is doing and this is the plan He has for me. When I feel weary and worn out from the day to day chores I must do to make their lives memorable and their childhoods happy, I hear Him say, "My child, I am always with you. Just lean on me and I will give you rest."
That is the reason, friends, that I keep putting one foot in front of the other and plug along each day. Without Him by my side, I know I would fail but just knowing He is here energizes me daily.
I do ask for your prayers though. I have to have some tests done next week on my heart and lungs. I am a little concerned but I know He is in control and will take care of me and my darlins'.
Until tomorrow, this is how it is with life on the edge. May God bless and continue to bless you every day.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Hand of Fate by Lis Wiehl with April Henry
Outspoken radio host Jim Fate has made enemies with his outspoken style. Many of these enemies are high powered political figures so when he is murdered in his own studio there is no shortage of suspects.
The triple threat, FBI special agent Nicole Hodges, crime reporter, Cassidy Shaw and Federal prosecutor Allison Pierce begin sorting through the list of Fate's enemies he had in order to piece together the reason for his murder as well as the murderer. The case presents a special challenge because one of the three has social ties to Fate and the other two have their own issues and demons to deal with. As they get closer to the identity of the killer, each of their lives are changed and the issues take on larger roles in their lives.
This book is a true page turner. It will keep you guessing the motive and identity of the murderer but you will be taken by surprise when the crime is solved. I will offer a word of warning: unless you want to stay awake all night reading, don't open this book at bedtime.
I found the plot totally realistic and possible. The characters are real and deal with issues that can face each one of us. I do recommend this book to anyone that loves a good mystery. I am looking forward to reading more books by these authors.
This copy was given to me by Thomas Nelson (BookSneeze) in exchange for an honest review on the book.
The triple threat, FBI special agent Nicole Hodges, crime reporter, Cassidy Shaw and Federal prosecutor Allison Pierce begin sorting through the list of Fate's enemies he had in order to piece together the reason for his murder as well as the murderer. The case presents a special challenge because one of the three has social ties to Fate and the other two have their own issues and demons to deal with. As they get closer to the identity of the killer, each of their lives are changed and the issues take on larger roles in their lives.
This book is a true page turner. It will keep you guessing the motive and identity of the murderer but you will be taken by surprise when the crime is solved. I will offer a word of warning: unless you want to stay awake all night reading, don't open this book at bedtime.
I found the plot totally realistic and possible. The characters are real and deal with issues that can face each one of us. I do recommend this book to anyone that loves a good mystery. I am looking forward to reading more books by these authors.
This copy was given to me by Thomas Nelson (BookSneeze) in exchange for an honest review on the book.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Another Fourth Of July Celebrated
Yesterday we celebrated another birthday for our wonderful country. As we ate hamburgers, hot dogs and all the other foods that make up a successful cook out and finished the day with parades and fireworks displays, I hope each of us took a moment to think about the sacrifices made to keep us free. I watched fireworks with my children. As I watched the beautiful display I felt the sudden urge to thank God for my blessings. I thanked Him for placing these children in my life and His trust in me that I am up to the task of bringing them up to love Him as much as I do. I thanked Him for the privilege of living in this wonderful country where so many freedoms are ours for the taking. I heard this song by Lee Greenwood that expresses my feelings about the wonderful privilege that is available to me and to all of us who call the United States our home.
God Bless the USA
If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife,
I'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away.'
I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today,
Cause there isn't no doubt I love this land God Bless the U.S.A.
From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea.
From Detroit down to Houston and New York to L.A.,
There's pride in every American heart and it's time we stand and say:
I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today,
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the U.S.A.
God Bless the USA
If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife,
I'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away.'
I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today,
Cause there isn't no doubt I love this land God Bless the U.S.A.
From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea.
From Detroit down to Houston and New York to L.A.,
There's pride in every American heart and it's time we stand and say:
I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free,
And I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me,
And I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today,
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the U.S.A.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Life or Something Like It
Well, here I sit at 11:30 at night trying to recuperate from the day. Ballgame at 9:00 this morning which wasn't so bad. I did find a tree to hibernate under to get out of the heat. But the game at 2:00 this afternoon was another story-heat that totally left me drained of energy. But when I looked up to see 4 kids covered in mud from the top of their heads to the bottoms of their feet I really felt totally defeated. The manager of the ball park told them they could run in the sprinklers to stay cool. But, when the sprinklers were turned off, the little darlins' decided to just roll in the mud. Can you imagine 4 little mud pies walking to the car--with upholstered seats. Welllllllllllllllll you can imagine my temperature rising (and not just from the summer sun). I took the darlins' home and hosed them off before I let them come into the house. Now, I can just hear your thoughts--"that's mean, how can she do that to kids?" Just remember they had been running through water for fun. But you are right, you would have thought I was killing them. I once read that "whatever don't kill you will make you stronger" so I think me and the kids are getting stronger every day.
Until next time just be glad you are not on the edge. Ain't life grand!!!!!!!
Until next time just be glad you are not on the edge. Ain't life grand!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Unburdened by Chris Tiegreen
This book was a complimentary copy from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
This book details how to live an unburdened life by "letting go and giving your worries to God." I found this book to be encouraging because I too often have trouble giving my fears and burdens over to Him. I know this is what God wants us to do and even commands it--it is difficult to do. Tiegreen's suggestions and anecdotes will help me to remember that He is always ready to take my cares but I must first give them to Him.
As Tiegreen states at the beginning of the book, "The unburdened life is less about getting rid of our baggage than about carrying our loads with ease". This book does not teach us how to get rid of responsibility or become detached and uncaring about what is happening to us and our loved ones. It will teach you how to take our cares to the One that is always waiting for us.
I will recommend this book to others because it is encouraging and should be on every bookshelf. I plan to return to the book oftn when I feel overwhelmed by life.
This book details how to live an unburdened life by "letting go and giving your worries to God." I found this book to be encouraging because I too often have trouble giving my fears and burdens over to Him. I know this is what God wants us to do and even commands it--it is difficult to do. Tiegreen's suggestions and anecdotes will help me to remember that He is always ready to take my cares but I must first give them to Him.
As Tiegreen states at the beginning of the book, "The unburdened life is less about getting rid of our baggage than about carrying our loads with ease". This book does not teach us how to get rid of responsibility or become detached and uncaring about what is happening to us and our loved ones. It will teach you how to take our cares to the One that is always waiting for us.
I will recommend this book to others because it is encouraging and should be on every bookshelf. I plan to return to the book oftn when I feel overwhelmed by life.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Lazy Summer Days vs Crazy Summer Days
A lazy summer day is lying in a hammock
drinking ice tea and reading a book.
A crazy summer day is trying to get five kids
to stop jumping on the furniture.
A lazy summer day is like a day in heaven
where even the dog will not be demanding
A crazy summer day is trying to feed the dog
while a cyclone of kids are running through the kitchen.
A lazy summer day is a day at the beach
with the warm sun and gentle breeze kissing your skin.
A crazy summer day is fighting the water the
kids are throwing out of the bath tub at an imaginery spider.
Although I dream of lazy summer days I have to face it my reality is more like the crazy summer days. But what good would a lazy summer day be without the kids to add spice to the days of our life.
I will have ample time for the lazy summer days when the kids are grown. Although by then I will be too old to climb into the hammock. Ah well, life is life after all.
Which would you choose? A lazy summer day alone or a crazy summer day with the boundless energy of kids around.
Maybe for just one day hmmm.....................................
drinking ice tea and reading a book.
A crazy summer day is trying to get five kids
to stop jumping on the furniture.
A lazy summer day is like a day in heaven
where even the dog will not be demanding
A crazy summer day is trying to feed the dog
while a cyclone of kids are running through the kitchen.
A lazy summer day is a day at the beach
with the warm sun and gentle breeze kissing your skin.
A crazy summer day is fighting the water the
kids are throwing out of the bath tub at an imaginery spider.
Although I dream of lazy summer days I have to face it my reality is more like the crazy summer days. But what good would a lazy summer day be without the kids to add spice to the days of our life.
I will have ample time for the lazy summer days when the kids are grown. Although by then I will be too old to climb into the hammock. Ah well, life is life after all.
Which would you choose? A lazy summer day alone or a crazy summer day with the boundless energy of kids around.
Maybe for just one day hmmm.....................................
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Summer, Hot Dogs, and Baseball
Well friends, it has been a busy summer. With four kids in t-ball, baseball, and softball I have been running and running. Some nights I do believe I have met myself sometimes "running in all directions". There have been nights that I have had to be in three places at once. Don't ask me how but I have managed to get everyone where they needed to be at the time they were supposed to be there (o.k. sometimes one of the darlins' has been a few minutes late). Last weekend was the annual little league picnic. That meant three games at once plus (I don't know what I was thinking) I volunteered to help at a game. I must have been in the sun too long. You know a little heat stroke or brain dysfunction. Whatever, I did make it through all eight hours of being out in the sun amid all the screaming and running--I don't know what the kids did. Just kidding. I did push a little kid out of the small amount of shade under a tree. Hey, she was young and could handle the heat better than me. Besides the stroller stopped before it hit the water. People have got to learn--don't get between an old woman and a shade tree when the temperature is 95.
OK, time to feed my brood. I had three extra mouths to feed last night and just one to feed tonight so maybe my luck is changing.
Until next time friends, this is life on the edge.
OK, time to feed my brood. I had three extra mouths to feed last night and just one to feed tonight so maybe my luck is changing.
Until next time friends, this is life on the edge.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Storm Warning by Billy Graham
"Tsunami kills thousands"
"Earthquakes rumble and wreak havoc for millions."
"Terrorists attack on U.S. soil."
"Largest oil spill un history."
Headlines grab our attention. Videos of disasters play on tv screens continuously. Every day we see or read about devastations the world over. Famines, wars, homeless, diseases that kill both the body and spirit of the world's peoples vie for our attention. As Billy Graham states in his newest book--"the hoof beats can be heard rushing toward us now."J30H63AW5
Mr. Graham, world renowned preacher and evangelist takes us on a tour of the biblical book of Revelation. Through the visions of John on the isle of Patmos, Mr. Graham explains the four horsemen and what each one represents. Through the journeys of the Israelites, we see what happened when God's warnings went unheeded.
God is warning us today to repent and turn back to Him before it is too late. If we do not heed these warnings we must face the consequences of our failures. According to Mr. Graham, much of the biblical prophecies are unfolding in the world today.
I have not really read Revelation because, to be honest, I was frightened by the symbolisms. But with Mr. Graham's explanation and clarity in his writing I will read Revelation because I see the good news for the sincere believer.
I will recommend this book to friends and family. It is a thought provoking and eye opening book.
I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Book Sneeze in exchange for an honest review of the book.
"Earthquakes rumble and wreak havoc for millions."
"Terrorists attack on U.S. soil."
"Largest oil spill un history."
Headlines grab our attention. Videos of disasters play on tv screens continuously. Every day we see or read about devastations the world over. Famines, wars, homeless, diseases that kill both the body and spirit of the world's peoples vie for our attention. As Billy Graham states in his newest book--"the hoof beats can be heard rushing toward us now."J30H63AW5
Mr. Graham, world renowned preacher and evangelist takes us on a tour of the biblical book of Revelation. Through the visions of John on the isle of Patmos, Mr. Graham explains the four horsemen and what each one represents. Through the journeys of the Israelites, we see what happened when God's warnings went unheeded.
God is warning us today to repent and turn back to Him before it is too late. If we do not heed these warnings we must face the consequences of our failures. According to Mr. Graham, much of the biblical prophecies are unfolding in the world today.
I have not really read Revelation because, to be honest, I was frightened by the symbolisms. But with Mr. Graham's explanation and clarity in his writing I will read Revelation because I see the good news for the sincere believer.
I will recommend this book to friends and family. It is a thought provoking and eye opening book.
I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Book Sneeze in exchange for an honest review of the book.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Summer is Here
Summer is here now. The kids are home for vacation and the house never gets cleaned as it should. I have had computer problems too so I am really living on the edge. I had to replace the computer but now maybe my sanity will return.
I hope to stay in contact with my blogging friends and hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. I was at the Gulf Coast last week and saw a lot of the effects of the oil spill. My prayers are with all the families involved and pray that this will soon be just a page in history.
Until next time------I am still living "on the edge". and sliding closer all the time.
I hope to stay in contact with my blogging friends and hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. I was at the Gulf Coast last week and saw a lot of the effects of the oil spill. My prayers are with all the families involved and pray that this will soon be just a page in history.
Until next time------I am still living "on the edge". and sliding closer all the time.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Last Christian by David Gregory
About the author:
David Gregory is a best-selling author. His best-sellers include Dinner With a Perfect Stanger, and A Day With a Perfect Stranger.
After a ten year business career, he returned to school to study religion and communciations. He earned Masters degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and University of North Texas. He lives in the Pacific Northwest.
The Book:
It is 2088. Abigail (Abby) Caldwell has lived in the jungle of New Guinea for the entire thirty-four years of life. After a cryptic message from her grandfather, she emerges from the jungle and travels to the United States. She must, according to her grandfather, bring Christianity back to America.
This is the story of Abby's life in a society that is completely foreign to her. She must not only acclimate herself to an alien culture but fulfil the purpose for which God has called her. As she navigates through this complex world, she faces a sinsiter force that threatens not only her life but the world itself. A brilliant neuroscientist has developed silicon brains and is now transplanting these brains into humans. This technological development will allow humans to live forever.
Along with Creighton Daniels, a historian who is trying to understand his own father's death, Abby must not only bring Christianity back to the United States but fight for her life.They are the targets of the sinister men who will stop at nothing to ensure their evil plan is not foiled.
I found this book to be a true thriller and a definite page-turner. The ddventures and dangers that Abby experiences kept me praying for her success. I found myself thinking about the technological advances of today. Could something like this happen in our future? Is manking capable of bringing about its own doom?
I found this book to be a great read. It is not only entertaining but will force us to really think about our future on this earth. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the future of mankind.
I received a complimentary copy from Waterbrook-Multnomah in exchange for an honest review.
David Gregory is a best-selling author. His best-sellers include Dinner With a Perfect Stanger, and A Day With a Perfect Stranger.
After a ten year business career, he returned to school to study religion and communciations. He earned Masters degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and University of North Texas. He lives in the Pacific Northwest.
The Book:
It is 2088. Abigail (Abby) Caldwell has lived in the jungle of New Guinea for the entire thirty-four years of life. After a cryptic message from her grandfather, she emerges from the jungle and travels to the United States. She must, according to her grandfather, bring Christianity back to America.
This is the story of Abby's life in a society that is completely foreign to her. She must not only acclimate herself to an alien culture but fulfil the purpose for which God has called her. As she navigates through this complex world, she faces a sinsiter force that threatens not only her life but the world itself. A brilliant neuroscientist has developed silicon brains and is now transplanting these brains into humans. This technological development will allow humans to live forever.
Along with Creighton Daniels, a historian who is trying to understand his own father's death, Abby must not only bring Christianity back to the United States but fight for her life.They are the targets of the sinister men who will stop at nothing to ensure their evil plan is not foiled.
I found this book to be a true thriller and a definite page-turner. The ddventures and dangers that Abby experiences kept me praying for her success. I found myself thinking about the technological advances of today. Could something like this happen in our future? Is manking capable of bringing about its own doom?
I found this book to be a great read. It is not only entertaining but will force us to really think about our future on this earth. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the future of mankind.
I received a complimentary copy from Waterbrook-Multnomah in exchange for an honest review.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Life Goes On and On and On..........................
What two words strike terror in the hearts of mothers everywhere this time of year? SCHOOL'S OUT!. I must admit, I have mixed feelings about this chapter in my kids' lives. Sure there will be no more early morning rushes to the bus stop and no more fighting about who wears what. But there will be more dirty dishes, more wet towels lying around and the fights that can go on all day. But let's face it--about the time you get used to having the kids home all day and you run out of hiding places, school starts for another year. So this summer I vow to enjoy having the kids home. Did I just say that? I have got to get in out of the sun. Seriously, my kids are growing so fast I have got to slow down and enjoy more of their lives with them. Of course, there will still be t-ball, baseball, and softball for a few more weeks.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer with your kids and remember they do grow up so much faster these days. Enjoy them while you can. Well, I've got to go and clean my house one more time before the summer chaos begins.
May God continue to bless you and yours. Until later, this is life on the edge-------!
I hope you all have a wonderful summer with your kids and remember they do grow up so much faster these days. Enjoy them while you can. Well, I've got to go and clean my house one more time before the summer chaos begins.
May God continue to bless you and yours. Until later, this is life on the edge-------!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Hello All
Well, it's me again. Life on the edge justs goes on. I guess that is good news though. I am still running around not knowing where I am going or where I've been, but that's normal for me. Life is about to get even more interesting (interpret "interesting" to mean "chaotic" or "hectic"). School is just about out. That's right, my darlins' will be home alllllllll day, EVERY day. Yeah, that's right. I won't even have the luxury of school any more. Oh well, life must go on. Oh Iforgot--baseball, t-ball, and softball will still be going on. So not only will I have to listen to my own kids, thirty million more kids will be yelling and screaming. Gee life is good. Just kidding. I will honestly try to enjoy summer break.
I thought about going back to work a few weeks ago. But that thought just lasted a second or two then I was jolted back to reality when I realized no one in their right mind would do all the crazy things I do in a day. To be honest, I only thought about working again because an 8 hour a day job seemed to be more relaxing that what I do now. I could not find anyone that was willing to stay with the kids anyway. I guess I will continue doing what I've been doing and trust God to get me through.
Oops! The dirty laundry is crawling out of the laundry room and pushing the dirty dishes out. The kids are fighting. Good, no sign of blood yet. The phone is ringing and the dogs are barking. Guess that's my signal to get to work.
Keep praying and thanking God your life is calm compared to mine. Until I get a few more seconds to myself this is it for today. Stay encouraged and thanking God for your many blessings. Until later, friends. This is life on the edge.
I thought about going back to work a few weeks ago. But that thought just lasted a second or two then I was jolted back to reality when I realized no one in their right mind would do all the crazy things I do in a day. To be honest, I only thought about working again because an 8 hour a day job seemed to be more relaxing that what I do now. I could not find anyone that was willing to stay with the kids anyway. I guess I will continue doing what I've been doing and trust God to get me through.
Oops! The dirty laundry is crawling out of the laundry room and pushing the dirty dishes out. The kids are fighting. Good, no sign of blood yet. The phone is ringing and the dogs are barking. Guess that's my signal to get to work.
Keep praying and thanking God your life is calm compared to mine. Until I get a few more seconds to myself this is it for today. Stay encouraged and thanking God for your many blessings. Until later, friends. This is life on the edge.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Embracing Your Second Calling by Dale Hanson Bourke
This book is intended to be a message that even though their "child-rearing" days are over, God still has a purpose for them to fulfill. She uses the book of Ruth to show what Naomi accomplished in her second half of life. She sends out the message that God wants to use us in making a difference in the world. Even though we might think we have "outlived our usefulness" and the best of life is behind us, Bourke shows us through the life of Naomi that "the best is yet to come."
I do agree that God does have plans for us in the second half but not every woman can do the extensive travel and volunteer work that Bourke has been able to do. God is using me to rear my four grandchildren and bring them up to honor Him. I feel this is as important a calling as anything else I can do. God is also calling me to write a book which I am also working on now.
This book did make me think about my calling for this stage of life and made me feel good about what I am doing. I will recommend this book to my friends that are in this season of life. Ms. Bourke's work did make me feel more comfortable about my own life. God has a different plan for each of us so whatever call He has placed on our life, embrace it and rest assured that He will equip us to perform whatever He asks us to do.
I received a complimentary copy of this book for an honest review
I do agree that God does have plans for us in the second half but not every woman can do the extensive travel and volunteer work that Bourke has been able to do. God is using me to rear my four grandchildren and bring them up to honor Him. I feel this is as important a calling as anything else I can do. God is also calling me to write a book which I am also working on now.
This book did make me think about my calling for this stage of life and made me feel good about what I am doing. I will recommend this book to my friends that are in this season of life. Ms. Bourke's work did make me feel more comfortable about my own life. God has a different plan for each of us so whatever call He has placed on our life, embrace it and rest assured that He will equip us to perform whatever He asks us to do.
I received a complimentary copy of this book for an honest review
Life in Spite of Me by Kristen Jane Anderson and Tricia Goyer
This was an AWESOME book. It truly shows how God can turn a catastrophe into a wonderful blessing. Although Kristen's life was "unbearable" and painful to her, God used her life to have a tremendous impact to others.
I found myself on an emotional rollercoaster while reading this book. I felt her pain and ultimately her joy as she related the events that led up to decision to end her life. She might have wanted to end it all but for God her life had just begun.
I read this book in less than 24 hours because I found that I could not put it down one I read the fist few pages. I'm afraid I didn't see much of my kids' ball practices because I could not stop reading this book. I think this book has definitely changed my life and I'm sure it will change your life too. I highly recommend this book to family and friends.
For anyone contemplating suicide you MUST read this book. I dare say this book will be a life saver.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook-Multnomah in exchange for an honest review of the book.
I found myself on an emotional rollercoaster while reading this book. I felt her pain and ultimately her joy as she related the events that led up to decision to end her life. She might have wanted to end it all but for God her life had just begun.
I read this book in less than 24 hours because I found that I could not put it down one I read the fist few pages. I'm afraid I didn't see much of my kids' ball practices because I could not stop reading this book. I think this book has definitely changed my life and I'm sure it will change your life too. I highly recommend this book to family and friends.
For anyone contemplating suicide you MUST read this book. I dare say this book will be a life saver.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook-Multnomah in exchange for an honest review of the book.
What did Jesus Say?
When I was given a chance to review this book, I was excited. I have four grandchildren living with me and felt this book would be a big help in explaining the christian walk to them. I was not disappointed. This book is written in easy to understand language that explains issues we all face, even young children. This book covers 62 topics of interest including how to deal with fear, worry, and forgiveness. It has scriptures from the NLT version of the Bible, a very easy to understand version. While reading through this book, I felt that the scriptures were speaking to me.
I highly recommend this book to parents, grandeparents, or anyone else that has a responsibility to teach today's children and young teens about God and His love and concern for us, His children.
I received this book from Tyndale publishers in exchange for an honest review.
I highly recommend this book to parents, grandeparents, or anyone else that has a responsibility to teach today's children and young teens about God and His love and concern for us, His children.
I received this book from Tyndale publishers in exchange for an honest review.
Monday, May 17, 2010
He Lifts Me Up
When I fall, He lifts me up!
When I fail, He forgives!
When I am weak, He is strong!
When I am lost, He is the way!
When I am afraid, He is my courage!
When I stumble, He steadies me!
When I am hurt, He heals me!
When I am broken, He mends me!
When I am blind, He leads me!
When I am hungry, He feeds me!
When I face trials, He is with me!
When I face persecution, He shields me!
When I face problems, He comforts me!
When I face loss, He provides for me!
When I face Death, He carries me Home!
He is everything for everybody everywhere, every time and every way!
He is God, He is faithful.
I am His, and He is mine.
My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.
So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure,
Understand this...
He said it and that settles it!
God is in control, I am on His side,
And that means all is well with my soul.
Author Unknown
I have had some bad days lately. While going through some old papers, I found this clipping. I had saved it for some reason and after reading it I knew why---it was just what I needed to feel better.
God is in control and after a heart-felt talk with my Father, I felt as though a load of bricks had been lifted from my shoulders.
God is so good, isn't He?
When I fail, He forgives!
When I am weak, He is strong!
When I am lost, He is the way!
When I am afraid, He is my courage!
When I stumble, He steadies me!
When I am hurt, He heals me!
When I am broken, He mends me!
When I am blind, He leads me!
When I am hungry, He feeds me!
When I face trials, He is with me!
When I face persecution, He shields me!
When I face problems, He comforts me!
When I face loss, He provides for me!
When I face Death, He carries me Home!
He is everything for everybody everywhere, every time and every way!
He is God, He is faithful.
I am His, and He is mine.
My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.
So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure,
Understand this...
He said it and that settles it!
God is in control, I am on His side,
And that means all is well with my soul.
Author Unknown
I have had some bad days lately. While going through some old papers, I found this clipping. I had saved it for some reason and after reading it I knew why---it was just what I needed to feel better.
God is in control and after a heart-felt talk with my Father, I felt as though a load of bricks had been lifted from my shoulders.
God is so good, isn't He?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Are We Good Enough?
I found this on the internet. It ensures us that God can use us no matter how imperfect or incompetent we might feel.
The next time you feel like GOD can't use you, just remember..
Noah was a drunk
Abraham was too old
Isaac was a daydreamer
Jacob was a liar
Leah was ugly
Joseph was abused
Moses had a stuttering problem
Gideon was afraid
Samson had long hair and was a womanizer
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
David had an affair and was a murderer
Elijah was suicidal
Isaiah preached naked
Jonah ran from God
Naomi was a widow
Job went bankrupt
Peter denied Christ
The Disciples fell asleep while praying
Martha worried about everything
The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
Zaccheus was too small
Paul was too religious
Timothy had an ulcer..AND
Lazarus was dead!
And Don't forget
Jesus Helped them all!!!!
Now! No more excuses! God can use you to your full potential. Besides you aren't the message, you are just the messenger. And one more thing... Share this with a friend or two. In the Circle of God's love, God's waiting to use your full potential.
1. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
2. Dear God, I have a problem, it's Me.
3. There is no key to happiness. The door is always
4. Silence is often misinterpreted but never
7. Do the math .. count your blessings.
8. Faith is the ability to not panic.
9. If you worry, you didn't pray . If you pray,
don't worry.
10. As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling
home everyday.
11. Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be
bent out of shape.
12. The most important things in your house are the people.
13 When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.
14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.
15 He who dies with the most toys is still dead.
Have a great day!!! The SON is shining and HE can certainly use you!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly....... Leave the rest to God.
Love and Prayers Always
The next time you feel like GOD can't use you, just remember..
Noah was a drunk
Abraham was too old
Isaac was a daydreamer
Jacob was a liar
Leah was ugly
Joseph was abused
Moses had a stuttering problem
Gideon was afraid
Samson had long hair and was a womanizer
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
David had an affair and was a murderer
Elijah was suicidal
Isaiah preached naked
Jonah ran from God
Naomi was a widow
Job went bankrupt
Peter denied Christ
The Disciples fell asleep while praying
Martha worried about everything
The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
Zaccheus was too small
Paul was too religious
Timothy had an ulcer..AND
Lazarus was dead!
And Don't forget
Jesus Helped them all!!!!
Now! No more excuses! God can use you to your full potential. Besides you aren't the message, you are just the messenger. And one more thing... Share this with a friend or two. In the Circle of God's love, God's waiting to use your full potential.
1. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
2. Dear God, I have a problem, it's Me.
3. There is no key to happiness. The door is always
4. Silence is often misinterpreted but never
7. Do the math .. count your blessings.
8. Faith is the ability to not panic.
9. If you worry, you didn't pray . If you pray,
don't worry.
10. As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling
home everyday.
11. Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be
bent out of shape.
12. The most important things in your house are the people.
13 When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.
14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.
15 He who dies with the most toys is still dead.
Have a great day!!! The SON is shining and HE can certainly use you!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly....... Leave the rest to God.
Love and Prayers Always
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Indivisible by Kristen Heitzmann
A pair of mutilated raccoons are found in Redford, Colorado. This discovery started a chain reaction of events that rocked the peace in this small mountain town. Police Chief Jonah Westfall was determined to find the perpetrator before this act escalated and destroyed his small town. But battling his own inner demons kept his thoughts focused on a guilty secret from his own past. Tia Manning, also had inner demons that included a past with Jonah and guilt over her sister's estrangement. This guilt threatened to destroy them if they surrendered to its strong pull.
Although Tia owned the candlemaking shop in town and rented out a room to Piper, who became a very protective friend to her, Tia was lonely but refuses to open the door that will bring happiness into her life.
This is a book about severed connections and the consequences of being alone. I found this book to be one I will read over and over. It is a "page turner" that will keep you guessing as the suspense rises. It is well-written and the characters come alive on the page. I will highly recommend this book to family and friends and will read other books by this author.
This book was donated by Waterbrook-Multnoman for an honest review.
Kristen Heitzmann, a home-schooling mother of four, wrote her first book while home-schooling. This first book turned into a five-book historical series. Her writing career has produced more historical novels and several romantic and psychological suspense novels, including The Still of Night, nominated for the Colorado Book Award; The Tender Vine, a Christy Award finalist; and the Christy Award winning Secrets. She lives in Colorado with her husband, Jim, and various family members and pets.
Although Tia owned the candlemaking shop in town and rented out a room to Piper, who became a very protective friend to her, Tia was lonely but refuses to open the door that will bring happiness into her life.
This is a book about severed connections and the consequences of being alone. I found this book to be one I will read over and over. It is a "page turner" that will keep you guessing as the suspense rises. It is well-written and the characters come alive on the page. I will highly recommend this book to family and friends and will read other books by this author.
This book was donated by Waterbrook-Multnoman for an honest review.
Kristen Heitzmann, a home-schooling mother of four, wrote her first book while home-schooling. This first book turned into a five-book historical series. Her writing career has produced more historical novels and several romantic and psychological suspense novels, including The Still of Night, nominated for the Colorado Book Award; The Tender Vine, a Christy Award finalist; and the Christy Award winning Secrets. She lives in Colorado with her husband, Jim, and various family members and pets.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Whole Again
If you read my post this morning, you know I thought I would have to split myself into thirds. Well, guess what! It rained today. In fact, it started raining immediately after I published my post. Sooooooooo the 5:30 practice was cancelled and the softball game was cancelled. The team did have practice and the 6:00 practice was held. But, this was a cake walk compared to what was scheduled. See I told you God does take care of us.
I also told you I am a living testament that He has a sense of humor. I was so frantic trying to decide how to be in three places at once, I had the energy to clean a closet today. See God works all things to the good.
Until tomorrow--this is life on the edge.
I also told you I am a living testament that He has a sense of humor. I was so frantic trying to decide how to be in three places at once, I had the energy to clean a closet today. See God works all things to the good.
Until tomorrow--this is life on the edge.
Split in thirds
Well, friends I am use to multitasking but this is ridiculous. Tonight I have one boy with ball practice at 5:30 at one location; another at 6:00 at still another location; and I am assigned the concession stand duty at my oldest girl's softball game at 5:45. I guess I can split myself in thirds but which part of me will be where? I honestly don't know. Oh, yeah, I still have the youngest to care for amid all this confusion. When I tell you that life is never boring here "on the edge" I kid you not. Oh well, just pray that whatever "third" of me is where that my brain (what little I have left anyway) will go with me to all three places. There has got to be a story in this somewhere. Right?
I told you God has a sense of humor. I am testimony to that. Until later, God bless you and keep you all in His loving arms of protection.
I will let you know how things turn out. JUST PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!
I told you God has a sense of humor. I am testimony to that. Until later, God bless you and keep you all in His loving arms of protection.
I will let you know how things turn out. JUST PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Storm of Fear
Life sometimes fills me with fear and dread. One day not long ago was one of those tines. It had been raining all day with thunder and lightning piercing the sky.
Normally, I would not be so uptight about a storm but I had my van loaded with kids and groceries. We made it home safely but were soaked to the skin by the time we managed to run to the house juggling grocery bags. I wish I could say the eggs were as lucky but, alas, they became a casualty in the "mad dash to the door". They were crushed when I slid down and landed on my rear in the water and mud. Naturally the sight of "Nanny" dripping in water and mud and, of course, eggs dripping all over me brought a round of hysterical laughter from my darling children. I finally made it into the house with no further crisis.
The rain fell and the storm raged all afternoon with no signs of releasing its grip. I convinced the kids to play some board games while I cleaned myself up, put away the groceries, and mopped the water from the floor. It did not take long, however, for the battles to begin. "He cheated!" "Did not." "Did too." "NANNY, COME HERE!"
After stopping the battle and instructing the kids to put away the games, we popped popcorn and put a movie in to watch. After a few minutes of "discussion" about what movie to watch, I settled this battle by making the choice for them. When they were finally settled down with popcorn and the movie, I went back to my tasks on my never-ending "to do" list.
I must admit I was fearful for out safety, but I did not want the kids to know this. I could hear the children talking and laughing over the antics of the characters in the movie and was grateful they had not heard the tornado warnings that had been flashing across the television screen.
By the time I had fed the children their dinner and had gotten them into bed, the rain had slowed but had not stopped completely. After the nightly stories, drinks of water, and numerous trips to the bathroom, the house was finally quiet and I could actually sit down for a few minutes in my comfortable old rocking chair. I got out my bible and started to read. Suddenly I found myself reading Isaiah 41:10: Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you in my righteous right hand. What a comforting thought! He will never leave us and the only place we can fall is into His arms! Suddenly my mind was at ease and peace filled my heart. Although the storm outside was still raging outside, inside I knew we were safe in His loving arms.
Today's Whisper:
Can you recall a time when fear gripped your heart? How did you handle it? Did you remember God's promise that He will never leave you? Write out a prayer to God for bringing you through that time.
Today's Prayer:
Father God, I want to praise you and thank you keeping your children in your loving arms. So many times I become afraid during the storms of this life. I praise your name. Somtimes you calm the storm and other times you calm my heart and give me the strength to weather the storm. But I know that you are always with me during the storms.
Normally, I would not be so uptight about a storm but I had my van loaded with kids and groceries. We made it home safely but were soaked to the skin by the time we managed to run to the house juggling grocery bags. I wish I could say the eggs were as lucky but, alas, they became a casualty in the "mad dash to the door". They were crushed when I slid down and landed on my rear in the water and mud. Naturally the sight of "Nanny" dripping in water and mud and, of course, eggs dripping all over me brought a round of hysterical laughter from my darling children. I finally made it into the house with no further crisis.
The rain fell and the storm raged all afternoon with no signs of releasing its grip. I convinced the kids to play some board games while I cleaned myself up, put away the groceries, and mopped the water from the floor. It did not take long, however, for the battles to begin. "He cheated!" "Did not." "Did too." "NANNY, COME HERE!"
After stopping the battle and instructing the kids to put away the games, we popped popcorn and put a movie in to watch. After a few minutes of "discussion" about what movie to watch, I settled this battle by making the choice for them. When they were finally settled down with popcorn and the movie, I went back to my tasks on my never-ending "to do" list.
I must admit I was fearful for out safety, but I did not want the kids to know this. I could hear the children talking and laughing over the antics of the characters in the movie and was grateful they had not heard the tornado warnings that had been flashing across the television screen.
By the time I had fed the children their dinner and had gotten them into bed, the rain had slowed but had not stopped completely. After the nightly stories, drinks of water, and numerous trips to the bathroom, the house was finally quiet and I could actually sit down for a few minutes in my comfortable old rocking chair. I got out my bible and started to read. Suddenly I found myself reading Isaiah 41:10: Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you in my righteous right hand. What a comforting thought! He will never leave us and the only place we can fall is into His arms! Suddenly my mind was at ease and peace filled my heart. Although the storm outside was still raging outside, inside I knew we were safe in His loving arms.
Today's Whisper:
Can you recall a time when fear gripped your heart? How did you handle it? Did you remember God's promise that He will never leave you? Write out a prayer to God for bringing you through that time.
Today's Prayer:
Father God, I want to praise you and thank you keeping your children in your loving arms. So many times I become afraid during the storms of this life. I praise your name. Somtimes you calm the storm and other times you calm my heart and give me the strength to weather the storm. But I know that you are always with me during the storms.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
A Mother's Love
With Mothers' Day fast approaching, I would like to share a poem I wrote for my mother a few years ago. When God made mothers, He made us strong and wise because He knew we would carry the family through. I read somewhere that "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." God made us special so here is a tribute to all moms everywhere.
A Mother's Love
A mother's love is a gift from God
A wondrous blessing to behold.
A mother's love is a precious thing
Worth far more than diamonds and gold.
God gave her eyes that sparkle like jewels
And a voice soft as a lullaby.
He gave her the gentle touch of an angel
To wipe the tears from our eyes.
He endowed her with the wisdom of Solomon
To help us along life's rocky way.
He gave her the strength of Samson
To endure each and every day.
So thank God each day for your mother's love
A love so wonderful and pure.
This special blessing is yours forever
Of this you can be sure.
A Mother's Love
A mother's love is a gift from God
A wondrous blessing to behold.
A mother's love is a precious thing
Worth far more than diamonds and gold.
God gave her eyes that sparkle like jewels
And a voice soft as a lullaby.
He gave her the gentle touch of an angel
To wipe the tears from our eyes.
He endowed her with the wisdom of Solomon
To help us along life's rocky way.
He gave her the strength of Samson
To endure each and every day.
So thank God each day for your mother's love
A love so wonderful and pure.
This special blessing is yours forever
Of this you can be sure.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Radical by David Platt
I have read books I have considered to be good. I have read books that I considered to be a waste of time and money. But few books have be as thought-provoking as Radical by David Platt.
Platt has written a book that will stay on your mind long after you have read the last word. In this book, Platt will reshape your thoughts on the great commission Jesus gives to all His disciples: "Go into the world and make disciples of all nations." This charge is meant for all of us--not just to a few. We all called to help the helpless, and give hope to the hopeless.
Consider the contrast between the way we christians worship and the christians in the poor countries worship. We sit in air conditioned and well heated churches on comfortable pews while the christians on the other side of the world worship in dimly lit houses. They worship secretly because of threats to their families and even their lives.
I know this book has had a profound effect on my life and I have no doubt your life will also be deeply affected by reading it. This book is a "must read" for christians concerned with the missionary field and those
who have a "burden" for the unchurched.
The book was provided to me by Waterbrook Multnomah for an honest review.
About the Author:
David Platt is the pastor of a four-thousand member congregation church in BBirmingham, Alabama. He has traveled and taught around the world. He and his wife, Heather, live in Birmingham with their family.
Platt has written a book that will stay on your mind long after you have read the last word. In this book, Platt will reshape your thoughts on the great commission Jesus gives to all His disciples: "Go into the world and make disciples of all nations." This charge is meant for all of us--not just to a few. We all called to help the helpless, and give hope to the hopeless.
Consider the contrast between the way we christians worship and the christians in the poor countries worship. We sit in air conditioned and well heated churches on comfortable pews while the christians on the other side of the world worship in dimly lit houses. They worship secretly because of threats to their families and even their lives.
I know this book has had a profound effect on my life and I have no doubt your life will also be deeply affected by reading it. This book is a "must read" for christians concerned with the missionary field and those
who have a "burden" for the unchurched.
The book was provided to me by Waterbrook Multnomah for an honest review.
About the Author:
David Platt is the pastor of a four-thousand member congregation church in BBirmingham, Alabama. He has traveled and taught around the world. He and his wife, Heather, live in Birmingham with their family.
Friday, April 23, 2010
How Should a Christian Live? Word of Promise Next Generation
I chose this book to review because I have a teen granddaughter that will enjoy reading this book and journaling. My eight year old grandson expressed interest in the games. When I read the book I could see the value of the issues covered. This book breaks down the sections in easily digestible segments. It can be read easily and comprehended with no problem. The text is very interesting yet covers issues that young people today deal with.
As a grandmother who is bringing up her grandkids, I am thrilled to find a book that we can read together and discuss. I will recommend this book to anyone who has teens or who works with teens. I think it will be an invaluable addition to any library.
This book was donated by Thomas Nelson for the purpose of an honest review.
As a grandmother who is bringing up her grandkids, I am thrilled to find a book that we can read together and discuss. I will recommend this book to anyone who has teens or who works with teens. I think it will be an invaluable addition to any library.
This book was donated by Thomas Nelson for the purpose of an honest review.
The Bridegrooms by Allison Pittman
This book was provided for review by Waterbook Multnoman Publishing Group.
Tragedy strikes the Allenhouse family on a hot summer night in Ohio when a mother abandons her husband and four daughters. The daughters are now grown and still bear confusion of why she left. Vada is the oldest and has had to take on the task of protecting her younger sisters. She must also be the confidant to her father lovingly called Doc.
By day she was the errand runner for the Cleveland fledgling amateur orchestra. Her strait laced lawyer suitor was in the orchestra. At night she kept company with him. Her life had taken on a routine and heavy with the responsibilities of her family.
The family's life changed when the Brooklyn Bridegrooms came to town to play the Cleveland Spiders. A stray ball hit a spectator in the head knocking him unconscious. Since Doc was the local doctor, the unconscious man was brought to the Allenhouse house for treatment.
Vada's heart is torn between her steady but passionless suitor and a "man of the world" ballplayer. We are taken on the ride of confusion and self-imposed guilt Vada struggled with. Her three sisters are also thrown into emotional whirlwinds as they also struggle with the attention given to them by the visiting ballplayers.
This is only one conflict that these sisters must struggle with. Ms. Pittman deftly and effectively explores the complex inner workings of both familial relationships and the emotions that can come to the surface for young women just embarking on their life's journey.
I enjoyed reading this book and will read other books by Allison Pittman. I will pass this book along to family and friends and recommend it.
Tragedy strikes the Allenhouse family on a hot summer night in Ohio when a mother abandons her husband and four daughters. The daughters are now grown and still bear confusion of why she left. Vada is the oldest and has had to take on the task of protecting her younger sisters. She must also be the confidant to her father lovingly called Doc.
By day she was the errand runner for the Cleveland fledgling amateur orchestra. Her strait laced lawyer suitor was in the orchestra. At night she kept company with him. Her life had taken on a routine and heavy with the responsibilities of her family.
The family's life changed when the Brooklyn Bridegrooms came to town to play the Cleveland Spiders. A stray ball hit a spectator in the head knocking him unconscious. Since Doc was the local doctor, the unconscious man was brought to the Allenhouse house for treatment.
Vada's heart is torn between her steady but passionless suitor and a "man of the world" ballplayer. We are taken on the ride of confusion and self-imposed guilt Vada struggled with. Her three sisters are also thrown into emotional whirlwinds as they also struggle with the attention given to them by the visiting ballplayers.
This is only one conflict that these sisters must struggle with. Ms. Pittman deftly and effectively explores the complex inner workings of both familial relationships and the emotions that can come to the surface for young women just embarking on their life's journey.
I enjoyed reading this book and will read other books by Allison Pittman. I will pass this book along to family and friends and recommend it.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
As the Baseball Flies So Go the Nights of My Life
Home at last! When I left here this afternoon at 4:00 I had no idea if I would see my home again. You guessed it, t-ball, softball, and baseball once again dominated my life. While some women have glamorous evenings out on the town or (sigh) a nice quiet night at home, I am sitting on cold bleachers watching future all stars strike at high balls, low balls, or any ball that falls in between. But the truth is I love watching my kids play. Of course, there is the usual sibling rivalry from the one that is not practicing at the time but I have learned to deal with that by tuning out the crying and fighting until I see blood or see a bone poking through the skin.
Of course foul balls are always a hazard of the game. The other night I was watching practice and actually felt the breeze of a wayward ball zoom by my head. Would I lie to you? I heard the fateful words, "Heads Up" and froze in place. Fortunately, I did not look up or I would have the imprint of a baseball right between the eyes. Oh well, I guess that adds to the excitement of the game.
This weekend is going to be a non-stop marathon of games. One boy has a game Friday night, and all day Saturday. The other boy has games in between the games of the first boy. Confused yet? I am. But hey, what can you say about an old woman hauling the kids to their games. Was boy 1 supposed to be at Field 2 at 1:00 or was boy 2 supposed to be at Field 1 at 2:00?
Wow! I am getting more confused by the minute so I had better try to sleep before my befuddled brain starts smoking and completely blows up on me. \
So until next time, if I can keep dodging the foul balls, this is my life. As a TV family always says: "It's a crazy life. But it's my life."
Until next time may God keep you in His loving arms and protect you from all the "stray balls" life throws at you. God bless and good night.
Of course foul balls are always a hazard of the game. The other night I was watching practice and actually felt the breeze of a wayward ball zoom by my head. Would I lie to you? I heard the fateful words, "Heads Up" and froze in place. Fortunately, I did not look up or I would have the imprint of a baseball right between the eyes. Oh well, I guess that adds to the excitement of the game.
This weekend is going to be a non-stop marathon of games. One boy has a game Friday night, and all day Saturday. The other boy has games in between the games of the first boy. Confused yet? I am. But hey, what can you say about an old woman hauling the kids to their games. Was boy 1 supposed to be at Field 2 at 1:00 or was boy 2 supposed to be at Field 1 at 2:00?
Wow! I am getting more confused by the minute so I had better try to sleep before my befuddled brain starts smoking and completely blows up on me. \
So until next time, if I can keep dodging the foul balls, this is my life. As a TV family always says: "It's a crazy life. But it's my life."
Until next time may God keep you in His loving arms and protect you from all the "stray balls" life throws at you. God bless and good night.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Hunter's Moon by Don Hoesel
Some secrets are not made to last forever. This is what CJ Baxter found out when he was summoned back to Adelia after the death of his grandfather. Seventeen years before he had left his hometown vowing never to return. He had moved to Tennessee and had become a famous writer. But with his marriage falling apart and numerous legal issues facing him he hound his life becoming more complicated than the characters he wrote about.
His brother was about to be elected senator and a black sheep brother returning to town was not exactly what a up and coming politician needed. The long-buried secrets would definitely put an end to this career, as well as the lifestyle that had become very comfortable to the Baxter family.
This book was a surprise to me because I usually do not like political novels. However, I found this book to be much more. It covered issues of family dynamics and dysfunctions.
I will recommend this book to my family and friends because it can appeal to a wide range audience.
I reviewed this book for Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.
His brother was about to be elected senator and a black sheep brother returning to town was not exactly what a up and coming politician needed. The long-buried secrets would definitely put an end to this career, as well as the lifestyle that had become very comfortable to the Baxter family.
This book was a surprise to me because I usually do not like political novels. However, I found this book to be much more. It covered issues of family dynamics and dysfunctions.
I will recommend this book to my family and friends because it can appeal to a wide range audience.
I reviewed this book for Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Spring Break is Over!
Well, Spring Break is over for another year. I have enjoyed the break from getting up soooooooo early but trying to clean house with the kids home was next to impossible. So I did what any normal, worn-out woman did--I didn't try to clean. Just maintaining a sense of order was hard enough.
Monday was my birthday and the little ones showed me they loved me by giving me a surprise party. Of course the food was peanut butter sandwiches (made by their own little hands) and kool-aid in a bowl with a soup ladle ( a punch bowl of course). There were games of charades and plenty of dancing. It was the best birthday party I ever had. Now I know I am appreciated by them.
But----since the kids are back in school I guess I had better do some heavy duty cleaning today. So---it's back to work for me but I will see all my friends again soon. Until then, take care and remain blessed.
Monday was my birthday and the little ones showed me they loved me by giving me a surprise party. Of course the food was peanut butter sandwiches (made by their own little hands) and kool-aid in a bowl with a soup ladle ( a punch bowl of course). There were games of charades and plenty of dancing. It was the best birthday party I ever had. Now I know I am appreciated by them.
But----since the kids are back in school I guess I had better do some heavy duty cleaning today. So---it's back to work for me but I will see all my friends again soon. Until then, take care and remain blessed.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Rewards of Simplicity A Practical and Spiritual Approach by Pam & Chuck D. Pierce
I reviewed this book for Bethany House Publishers. I recieved this book for the purpose of an honest review.
Although this book is fairly short (194 pages), I did not find it an easy read. I am very interested in simplifying my life but found the idea of purging mental and spiritual clutter an interesting idea.
Although Pam and Chuck address the subject matter with authority, I found the book hard to follow. There seemed to be many "side streets" they went down that was both confusing and irrelevant to the topic at hand. The most memorable story to me was the one Pam told about the water damage and the experience of only having the necessities of life. This story did hit a chord with me because we can live with less stuff if we have to.
I would not recommend this book. I did not agree with the authors theologically. I am satisfied with the few useful points I was able to glean from reading the book. However, the book is not one I would pass along to my friends.
Although this book is fairly short (194 pages), I did not find it an easy read. I am very interested in simplifying my life but found the idea of purging mental and spiritual clutter an interesting idea.
Although Pam and Chuck address the subject matter with authority, I found the book hard to follow. There seemed to be many "side streets" they went down that was both confusing and irrelevant to the topic at hand. The most memorable story to me was the one Pam told about the water damage and the experience of only having the necessities of life. This story did hit a chord with me because we can live with less stuff if we have to.
I would not recommend this book. I did not agree with the authors theologically. I am satisfied with the few useful points I was able to glean from reading the book. However, the book is not one I would pass along to my friends.
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